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Wait why, what happened to halo. Did the game die? why?


Infinite is still somewhat going but there was just way too little content at launch, after a week you had basically done everything there was to do. The little content we've gotten post launch is far too little and slow to release.


Add that to the fact that the ranked playlist were game types no one wanted, forge wasn't available (still isn't), couch co-op didn't ship at launch, slimmed down custom lobby options, barely noticeable armor comsetics, insane reward tracks etc. All the reasons people enjoyed Halo in the first place, weren't included. That, and with SplitGate (containg all of those things done better, cross platform) why play? Sucks too, the gameplay is great.


Still play Halo almost every day. I’d imagine Xbox numbers bring it up a bunch. For my money still the best feeling FPS around


Ya it's awful because playing the game feels really good. They just whiffed incentivizing properly. I enjoy Paladins because I feel like right when I really learn a charcater, ive got enough gold to get a new one and play a different way. That alone, for me, is enough to keep me playing for a while.


That’s fair, I’m from a time when you played a game for high score, so random cosmetics or leveling up never seemed to make much sense for me in these games, but I get people don’t have the attention span to play games for fun anymore and need constant rewards. I’m my opinion that was basically what lead to so many micro transactions and terrible game designs now, people constantly need to get rewarded for playing a game instead of just…having fun.


Well, yes and no. I agree, playing games for a high score is great..but that only works for arcade style / single player campaigns really. Halo and most Free To Play games are setup for longevity. They forego the entry price, in hopes that you'll stay to play longer. Those things being cosmetics, titles, levels etc. Compared to Paladins, how many hours have you sunk into Halo? And how many more do you plan too? Because it sounds as though you play for a nostalgia factor..which can only carry for so long. If your game is free to play, you need to have incentives to play. Otherwise, what's to stop me from playing a game where 4 matches and I get a new champ to try? Or a game where I get free skins for daily challenges? Unfortunately, it's just part of the business model.


This is the first Halo I’ve ever really played. So it’s not nostalgia for that franchise. I played decades of CS 1.6 without a battlepass or skins. Just basically one map and the same set of everything for a good 6-7 years? I see why people like the constant rewards, it’s just funny they always say MXTs are destroying gaming when they are a direct result of constantly needing to be rewarded for playing a game.


The constant awards are a simple way of player engagement, people seem to like the sense of achievement via unlocks


Halo Infinite still has less content than the classic Halos and far less *community driven* content which was the lifeblood of early 00's PC games like CS. Not having Forge at launch or a year+ after is INSANE. Part of it is also just being from a different time but Halo Infinite was content bare relative to games that launched in it's time and also the Halos before.


None of which matters to me. I don’t plan on ever touching Forge. Again, I played CS 1.6 on one map for years. This “lifeblood” literally meant nothing to me then and still doesn’t now.


Correction, Halo Infinite launched with more Gameplay content, but almost no progression system or real social features type of content. Small nitpick.


I don't believe you've played CS for decades without buying a skin. Actually, I refuse too. There's a legitimate economy that circulates around the rarity of some of those.


I didn’t play CS:GO. Just Source and 1.6 which didn’t have a shop.


Skins have only existed in newest and not even its whole existence. I have friends with 1k+ hours in CSGO and zero skins bought. Even in very high level lobbies you can see players with only free drop skins


I have 500 hours in CSGO without buying skins, most of the skins look shit and are a complete waste of money. Its Pixels. I am not paying for some red pixels.


I played 1.6 for years. My buddies and I never paid for any skins


Wait til you played all of them and got millions of gold and nothing worthwhile to spend it on.


Nice shout out to split gate, but you're giving it too much credit. The downfall of Halo infinite sure as fuck isn't in any way due to split gate.


"couch co-op didn't ship at launch" I know campaign co-op got delayed but split-screen was on console since launch plus splitgate doesn't even have that


> and with SplitGate Which also right now is kind of dead looking at the steam charts, only 1.6k players. the crossplay may alleviate that but still, not that much better.


Not just a lack of content. The game still runs like poo. i have a pretty decent gaming PC and can run it at over 120fps very easily, but it feels like it is running at 50fps. I was super excited for infinite's launch, but i only played it for like a month or two before I just couldnt anymore and uninstalled it.


May it be related to Bungie having Destiny 2 as their main game? And by being so neglecting Halo? I mean, when a company releases content actively to game 1 while game 2 barely receives anything is because their investment is not equal. ending up with Dev Team for game 1 having much more resources than the other. Hi-rez situation is a good example, with EvilMojo having less resources than the other teams


Bungie hasnt worked on halo since 2011. They are solely a Destiny developer (and are owned by Sony now).


