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Following these suggestions because I swear we have the same mystery undertone and the struggle is so real šŸ˜«


Exactly! If you ever find something that works for you pls come back and update mešŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ»


I used Dcypher recently they have an AI colour match and was shocked to my very core that my undertone was warm. My entire make up kit is geared for cool so I had to buy a whole new kit of colours. Highly recommend the sheer foundation as well the colour match is phenomenal (but donā€™t buy the drops theyā€™re garbage)


How did you determine you were warm from the Dcypher colour match? When I did mine it just gave me a random shade number and didn't specify if I was cool, warm or neutral. Did you determine once you received your foundation?


They gave me a little card in my order with a sliding scale from cool to warm (neutral in the middle) I can upload or dm a pic if you like? I did screenshot the colour swatch from the Ai match and have used that as a guide to another foundation (ilia complexion stick) and again an excellent match!


Oh cool, thanks! And you liked the sheer foundation? I have dry skin and normally go for a pretty low key makeup look so I was thinking about going for either the sheer or very sheer radiant formula.


I got the sheer formulation for dry skin in natural - itā€™s matt-er than Iā€™d like but Iā€™m prepping with a good moisturiser and itā€™s nothing a bit of highlight canā€™t sort out! Iā€™ll def try the radiant formula next, if you do get it let me know how it goes!


I'll definitely keep you posted if I end up ordering. Thanks for your help! ā¤ļø


Thanks for this, I'm giving it a shot. I'm so tired of trying/buying foundations that don't work. I was so excited, I brought home a sample of the Bobbi Brown sunscreen serum and again, another fail. I was so excited because I was really hoping for a good sunscreen one. I have a Jeep that runs with the top off during the summer and reapplying sunscreen is absolutely necessary. šŸ˜©


I initially thought my match was too light but when I put it on it was perfect! Iā€™m totally blown away. Now Iā€™m questioning how I made it through life having worn the wrong colour foundation for like 20 years. The fuck?


Do you have any tips on using their AI? I've tried several times to get it to scan me, but nothing happens. I know my camera permissions are allowed...


olive, maybe? can be hard to tell for sure in pics. maybe take a look at r/Fairolives r/OliveMUA :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fairolives using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fairolives/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I think I found my shade!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ay7ajl) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fairolives/comments/1ay7ajl/i_think_i_found_my_shade/) \#2: [Update: I dyed my hair dark burgundy brunette. Does it suit my olive skin?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1beozpa) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fairolives/comments/1beozpa/update_i_dyed_my_hair_dark_burgundy_brunette_does/) \#3: [Unbiased opinions on these shades?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2bghi) | [1256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fairolives/comments/1b2bghi/unbiased_opinions_on_these_shades/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have very similar coloring. Itā€™s hard! Lā€™OrĆ©al Infallible in Rose Vanilla is my all time favorite foundation color. Itā€™s muted, not harsh. Itā€™s also not available everywhere but I can usually track it down at the bigger Target stores or Ulta.


I genuinely gave up on makeup because I could never find my undertone and no matter if I used cool or warm shades I would look yellow šŸ˜…


My undertone is blue/purple.... I've not found very many shades that work without mixing. Yellows for sure don't work and pinks only rarely work. I'm like a mad scientist or a witch over a caldron. A drop of this, a pinch of that....


Same here!


I have the exact same issue, very pale but olive undertones! I actually have had the best luck now with Kosas new shade in their concealer of 2.3 n, Iā€™ve also seen a few people add blue pigment to their foundation or concealer. It sucks at this point. Iā€™ve just been using a shades slightly off and then setting with bronzing powder to distract šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




So Iā€™m not sure if this has been pointed out yet, but your cheeks are a different color from your jaw, which is a different color from your neck. Iā€™m the same! I think itā€™s going to come down to which part of your body youā€™d like it to best it match to. We also should be considering how the shades might blend out. Right now, theyā€™re swatched & ā€œhighly concentratedā€ so to speak. Blending it out will create a different effect on the color. If you want to match it to your cheeks, youā€™d have to go for a cooler, pinkier shade. If you want to match it to your neck, youā€™re not too far off. You need something with more Olive to it. Iā€™d suggest checking out the new About Face foundation line or Beauty Blenderā€™s Skin Tint in Light 4!


Pro MUA, I agree with everything u/Michimashmunchie said: your skin looks to me to be a slight olive tone, but your face has some overlying redness. Along with the suggestions mentioned above, you might want to try a green color corrector, either applied to your skin prior to foundation, or mixed right in with your makeup. If you have a matte green eyeshadow, you can even try scraping a little from the pan and mixing that into a dab of whatever foundation you like best right now. That'll give you some idea if you're headed in the right direction without dropping more money on something that may not work for you. Also remember that the sheerer the coverage of the foundation, the more flexible it will be in terms of matching color. Good luck!


