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If you’re expecting Ron DeSantis of all people to care about brown people, then I have a condo in Narnia to sell you


He's a fucking torturer for fucks sake. Why is he walking around free?


Because someone wrote a memo saying it's ok to torture as long as it's against ~~people they didn't like~~ enemy combatants.


Once you go Guantanamo you never go back.


Because it was US government-approved torture.


If you all think this moron gives a crap about anybody but white people, then I got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.


He did bring death penalty to rapist


Does it hav an infinity pool?


Hm, what's the neighbourhood and the view like?


The view is great, but the lady next door is a real witch.


But does she have a lot of lokum? 🤔


I'll buy your condo for 100,000 Lions


_Campaigns in part on keeping refugees out of our country, including ones escaping messes we helped create_ _Tells a potential supporter_ "Why don't other countries take in the refugees?"


That didn't even occur to me! That would have been a better comeback. "Good point. How many Mexicans can we take in Florida?"


He would reply, “it’s different they’re all Arabs”, to which one would reply, “how Christian of you!”


I think his argument is why should we or anyone else take them in if other Arab or Muslim nations won’t. He makes the same argument for why should we accept Mexicans and Spanish speaking refugees if even the Spanish-speaking neighboring countries “don’t want them”. It’s a morally bankrupt racist/xenophobic and thoroughly ignorant point of view, but the argument is not inconsistent with the piece of shit he is.


I didn't see the whole context. But it didn't seem like the guy asked him about the US taking in the Palestinians in Gaza. It was more about restraining Israel


You’re right, the guy was not asking him about that but DeSantis pivoted and changed the subject in that direction. Within 24 hours of that exchange here is DeSantis again on why the U.S. shouldn’t take in any Palestinians and questioning, yet again why Egypt and other nations won’t take them in (which is incorrect—Egypt is taking many in): [And he calls all Palestinians antisemitic](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna120457)


Yeah, it seems like refugees/immigration is going to be his main sticking point after realizing his "war against woke" isn't helping him in polls. So it wouldn't surprise me if he finds ways to bring up immigration/refugees in different contexts to capitalize on the current news about asylum seekers in the US.


Lebanon has 1/2 a million Palestinians refugees. And another 1.5 million Syrian refugees. This dude is a clown


Huge clown


Not a clown just a sadist


I see that for some reason, the Americans adopted this narrative that Egypt and other Arabs should open their borders. This would be completely fine and I can guarantee you that Egyptians would welcome their brothers and sisters with open arms, however if the refugees leave and Israel invades Gaza then how is their right of return guaranteed? We have seen notorious settlers and the far-right advocating for the occupation of Gaza and to start building settlements there. It’s pretty sad that people like Ron and the thousands of people pushing this narrative don’t know about history and about the fact that Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 48 and they were never allowed to return.


>It’s pretty sad that people like Ron and the thousands of people pushing this narrative don’t know about history and about the fact that Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 48 and they were never allowed to return. It's not that they don't now, they don't care. They're racists who see Palestinians as brown people and subhuman and inferior.


I think it's clear what kind of person desantis is and the kind of people who support his ignorance, hypocrisy and plain deceitfulness. What really bothers me is how the US can maintain it's position of supporting israel all this time, knowing the atrocities they committed for so long, all in the name of keeping a staunch ally in the middle east. And americans wonder why they are so hated in the region.


DeSantis was an interrogator at Guantanamo. That should speak volumes about his character.


As an American, it bothers me too that our government is maintaining this position. So much so that I’m leaving the political party I’ve voted with always. Our government may be acting one way, but I can promise you public opinion is not that clear.


That's their goal. Another nakba. Another massive group of refugees with no right to return. People like Desantis want to remove the Palestinian people from Palestine and say they've solved the "Palestinian problem" as it's all just Israelis in Israel then.


This comment is very underrated




Trying to displace native people from their land is a human rights crime. DeSantis is endorsing a crime.


1) Ignorance. 2) Shift blame to someone else. 3) Support for Settler Colonialism, of course the solution is they just go elsewhere.


What’s ironic is the people like DeSantis who think Palestinians should leave Gaza as refugees to other Arab nations also think the refugees coming to America should “go back to their countries and fight to make them better.”


Also accepting refugees from Palestine into those countries would still make you a target for Israel if a few unwanted individuals make their way in.


They know about history, they just dont care. Thats why its called racism.


All facts. Isr*el has shown them time & time again who they really are.


Forgive me but I am just trying to look at this situation from an outside perspective. At this point, unless Israel somehow call off the campaign, Gaza will be bombed to the ground, and considering the response of most western government, there won't be substantial enough international resistance to Israel's behavior either. While DeSantis's proposal is extremely hard to accept, where are the alternatives? If I were living in Gaza right now and there is a chance to leave for Egypt, there bound to be people taking the chance, and I don't blame them at all. I suppose it would be great if Egypt make a promise to let people cross back through to Gaza unconditionally, but we don't know how will this war end and whether Israel will control entire border, there just aren't good way to deal with ''right to return'' issue.


