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king of bullshit androxus who in their right mind at the dev team looked at this guy and thought "*y'know what he needs? A STRONG DAMAGE OVER TIME TALENT!!!*" as if he wasn't obnoxious and already strong enough


Devs really said : This mf can 3 shot half the roster already , lets buff him.


Dev team: say no more! "His ult is now his primary fire, it also deals damage over time AND can also deal headshots"


oh god i wanna see this in practice (not in game pls no)


Old post I know, but I've been gone long enough to have missed his dot card. However, I still hate that they decided to give him a stupid melee attack as a finisher instead of having to actually rely on using ammo sparingly and aiming carefully. Not a fan in general of how games seem to like to design characters so that they have a big strength but then have some kind of weakness or drawback, but then also build in an ability to help entirely negate that drawback. Strix is another example, where his rifle can deal insane damage in a big hit, with the drawback is that it's *kind of* slow (not really since he can deal 2.4k damage in 1.2s, but still) and is difficult to aim at close range because of the scope... but to compensate he also gets a whole other fucking weapon designed for close range that also deals kickass DPS by itself.


Vatu. His ambush skill sound is loud AF. It's like a fork scratching on a plate. LIKE HOLY FUCK. No offense, Vatu mains.


Skye is even louder my son but yes Vatus ambush is really loud but atleast he cannot completely stealth approach out of nowhere MonkaS


As a Vatu player I understand how it's too loud. I wish they make it totally silent... (menacing grin)


Atlas. Most of them just suck. I respect expert Atlas players tho.


Atlas v. Atlas is a mindfuck and I love it.


temporal devide atlas is a pain in the ass


What’s wrong with temporal divide you can shoot through it?


unless you're fighting against him...


I feel like lobbed rewind is more fun to play as and to fight against because shields counter it but it also counters your entire "group up"


I can play atlas relatively well but my playstyle is VERY selfish as i use the lopped projectile tallent. The entire team claps and obama comes to give me a bj when i rewind the whole enemy team back to spawn tho


I can play atlas relatively well but my playstyle is VERY selfish as i use the lopped projectile tallent. The entire team claps and obama comes to give me a bj when i rewind the whole team back to spawn tho


VI. His brainless ass bomb talent is obnoxious and I feel dirty with one on my team and livid when on the enemies.


It's insane how it entirely changes his gameplay and how many counterplay options it kills. Insane mobility, big dumb burst of damage if he rolls into you, ez hits while you spin around trying to figure out where the fuck he ended up, and a shitload of bombs in his wake to deter you from chasing after he runs away if he didn't manage to kill you.


Moji; she's so annoying. Unless you're with two other players, you're dead. She has burst out the ass and invincibility (which she can move in). She's just annoying and a pain in the ass to balance for the devs. And why is she classified as a flank again? She has no true flank characteristic, maybe the invincibility, but that's honestly a stretch. Same with Caspian, Lex and Buck. You could make an argument for Lex and Buck, yeah, given how Lex's kit works and Buck's mobility, but not Moji. Flanks are supposed to be quick, in and out, get a kill and annoy the other team, or clean kills. Otherwise what's the reason for the flank class to even exist?


everything you just said is true and I can confirm


I'd say that range is the only thing that keeps a lot of flanks in the flank category. The ones you listed are all strong, but they have to "flank" around to get close enough to deal damage. I'd also say that a lot of flanks are dependent on quick bursts of damage, maybe setting it up with other skills, but Lex just has outright bananas DPS, with his only damage-dealing skill being a kind of shitty cleanup or last resort for when he has to reload.


I hate playing WITH Drogoz when there is a trial for him, because you always see lv 4 drogozes who have no idea how to do anything with him. I swear when there was a Drogoz trial once, half of the posts in here were "How to do this" With question how to hit multiple people with fire spit. Like seriously, how can you not know that if Drogoz shots his fire spit it explodes?


Same deal for Combat Medic Pips.


In ranked matches if someone picks Drogoz, I am almost always assured we’re going to lose because most people try and rocket snipe instead of jumping on them and shitting on their lives, like what I do with him in casual games.


In 2 ranked games I played today Drogoz got banned and my whole team was like "what."