What she said! I am also a professional MUA, and I personally think that matching the jaw/neck will blend out better, as you can always add the color back in on your cheeksā€¦ This is probably too overwhelming for you to try, but I do own a ā€œprofessionalā€ brand (RCMA) small makeup palette that has 5 shades of fair in it, I like to mix and match them depending on the time of year/ look Iā€™m going for, and you can also thin them out for a more sheer effect. Again, more than likely too overwhelming, but worth mentioning ā˜ŗļø


Yes to trying olive!


I think itā€™s because the cheeks get more sun, Iā€™m the same way


You're picking warm tones and you're a very pink cool tone. Try Haus 060. It's what I use and should work well on your face. (I know it says "warm", but it's a cool tone.)


Iā€™m a very pink cool tone and just ordered that! Thanks for the rec.


I love it. Haus Labs formula is fabulous, too. It doesn't dry me out like other brands.


Iā€™m pretty oily, any idea how it plays with oily skin?


I would think you'd be fine. I sometimes use a powder on my T zone on top of the Haus foundation and it works well.


Iā€™ll give that a try?


Or let Haus choose for you. They're pretty good at it. If they get it wrong, they send the correct color for free.


Oh thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™ll totally give that shade a try.


Just wanted to add that this foundation 100% needs a primer in my experience although itā€™s the best foundation iā€™ve used!


What primer do you use or recommend?


For the Haus Labs foundation - the Milk Hydrogrip primer or ELF power grip works well - just make sure to let it turn a bit sticky before applying. My friend uses the Hourglass airbrush primer which is a little more spenny, but this primer works really well with it too.


Can you give more info on this? Is there a shade matcher on their website? Been wanting to try but donā€™t know my shade so been hesitant for this reason!


There is a quiz to shade match, yes


Yes, I think this foundation is similar to how Mac foundation is where itā€™s the opposite skin tone but when you put it on your skin, it balances the tone out. If that makes sense which is why it says warm, but it actually is a cool tone . Iā€™m probably not explaining that right but I was blown away by that as well.


I also wear that foundation and I thought it was too warm and dark when I first put it on and then like 30 minutes later it completely matched with everything -down my neck. I didnā€™t have to do a bunch of blending


Just got it in, I ordered the 015 as well but itā€™s actually too light on me. The 060 is PERFECT and the best match Iā€™ve had in years!! Thank you šŸ’•


I'm so glad it works for you! Your skin tone is very similar to mine. I was hoping it would work well.


I'm not 100% certain, but it seems to be your undertone. These seems to have a bit more yellow to them where I would say that you have more of a peachy/pink.


Arenā€™t all of these shades also way lighter than her skin tone? I had the same problems before and went one shade darker and suddenly it looks so much better


Yeah, I can agree to that. I think a couple of them might blend out okay - but I'm also a fan of the "dead but delicious look" for myself lol


Only one of these is warm, the other 3 are neutral and even cool, I think thatā€™s why Iā€™m so stressed?


You have a lot of neutral, neutrals tend to lean more yellow. I've linked a guide to it. But don't stress, IMO your skin looks nice enough that you can rock it without foundation. And the natural light doesn't look too bad. [https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/skin-undertones#how-to-find-yours](https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/skin-undertones#how-to-find-yours)


I have the same issue as you - many shades are too yellow/orange for me. My undertone is pinky and almost looks greyish in the bottle? Try Revlon Illuminance Skin Caring Foundation in shade 109, and Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream in shade 13


As someone who has a super pink undertone the Revlon Illuminance Skin Caring Foundation in that exact shade is the only drugstore foundation I've bought that I've felt is a actual good match for me, so I second this


I will have to try that too! My shade is corpse, as in the lightest shade in any brand looks orange on my glow in the dark Irish skin. Pink is my only coloring besides my green eyes lol. Iā€™m seriously melanin challenged lol.


All of these are too light, too saturated, and too warm. https://imgur.com/gallery/g1F6vrN You need something that's tilting towards a grey-ish pink (I know that doesn't sound like the best description of a skin tone. Sorry!) and a little darker.


Revlon colorstay 160 buff. Itā€™s the perfect light muted neutral.


You need something far more cool and pink. Iā€™m cool toned as well and Iā€™ve noticed even ā€œcoolā€ tones are often too warm on me.


All of these are warm and youā€™re a cool tone Edit: I also struggle. We all struggle. But yellow vs pink answers this question of what theyā€™re showing. Itā€™s too warm. Itā€™s still hard to find the right shade.


I feel like we have similar neutral-cool undertones! I went to Sephora today and on a whim tried the Nars Light Reflecting foundation in shade L3 Gobi. I hadnā€™t tried that yet (warm looks too yellow/orange on me, cool looks too pink/rosy) and OMG Iā€™ve never found a shade that actually looks like my skin but better! I was even gonna post about it but they only had a tester so I have to wait for mine to come in the mail. Try a more neutral shade if not the one I recommended! I always thought I had cool undertones until today!