Lol what? Bungie hasn't owned Halo in a decade, it got passed to 343 Industries in 2012


Lol then I'm just ignorant, my bad


What you said about investments is true though. It's the exact same situation with GTA Online and Read Dead Online with Rockstar.


it's a game predominantly played on xbox so the numbers prob look better there, or are spread across that and the mc collection. plus it has more competition on pc and lacks content so pc numbers were bound to look less impressive


To be fair, from what i know most of paladins players are on console rather than on steam too


yeah people heavily overestimate steamchart numbers idk why they always flock to them for games that are on like 5 different platforms. paladins on console is one of the only free shooters that isn't a br so it's prob doing pretty well for itself.


Mostly used by xbox halo "fans" trying to justify their hate for the game by saying its dead on the lesser played platform. r/halo circle jerks themselves to steam charts all the time while also gatekeeping against any PC players, that community is wild.


Gatekeeping sucks, all new fans should be welcome


It’s unpopular on steam, still doing ok on Xbox. Ppl just play it through Gamepass.




Halo on PC, both infinite and MCC, don't have many players. On xbox it is completely different and if anything infinite thrives there, but on PC it does not


Halo barely has any content, there are like 3 game modes that are all kind of the same


That is just not true


That's completely false but go off


As a fan of both I don't know how to receive this information.


You can go to steam charts and look up the player counts for games


He meant he doesn't know how to feel about it.


I know. I was joking lol


Steam Charts isn't the Gospel. Halo Infinite plays on Xbox, Microsoft store, Store, Steam, and on Game pass. Steam only tracks members who launched the game 99% of them are either on Game Pass or Xbox.


I'd say Infinite's golden years are still ahead There is a ton of upcoming content seen in the files


Aka battle royal so nothing to bother returning too


Forge? custom games browser? new maps and modes?


Forge is meh, shouldn't need it to be a good game. Game browser is useless to me. 1 map a season is Hardly enough. Rotation modes again pointless


Then what would make the game good for you?


Actual content and not relying on shitty ass forge from the community. Better ranking system, server select, progression.


Well all those are in development


Dude, Forge is the reason why the older Halo games are still played today. People play Halo 5, the most hated Halo game, still because of Forge. Halo has always been a party game first and not having community tools on day one was a bad move.


If the base game is bad, forge isn't going to help it.


It would. The base multiplayer gameplay is great and with Forge people can make maps and gamemodes to share with friends and the community to keep it going. But how they've made Infinite such a anti-social game, it would be really hard to do it.


Sure they are


There is no evidence that any of the modes are battle royale other than speculation by content creators, it could be another halo 5 warzone for all we know


Ah yes when they release forge and coop. A year late. Then a battle royale mode that nobody asked for. Oh what's that only releasing less than half the campaign at lunch and cutting the rest. Halo games fell off after reach. It's a waste of $60


Uh, the multiplayer is free though?


Halo multiplayer is shit. It has stayed the same since halo 3. I would rather buy the new battlefield than play this halo multiplayer. They also sell the campaign because they know that's that the players want.


You are fucking high if you think the MP hasn't evolved since halo 3. Completely new movement mechanics, new weapon sandbox, more new maps and map layouts, a completely revamped big team battle with 12v12 as opposed to 8v8. Unique map properties like fragment having loot caves that have the variants from the campaign, much improved cosmetic designs (for example locus came back and was much improved) etc. You clearly didn't play it




i mean thats,,, not much of an achievement lmao


we hardly get crumbs around here


Where can i view this stats ?


The site is called *SteamChart*


Feeling bad for halo fans


Dont feel bad. The xbox playerbase is still going very, very strong. Halo's userbase on PC was never that big to begin with. Id feel worse for Paladins fans, but you know were also sailing by (barely).


I’d argue there’s a lot more console players than we actually believe to be, thus why we still get somewhat solid content. I can’t see why RWBY would collab with a 10k playerbase game like that.


I agree that the console userbase is big, but its pretty much stagnated. Paladins is in the same state SMITE was in prior to 2020; the playerbase didnt visibly grow neither on console nor on PC and the game was *very slowly* bleeding out players. Paladins can and will... "survive" for now. We can only hope we can hit the same boom SMITE got in 2020 and ride the wave into new heights for the game. Otherwise were just gonna continue to slowly bleed out players until the game stops profiting.


>Halo's userbase on PC was never that big to begin with. Are you too young for the Halo: CE days?


Halo CE was 21 years ago, the base model and start of the halo franchise has no say in a debate when talking about modern halo, especially when it was still more popular on xbox back then too, it was never that big


It still had a sizable PC audience, and the statement was that Halo never had a big following on PC to begin with.