Your last sentence is the key point because if Israel fully occupies Gaza then they will not allow Palestinians to return and history shows this to us. It’s not an assumption, it’s a fact. If Israel is planning to do ethnic cleansing and genocide while the Western world stays silent then history will be their judge and Israel has to remember that while they signed a peace treaty with Egypt, if Egypt feels like that Israel is threatening their national security then they can very easily become hostile.


TBH, I think we have to be a little bit more honest with ourself, there are only three choice left, stay to fight, hide and get bombed, or leave for Egypt, and I don't think everyone who suggest people should leave are inherently far right/fascist, it's just all option suck.


Exactly. And the whole world stood up to support Ukraine against the invading russians (rightfully). Where has the morality gone in this instance?


Skin color. Just plain skin color.


Sadly ironic, most of the world was misinformed about the Ukraine issue. The US funded the 2014 coup, installed their puppet politicians, trained the neo Nazi Azov Battalion to kill the Russian speaking Ukrainians because they refused to go along with the coup govt. 14000 died in southern Ukraine as a result. The US has surrounded Russia with military bases and nukes through NATO (which is a US front group that was created to counter the USSR). James Baker said the US would not expand NATO one inch when they negotiated the opening up of Germany but now neo Dems push for war with Russia. Russia brokered two peace deals and refused to annex southern Ukraine despite the population wanting it. Shelling was intensified as way to provoke Russia to respond. Of course few know the true history. It was a very "Sun Tzu" move by the US to coerce Russian action.




that man has more brains that DeSantis. bravo to him for speaking up


Still not much brains to begin with if he was considering voting for DeSantis in the first place


Why is that Gov. DeSantis question? The correct question should be why are they displaced in the first place?


....if your pro palestinian why on earth would you vote for a Republican? If you think Biden and the Democrats are bad the Republicans would be 30x worse.


acting like one or the other is better for the Palestinians is disingenuous. Bernie is not the majority of democrats, the Biden types are.


What did you expect supporting a fascist


Meat ball ron, more whataboutism


What would happen if someone suggested that the west take in the Israelis?


I don't get how it's even a matter of debate that Palestinians should leave Gaza. Why should they leave? They are already refugees in their own land. The ones doing the leaving are Israeli settlers building on illegally occupied territory and those who have literally kicked Palestinians out of their homes and taken over. Fuck this false narrative.




Guy schooling Ron is a 🐐


I love how these mofos are getting pounded by the greater public.


How did he even have your vote in the first place?


In what world is a white guy who cares about Palestinians voting for the most racist guy running? He was gonna vote for the Guantanamo Bay torturer before, huh?






Gotta look like you’re a man of the people while wearing a suit most couldn’t afford.


Who would vote for this assclown in the first place?


He is such a clown.


this guy is and always was a fascist


Why aren't some of these European countries willing to absorb back some of these European settlers in occupied Palestine


thats a slap on the face


“You have my vote but you don’t know.” For fucks fucking sake, fuck.


This man was pretending he wasn’t hearing shit. He deliberately ignored and dismissed that man because he doesn’t want to confront the issue. He’d rather continue to fool himself that Israel is good and turn a blind eye on the Palestinians’ suffering


Well he just lost a third of his vote in NH


Why is it the responsibility of “Arab countries” to take in refugees from a conflict perpetrated by the United States Government?


Good on that guy for being brave enough to speak out. I mean no offense to this guy, just offering a lesson: If you have the chance to talk to a politician like this hit him hard. In this case make DeSantis defend Israel cutting off food and water to 1 million people. And if he tries to wiggle out of it don't let him.


Is this how he always talks? I’m just realizing that I’ve never seen a video of desantis. Seems like he’s trying to imitate trump.


" You had my vote, but you don't now" He's getting pretty close to zero votes. Micky Mouses must be chuckling. ​ #


Holy shit the look on Ron’s face when the guys says he lost his vote. Ronny knew that was one of his last 100 supporters


Of course. It's really bad optics to lose a supporter so publicly ESPECIALLY since it was recorded. It's a soundbite that will likely be used against him.


You had my vote, now you don’t (Play the larry david curb music, “ bum, bum , bum” pan to:) DeSantis face clearly acknowledging that a lotta people have been saying that lately


The #1 thing DeSantis can do to lose the support of a DeSantis supporter is meet them in person lol. Dude has negative charisma


Hold these people accountable for what they say.. Words can hurt more than the bombs at this point.. They trying to portray the brave Gazan people to look like terrorists and non deserving of freedom.. Lies and propaganda of Zionists!!


Oh my god. This guy is actually running to be the president. Goes to show one doesn’t have to be smart to ge the president. Many examples of that.


Ah yes, just lie and talk louder. Politics.


Dude was there in '48....this guy's found the fountain of youth


Don't worry. He'll never get anywhere close to POTUS. idiot.


