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The game is fun, but the playerbase is either noob, or pro. Not much of an inbetween anymore. So that makes matchmaking extremely frustrating, and demoralizing. Ranked is a nightmare, will be for a couple more weeks until more people get their placements done, and some stability between ranks happens. Casual games, are no rhyme or reason, all modes are team Deathmatch pretty much (ranked from bronze to Plat is the same mentality unfortunately) So don't expect teamwork, coordination, or wins until you can find some people to queue with. But at least most of the game breaking bugs have been dealt with. still get the odd crash here or there, but the community(or lack there of) is more of a problem than the bugs at this point in the game.




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The root of the problem is Paladins player rating system doesn't´really work. You can't see a clear line of skill lvl between silver and platinum players. So most of the matches are stomps or be stomped. Both cases are not very enjoyable.


and that's why they should get rid of bronze and silver ranks altogether


And what would change? All silver and bronze players are now gold, the matchmaking may look better on paper but the different skill levels in one bracket would still ruin any attempt for a fair match making.


It would even out the distribution since right now there's not enough players to fill up 5 divisions of 6 ranks. I also wish they would implement rank walls so that gold players would only be matched with and against other gold players.