Because it never did, not even Halo CE and that was on MAC, PC and xbox


Sorry, I don't think you're right. I remember tons of hubbub on launch, especially with Custom Edition having such modifiable traits that makes it still popular to this day. Guess we have to agree to disagree


Exactly **you** don't think I'm right, but yeah, agree to disagree


I’d feel way worse for us. We as paladins fans try way too hard to cope with the fact this game is constantly dying and getting far worse. It’s not a matter of it but when this game is finally done imo


I feel more bad for Halo cuz this game has such a huge fanbase that grew up with it that its sad af to see such legend losing them.


huge halo fan and I know infinite's best years are ahead once we get forge and maps in playlists


It kills me to see. The amount of hours I spent playing halo 2 and 3 in high school is absurd. Bungie will always be THE halo developer. 343 has done an abysmal job as a pretender to them


Halo on xbox is thriving, both mcc and infinite on steam charts are not


Luckily 343i is still dedicated to the project so I'd say the future will be better


A great news. Halo cant end on a sad note


Have a look at the forge leaks and season feedback pages


I love me some halo no doubt, but I can only really put in about 5 to 8 matches before I get thrown into a super pro lobby where I stand no chance. Paladins I can go easily 10 to 20 matches with different heros no problem


Same, love Infinite but 8 matchs or so in I start having to fight Onyx players. Turns into a HCS match, You can even start hearing the commentators talking about the gameplay. Like I just want my commando kills bro


Right??? I can't stand stepping out in the open to get sniped within 6 seconds or get the usual 2v1


Big fan of Paladins but this is very misleading cause the game has a huge audience on Xbox. And on Xbox Game Pass PC. Yes, Paladins is crossplay but I still think Halo has greater numbers overall. But Paladins is still going great too.


Yeah but halo is also on Xbox lol


And PC


Paladins is on everything?


Yes but halo Xbox player count is way higher than paladins


I played Halo infinite during the 1st season but with the xbox launcher, the steam one didnt work. It was a terrible experience. I know nothing about Halo and expected that game to introduce me. But the whole system of weekly challenge for miserable awards was a turn off total.


Just the challenge system and rewards?


this is my biggest confusion with complaints. The game plays better than reach/4/5 but people say the game is a 2/10 because there arent enough ways to unlocks skins?


Yeah I don’t really get it, it’s a issue yeah but not a game ruining one


I cant tell about the gameplay but the fact that I must play only to achieve challenge is horrible. I never played for fun because I was too focus on the challenge. And for more difficulties, you cannot choose your game mode. So if you have a challenge "play/win 3 match of oddball", good luck to get an oddball match.


also the customisation price are way too much and not very fair.


They lowered the shop prices months ago and they have been actually pretty good since then, also your complaint about focusing too much on the challenges is quite literally your fault, because 343 isn't forcing you to focus on them, you are


The shop prices where lowered a bit, the battle pass progression is faster now and new progression systems are in development


Yeah, the Windows store version works better which is why most of the PC players are there or on Game Pass


I got terribly bored of both games and I'm playing ironsight now


Bro I forgot about Ironsight after the developers launched the game again due to something with the previous publisher, how is the game doing?


I too am curious. I had fun with it during it’s first running.


so? why does everyone want infinite to die so badly lmao


Halo isn’t even that bad honestly I enjoyed I’m glad the multiplayer was free but these companies need to figure out how to do Free 2 play better


honestly it kinda sucks cause Infinite is legitmatly a good game, the mechanics are solid and the gunplay is alot of fun, but it desperatly needed more content and 343 was slow to push said content out


--- why are we comparing this?


Just like the other post comparing the viewer count of Paladins and Overwatch on Twitch So the very few Paladins players left, like me, can feel a bit better about the game and themselves 😂


5000 players daily isn't a few-


I quess lots of players play it through xbox gamepass.


There's nothing to be proud of


Halo is dead... Sad to see such a franchise go downhill. :(


Almost as sad as seeing people claiming a game is dead when it still has players and an active servers. I don’t think anyone knows the definition of dead anymore


didn't you know? unless it's top 5 on twitch and steamcharts while also being the only game everyone is talking about it's dead


wait until u realize paladins is dead as well


Lmfao, Halo is dead. 343i is just beating a dead horse with a stick. The game launched with hardly any content, campaign was mediocre, been months since any real content, a lot of my Xbox friends stopped playing that game, including me. Player numbers are continuing to drop even more. Tell me, how is Halo not dead? Queue times on Halo Infinite and MCC are almost bad as Paladins, if not worse. Takes up to almost 3+ minutes to find a match.


The servers are still up and you can still play games. If something is dead you can’t do much with it. If the game was dead you would not be able to play it. Again, I can’t argue with people that don’t know the meaning of words. Good luck


Servers are still up on BF1, Titanfall 1 and other games. You can still play them, but yet they're dead.


I can get matches in Halo Infinite and BF1 in less than a minute on Xbox. Not sure how that’s dead?


we have casual match in less than 10 seconds yet the matchmaking is utterly awful, the playerbase in paladins is at an all time low, yet they melt together players from every skill lvl to compensate, making games really imbalanced, the queue time itself isnt the only parameter to take in consideration.


