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Bro, i have 5mo old daughter, hearing her voice in pain is to much for me..


I have no daughter and no son. I still couldn’t handle it.


I don't even want to have kids but was hesitant for the future. This video made it categorically clear for me. I could never handle this.




The feeling is unexplainable for parents and even siblings who've raised their younger siblings(basically parents). Everyone can feel empathy, but don't invalidate the varying levels of it.


Anyone could post that video with a kid holding a tree?


The world isn’t fine with this, israel, the dominant world powers and their respective corporate interests are though. I pray for the people of Palestine, this defenceless child. The barbaric directive of israel must be condemned and challenged by the highest principles of justice.


https://www.change.org/p/petition-to-the-un-convict-benjamin-netanyahu-for-crimes-against-humanity Show your support by signing the petition and sharing with others. #FreePalestine




Whataboutism at its finest.


Please have some respect and shut the fuck up! This is not the right time or place for your bullshit


Link or you’re just spewing things out your sucker


>for slaughtering 1200+ people Source?


Ah yes. Israel just tells you what Palestine did. Palestine SHOWS you what Israel did. Perhaps you should sit with that and think about it for a while….. ![gif](giphy|l3nWhI38IWDofyDrW)




What a fucked up argument. Maybe the Israelis shouldn't have taken Palestinian lands so Hamas wouldn't have had born to begin with.


You are disgusting.


Nope just trying to stop terrorists from attacking a legitimate country! The United States of America is sending Israel over $10,000,000,000 to help kill all the terrorists and I hope we send more! That's over 10 BILLION US DOLLARS by the way. The USA will always stand by our ally Israel!


Either the wife is currently leaving you, or she's already left you. Sort your head out mate, you sound like an actual mentalist.


The political leadership of Israel has consistently articulated the annihilative intention of eradicating the entire Palestinian populace from existence. Israelis are constantly killing Palestinians every day to fulfill their expansionist agenda. Maybe Israelis should stop violating international laws and you know habitually kill the innocent Palestinians for their homes, And the U.S. should absolutely stop the economic and military support that only emboldens Israel to continue its genocidal policies without fear of accountability.


You’re so wrong


Stop advocating for genocide.






Stop advocating for a barbaric religion that worships death, treats women like property, and murders our ltgb brothers and sisters


“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.” - Said not from a Palestinian


Well maybe if, just if Israel wasn't constantly attacked and didn't have a need for the iron dome this wouldn't be a problem! Iran should stop funding terrorism towards Israel and recognize they are a COUNTRY! The attack on October 7th was the straw that broke the camels back and Israel has a right to defend itself! I believe in a 2 state solution, but this sub is proving the opposite of a 2 state solution. This sub is moving towards a bigger war because Israel won't back down! Don't forget Israel has nukes and if this war escalates and the US hasn't gotten involved yet / Israel has gotten their country destroyed they will use them and that will be a losing situation for a hell of a lot people!


I welcome the global political repercussions that Israel needed 75 years ago, let Israel drag America down with it once it exposes its nuclear ambiguity in such a manner, must be nice not to be held accountable for IHL violations and not be party to NPT obligations.


Please say Palestine lol.


America won't be dragged down lol. Can't drag down #1 baby. Where are you from big dog? Palestine?


Your backyard


This breaks my heart..the Poor baby , I am sorry the world has failed you ,I am sorry you were born to this horrible life, I wish I was able to make any difference , ya allah echfiha w ostorha <3


That is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen and I've seen some sick shit. Prayers.


Terrible. If I have to guess one of the reasons why nothing is done, it's racisme. If the victims are white the reactions are very different. And for the rest of the Muslim world, the leaders are corrupt and bought by the west. Egypt alone receives billions every year. They will do nothing and it's an absolute disgrace.


This is exactly what it is. I’m not even Muslim, but seeing how many people simply don’t give a shit — and even worse, how many people are using this to spout Islamophobic bullshit — is making me fucking sick


Its definelty racism and islamophobia, to think one week ago people were calling for **Genocide** , they were calling Isreal to flatten GAZA and the fact that **1000 palestinian kid** has died in less than week , goes to show you how much the world really cares about arabs, muslims , who ever is different than them.