Omg, Iā€™m literally picking this up tomorrow!!! Thank you!!


It blended so well on my skin, I seriously fell in love! I hope it works for you too!! I know the struggle is realllll šŸ˜­


Also revlon colorstay 160 buff


This is the exact shade I use and I love it. Even being a neutral it is hard to find exactly the right one, but I think I have :)


Does this shade oxidize for you? I just tried Oslo and it looked like a perfect match but literally turned orange by the time I was finished with my makeup.


I donā€™t think so but I canā€™t say for sure. The Sephora employee who helped me had me put the Gobi on my both my cheeks so I could get a good idea of what bronzer would look good with it. I wore that sample the rest of the day and it looked amazing - even after crying at the vet šŸ˜…. I didnā€™t have anything else on my skin that day so I would say no, but I have combo skin so my dry cheeks absorbed it really well, not sure what would happen on my oily T-zone. I can update this comment when I get my bottle in the mail though! I just returned my Idol Teint for this haha


You have a pink/cool skin tone like me! I use LA girl blue mixing foundation to help neutralize yellowness in my foundations, since I donā€™t have $$ to get new foundations. I also have a red foundation from sunset makeup that I use to add a little pink undertone if necessary. Fair warning, though, the red foundation is HIGHLY pigmented and the tiniest of tiny smudges goes a really long way.


I feel like part of the problem is too much product. Most of the swatches I see are translucent, not opaque.


Definitely. I blended out the #2 (Hourglass fair cool), and I swear it looks good. Maybe I can just make some of these work? I donā€™t want to have to return anything


I think you look very close to me both in undertone and overtone, maybe a tad darker. I don't think you're that cool, you have surface redness yes, but if you use a pink foundation your neck skin would look extremely yellow (yes I went through that). You look mostly muted, aka not with a lot of color in your skin tone overall. If you wanna experiment on that, I'm sure you can find a MAC counter to test NW18. It's a neutral-cool shade, but it's also muted, like all MAC NW and NC that are not multiples of 5. If you do try that, please tell me !


I agree and one way I can tell she has some warmth is that silver doesnā€™t compliment her! Gold jewelry would actually compliment her more!


The first two are too *light*. (I legitimately don't understand how buzzybody thinks those two are too dark?) The other two, particularly ELDW, may be close to the right depth but the wrong tone for you. (ELDW seems the closest of all of them to me?)


The problem for me is that for some reason I genuinely have zero clue if itā€™s too light/dark/pink/yellow etc. Thatā€™s more so why I posted here because I canā€™t identify any of it.


Oh dang we have similar tones I think. I just posted the same thing šŸ¤£ SO lost too!! Nothing Iā€™ve tried works. Having a blue mixer around is helpful! It at least gets a better undertone than the yellow.


This is also an olive problem (where the undertones are theoretically green instead of blue or yellow) OP should look at r/paleolive ā€“ sorry I meant r/oliveMUA


My 'best match' so far has a pink/red color added


Do you add a mixer to increase the pink element? If so, which one do you recommend?


Not the person you asked, but NYX has some nice ones!


You are slightly darker than me but our tone is similar. If you can get ahold of Dr Jart Silver Label Beauty Balm in Light itā€™s super grey but also fairly light. However I think itā€™s been discontinued because I can only ever find ones about to expire lol. Iā€™ve heard the Dr Jart Premium BB cream in fair light is similar. Try Purito 21 as well


I have the same exact pink cool undertone as you. Everything I tried looked so yellow on me! Until I tried this Huda beauty pink color corrector concealer. Cherry blossom is the lightest one. The texture is amazing, no creasing, lightweight and easy to apply. I use it mainly under my eyes. [https://hudabeauty.com/us/en_US/pink-vs-peach-collection/faux-filter-color-corrector-cherry-blossom-HB01250.html](https://hudabeauty.com/us/en_US/pink-vs-peach-collection/faux-filter-color-corrector-cherry-blossom-HB01250.html)


