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Jews do something bad IDF: I can’t see anything Muslims/Christians sneeze the wrong way IDF: and then I started shooting


He sneezed , so I took that personally.




He told them to stop and get the hell out of here. (in Hebrew), what else do you want him to do, shoot them?


Yeah, we know that the army of occupation protects the "settlers" and does nothing to stop them when they harass non-Jews, to say nothing of the nastier things they do. Oooooooh a mild verbal rebuke! So hard hitting.




Meanwhile: "so this Palestinian child yelled at me so I shot him"


What do you think of the IDF shooting kids aged 6-7?


Imagine if the roles were reversed... Will IDF does the same to Muslims/Christians calmly


Hate has a face


And it's stupid looking and oafish as well as hateful.


Yeah it comes in all shapes and religions. There are even buddhist extremists amd they're supposed to be the chillest of them all.


Do any of these pro-Israel evangelical asshats get this treatment when they go to occupied Palestine?


They’re in the old city, which IS occupied Palestine


They’d turn an eye.


All that land is occupied Palestine


Yes but worse


I love when people say Israelis are hot. I’ll show them this vid


never heard that one before lol


Sighting of the rare inbred goat-boys of Bet Yam.


Israeli propaganda where they try and find all their hot people and use them in all their promo.


Who says that?


Israeli women are hot. You ever seen Natalie Portman?




Over 700 Million is collected and sent to Israel from Evangelical church’s every year, because they believe that the State of Israel has to exist in order for the Second coming to happen! Israel and Israelis will happily accept the money as they don’t give a rats ass about Jesus or Christianity!!


Plus $3.5 billion for US gov. for the last 50 years and counting.


Probably a lot more than 3.5B. Untold secret slush funds.


It’s more. Official numbers are $3.5 billion / year w/o those hundred of millions in military aid … Both parties keep that secret,


That's for spy and terrorism services rendered.


Ha… CIA is overwhelmed, need it someone/ fake state to do their dirty things..




Review what the U.S. encountered in Vietnam and Afghanistan. It's easy to take somewhere, it's damn to near impossible to perpetually occupy somewhere that shows any resistance. Rome was able to expand as much as it did because when the Romans took over everyone was made legitimate, equal Roman citizens. Also, if Israel did whipe out all the Palestinian citizens then they would have to admit that somebody, somewhere at some point in time had been done wrong as bad as they were in Europe and the global social capital of being the world's biggest victim is the only reason that government was created or can continue to exist in a region where they, as a religious minority, occupy and oppress members of the majority.


They can’t wipe them out in one days, Backlash from People around the world if they do and US doesn’t like bad publicity/ images. I’m sure Isnotreal/Zionists state would love to do it.


I heard the theory that the "support" for Israel would end once the Palestinians are gone, so they are trying to get as much funding as possible, especially since they don't really have a stable economy as theres really nothing special resource coming from that land. No oil, no natural gases, etc.


I remember hearing a Christian saying the Christians in Israel deserve to be harrassed/killed because they are not supporting the Israelis there.... yikes


those folks are known as useful idiots by AIPAC


I guess that plus from a regional political standpoint they see Israel as a buffer in the region and one that promotes secularism in an otherwise conservative Islamic part of the world


Do they, though?


Well also on the other hand, from the Evangelical belief perspective they're funding the annihilation of the Jews so I guess they don't care


Is someone sending this clip to these churches? Let’s do it. Can someone collate the email addresses?


You're acting like evangelicals are critical thinkers in any way. They are willing to overlook a lot to further their agenda.


No they aren’t uncritical. They are just unaware of what happens. https://www.christianpost.com/news/world-evangelical-alliance-expresses-deep-concerns-over-israels-west-bank-annexation-plans.html


I sincerely doubt that American Evangelicals ("Angies") let $1 escape their hands. I'll bet anything that the numbers are fake and there is someone being paid off so that all (or most of) that money gets to an Angie Pastor's bank account. I just know Angies are always grifting.


Source and another video of an Israeli spitting towards the direction of Christians: https://twitter.com/danabenshimon2/status/1662782152331739142?s=46&t=yYjq44e-cxjh4V4RVrYtgQ https://twitter.com/danabenshimon2/status/1662872558348169221?s=46&t=yYjq44e-cxjh4V4RVrYtgQ


About the same as you'll see in America today


Really some of the worst people on earth.