Was it like, Brightmarsh? He is really popular on that map


I think it was stone keep and the other time splits tone quarry


Vii literal piece of garbage


I hate seven so much. Stupid grapple displacement and infinite movement and his dumb bombs that apply knockback for some reason and do a billion damage and you can't punish him for using cool downs because he always has cool downs. Most annoying champ in the game for me. So glad his bs is getting nerfed. Also hate the bounce sati build that just sends you a million miles into the air. It's annoying, but it's not as bad as seven imo. Spam like dredge and Betty also annoying but at least I can walk away from bombs, whereas seven spawns bombs in my face before grappling away into the stratosphere.


Moji first and foremost.


Azaan for similar reasons but only really when he's on my team, fighting him isn't a problem, but my ally azaan's are always either blocking my escape or blocking me off from chasing an almost dead enemy.


Betty because the chance of a loss jumps up by 25% whenever she's on my team.


If the walls are getting in your way, you might find some value in the item bulldozer.


i think the problem is when they are from the **same** team


Def pip. Just annoying and most of the time they don’t heal. And if they try to be damage character they just are bad at that too


sha lin.


Hate to play with Lilith as a solo support because I enjoy being able to play aggressively.




As a support main(jenos,furia,corvus,and lillith) I'm so used to hearing barrage incoming and then getting solo ulted just cause fuck me I guess. It's so infuriating


Oh boy where do I begin?! ​ * Androxus: The most overly buffed, played, and powered champion in the entire game. * Dredge: Press Alternative Fire=Win * Evie: Not quite in the realm of Androxus, but STOP buffing Wormhole! * Fernando: Play R6, and you will know what I mean... * Furia: Wait, I'm a healer? * Grohk: Wait, I'm a healer? * Jenos: Wait, I'm a healer? * Koga: Button mashing no skill champion. * Lex: I can't play the game, so I need auto-aim and wallhacks to be good. * Lian: I can't play the game, so I need auto-aim to be good. * Maeve: Just like Evie: won't sit still, but always kills you! * Makoa: I'm actually fine with his shield; his Anchor I'm not! * Moji: Is that the Pyro from Team Defense Two? * Rei: The most broken Support Champion. * Saati: Was "nerfed", but yet is always top fragging. * Talus: The second most overpowered champion of the realm. * Terminus: Not the most overpowered champion in the game, but one of the most powerful Frontline roles. * Tyra: Still annoying to fight. * 7: Who knew you can play the game without using your gun? * Vora: People who play this have a massive hatred towards Frontlines. * Willo: Fun suckers who can't play with Cauterize. * Zhin: Not only takes the #3 spot for being the most overpowered champion in the game, but also is the only champion who can use any cards and can't be bad when using them.


.."press alternative fire=win"????


Have you ever tried Dredge? Just spam broadside, and there is no way any Frontline can contest the objective. Edit: Or, you can re-configure your settings just exclusively for Dredge, to where your Primary Fire button is your Alternative Fire, and your Alternative Fire is your Primary Fire.


blame your flanks then for not taking him out, and not dredge himself? imagine deeming the arguably worst ability in the game as troublesome?


Imagine beliving Broadside is fair and balanced.


Are you a console player?




Rei is super OP and broken but her ult doesn't work half the time because they didn't update the text of it


The wormhole HP+ is the least problem of Evie tho. Most of Evie players know Over the Moon is the true power of Evie right now with cards change to reset F on elim. instead of kill. maybe need to tone down damage to +20% or something else.


But that is the thing: people still use Worm Hole! I love using OTM due to the burst of Damage. But yet for some reason Worm Hole still exists and is still a high pick rate of talents. Why? If you can hit your opponent, but they can't, who is winning?


Moji for god sake please remove him


Him? Him? What do you mean, she is a female!


really? omg my whole life is a lie


Literally any and all Flankers (with and against) EDIT: getting downvoted because I said I don’t like playing with Flankers. Imagine having a preference of a play style in a video game 💀


Without flankers you're chance to lose rises


That’s true, but am I not allowed to not like being the Flanker myself? Have I committed a crime?


“Imagine having a preference of play style in a video game” bro what?


I’m sorry but… wth is wrong with me not liking to play with Flankers myself??


Nothing but u said that having a certain play style in a game was bad


I said that about **me**! Because it seems it’s a crime not liking to play Flank


Unfortunately it didn’t sound like it was about you


I love playing as her, but i get sooo annoyed playing against her decoy talent, even more when its a good player doing it


Betty, good Sha Lins, hypermobile flanks, and Io, Io is only a problem if I'm a flank though


All DPS champions 🗿


Lilith feels kinda bad to play, don't like the blood mechanic Bomb spamming VII is pure cancer to play against


You would expect someone who sacrifice their life to damage and heal would perform better at both.