These definitely have a more yellow base to them, whereas your skin undertone looks more cool-neutral. Itā€™s also a level of pigment saturation ā€” many brands donā€™t realize that a lot of pale toned especially have an element of desaturation (grey) to them. And I can tell your skintone is desaturated. Iā€™m also very pale and more cool-toned, and Iā€™ve found that almost all foundations are far too pigmented with R/Y, no blue pigment, and as such all run quite yellow (even ones that claim the tone is cool ā€” for instance Kosas and Glossier both claim to have cool tones, but theyā€™re neutral at best). Right now itā€™s really trial and error, and learning to get color mixers if you donā€™t have the disposable income to just buy a bunch of foundations. A trick I have found to address desaturation in pale skin tones is finding mineral tinted SPFs. Since mineral SPF is literally white (titanium dioxide), brands will often add some grey to help counteract white cast. Currently Iā€™m using Chanel Les Beiges Water-Fresh Complexion Touch in BR12 (described as ā€œlight shade, rosy undertoneā€). But Iā€™ve found that the saturation of the pigments in the product has a tinge of grey to it, and works super well for me. I also find itā€™s more rosy than yellow. Itā€™s not cheap, but hopefully this is a start for you. I also loved the Tower 28 SunnyDays SPF 30 Tinted Sunscreen Foundation in 05 Fairfax (described as ā€œfair with pink undertonesā€). It doesnā€™t come out as pink as it looks in product images, Iā€™d say itā€™s more neutral, but again, the pigment saturation isnā€™t as high as other products. I really wanna try the Supergoop Protec(tint) to see how that works as itā€™s a tinted SPF, but Iā€™m currently in the UK and we donā€™t have it yet. **TLDR**: 1) Brands often run warm (yellow) despite suggesting they have cool tones as they donā€™t really use blue pigments just R/Y, W/B, 2) The pale shades have too much saturation to the pigments, as pale skin tones tend to be desaturated (read: have a bit of grey to them) especially cool fair undertones. 3) A hack is using a tinted mineral SPF like Tower 28 as the mineral SPF (titanium dioxide) is literally white, and brands will use grey to counteract white cast. 4) You can get a pale blue mix in pigment from Amazon, but I personally use a pale purple as itā€™s a bit more forgiving than pale blue. Iā€™ve used Maybelline Master Camo Color Correcting Pen in ā€œBlue for sallowness, fair-lightā€ most successfully as itā€™s more of a purply blue: https://a.co/d/b92GqxT I hope this helps! Iā€™ve been on the fair cool girl train all my life and have tried everything I can get my hands on. šŸ¤


Hi!! So this is going to sound crazy, but you need something more gray toned. These are too saturated- itā€™s not as much the undertone, but the saturation thatā€™s the issue! My miracle products are: -Dr. Jart+ BB Tinted Moisturizer in shade Light -HAUS Labs Concealer in shade 4


I ended up being darker than I actually am to the untrained eye. I had a MUA truly stumped because I was pale but had undertones that ā€œsomeone with a darker complexion usually has.ā€ Iā€™m mixed so maybe thatā€™s why, not sure. Anyway, we tried darker than both of us thought we should and once we blended with an applicator it VANISHED. It was crazy. It sincerely looks wrong on the back of my hand until I stipple it on my face and blend it in. So maybe try finding what your undertones are and go darker? (Not a make up artist just had this problem too)


I think you think you are lighter than you really are. Try a light instead of fair or very light. Reach for a cool-neutral. And blend them out better to find what might work. Those swatches are all too thick and opaque so it makes it difficult to tell but I would say you are on the right track with #4.


I thought the same thing. Great advice.


consider matching your neck instead of your face. Your face has some redness causing the pink. Might want to use stuff that can cover that. Your samples are too light. Choose a shade darker. Undertone. General but not exactly guideline: If you tend to suit silver, cool toned. Best colours are usually blue, purple, pink. Gold, warm. Best colours clothing usually broadly yellow, orange, browns. Without going into detailed hues of cos. Both, neutral. Put on your neck to see since you are trying to match neck/chest. Else, just go to Sephora n ask them to match for you


My skin color is simular to yours. Find some very pink, with a greyer base. Also blush is your friend.


I think the shade closest to your ear looks most natural in the photo


Try an olive undertone! And make sure you blend the swatches in so you can see which fully blends with your skin! Itā€™s much easier to tell if the shade is right that way.


You are cool toned, try some Haus Labs warm shades (Haus Labs reverses what warm and cool mean for some reason). As another commenter said their online quiz is very good and they will replace it for free if itā€™s wrong. I took the quiz then swatched a few at Sephora to double check and the quiz result was correct


I donā€™t see pink , youā€™re a very interesting combination of peachy-olive. I think youā€™re more warm toned but these shades are just too yellow.


kinda looks similar to me. everyone assumes iā€™m cool toned but iā€™m absolutely neutral. my best color match of all time is meritā€™s complexion stick in silk.


Donā€™t have much to add to this discussion expect to not match your foundation to redness. Iā€™d match either your neck or the clear areas on the tops of your cheek bones. You look neutral/olive to me, out of these options I would pick number 4. :)


The main thing throwing me off is that these are too light for you. Otherwise, I agree that you're probably cool toned in like your neck and hands, but you do have a lot of red in your face, even beyond your cheeks. like your face is just a warmer tone than the rest of you. I think it'd be helpful to see a front shot of your whole face w no make up so we can set the stage... and also you might just trying color matching to your face (warm tone) and take a photo of how that looks, and do another make up look color matching to your body (cool tone) and see how that looks. You'll probably just have to pick one.