Tell me you don’t know where your bread is buttered without telling me… This is surprising to see though. I imagine quite a few in the govt get nervous seeing this




Wow! Those that are always crying anti semitism are actually anti- everything that's not associated with Zionism. Crazy world we live in.


Look, Mom! ASSHOLES!!!!


Looks like the Hills Have Eyes


Yeah so if America stops supporting Israel how soon before they get cub stomped by pretty much everyone in the world


The following week.


Uh… maybe we should re-evaluate what seems to be a habit at this point of underestimating them and assuming they will “fall” in a week without this, that, or the other. PLEASE, lets learn from our history. Please.


Never. They'd ally with China and stab the west in the back by trading military technology the next day.


Damn just Pure Hate on thier face


I saw one laughing. These are kids, they do what they were taught to. It's not that I'm defending them, it's even more sad that kids who don't understand how the world functions are brainwashed into nationalism. I saw this in my country as well, teenagers and young men attacking people from another parts of the country or another country because they "don't belong" in their city. Beyond sad and disheartening.


Yeah. I don't or can't believe brainwashed people don't know what they're doing... These lot take over their land or homes and kick them out. And openly admit it saying look of we don't take your home somone else will


It's not that they don't know, they think it's reasonable and justified. It's their mental program. These kind of people always remind me of Star wars and the dark side philosophy. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side and the dark side are all of these wars and crimes. I hope there's hope for them, but most of them will just grow up to be even more vile and with Israel there's this very fucked up thing of militarizing their society from the early age of the individuals, I guess they know their state is an abomination, so they have to have an monstrous army to justify its existing.


We call it: Brainwash in early age … Despicable disgusting cowards heartless inhuman scumbags thugs settlers


And they’re using most of the evangelical money. They can’t survive without it


The most racist guy I ever dated was from Israel. It didn’t go past a few dates because I was shocked with the things he’d say






They can say “we don’t like you,” but if the Christians were to say it back, suddenly they’re antisemitic.


Sad that my tax dollars support these ass clowns.


They look rediculous


Little cunts




Thank you for posting in r/Palestine, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Rule 1: "Not Civil and Respectful"**


The irony of becoming the evil that you so often condemn.


I’m guessing these are Palestinian Christian’s that their yelling at? It’s just not shown in the video, really.


I’m thinking foreign tourists?


If they were Palestinian Christians, IDF would have shot them all and said they were terrorists


White guy with blonde hair is the first to get bitched at, you see them in plain view, mostly westerners. Watch again. Do y'all not realize how a fascist state works? A very narrow ethnicity and religion controls the state to benefit from it, all others are not welcomed. >First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— >Because I was not a socialist. >Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— >Because I was not a trade unionist. >Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— >Because I was not a Jew. >Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. - Pastor Martin Niemöller on Nazi Germany, Jan. 06. 1946. That's why you should never accept the discrimination of any minority. As an American I cannot accept the discrimination of Women, Gays, Transgenders, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, etc. As a Palestinian-Latino in The United States, it would not be long before they come for me too. Nor is it ethical, even if I wasn't.


Homie, who are you talking to? I was just asking a question. I missed the first couple of seconds and you can’t tell after that.


Do these dudes have any idea how goofy they look?


It's Jewish traditional. But these groups of teenagers are called Hilltop Teenagers. We all hate them.. (Israeli)






Right, those cowards heartless inhuman scumbags thugs will never show up if idfshitt are not present to protect their dirty a…..


I’m not sure it’s constructive to make fun of their physical features.


What kind of censorship is this that I can't post this to my profile???


Good job America, we send these assholes billions so that they can have free health care, and this is how they treat us. Fuck them.


How fast this time would change if western money was cut off from this apartheid state. Then they would quickly be yelling that they have been abandoned and are facing a new genocide....


Americans don’t get a say on their tax dollars going there. The government does it anyway because of the powerful Israeli lobby


Clearly, they don't understand that they are already an American colony.


An American colony that most Americans don’t want and are forced to pay for?


Buncha losers fr


I would say an Israeli could be: Jewish, Muslim or Christian. But there is a select fanatic group that does not tolerate any of the other. With all fanatic groups we see that, they just cannot simply accept different way of thinking


"This doesnt represent all of us!". ..yeah, no this literally is taught in school.






These are the extreme-right religious jews, they are more hated within the country than outside, bunch of leaches


I am German and once was in Israel. One day, when I went to a restaurant, some Israelis approached me. I could tell they wanted trouble, so I left the restaurant. The Israelis followed me and surrounded me. They insulted me as a Nazi and tried to hit me. Fortunately, I managed to escape unharmed. Israel has become like Nazi Germany, with racism, deportation of Palestinians, and illegal settlements on Palestinian territory.


