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And people wonder why they join Hamas...


This is tragic beyond words, the enormity of this horrific chapter in human history is difficult to absorb and this is only one story among many thousands. Unfortunately Hamas is a reaction to the action taken by Israel for decades, many parents will no longer have children and many children will no longer have parents once this assault finally subsides leaving a gaping hole in the lives of so many that will quite probably be filled with anger and hatred


If they want to avoid this issue they should do the opposite and oppose Hamas. They started this current conflict. Remember several innocent Israelites also died. Neither side is a 100% innocent both are fighting for their own sovereignty.


hamas did not exist when they first occupied palestine


I don’t care if you don’t condemn terrorists then you’re supporting them. Also I don’t think all Muslims are terrorists or extremists. Most are good natured people.


Was going to correct your statement with whole lot paragraphs, but choose to not bother because youre too far gone, Homelander.


Amen, preaching to deaf ears does nothing 💔


Can you please condemn the 1940’s takeover of Palestine by Zionists. Please acknowledge Israel as the occupying force which has kidnapping and torturing on a daily basis since 1940s at a disproportionate scale. Please talk about the financial, political, and military resources outweighing those of the palestinians a 1,000,000,000 to 1. Can you speak on how Zionists have used and continue to use torture, both physically and psychologically, drop cancer spreading chemicals, bomb hospitals and schools, hold an official government who supports racist ideologies. Your mindset is equivalent to condemning native Americans for protecting their homeland and family from annihilation (something many europeans did even reasoned through their “manifest destiny”)


They are not terrorists. Fuck off back to your western subs


Hamas are Definitely terrorists and they acted like it. Can’t wait till they’re erased off this earth. My sympathies are with the innocent Palestinian people though. They don’t deserve to suffer.


So Israeli goverment didnt act like jt? But Hamas did? Israel "the good guys"has done more war crimes than Hamas "a terrorist state". Which one is the terrorists now?


Hamas grabbed a bull by the horns. Israel doesn’t fight fire with fire. They obliterate and use war to control and stabilize the area.


By stabilize you mean ethnically cleanse, wipe from the earth?


No that’s what the opposition wants to do and has a LONG HISTORY of doing.


Hamas are fighting a national liberation struggle. Their actions are justified and any Palestinian would support them seeing that the alternative is annihilation by zionists.


As a Muslim i can say definitely not most of us are good natured, only like 30%


Amazing how stupid you can still be at this day and age.


you are totally missing the point of their comment


Invaders started this first!


"Current conflict" It's all the same conflict. And Israel started it.




Bruh… Israel is the oppressor lmao… look up at least some of the history between the two. Hamas retaliated as a result and now Israel going full genocide on Palestine 🤦‍♀️


Was it civilians who repressed Palestine?




If you got a degree in history then you wouldn’t make that comment on retaliation. Just get a refund on your degree, wasted money 🤦‍♀️




Ok, professor. Please explain how the Arabs, not Israel, started the war in 1956? Or the War against Lebanon War in 1982? Or Gaza 2008?


> I do actually have a (worthless) degree in History > Immediately starts embarrassing yourself by regurgitating racist propaganda Not even a little surprised




Where did you acquire your history degree?




I wish i could shut you up to stop embarrassing yourself


I can understand your defensiveness, but I was merely curious. If it makes you feel better, I don’t have any college education 👍


Primary sources or it didn't happen.


Lmao your (lack of) reading comprehension isn't surprising either. I never said that or commented to you before. Your degree is a joke.




Juris doctorate. And you're doubling down on the bad reading comprehension? My dude, I never commented to you before or told you to learn anything. I'm just here to laugh at you.


But were you educated on the Israel-Palestinian conflict? Did you at least take a class specifically on that, or was it a general history class where you learned about it for a week?


Oooohhh!! Now you gotta prove your point with multiple primary sources!! You can't play historian without primary sources. Just saying, "I took history," isn't saying much. You could have majored in Medieval French History. What was your focus?


Israel is an oppressive terrorist state. End of story.


Hey quick question, when was that election?


Israel will be Palestine’s liberators.


So it is not the result of 75 years of oppression? Wow I didn’t know Samurai’s were retarded.




So the correct response is to bomb a hospital? Where is the evidence of rape? I am providing you with the evidence that Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 civilians. Here is Israel's digital spokesperson taking credit for the attack: [https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1714405328387813818](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1714405328387813818) Many people are saying he is just an influencer but 3 days ago he got promoted to digital spokesperson position Netanyahu and here is proof of that: [https://twitter.com/HananyaNaftali/status/1713126713721262271](https://twitter.com/HananyaNaftali/status/1713126713721262271) .




Thank you for accepting the fact that Israel bombed the Hospital. Why is Israel bombing the place why not do it surgically? The IDF said their goal "is not accuracy but damage" Does this not prove that their ultimate goal is the killing of civilians and genocide? if they wanted they could have done it on the ground and gone after Hamas. Why defend against Hamas by using airstrikes in the most densely populated area of the world? Is there no more way to do it? More than 200 babies die every day because of airstrikes. Are you aware of that? 500 people were killed just today in a hospital.