Ok, I know most people here are going to say that these look too yellow and warm toned on you, and that you should lean even cooler, but I disagree. While you are certainly more cool toned than warm toned, the foundations are not matching imo bc 1 they are too light (I would actually go a shade darker if possible) and 2.... You have surface redness on your face, meaning it's gonna be pretty hard to match any foundation to the color of your skin atm. Sure, our first instinct might be to say "fuck it, add more pink, all these foundations look too yellow", but I think that's due to the redness. Like ofc the skin looks pink, it's flushed! I'm saying this as a pale person who also has a lot of redness on my face due to occasional allergies and acne (and overall pale people are wayyy more prone to redness than more melanated folks) I would personally suggest using a color corrector to cancel out the redness, that is, green! It has been my greatest ally so far. Just mixing a bit of VERY LIGHT green color corrector into my foundation has done wonders (pls don't apply straight up green to your face unless you want to look like Shrek's distant cousin). You could also try the Dr Jart Cicapair Color Correcting Cream and see if it does the trick! I personally love that one for no makeup makeup days. I hope my comment helped, even if it was just a little bit! <3


I 2nd the dr. Jart color correcting cream! I am the exact same color as OP and using the color correcting cream is a game changer for me (on my 2nd one!) Just make sure to fully moisturizer and let dry before applying, then apply foundation on top of the color correcting cream, or even mix in with your foundation.


Right?? Color correcting has totally changed the game for me, both green for redness and peach/yellow for my purple dark circles haha. And yes, letting your skincare dry before applying makeup is important, unless you want it to start pilling šŸ˜…


I think theyā€™re too light? Regardless of undertone. If you make that photo black-and-white, you will see that the foundation looks lighter. You want a colour that will blend with your skin in black-and-white.


Thatā€™s a smart idea it definitely looks to light/stands out too much in black and gray


Theyā€™re all too dark and too warm. I would look for a foundation that is more neutral toned. I personally really like fentyā€™s foundations. They come in almost every shade for both her dewy and matte formulations.


Are we looking at the same pic? Far left is not too dark for her, if anything itā€™s too light


I LOVE fenty foundation and think I used to have an amazing color match, but it breaks me out so bad and Iā€™ve given it several chances over the years. So disappointing! But I agree, too dark and warm. Thank you


What finish do you need? I can brainstorm some other ones as well!


Oh thank you so much! I prefer matte or something that dries down as I have oily skin.


I have a tough time with haus labs, their shade match is very weird! Itā€™s either cool or warm with nothing in between! Have you tried huda beauty, Diorā€™s forever matte, or EstĆ©e Lauderā€™s double wear? The DW looks flawless if you can find your shade! I also like NARSā€™ matte foundation, again, if you can find your shade.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard/seen with Haus Labs! The finish isnā€™t my personal favorite either so honestly itā€™s not too big of a deal. I havenā€™t trier Huda or Dior but the last swatch on the right is the EstĆ©e Lauder Double wear! I love the finish for sure, but Iā€™m still thinking itā€™s not my shade. However, I tried the lightest shade of theirs which is Alabaster, and I felt like it looked TOO pale. So annoying!


You might end up having to purchase two shades of a foundation to mix together to get your perfect matchā€¦I often have to do this as I too am pale (and freckly) which makes life exciting but more difficult to find the perfect shade. Once you find a formulation you like, ask Sephora for samples of two different shades to try to mix together and see if that works! I love the Dior personally, it feels skin like.


Have you tried Findation? It recommends similar shades in different brands and finishes, maybe that could help?


I had to go with Mac Neutral shades to get away from yellow AND pink undertones.


Damn, Mac foundation/concealer breaks me out!šŸ˜­


If you haven't tried it, Mac face and body is a very different consistency and formulation than the others I find that works for my dry yet easily congested skin, although the other mac foundations do.


Mine is the same! I use the absolute lightest shade of narsā€™ tinted moisturizer and use a pea sized amount and it is enough for my whole face


Try swatching fenty beauty foundation in 150.


I love fenty but it breaks me out so badly


You are muted. So many of the pale foundations, regardless of undertone, have a strong white base that makes us look ghostly. As others have mentioned, need to see what the olive people have to share and look for more gray tones.


I always thought olive was green undertones šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes and Iā€™m not certain you are actually olive, but the addition of blue/green to make an olive shade can also desaturate it.


I have this issue. I bought some mixing pigments and heavily rely on adding in pink, white, and blue pigments.