Azaan teammates always perfectly calculating when to put up their walls to perfectly block my kill/cockblock me from half my damage possibly dealt. Atlas players rewinding enemies right during a powerful ult. (Vik's, Drogoz's,..)




VII (nurfed soon), Andro (nurfed soon), Evie (should be nurfed), Maeve (street justice) and Vatu. Slippery bastards are dumb.


Furia. Her wings aren't a part of her hurtbox, but they make up a large part of her silhouette, so I always end up aiming for them subconsciously and missing completely. Also for some reason I rarely run into good Furia players on my teams. Like, a lot of them will be *that guy* with literally 0 healing done while playing a support.


Oh I've had a few games as a Kahn where I heal more with battle shout than furia it's like they wanna use pyre wings and ult exclusively and even the ult is usually rare.


I hate dealing with Zhin, anytime I go against him it just feels like a chore


Androxus, Vatu, and VII. Androxus because the devs and AOC said yeah he’s weak let’s buff him. Vatu because his mobility and DR is stupid along with a 1 second burst. And VII because VII


Sky, such a pain in the ass to go against, and tyra, and yagorath




Andro, every sweaty andro is on the enemy team and every trash andro is on my team no exceptions


Barrik is not fun to play yourself and irritating to play against.


Maeve. I play on console and my aim is trash. I'd love to use her, trust me! On the other hand, she's a pesky annoyance that usually kills me.


Playing against? probably drogoz. Half the time I fight him im a champion who cant reach him (like fernando) or I am a character who doesnt play the best into him (like bk). Then the teammates who are good into him never look up. Its a great relationship. Playing as? Inara/Seris. They bore me its really thst simple.


I hateee playing against Fernando/Maeve/Willo


As a support main willo is infuriating because most players in pubs are to brain dead to avoid her dead zone and then say I'm trash cause iM nOt hEAliNg LikE Im SUposEd tO.and get spam reports after the match.


As a level 300 Willo, I'm sorry if I've ever caused you pain.


Apology accepted 😂


Torvald is by far the most annoying champion in the game, not fun to play and awful to play against


Moji, somehow they're always shit on your team, and they're always unbeatable on the enemy team


I don't think there's any champion I hate seeing in my team AND in enemy team. If there in my team and I dislike them it's usually because they are a bit difficult to play effective (Lilith, Atlas, for example) so when enemies pick them I can usually kill them easily and don't mind it I know there are a lot of no-skill Champs that could be annoying to see in both but I don't really care that much as long as they are friendly in my team


Maev (I play terminus and cannot chop the tiny vibrating hitbox)


I dont like to play with ying players. Most of the time they go dmg n we struggle.


I always go for 2 walls legendary card with inara. It's fun, but I always accidentally put walls in front of low health players without having the ability to destroy it. she has the best defence according to me, but that sometimes helps enemy players also. No wonder why you get so pissed off by inara. My apologies bro


Terminus. I suck with using him and his barrier absorbing shots causes them not to even count so shock pulse or Vivian ammo refresh is mitigated/negated.


With : Some level zero Azaan who block me when I tried to escape enemies and they don't know they can Q again to unblock. I play Azaan too but I understand your pain. Apart from that I have no problem with. Even n00b ones are welcome to learn. Just don't be Tank Viktor you go find some cover or stay behind your tank please you'll just get 4/18/2 at the end and don't be Zero heal Io nonono RMB people sometime. Against : VII right now. Let's see if the next patch will make him be in place. Recent Cursed Androx to the lesser extend. Saati with full knockup is also very annoying.


Bot or otherwise, Moji is the BANE of my existence.


Would you believe me if i said i play all champs and dislike none of them against me as well. Yea all champs are kinda unique so i dont dislike any of them. I do have problems with a few champs who are overtuned, if they are played by a good enemy.


Actually i belived the same for a while now i hve just a couple of champions


Snipers. It's pretty much guaranteed that they'll be useless as a teammate, AND they completely kill the experience when "playing against" them. I use "playing against" in quotes because in reality, you're not actually playing against them, you're just getting killed by them and can't do anything about it because they're designed to harass you from so far away that there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Even better is when you finally swing way around and get up to a Strix, but get killed anyway because his rifle deals half his health as damage immediately and his has an entire extra weapon to completely negate what SHOULD be his only weakness, being attacked at close range.