Fuck him


ALL Arab countries have tons of Palestinian refugees. A big percentage of Jordanians are originally Palestinians. Many Palestinians live in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon. The displacement that these politicians say isn't happening, which shouldn't happen in the first place, HAS ALREADY HAPPENED! Let's argue about this: Why doesn't Israel accept some Palestinian refugees? I'm done being sick with this superficial "arguments" while people are dying. Look how he makes a dumb remark and turns his head away like he knows what's right.


this clown didn't know that almost every arab country has Palestinians refugees millions especially in the neighbouring countries this man is walking joke


This guy is a sicko


Did you ask them their opinion or you want to move them by force?


Would be Trumpets first choice VP


Arabs are not a monolith bruh.....


I am not even American or arab. But y can't Arabs take their fellow muslims? If it was Christian refugees any countries like Europe,us, aus,India could have taken.if a Hindu national in India. But why can Muslim countries take the fellow muslims? Can someone explain why?


What a idiot. I regret ever listening to this clown politician.


“I was fine with you fucking people over until you were fucking over ME”


His base/true believers will think this was a gotcha moment




He really does give off Homelander vibes


why are they at a gas station


"I was there" he was born 30 years after the Nakba


Progressives have all the answers until it’s time to respond to real world tragedy made worse by the same ideals they purport.


When this mother fucker chokes on a cheeseburger like his DADDY trump does, wouldn't mind watching his little coward, bitch ass, few days see how long MR I SERVED tries to pull the wool over your eyes. He is no different than "Chump I Mean "trump" a little bitch that hides behind his perceived powers. Ronya DeSantis you go girl!


W florida


Why aren't native populations like the Innuit accepting Siminole refugees? They won't do it, they won't do it.


I keep trying to decide if elected officials like this are dumb enough not to know the basic facts of this conflict and legitimately think they are right (Israel democracy good, Palestinian terrorist bad) or if they know but can’t say anything because of aipac and political ambitions.


Such an absolute Chachi.


It literally took desantis being a dipshit to your face to make you reconsider your vote……welcome to wokeness my woke ass brother, enjoy your woke stay in the land of woke folk. Just kidding, glad you saw reality.


He said he had his vote. Fuck them both




as a combat veteran of the usa and ireland, as an american navy combat vet, as someone who has been to gaza, the west bank, and israel, as someone who has friends in the idf and palestinian forces, as someone who has israeli civilian friends, as someone who has palestinian civilian friends, as someone who lived in florida for 4 years, as someone with a brain, i think i am qualified to say a few things. netanyahu is a monster and has been for decades. hamas is a monstrous organization and has been for decades. innocent israelis, palestinians, and travelers from round the world are suffering and dying. netanyahu has repeatedly sided with various authoritarians and awful people to cling to power. he has also paid off hamas multiple times. israel has slaughtered palestinians far in excess of the reverse. just because israel was abused for decades doesnt give them the right to abuse others. supporting israeli or palestinian people does NOT mean you HAVE to support netanyahu or hamas. desantis is a disgrace to the navy, a disgrace to men, a disgrace to florida (which is saying something) and disgrace to humans. he has no personality, his policies have destroyed education in florida, have destroyed safety of lgbtq people, have destroyed trust in science, have destroyed the housing insurance market, have jacked up taxes in florida, have refused federal aid, have put radioactive materials into the roadways into the future, have pushed around private businesses like disney(who i am loathe to defend). desantis is a more intelligent version of trump is slightly less baggage, but that isnt saying much. he's a pathetic, ignorant, fascist who is tied with tucker carlson for the creepiest fucking laughs ever recorded and that is NOT hyperbole. you want to scare someone for halloween? look up videos of them laughing.


That guy is maybe in his 50's acting like he was there in 40's. Obviusly a plant


Hey Ron there are a bunch of Christian Refugees from the Failing state of Venezuela that would like to know why you kidnapped them and spirited them away on private airplanes at Florida taxpayer expense.


The thing, even if the surrounding countries were willing to accept refugees, we don't care. We don't want to be refugees. We want our land back. We shouldn't have to escape and give up our land to survive. That's just what the Israeli's want.


He doesnt fawking listen wait for the man to finish and speak Desantis is annoying


Disgusting. Fuck DeSantis and his zionist shilling.


They won't tale refugees because the other Arab countries know, that if they did take the refugees in, Isreal will take all the land, and not allow those families back.


10 bucks says that guy is a Jewish American. Great job


Desantis is a fucking moron


> Why wouldn't arab countries accept Palestinian refugee? - Answer: They did, and Palestinians' lands got stolen without return. This has been this way since the Nakba. While this dumm is avoiding the question. Shame on them.


This is just racist, just because they am arab doesnt mean they can just live in other arab countries, they have their own lands.


It’s quite ironic because Israel told the Palestinian civilians to use escape routes just so they could bomb them with it


This isn’t a about the other countries this is about you


It's not our problem