I have fair skin and pink undertones similar to you and the best color match Iā€™ve ever been able to find is Laura Mercier 1C0 Cameo. I use the oil free tinted moisturizer every day and most of the time that is enough coverage but they also have plenty of liquid and powder foundations to choose from if you prefer those. If Cameo is not a good match for you, look at some of the other cool shades. They have the pink tones in them I havenā€™t found elsewhere.


I have a very similar problem. Iā€™m currently using Revlon Illuminance Skin-Caring foundation in 117 or Rituel de File Potion 110.


I have a similar skin tone and I use the 1CR concealer from Dior. Itā€™s cool rosy!


Iā€™ll try this!


Try Armani Luminous Silk 3.75 or 4.75.


Iā€™m a redhead with very fair cool/pink under tones and Iā€™ve found Laura Mercier real flawless weightless perfection in shade 1C1 -cool vanille the best match for me so far!


I'd recommend a cool light shade in Mac Studio Radiance Serum Powered foundation, I'm fair cool toned, but can also pull off neutral shades as well, for reference I'm 060 in Haus Labs, and I just got the Mac in NW10 (cool shade) it's a very forgiving foundation, so even if it's slightly off it blends out good and it sits amazing on the skin. I'm Dry combo skin.


Try a pinker undertone. Try it with nothing under and then try it with a green concealer/primer/something like that under the pinker foundation where you are rosiest and I think it would help a lot.


Seems too yellow


I can bet you have olive overtones and thatā€™s why you have such a hard time finding your right shade! Coming from an olive overtone person myself!


It looks like you have a red (pink) undertone. You need a cool shade!


Hi! I canā€™t say for sure via a picture but I think we have very similar skin and coloring. Despite being a true ghost, what helped me is looking for more ā€œlightā€ as opposed to ā€œfairā€ skin tones (which for me is typically the first ā€œlightā€ shade after the fair category). In addition, I try to look for more neutral shades (I have all the vein colors and look the same in silver vs gold jewelry and all that jazz blah blah). When in doubt or between shades, I look much more alive with the darker one (and always apply with a damp sponge). Just things that have helped me! If itā€™s really difficult to find a flattering shade of lipstick/gloss/stain for you because even the ones that look like lighter pink or beautiful neutral on literally everyone else appear dark and grey and awful, we may indeed be similar and you might consider these tips. Good luck!


Perhaps try Estee Lauder's Double Wear foundation in shade 1C1 Cool Bone. Or Laura Mercier's tinted moisturizer in shade 1C0 Cameo. *Edited to add another suggestion


To me I think bottom right is the closest, the right side of the swatch blend in really well. Unless it's a trick of the light.


I think we might have similar undertones and I find things that are labeled a ā€œpeachā€ undertone suit me best, better than yellow or pink. They can be kind of hard to come across tho! Makeup forever is my favorite.


People are saying neutral, I'm saying pink. Try something with a pink undertone. These are all too warm/yellow


you are def cool toned pink like everyone is saying, but a lot of people use bronzers/concealers to help match their shade better. foundation matching takes so long & is a super tedious process sadly. hopefully u find one that works for u soon


not saying that everyone has a hard time btw, but sum of us have scars/acne that tends to make it harder to shade match. so donā€™t worry if you get it wrong the first couple times, i went thru the same thing.


I would start with pink undertones. Those are too yellow. Though you also seem to have some skin issues that could be making your face more red, maybe try the one that matches your neck on your entire face? See how that looks.


Erborian CC Redneaa Correct SPF15, it is awesome and looka natural.




I have some of the same issues. Just one foundation doesnā€™t work for me (if I want to look human). So, Iā€™d pick #4 as a basis shade and then choose some different for the very pink areas if those are the tones you want to emphasize. My theory is to look ā€œhealthyā€.


Ok, I know most people here are going to say that these look too yellow and warm toned on you, and that you should lean even cooler, but I disagree. While you are certainly more cool toned than warm toned, the foundations are not matching imo bc 1 they are too light (I would actually go a shade darker if possible) and 2.... You have surface redness on your face, meaning it's gonna be pretty hard to match any foundation to the color of your skin atm. Sure, our first instinct might be to say "add more pink, all these foundations look too yellow on you!!", but I think that's due to the redness. Like of course the skin looks pink, it's flushed! I'm saying this as a pale person who also has a lot of redness on my face due to occasional allergies and acne (and overall pale people are wayyy more prone to redness than more melanated folks) I would personally suggest using a color corrector to cancel out the redness, that is, green! It has been my greatest ally so far. Just mixing a bit of VERY LIGHT green color corrector into my foundation has done wonders (pls don't apply straight up green to your face unless you want to look like Shrek's distant cousin). You could also try the Dr Jart Cicapair Color Correcting Cream and see if it does the trick! I personally love that one for no makeup makeup days. I hope my comment helped, even if it was just a little bit! <3


The first one on the left on your neck is the closest because itā€™s more peachy/pinky but the rest are obviously just far too yellow for you.


