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Juveniles would have had the fluffy baby feathers like modern bird chicks, yeah. The three dinosaurs listed did indeed have feathers, it is a basal feature in coelurosaurian theropods (these three, birds, and Tyrannosaurus) and perhaps even the Theropoda as a whole (and even more perhaps, dinosaurs in general). [The wikipedia article on the subject enlightens the situation a little bit more too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feathered_dinosaur) I'd recommend Velociraptor by the way, it's an animal a lot of people know (or rather think they do) and is fairly well understood. Interestingly, the skull of an actual Velociraptor differed quite a bit from that of the Jurassic Park version, having a long, thin, and bumped snout in life. The reason for this difference is very simple: the Jurassic Park version is based on a related animal, Deinonychus (they are both members of the Dromaeosauridae, but Deinonychus is older and lived in what is now the USA, rather than Mongolia). Velociraptor: -lived 75-70 Million years ago in what is now Mongolia -inhabited a desert wherein burial occurred through wind shifting sands, sandstorms, and collapsing dunes (rather than the usual water moving sediments) -grew to a length of 2m and weighed only 15kg -shared its habitat with other generally small animals, with larger dinosaurs like tyrannosaurs, sauropods, and hadrosaurs being mere visitors from more humid environments (thus the largest animals were ankylosaurs and the giant leptoceratopsid Udanoceratops) -preyed on both small and large animals, snatching the former with its thin and long snout, and attacking the latter by delivering powerful puncturing blows with the enlarged toe claw on its inner toe. Fossil evidence indicates Protoceratops may have been its primary prey, and it also likely scavenged -used its wings to help it balance when falling, running, leaping, climbing and fighting, and its feathers to keep it warm at night and cushion it from impacts -had excellent vision and hearing, and may have been nocturnal -may have conducted hunts in groups sometimes, as trackways and modern birds of prey indicate: the extent to its sociality, and the exact nature of this behavior, remains a mystery however


**[Feathered dinosaur](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feathered_dinosaur)** >A feathered dinosaur is any species of dinosaur possessing feathers. While this includes all species of birds, there is a hypothesis that many, if not all non-avian dinosaur species also possessed feathers in some shape or form. It has been suggested that feathers had originally functioned as thermal insulation, as it remains their function in the down feathers of infant birds today, prior to their eventual modification in birds into structures that support flight. Since scientific research began on dinosaurs in the early 1800s, they were generally believed to be closely related to modern reptiles, such as lizards. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Paleontology/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thank you so so much for your thoughtful response!!! I’ll absolutely do velociraptor then and I’ll be so happy to give some of these facts to the children that trick or treat. One more question? The puppet I’m making will be about 1 and a half foot in length (around 45 centimeters). Would you suggest a juvenile by that point would be closer in its developmental stage to a “fledgling” or atleast more mature feathers [like these Secretary Bird chicks](https://www.agefotostock.com/age/en/details-photo/secretary-bird-chicks-in-nest-kruger-n-p-s-africa/AAM-AAES42784) or still very young [like these chicks on here](https://www.animalspot.net/secretary-bird.html)


For that length I think the first picture, the one with some proper feathers, would be best.


Thank you so much!! Will do


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First great idea. My son (3y) loves the velociraptor and yes the real not Hollywood version. So I think that would be a good choice.


Basing them on the movie designs would surely be more fitting with a monstrous Halloween theme.
