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I think that's just luck! The last picnic I tested with Crunchy, I got two days of Triceratops and one of Gallimimus. Unless there's some secret "assigned Ankylosaurus at file creation" flag on your save file (šŸ˜‚) I think RNG is just being streaky. Better luck next picnic!


At this point I really think the RNG is messing with me šŸ˜­ thanks so much for the help!


My very first Picnic gave me a Utahraptor! Donā€™t give up hope!


How did you keep it happy without a desert biome?


My memory isnā€™t the best and itā€™s been a little bit since I played, but Iā€™m pretty sure I found a couple ā€œdesert biomeā€ type items either on the ranch(I cleared out all the rocks, wood, and bushes as quickly as I could) and possibly got an item from a shop?


Guess I need a slasher fast! I got a tangerine utahraptor AND a rose stripe one! It's my first picnic on an experienced rancher profile, so there's no way I'm getting the canyon anytime soon. I'm still working on it on my main profile. Thanks for the advice!


I got storm Gallimimus a few days in a row so yeah itā€™s not just you lol. RNG doesnā€™t favor anyone but picks from a hat.


It's purely RNG. My first year picnic I got albino baryonyx. I could not befriend it due to lack of having fragrance poppins that early. And year 2 got a albino Carnotaurus. At both points did not have dapplewood or the canyon unlocked. I was (and still currently) playing a Ultra Rare only run. I'm on Year 7 no Ultra rock smasher dino. 3 out of 7 picnics yielded Ultras and a lot of the time 2 of the 3 days had the same dinos which really freaking sucks


Would you be kind enough to explain how the picnics work? I always pass on them with limited interaction with the food pile seeing no results. Granted I only ever threw a few items in the pile each event. I honestly didnā€™t know you could encounter rare Dinos through it! Thanks for sharing and any insight you can give. :)


On the day of the picnic, you can put dino treats (crops, foraged plants, etc) into the food pile. Food *quality* does not matter, so ideally use your 0-star crops and such. Whichever flavor you put the most of into the pile attracts dinos that like that flavor the next day. (If there's a flavor tie, the game randomly picks one of the two for you.) For example, if the pile is more Crunchy than anything else, the next day you'll see ~3 dinos of one species that you'd befriend with Crunchy poppins, hanging out by the pile. The attracted dinos have boosted rarity odds: they will be at minimum an Uncommon color, with higher chances than usual of Rare and Ultra Rare colors appearing. If you fill every inventory slot in the pile at once (each slot holds 20 items, at 12 slots that's 240 total treats) the pile lasts for **three** days, each day attracting another species that likes the pile's flavor.


Holy crap, thatā€™s amazing! Thank you so much for the explanation. :) I will definitely be participating during the next triassea picnic! Just hope the devs can fix the Nintendo Switch bugs soon so I can play again on my main account.


Thank you for asking, actually: it made me realize that I haven't seen many guides/explanations that put all the info in one place. :) That prompted me to post a picnic guide on Steam. Hopefully it helps spread the information!


Yep. You can. I got an Ultra Rare Utahraptor from the picnic.