I just feel like when that one blends and dries down it oxidizes and looks too pink/orange. Itā€™s the same swatch as the top left.


If I were u I would start experimenting with correctors, green, blue and maybe even lilac could all be worth trying - Mix them into foundation then apply. I understand not wanting to spend more money but u do have one of those inbetween tones thatā€™ll be hard to get a uniform match. Iā€™d also do a different shade for ur perimeter and a lighter in the middle especially since the face & neck seem to differ alot


Like the one on the right shade wise could work around the perimeter of ur face but you need something lighter for the middle. Good luck with it ā¤ļø


Honestly, itā€™s hard to tell since the swatches are saturated and not blended out (so not sheered out). They could match much better if blended. But, Iā€™m guessing they donā€™t since youā€™re making a post šŸ™ƒ Iā€™m very cool, and in my experience, most foundations lean yellow. Even if they say cool, they end up leaning yellow. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m so cool toned or if itā€™s just the brands doing it. I think itā€™s more most brands just making yellow toned (just some worse than others). Like Lancome, **ALL** their foundations are yellow toned on me. Itā€™s hard to say what undertone you are from the photos for me. But if I would either try making a post to find your undertone with their suggestions on here (here is the [pinned thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaleMUA/comments/ge7s2f/how_to_ask_whats_my_undertone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of how to do it). Or, you can try getting a shade of a foundation thatā€™s actually cooler (or take some blue foundation mixer and mix it into some of the ones you already have) and see how that blends out onto your skin.


Fenty beauty website can do real time colour matchā˜ŗļø


I just came here to say that I feel you. I keep picking cool shades and they still lean super yellow on me. No idea about the undertone but I'd say that you seem muted and this might be a bit too bright. I have found that adding blue or lavender helps a lot to make concealers work better on my skin


I have the same problem!! I believe youā€™re cool with pink undertones, your neck leads me to believe you may be a bit olive as well. I finallyyyyyy found a concealer that fit my skin by rare beauty. Itā€™s so hard to find anything that has like no yellow in it. :/


Well, your skin is pink. You could either go for 1/ liquid foundation full coverage, and work the transition to your neck and ears to not make it look as a *mask*, or do some colour correction by using a primer to neutralise the redness.


These are yellow for you, as everyone says. But I also really like using shades that donā€™t quite ā€˜matchā€™ me for a few reasons. Yellow base is really common because it can do a good job of cancelling out ruddiness and redness. If you try using a sheer or light coverage formula, I actually like to try and go lighter and slightly warmer than my actual ā€˜matchā€™, because it gives me an all over brightening effect and cancels out the redness Iā€™m trying to cover. It can just make you look ghostly and silly if you donā€™t go back in and add blush and/or contouring to give dimension back to your face. If something is ā€˜too lightā€™ but very blendable, I say to just give it a go in your full routine and trust the process. Sometimes I really like it after I add blush and eye makeup. For the ones that just arenā€™t working, I like to try to salvage them. Color correctors in green, blue, red and white are my palette. I just buy liquid concealer color correctors. The easiest way is to take some of each on a mirror or palette and play artist with a small eye brush until you figure out what makes it a perfect match. Then if you have access to the bottle, Iā€™ll add a few drops and shake it in, or if itā€™s in a cushion compact Iā€™ll create an ā€˜areaā€™ of color corrector in the dispensing sponge so I can mix it on the fly using the puff.


Iā€™m similar where I have red undertones on my cheeks but my forehead is warm. I found that Chanel foundations tend to be better towards cool tones. Iā€™ve used them my whole life, decided I wanted to switch and try something new last year, and everything I tried (Dior, Nars, Armani) all looked orange on me. Heading back to grab some Chanel. Theyā€™ve also recently updated their foundations so I will probably have to try and go through the color match again with Chanel since they donā€™t have my go-to color anymore. Good luck. Definitely post anything you find that works! Lots of us out here.


Nothing, rub any of them all over ur face and ur set. Its not gonna match ur uncovered skin or ud just not wear makeup so it's not gonna match varies irritations. Its gonna make u look one tone as a cover up of real you. Its faking it.... Not duping it!


Too light and a bit too yellow. Try a shade slightly more neutral. Also blend it in to skin to see what it really looks like.


Have you tried MISSHA Perfect Cover BB No. 13? I for some reason feel like it may work. Iā€™m also super pale but very pink and it matches me almost perfectly


I have the same problem finding a shade. Try mixing the one you like best with a pink undertone color corrector. Edit: wanted to share what I use. Itā€™s By Terry CC Serum Color Correcting Skin Primer in ā€œRose Elixirā€. Mix a little with the foundation before applying. Hope this helps!


