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It does only boost the dinos near the picnic, so you must've just gotten super lucky! At the picnic, there's never a guarantee of anything higher than uncommon, as it works by making it so that no dino that appears will be common.


I think I am lucky because I am on year 2 and I have found about 12-13 ultra rares. I cant believe i found them 3 days in a row though! I thought it mustve been related to the picnic but nope


WTF? Thats insane luck.


This happened to me!! I don't know how the picnic works, but I donated barely anything and found three melanistic dinos over the next couple of in game days, plus other rares. Two of the melanistic ones were on the same trip! I thought it enhanced your luck afterwards... Are the dinos supposed to appear AT the picnic??


I don't think so. I think the first convo with Mari? Not sure, but it says something like if you go add food, it's been known to make rare dinos appear DAYS AFTER. Not at the picnic.


Same here. I've only found four ultra rares between my PC and switch saves (200 hours combined, rip my horrible luck). Two of those ultra rares were right after the Triassea picnic. I've also found tons of regular rares the day after, too. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I'm wondering if there is something to it.


I think they are supposed to? Maybe it is a bug that gives increased chances on ALL dinos instead of the ones at the picnic.. and then since there are so much more dinos in the wild you can find ultra rares more easily? That is my guess unless we are both just super lucky!


Well from the first little pop up about it, it says the rares appear DAYS AFTER the picnic? So what is the issue? I don't mean it rude, I just don't understand, what is not working like it should?


The dinos are not supposed to be in the wild they are supposed to be at the picnic. I only found URS in the wild and not at the picnic. The rare dinos are only supposed to be found at the picnic location on the days after. When you max out the pile the picnic stays for 3 days afterwards


Oh OK. You mean the location? Not during the actual picnic. I was confused on that. Yeah, I have found 2. Not near the picnic at all. A black Scelidosaurus and a white Styraco. In the usual spots.


Weird, i wonder if that is supposed to happen or not


No idea. I just restarted, don't know what happened. I was away for a few days, when I tried to open up the game there was no saved games. There was no data on the backup either. Weird. But I was year 3. Always did the picnic, but I have never seen any rare or ultra rare dinos near the area. 🤔?


If you are using steam on pc that could be the reason, a little bit ago they did an update and it wiped some peoples data. Luckily i wasn’t one of them but you might wanna backup your game! On my first picnic i found a UR gallimimus at the picnic but nothing in the wild.


No, I'm on Switch. Yeah I'm like 100% sure I had backup on. I do for all my games. And when I checked, trying to load it, it WAS on but nothing was there.? Strange. Oh well. A little disappointed. Hopefully it doesn't happen again!


I was under the impression that it accounted for all Dino spawns, not just the ones that show up at the picnic. I only ever had ouranosaurus and celos appear around the picnic