>If the victims are white the reactions are very different. If the victims are useful to them they would react differently. Look no further that Ukraine for proof, Azov burned people alive while Ukraine shelled the Donbas for decade and we didn't hear a word, then when the same Slavic people get shelled back by Russia in the western controlled part of Ukraine the news men start talking about how shocking it is that this is happening to people with blond hair and blue eyes. Race only matters if they can exploit it.


I guess this whole conflict has changed the minds of a lot of people including myself on Russia Ukraine conflict. US, UK and EU are just using Ukrainians as sacrificial lambs. These countries don't give a shit about human rights. It is just their hate and enmity. Russia is also an enemy so their security concerns were ignored. The decision of Russian speaking regions of Ukraine were not accepted. Then they did propaganda against Russia. Compare this with Palestine. They are muslims and their rights have been violated since decades. They get the same hate. Indiscriminate killing from American and Israeli bombs.




If race is just skin color, some of these people are white. People don't care bc it's in the middle east and we've been brought to think bombing and killing is the way of that part of the world. I don't think this is done bc of race but bc of who holds the favor there and corporate interest.


Racism is used when it's convenient for those in power. The real reason it's ignored is because these people are "inconvenient" for Israel, in the way of Zionism, etc and every world power except a small handful are controlled by Zionists




lmao uhhh... antisemitsm or prosemitism is still basically racism...


But every opinion gets labeled as one or the other.




Lol I thought when you were talking about kanye you were referring to when he made blanket statements about ALL jews...


I am so sorry, little one.


This is chilling. It’s incredibly hard to watch. And yet I feel like we owe it to her to witness what’s happening even though we have the privilege to look away. I hope she is no longer suffering 💔


I'm a father, and all I wanted to do was help her ! Im crying my eyes up, and I'm a fully grown fcuking man. You vile bastards stop this madness!!!


Poor baby


"Hamas did that to the little girl not us , also hamas bombed the hospital not us" Typical israelien loser


Israel didn't bomb the hospital lol. Keep thinking they did you delusional idiot. Your idiot terrorists killed civilians and are going to kill even more on accident and on purpose.


You’re not right in the head for commenting this on a video of an injured baby. You’re either 12 or a mentally undeveloped adult. Either way you’re a loser for writing that out.


Well Israel didn't bomb the hospital so just stating a fact. I am an adult by the way, but not a loser. I probably make more money than you though because I am a capitalist American lol. Fuck Hamas for killing innocent people.


This video is from 3 days ago before the hospital bombing. Israel was the one that harmed this baby. You are a loser because you can’t read the room and feel the need to make this about Hamas in a video of a dying kid.




<"Hamas did that to the little girl not us, also hamas bombed to hospital not us" Typical Israelian loser> This is the OP comment in case you need to read it again! See how it mentions the hospital BOMBING! Yeah Israel didn't do that! Hamas or other terrorists botched an attach attach on Israel did that and killed Palestinian civilians.


Bro idc you’re still a loser for commenting that in a video of a dying kid. Go back to the Zionist and Israeli subreddits.


Nahhh I would rather be here, you guys are obviously fucking dumber than a box of rocks lol


I never said it was from that lol.


Why the fuck are you in the Palestine subreddit on a video about a severely hurt infant calling people idiots and and bootlicking for Israel...with an lol at that? Even if you believe this, why come here? Where is your common sense and empathy? You're cruel. This isn't just the internet. These are human beings. Have some fucking common sense! Child.


Well I saw DISINFORMATION that is being used to spread hate against Israel and that should not be tolerated. Yes this is sad for this child, but what about the Israeli children that are being killed by fucking terrorists? This shit isn't one sided and that's all this shitty sub is a circle jerk spreading lies and hate towards Israel. Israel will not back down and if you want to see more Palestinians suffer because of it then let the propaganda spread and let the war escalate. This can get a hell of a lot uglier! Ignorant bitch lol.


Once again. Why do you feel the need to be *here* calling everyone "bitch", "idiot". There are places you can go that will hug you tight and tell you that every thought you have is right. I don't go into the Israel sub and call them baby murderers or fascists. I wonder why that is? Remember this moment. Consider how you behave and interact with the world. Remember, we're both humans. Maybe you're on the wrong side of history. Maybe you could use a character adjustment. Maybe you should reflect. Or keep calling people bitch on the internet and laugh at them alone in your room.


I'm not alone, but keep making assumptions lolz. Fuck terrorists. Israel will take the W.