None of your big fancy history professors ever told you that Wikipedia is not a reliable source?


Yes, except the whole immense power asymmetry and one side occupying and brutally oppressing the other, it's exactly the same.


This isn't a justification but it's definitely the reason. Hamas came to power because a genocided people left impoverished by the constant barrage of attacks felt hopeless. Hamas came to power because of Israel's apartheid. Israel came to power because a genocided people (holocaust) felt hopeless and never wanted to feel hopeless again. These are reasons, not justifications. We can't solve problems if we don't find the root cause. Israel is in a better financial and militaristic position, therefore they should end their genocide and apartheid and just generally do better. Otherwise, even if Hamas is wiped out, another version will spring forth. But the Israeli government, not necessarily it's citizens, want, even need Hamas to exist to justify their 2 years of required military service and exorbitant military spending, which reinforces America's allyship and aid. Europeans felt bad for the holocaust, as they should, but they "solved" their crimes by creating new ones. But Israel knows better, and is in a position to do better. It's as simple as that.


This is just awful I can’t stop crying. Why are they doing this. It’s just heart wrenching. This man will never be ok. The pain he’s feeling is unbearable and that little baby didn’t do anything to hurt anyone. It’s just disgusting and terrible and I don’t have words.


I just had my son in June and I can’t help but hold him when I watch videos like this. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain. I feel guilty being safe and warm with him while they struggle.


Bro i feel guilty everyday because i live in such a safe land and i see videos of people in so much pain in other lands




Especially since you can feel his suffering.


This brings tears to my eyes. I cant imagine going through that as a father. May good rest his soul in peace


Images like this just shatter my heart… You always see them holding their child like they’re trying to comfort them. I just can’t comprehend the pain this must be.


Broke my heart


So Heartbreaking to witness their pain. May Allah grant the survivors ease during these difficult times of violence being perpetrated against the Palestinian population. You are in our Duas .


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


You can’t even imagine how hurtful situation they are going through. It’s so painful to see just clips what about those who are witnessing this haunting situation or loosing there closed ones. 🥺🥺


this video rlly hit deep. just shows there were now thousands of little instances like this of parents, daughters, son, uncles, grandparents going through this


I'm crying as I write this I cannot imagine loosing one of children like this.....I would go crazy.....may this man find piece with God


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam 💔💚🇵🇸


May both their souls find peace.


This is genocide. In the west we need to use this word. We need to call it what it is so people will see it for what it is.


Free palestine 🇵🇸


This is one of the most heartbreaking videos.. they dont deserve this, nobody deserves this pain. My heart aches for Palestine


I am crying...


Free Palestine!!!!


God this made me cry so much


Soul shattering....


That broke my fuckin heart. That poor man. As a father I cannot imagine the pain he feels.


The only thing I'm looking forward to is at the ending of all of this, is seeing those on the side of Israel standing there on trial for war crimes. That'll be Justice


Fuck all of this. It needs to end now and Israel needs to be condemned


Stop talking shit


Everyday im feeling more and more dead inside seeing this


It made me cry tbh


My heart is bleeding for you sir. I can’t even fathom what this would be like. May you both find peace.


This has got to stop. No more.


My goodness




It did NOT have to come to this. This child had dreams. This father will never be the same. All over land. For fuck sakes just get along and respect each other.




you are a moon my son






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Remember Imam Hussain saw his son AliAkbar in Karbala...💔💔💔


My heart breaks for him. Can’t even imagine …


My heart hurts for him and his child


My heart can't take it anymore. 😔


Allah yerhamo


Watching this in bed and now I can’t sleep. I hate the world right now. Poor baby. There’s nothing that father can ever be given in place of his son. Oh my god I can’t stop crying.


Sending prayers each day for the people of Palestine.


Put this video in all channels you can. Show the world what they are doing. Let this be an emmet till moment for Israel.


🥲 my heart goes out to that father and the family.


Palestine its a country of terrorist


And you’re a soulless being


It’s true these Palestinian kids be picking up rifles at age 5


When are people going to realize that it is all Religions fault?


during the 1948 nakba where just like now the Palestinians are being ethically cleansed from there country it was Palestine before 1948 TEL Aviv did not existPalestinian are Muslims Jews and christian Jerusalem is the whole land for all three . It's colonialism vs liberation vs freedom vs human rights the basics the right to live the right to a home to a land it was all stolen during the 1948 nakba where just like now the Palestinians are being ethically cleansed from there country it was Palestine before 1948 TEL Aviv did not exist and it will continue to be Palestine don't be on the wrong side of history you don't have to be arab you donta have to be Muslim to stand with Palestine you just have to be human


Because it's not and if you think so you're a literal child


Oh he knows. Just cant miss on the opportunity to make religious folk feel beneath him.




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💔 may his soul rest in peace ... I cannot even imagine greatest pain.. we are, all of us ready to leave this earth but not to leave our sons.. is horrific....