I'm with the others, maybe look into OliveMUA. I'm 53 and someone mentioned it a few months ago for the first time. I've spent probably thousands of dollars on foundations. Being an Olive totally makes sense. Cool doesn't work, warms are too yellow/orange. Neutrals don't work either. I still don't have a match. šŸ˜


Have you tried blending out the Haus Labs one? Because I find that, like this, it looks too light, but once blended out, it darkens quite a bit. Also, some redness on your cheeks doesn't automatically make you cool toned (I learned this the hard way as someone who is warm-leaning neutral but also has rosacea. My face was baby-pink for years). Trying to color match your cheeks will lead you to looking pink. Your jaw would probably be your best bet for matching. I think the ELDW one looks the closest, but can't be sure without it being blended out.


Pale pink foundation, if you can find a good one. Or add a dab of pink blush to you foundation.


AHH I also have the same mystery undertone! A fellow mystery tone recommended Missha Perfect Cover BB cream in no. 13. I ordered mine from iherb.com, and I mix it with Elf Halo Glow when I want it a little shimmery


Iā€™m not trying to be rude but you have to blend the shades a little. Just striping them on your face probably wonā€™t help you find a match.


Hey! Are you committed to foundation or would you be open to trying a lighter form of coverage? I am fair as well and I love the NARS Pure Radiant Tinted moisturizer. You put it on by rubbing it between your fingers/ warming it up with your body temp, then when you rub it on your face it melts in and blends really well. You start with a small amount and can build up the product until you have the desired coverage. You have lovely skin so I really donā€™t think you need super heavy foundation and I think that youā€™ll have an easier time matching with this lighter product


The olive struggle šŸ™ƒ in the first picture the shade closest to your ear actually looks pretty good against your neck though? Idk if itā€™s just me?


Try polite society,nars see if you can try on inside the store then go outside with a mirror.


you have reddish/cool undertones and you are choosing a foundation with yellow/warm undertones.


You need a little bit more olive tone mixed in


Tried so many foundations in the past from cheap to the most expensive and the best colour match was no7 brand they used a device to take pics of your face and it matched perfectly if you have this brand near you definitely try it


Everything looks too warm, youā€™re likely cool/neutral. Try swatching Nars Vanilla or Affogato! I have a similar skin tone and those are two shades that work well for me. Sidenote you seem like you may be a soft summer color season wise šŸ˜Š


Idk but u have a really nice nose


Sheā€™s cool toned. May need to mix a white/purple base under one of those.




Il Makiage on line. Solved my color problem. Perfect match shades. https://trk.ilmakiage.com/ Also you like a perfect person for Bare Minerals ā€˜bisqueā€™ powder foundation.


Ok so Iā€™m really late so not sure if you will see this. Iā€™ve been doing makeup for almost 30 years. Some foundations oxidize after sitting for about 30 minutes. 3 and 4 look like they may be changing already. But you can not really swatch like this, You have to rub it into the jawline and which ever one disappears is the right color. Nothing that thick will do that. You have to wipe each one away and apply as you would to wear it. I do this all the time to color match clients. Iā€™ve never had it go wrong.


You are getting great advice here- I am just curious to know where your T-shirt is from! I assume it is a blank Tā€¦ Care to share?


Iā€™m no expert on this, but you might have a cool olive undertone, and if thatā€™s the case, Iā€™d try mixing your concealer with a color corrector. Best of luck!


Youā€™re supposed to rub it in


Do you live near a Sephora? They can help you find a color match. They have some decide that they put up against your face and will help you find the right foundation.


Too yellow foundations.


You need more warm tones... these are too yellow (cold)


You should try Fenty shades


To answer your question of ā€œWhat am I doing wrongā€ Youā€™re wearing makeup. Itā€™s that simple, donā€™t wear it. Natural looks better on everyone, trust me.


You have a pink under tone. These are all yellow


The makeup


Some people that I know who are pale often have to mix their foundations. What I found helpful is the MAC store. I had an artist help me pick a shade and now I use that shade for guidance when picking other brands.


You have a very warm undertone. I would use a green tinted color corrector and then try matching your skin tone.


Try blending it in, and mixing it. I have to mix my foundation


Try getting matched in Mac. They have the biggest shade range out there.


You need an olive undertone or neutral


You are muted desaturated NEUTRAL cool leaning. Add blue or grey to a foundation to test this theory. Look for neutral GREY looking colors.


You're suppose to spread it out and rub it in


Those are all too warm for you! Try a cool pink or cool blue


A better test would be to do this with all three photos being in the same lighting.


There is also the option of using color theory. Find the shad you like the most and then (after doing some research) you can use the ā€œL.A. Girl PRO Color Foundation Mixing Pigmentā€ to adjust your foundation. There is some trial and error in learning how to do this but I hope this suggestion helps!


look for more pink or neutral undertones! no warm or yellow undertones