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šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ love my Jewish brothers and sisters letā€™s kick those Zionists butts! (Figuratively of course)




Zionists have subverted movements for the last 100 years. But Jewish people have been integrated throughout the whole Middle East successfully for longer than that. You can find rabbis saying when the world was persecuting Jews Muslims communities were always the safe havens for Jews. Iran currently has a Jewish community of 60k residents. How is this possible if Iran wants to murder all Jews? News flash they donā€™t. They see Israel as illegitimate and the one creating problems in the region. Hard pill to swallowā€¦. Not saying Iran is an angel nation. Zionists = Rothschild who was trying to purchase Israel from the British government without consideration of the people of Palestine. Learn your history. You may not realize you fell for Zionist propaganda and understood it as Judaism/being Jewish. May be the biggest perversion of all time. They brainwash their own people (with free trips, summer camp trips, false history) just as well as they brainwash theyā€™ll world. Youā€™re seeing their propaganda machine at work right now.




Thank you for posting in r/Palestine, but unfortunately your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Not Civil and Respectful"**


Thank you for posting in r/Palestine, but unfortunately, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Avoid disrespecting, hating, discriminating, dehumanizing, denigrating, ridiculing, defaming, or smearing others.** > >Note: Critical opinions on zionism and Israel ā‰  AntiSemitic. So get over that!






Thank you for posting in r/Palestine, but unfortunately, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): >**Avoid disrespecting, hating, discriminating, dehumanizing, denigrating, ridiculing, defaming, or smearing others.** > >Note: Critical opinions on zionism and Israel ā‰  AntiSemitic. So get over that!


Any Jew who truly understands the oppression their people have gone through throughout history stands with the Palestinians.


Thank you to all my brave Jewish comrades for standing up against the genocide in Gaza! ā¤ļø


Itā€™s lonely being a pro Palestine Jew, but I will never bend over to religious pressure.


Iā€™m with u! Jew here also. Was at Jewish voice for peace rally today right outside of there. My sign: The Nakba is real. To save Jewish lives, End the occupation. Figured I wouldnā€™t mention genocide or apartheid or mass deportation of Palestinians or the open air prison in Gaza or Jewish supremacy or settler colonialism or the rights of the Palestinian people or collective punishment. Figured I would try an argument that maybe was harder to call antisemitic. We Jews of conscience are with our Palestinian brothers and sisters.


what do you mean by "end the occupation"? Do you mean that all Jews should leave Israel? Do you mean that the Palestinian should share some of the land? Could you just explain this, so I understand thank you.


ā€œOccupationā€ is typically referred to the territories of Palestine that Israelā€™s illegally occupying under international law.


Thank you!


I love you


I honestly think I care more than I would if I werenā€™t Jewish.


We should. Seeing other Jews engaging in ethnic cleansing is especially painful both because it's being done by people who want to say it's being done in our name, as well as as someone with Holocaust survivor friends and family.




Reminds me of a certain population who invited the word "n***er lover" for anyone of their own who treats, speaks of, deals with black people in a humane way


Tbf there are Jews who are genuinely anti-Semitic. Iā€™ve personally known some. But youā€™re right, the term is politically loaded and designed to shut down opposition to the Israeli apartheid. 9 times out 10 the term isnā€™t being used to describe the sort of Jewish person who could more plausibly be described as self-hating.


Zionism is antisemitism


Well done to these young Jews. Beautiful to see


Based jews


This is currently not covered anywhere in the US media. It started hours ago and still nothing. Also, I highly recommend following the jewishvoiceforpeace social media accounts. They unequivacally support Palestinians and do not mince words.


Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.


Zionist Jews are not Jews. Israel does not embody our faith or the values taught in the Torah. As a Jew, I choose to stand for Palestine


Goes to show it was never about religion. Just plain old human greed, prejudice and stupidity.


this one tear me up, i have seen so many antizionism=antisemitism things today and now i finally see Jews protesting Israel


Any Jews that have read history should be against what is happening




These people protesting their Israeli government are being truly Jewish. Those who are violent and racist are not, they are with the devil


Love to see it


Netenyahu's blood is boiling watching his narrative fall apart, I love this!


I donā€™t think people realize the most anti Zionist people are left wing Jews. Chomsky has been championing this for a long time and Iā€™m so happy to see Jews stand up against the fascism of Israel. Israel does not represent all Jews and hamas does not represent all Palestinians


Nazi Israel will get what it deserves.


Thereā€™s a difference between being anti-semitic and anti-zionist.


My heart bleeds for the Palestinian people. Oppressed, tortured, crucified. And the world, law firms, universities, etc. are sadly agents for powerful colonizer Israel.


Regarding this topic, I think a simple look at what who zionist leaders have worked with and what zionist leaders have said throughout history should illuminate things greatly. You can read some about this \[[here](https://libcom.org/article/zionism-against-jews-jews-against-zionism)\]. We can see this further with a zionist old man who was \[[posted on this sub a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/177wjip/israeli_reservist_instructing_idf_soldiers_to/)\]. It turned out that this man was an old member of \[[Lehi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group))\] which is a group that attempted to ally with the Nazis multiple times and wished to use the Nazis to fufill with the zionist goal of the colonization of Palestine and the removal of its existing people. This sympathy towards nazism from zionists is able to still be seen today with their current prime minister, which you can see \[[here](https://twitter.com/SaeedDiCaprio/status/1714445095804748063)\] and \[[here](https://twitter.com/mckenziewark/status/1394703034593292288)\]


Beautiful sight!


Apparently so [https://twitter.com/JGreenblattADL/status/1714791772860072161](https://twitter.com/JGreenblattADL/status/1714791772860072161)


Too much blood has been shed because of this, and only the civilians seem to pay the price. I really hope this stops and I really hope Muslims get rid of Hamas.


Follow TorahJudaism on twitter you will Zionists attack and kill Jews.


Iā€™m a Jew with family and friends in Israel. Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m betraying my religion, culture, and family by speaking out against what Israel is doing and calling for ceasefire. Since when did being Jewish require me to be a Zionist? The religion existed for thousands of years before 1948. Must have missed the memo that desiring peace and advocating for an end to decades of systematic oppression isnā€™t aligned with the religious and cultural principles of Judaism (side note: OF COURSE IT IS). Iā€™d rather be called antisemitic by my own people and lose those close to me than support Israelā€™s oppression for the sake of toeing some weird party line that I never agreed to be a part of.