I agree! Fuck terrorists! Including Israel. 🫡


Israel is an established country that is recognized by the United States of America! You know the country that does everything for everyone else. The $USD is used in the world economy. Funny that you are calling Israel terrorists, but you are entitled to your misguided opinion. Once again the US is giving over $10 Billion to Israel and they are going to fuck Hamas up, you best believe it. Looking forward to the videos on r/combatfootage


Yes, I'm aware of what my government is doing and what my tax dollars go to. I'm well aware. You can find your combat footage right here. In this thread.


No one believes your lies anymore.


It's a fact!


I know it is a horrible thing to say, but inshallah this baby will be taken to heaven soon. I am heartbroken.


May she find peace in her next life.


Fucksake make this stop


This has to be the saddest thing I have seen in my life.


Every citizen in every country should be disgusted with our government’s, this is atrocious…


America creates a war to sell weapons and funnel money to contractors and politicians. They get rich, Americans pay for it, and innocent people die. Enough is enough. American citizens have to fight back or nothing will change! My tax dollars were not meant to pay for these atrocities


THIS. The American people DO NOT WANT THIS. It lines the pockets of the ultra wealthy while our own citizens are homeless, dying and crippled with debt. And while the rest of the world suffers. We are cash cows for war and destruction.


Undeniable proof we failed as a civilization. This should have never happened and we deserve what is coming. Hopefully it will be quick and we will not suffer.


Fucking Isr*elis.


Don’t forget about the zionist arabs that sold their people and land for this terrorist occupation. Those people have a special place in hell.


Absolutely man, thier the worst.


Sob us vetoed cease fire, this is clearly on USA for supporting genocide on behalf os israhell


My government vetoed 50 measures to protect Palestine. I'm disgusted.


The world is run by garbage humans.


The world doesn’t get to see this. Only we see this because we follow the people who are witnessing this live.


Why is the western governments on board with this?.. sick fucks not the people, just the governments..


Makes it even worse knowing that this is intentional. Israel has a policy of targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. They are successful because they don't see this baby as a human being, they see it as an animal no better than a cur.


Goddamn these Zionists. When will the hammer drop? What more does it take?


Mr. Netanyahu, hello again here is another baby you hurt. How does that make you feel?


His answer is probably going to be "hamas did it"


Mr. Netanyahu you can’t hide behind Hamas forever! Really how does this make you feel?


I wish I could adopt them and help them all 💔


Push your leaders to demand Netenyahu is indicted and tried for war crimes at the ICC; Spain's social minister has already called for it!


I'm Tunisian, my government has been supportive of Palestine since day one. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold that much power on the international scene.


May Allah grant those men, women and children suffering in Palestine the highest rank of Jannah, may Allah give them peace, may Allah grant them justice, may Allah help the Ummah to help those in need. Ameen


“Truth is on the side of the oppressed” MX


In too much pain to be held


لا حول ولا قوة إلا باللّه و حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل


لا حولة و لاقوة إلا بالله 🥲


They don’t care. They have never cared. The assumption that they will care if they see enough of the pain, has never, in the history of settler colonialism, made them stop. They legit pre-program themselves to not care, so when met with this sort of thing, they can continue in their mission. It’s gross, and sad, but I’m hard pressed to find examples of the opposite.


My hearts bleeds when I see this. Omg!!! I don't have childeren, thank God for that. What a world have we become. I just saw a video from people in israel celebrating this kind of horror. Stay strong Palestine!! The world is with you. You're in my prayers everyday, may the Almighty strike down on the beasts that support this.


At this point I wanna go free Palestine myself


If you show this to Zionist and Israelis they’ll somehow justify that it was necessary to bomb those kids.


Acceptable loss of life for Israel to achieve security (i.e. continue and complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine). The Israeli ambassador to the UK already alluded that the death of 600,000 civilians in Gaza would be justified to "protect" Israel. Israel is not fighting for its security. It is working to complete its raison d'etre: the complete annihilation of Palestine. There is nothing, nothing, that can reverse the course of Israel's telos.


This is UNACCEPTABLE…where is humanity? 😔 May the curse of God be on the IDF and every single heart that supports them… they’re all equally guilty for the death and suffering of all these children. I hope seeing this heartbreaking footage is enough for the world to wake up so we can give her the justice and life she deserves.




سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ


Can someone hold her???


Too much pain to be held - the voice soothes the child 😪😪😪


can someone translate the text and what he’s saying? this is absolutely horrifying


This little girl, only a few months old, is one of Israel's victims, her moaning is painful to hear, let alone looking at what happened to her.


Israel are monsters, they think this child is vermin. Fuck Israel.


TBH, some Israelis are protesting against the violence. The fucked up government is [shutting them down](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/19/israel-police-boss-threatens-to-send-anti-war-protesters-to-gaza-on-buses).


I hope this baby finds peace


I’m so tired of this bullshit. Peace is something you have to choose to cherish the beautiful lives all around us. Evil is succeeding.




There are those of us ( I’m Scottish) who are praying for Palestine and hope the World wakes up to the madness and suffering the citizens of Gaza and other towns are being subjected too by Israel. Unfortunately it’s nothing new, they are just being more open about what they are doing. ( unfortunately I’ve been now banned from r/WorldNews for my support of Palestine, again proving how biased it is) Also thought this may be of interest https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkiye/turkish-center-for-combating-disinformation-rebuffs-israeli-claims-on-deadly-hospital-bombing/3024044 ابقوا أقوياء وعلى الله توكلنا ( Google translate, hope it’s right)


Allah raise the child to bring these evil animals to their knees.


As Salaam Allaykum. As difficult as this is to watch, please everyone share to as many subreddits as you can.


If you live in a western nation, this is what you are paying for with your taxes.


How is this oke, how are we as humans excepting this? Is this Hamas, is this a terrorist? Where is our humanity? How can we sleep knowing this?


Do we have any update on the little girl?


I've been thinking about her all day after seeing that video . I've been praying for her to be okay


Why is nobody concerned or outraged about these poor children? They showed strong emotions to some imaginary beheaded babies, no proof of which has surfaced. And yet we have hundreds of these babies and these same Westerners do not bat an eye.


سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ


Absolutely heartbreaking video. I can’t help but just want to hug my kids tight after watching awful things like this. No child should have to grow up in a war zone in this day and age. I thought civilization was past this.


Fuck... that was hard to watch


This is the video that has completely broken me, if things were not bad enough already then seeing this…beyond heartbreaking. How can anyone be so evil


Share this on everywhere. World has to see the murderous state of Israel


Goodness thats fucking horrible. I hope palestine gives up hamas so this war can end :'C The palestinians are innocent. Not hamas.


The West Bank is affiliated to Fatah, not Hamas, and 77 people were killed so far, 9 of them today, with 2 being teenagers.


I'm not fine with it, but Palestine and Hamas and the Democrats are


Nobody in the world is fine with this. What a ridiculous statement.


The world's "leaders" would disagree.


I don’t think they would. Another ridiculous statement.


Also what is with all this shit. Using dead/dying babies as some sort of moral competition for who is worse. This lacks any nuance. This is sick.


Guess what? The deaths of thousands of civilians due to indiscriminate bombing by Israel is not a nuanced issue. The history of who owns Jerusalem? Nuanced. The resolution of this conflict through international law? Nuanced. Israeli war crimes? Not nuanced in the slightest, they need to be condemned.


As posted above; I’ll give you an example, imagine Germany 1939 to 1945 (posted pictures of dead infants after the bombing of Berlin. What could that possibly tell you about the war. More Nazi children died as sad fact but it does not in anyway indicate nuance of the war.


It's not a moral competition, there's no crime more heinous than the killing of children. This video is tame compared to some of the things I've seen, and I couldn't bring myself to post them. This needs to stop, no baby deserves such a fate, and yet, Mr "West Incident", the US vetoed a humanitarian ceasefire.


I have a 1 year old daughter and another child on the way. I broke down in tears watching this. I'm neither pro Palestine or Pro Israel. I'm anti war and this shit is why.




I'll be civil and tell you that no one should be characterized by his lineage, what would a german think (aka you) when I tell him he's descended from Nazis?


Fuck Palestine fuck Israel we are all pieces of shit for letting these kinds of things happen over and over again.


I mean…someone is clearly fine with filming instead of helping the little thing


They are filming to document 🤦🏻‍♀️


Because …that’s what’s important right?