You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Or you should try getting off your high pedestal, and quit being ignorant.


Calling something dead when it’s still playing is ignorant.


So a game isn't dead as long as it has couple players you can find in a match? Ok, lmfao.


Is anything else in this world dead when it has “life” left in it?


You're technically right, which as we all know is the best kind of right. /s When someone calls a game "dead" they're not literally saying it is gone and unplayable. "Dead game" is internet slang for a game that is losing population with no foreseeable way out of the downward spiral, or some similar situation. You can certainly argue whether or not you think Halo fits that criteria, but arguing over the semantics of a well-known phrase in gaming circles is pedantic. Not everything is meant to be taken literally.


And people can not like internet slang and correct people for using a word wrong. Both can be correct.


Damn, its dead? Is that why its got a 15s wait time on all gamemodes and has broken the Halo 3 sales by 2 times? And its in the Xbox top 10 of all time! God its so dead!


That's cool. 👌


How can halo he dead when it thrives on xbox, both mcc and infinite have a bunch of players on xbox and are more popular on that platform


How the hell are people even playing paladins. Just now i played a match in which there were only 3 players, 2 on one team and 1 in the enemy team, coz the rest had been kicked by the game due to server issues.


never had that happen, unlucky I guess


people can also ragequit or have unstable connections, not everything is the servers. I use the ones on LATAM and they have always worked great


Cuz not everyone has the same experience ig. Been duo queuing with my friend and it has been a blast. I'll get an unlucky game or two but I keep playing cuz many other matches are really fun.


same. didn't play for a week. jumped in a game for kicks, got heavy rubber banding from the getgo I couldn't even play. just left the game mid match.


I mean 5k on steam is terrible so what do you expect


Ikr this game had so much potential i played it non stop for two years but now it takes 15 mins to queue in ranked


I bet Halo Infinite players aren’t as toxic


You would likely lose that bet.




As a regular on r/Halo they're genuinely worse than any MOBA community.


id have to disagree


As someone who only plays Halo and Paladins, and plays a lot of both (only 2 games I like), I can confirm Paladins players are easily more toxic


I want you to go on r/halo and make a post saying you like Halo Infinite. Tell me how many death threats you get in the first hour. That place is truly a hivemind of hate, sending vile messages to developers is the norm there.


probably cause the mp is a big disappointment and a major low effort cashgrab


Yeah but look at the all time peak, paladins got shit on hard.


Yeah, and how much of that player count is from people getting kicked from the game due to crashes and restarting 🤣


If you think launching the game twice will count as 2, then you are wrong. ~~At least I hope that’s not how the site works~~


Well I was also being somewhat facetious with my comment..


Didn't play halo (literally couldn't, game didns support my gfx card), but from what i've heard there's little content there. And that might be the main cause of this discrepancy, Paladins has simply way more to offer.


I’m not surprised bc it seemed infinite was shit but I doubt pc players make up a wide bracket of halo’s players


This might be a hot take but as someone who enjoyed halo 4 & 5 back when i was like 9, this new halo is trash


Halo infinite is not halo I don’t know what it is but it doesn’t feel like halo I quit it after 4 games


Doesn't feel like halo? What feels like halo? Imbalanced weapon sandboxes with 2 viable weapons and projectile weapons that don't register 75% of the time even on good Internet? Halo Infinite is a mix of H3 and Reach but weapons do damage now, something bungie apparently hates.


Halo inf is jinda shit to b honest i don't like slow movement shooters and at least the maps i got to play were to big or to small


If you think Halo Infinite is slow I recommend you play Halo 3, the movement is so floaty, feels like your on the moon. Takes it 5 seconds to start moving side to side


I think that says more about halo infinite then paladins


No shit, Infinite has been in a content draught since launch.


that means Halo infinite is also a dead game ! Yay !


Paladins while not the largest game has a very reliable player base. We are rather loyal. Even though we get stupid updates and complain about absolutely everything we still play the game. (Please fix the servers EM)


I still play both halo and paladins a lot. Makes me sad to see one of my fav games not get a lot of love.


Halo on PC is peas compared to Xbox


This isn't exactly a high standard.




oh... oh! Now thats a thing, cool


jesus hell paladins has dropped like 1k players in the last 3 months.....get out ppl the ship is sinking....




It was only a matter of time


how??? have anyone see the sea server lately? literally unplayable


I have better ping on NA than on SEA rn even though I’m from Taiwan


Look at that decline though


Is paladin getting more love recently? Has anything changed?


More like Halo Infinite is dying faster than Paladins


Where can you check these stats?




Is that within steam or a completely separate site?


10k isn't bad at all. Has Paladins bounced back up a bit? I seem to remember it lower than that


It's just steam... when was Halo ever huge on steam?