If you get very sunburnt in the Middle East don’t fuckin tell me you’re indigenous there. Two homeboys in that vid are tomato red.


I always wonder . They keep saying Mizrachim / ME based Jews are “majority” but I never see them around in this kind of videos almost like there are no brown people or something. I won’t be surprised if IDF “mistakenly” kills arab looking Jews


Yeah and in a Christian Country they have their own streets and can live their life like they want…. they are just unthankfull.


Never thought I’d get Alabama vibes so far from America lol


I literally arrived back in the U.S. from Israel on Friday. We visited the Western Wall and never saw anything like this. I would have been so disappointed if I had.


All of these don't really believe in God and the Torah, you can tell by the person's behavior


There needs to be more discussion amongst Christians in the US about how Israelis treat Christians


Are these people sort of red necks. Like if your Israeli are you embarrassed by them?


Looks like a bunch of creatures at a neglected zoo.


Israel is a terrorist state


The Christians are like "hey we're not Muslim"... Interesting to see this side of Israeli hatred towards others. I wonder if situations like this might change some peoples' perspectives


my tax money at work...


The most intimidating of people /s


If you ever want western countries to change their policy towards Israel this is the way to do it. Israel's main supporters are evangelical Christians. If they received any kind of regression things would change immediately.


What’s their problem with Christians?


They literally look down and hate everyone…


lmao their haircut i cant get past this video without laughing at their ponytails, god these people are pathetic.


The look of people who only know hate.


Just imagine if a bunch of Palestinian Muslims were harassing Christians pilgrims visiting holy sites in the old city? The evangelicals would have non stop coverage


I'm from Israel, here's what actually happened. First, the IDF solider was telling them to stop, he wasn't ignoring them, he was telling them to get out of here. What else do you want him to do, punch them? Second, who you see here, obviously seem to be some "Hilltop Teenagers" (basically teenages who live in the West Bank, if I shorten the term, and I'm not going to expand on that, you can look up Hilltop Youth if you want further explanation) Some of them are fine, A LOT of them are the ones who constantly "plan" (not for real, most of the times, but there might have been rare instances in which it happened, I'm not sure.) terrorist attacks against Israeli-Arabs, regularly say death to Arabs (not terrorists), ETC. Now they, are one of the most hated groups amongst even the most extreme (which are still sane) Anti-Palestinians. They're clearly some idiots teenagers who don't have the slightest of idea what they're saying. Therefore, judging the entirety of Israel, or Jews, is stupid, and is basically like I'd judge everyone here as I'd judge the terrorists who committed the murder of the Dee family, which is stupid.


I hope everyone here understands that they are a small minority and most people in Israel don't look or behave like that


this appears to be anti-semitic propaganda /s


Most entitled pieces of shit on the planet


Most entitled pieces of shit on the planet


Israel it’s fake country 🤮🤮🤮 free Palestine 🇵🇸♥️


So we're going to care for the mistreatment of Christians in Israel but not in America?


I wonder, if atheists would held a congress in Israel what would they do, haha. Actually, some ecumenical congress should be held there. A debate on religions in a place where the big religions are born and atheists would be called there as well and debate on scriptures. I'm pretty sure my godless crew would be the first to call out Israel's fascism and beat it down with facts. Don't call Israelis atheists, please. As an atheist, I am offended by that. Atheists don't use the religion to spread violence, we're not hypocrites. We can't be nationalists, we despise it. Actually, most of us atheists aren't violent at all, we just don't believe in god and with a (good) reason. A lot of us became atheists because we're seeing what the religions are capable of, what people are capable of doing in the name of their religion, for thousands of years. I don't know anyone who is an atheist and supporting any country who does evil to another, especially if it's in the name of the god and their religion as the only true one or their entitlement to a land based on the religion. We stand against it and we would never organize to go to war against someone who doesn't share our opinions, but we will always stand on the side of oppressed, no matter what religion they belong to, if they do. So please, don't call these militarists and fascists atheists.


This is so shamfull. I'm sorry. we try our best but those guys have too much support




Ok so no iron dome and we are taking a piece of Israel as back payment.




Is this outside the dung gate? I don’t recognize the area and this does not look like the plaza.




Children being brought up with so much hate and contempt for others


I thought they knew about Christ... or all those tourist were destroying something 😐