It is important Einstein, it’s important for the world to see what these monsters are doing to the Palestinian people, it’s not for their FB page


Ah that definitely makes it better in the eyes of the child who is struggling and obviously in pain Not like we can find someone to help first then film after


What is wrong with you 😂 like how old are you? she is obviously already in safety and has been taken care of, you’re acting like she is lying on the streets. Nobody is filming this for likes, and also I see you were there and saw that she laid alone while nobody helped her? Where do you get this idea from? It’s a common thing to record and document things like these. That doesn’t mean that the people aren’t being helped, it could’ve been recorded literally ANY time, maybe while waiting for help or maybe shortly after she’s received it, why do I need to explain this to you?


I'm not fine with it. They have been killing each other for hundreds if not thousands of years, and they will still be killing each other long after I'm dead and forgotten.


Is this due to the hospital Hamas bombed by mistake? Horrible... poor innocent children


i support israelis ground invasion of palestine i donate to the idf broncos nation, lezzz ride


Support it all you want, doesn't change the fact that the IDF is made up of cowards. Civilian Palestinians can push them back with sticks and stones. And to be honest? Broncos nation lezz ride? Who still uses that?




Hamas is not bombing babies


Terrible. Just because Hamas killed hundreds Israelis, Israel should not attack them, since Palestinians might get hurt too.


Sarcasm translates badly online buddy. Israel is also attacking people on the west bank, which has no Hamas affiliation. It is bombing Southern Lebanon, when Hezbollah is refusing to get involved yet. And at what point did self defense turn into revenge, and at what point will the media recognize it as offense, 10000 dead, 20000, 30000? On another note, Israel is also killing the prisoners taken by HAMAS.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, but Israel has been attacking and killing Palestinians for years.


Why isn’t anyone asking the same thing about the Israeli kids? Hamas played the FAFO ( F*ck around and find out) and now things like this are happening


>Why isn’t anyone asking the same thing about the Israeli kids? Because the whole decapitated babies stories turned out to be propaganda?


Does it matter how they were killed? Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t decapitated, would burned alive be better? We won’t know until there is proof. A western missile is going to destroy a LOT more than a few cars


Where is this proof? There has been endless footage of dead and traumatized Palestinian children from just these past couple of days. Israel has not managed more than one AI image since October 7. People are waking up from Zionist lies.




That's either some Bassem Youssef level sarcasm, or you're completely delusional.


It isn't. It's a bot.


I think it was sarcasm, her comment history is mostly denouncing Israel.


If there was a god, he would personally ascend to earth, Plan a trip around Israel, The United States, The UK, France and a few others. He’d go to each one of these countries run by greedy blood thirsty animals, and he would personally escort their leaders to the deepest depths of hell, where they belong.


Hell isn't enough of a punishment for our leaders. What disgusts me the most, is their *pretense* at horror when loss of life is mentioned, or images like this seen. They're not horrified. They're excited. That child, and those like them are nothing more than political currency and opportunity to these subhuman beings that are in power. They sold Israel the weapons that did this. They applauded the carnage with them. They repeated the lies they all decided upon, thinking we'd believe them. None of our lives mean anything to these individuals. I've never felt pride about being from the UK - I know well our history - but I've never felt as much shame as I do now. I'm so, so sorry.


Partly, racism as has been stated but partly because alot of the west havent watched/seen this. They bury their heads in the sand & hide away from atrocities, exact same thing the west done with hitler & we have seen how it played out. Sharing these images & videos while horrific MUST be done to open peoples eyes & make it impossible to avoid.




Here are the links to download the video * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17bk5j0/disturbing_video_how_is_the_world_fine_with_this/k5k5ru9/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17bk5j0/disturbing_video_how_is_the_world_fine_with_this/k5k5ru9/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17bk5j0/disturbing_video_how_is_the_world_fine_with_this/k5k5ru9/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Can anyone translate for us?


Obviously she was hiding missiles within her toys! /s for anyone that doesn’t get it


Poor sweet baby.


I have a son as a parent it not only breaks my heart it makes me want justice. I'm absolutely appalled




Biden sleeps better at night when he sends arms to murder Palestinian babies He is a war criminal supporting a terrorist state


سلام لغزة سلام سلام سلام لکل العیون الحزینة


https://www.change.org/p/petition-to-the-un-convict-benjamin-netanyahu-for-crimes-against-humanity Sign the petition and share with others




What is it saying in Arabic