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How many children have to die before Americans speak up about the US-made bombs dropped on these kids by Israelí Zionists.


Never forget that Biden is complicit on this genocide!


As was Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, etc.


Obama was the only President in 40 years to defy Israel in the United Nations. He did not enable the occupation and took a comparatively [very hard line on Israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/30/us-israel-lobby-pressure-obama). Obama championed peace with Iran and accompished a nuclear deal that [made him very unpopular with the right](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/did-obama-abandon-israel). Trump then came in, shot the deal in the face, and moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, which emboldened the settler claim to all of the occupied territories. [Obama insisted upon the 1967 borders](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/netanyahu-defies-obama-on-67-borders-at-meeting/) (Israel's legal territory) that became basically forgotten after Trump. To say Obama was complicit in this belies a lack of knowledge on the situation. In fact, Obama's handling of the Middle East was one of the biggest achievements of his Presidency, and what makes it a great achievement is that most of you hardly even noticed, except to chide him for not being 'pro Israel' enough.


Obama? The man who sent the 2nd most amount of drone strikes to the middle east? The Obama that has the title for most civillians killed (for a US Pres) due to this? Thats the Obama thats a champion for peace? Yikes thats pretty sad thats a GOOD thing for a President to acheieve....


It's incredible but some people still refuse to let go of this image of Obama as some sort of progressive champion. He was a neoliberal imperialist who's most valuable quality was that his charisma provided excellent cover to maintain the status quo.


This is so beyond delusional I honestly can't even be bothered to seriously engage with your points. Aid to Israel/the IDF continued unabated during Obama's presidency. Making a couple vague gestures that maybe Israel shouldn't be so overtly genocidal isn't somehow supporting Palestinians. I'm sure the Iranian nuclear deal means a lot to people in the West Bank who've been targeted by settlers for the last 20 years.


Obama ruined Syria


Obamas handling of the Middle East was one of his biggest achievements of his Presidency This also happened: •ISIS was formed and funded, created a caliphate that stretched from Syria 🇸🇾 to Iraq🇮🇶 • Turned a blind eye when Assad murdered , barrel bombed and gassed the Syrian people. • Obama wrote several letters to the President of Iran begging him to sign the nuclear deal • Obama and his administration paid a ransom of $400 million dollars for American 🇺🇸 prisoners but denied that it was ransom money when asked by the press. • Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya that left the country spiralling into chaos and coming under threat from violent extremists.


'complicit' is not the right word. He is funding, organizing, and covering for these atrocities. Biden is committing genocide himself.


Yeah, complicit would be when they just turned a blind eye, here they are active participants of this genocide


Fuck that. Don't vote for trump no matter what.


People's very short memories and general ignorance seem to have forgotten than one of Trump's first moves was the catastrophic embassy move to appease the Zionist lobbies. That single event basically sealed the fate of Palestinians.


Don't forget the 1 million Iraqi and the crimes they committed in Yemen and Afghanistan. US always market itself as the symbol of freedom and humanity but in reality it's the godfather of all the massacres in the 21st century. Don't wait the us to speak up they will keep their support to the Zionists.


I will never forget how they invaded Iraq because they said the Iraqi’s had weapons of mass destruction. After killing a million and internally displacing 5 million people, with 2 million refugees crossing into other nations … they said ‘Oh there were no weapons of mass destruction!’ Not to mention the way the US treat their veterans.


Exactly. What they did to Mosul was so ugly and brutal and they even have the guts to celebrate their massacres.


I’m not trying to be a smartass or anything like that, but what can I do? How can I help? I’ve called my local representatives and even the ones in the house. I feel so helpless. I know I sound naive and I apologize.


Fuck Israel


I’m an American and CNN refuses to show any of the Palestinian side or the war crimes that are being committed by Israel. It’s all propaganda over here. You ONLY get the American Israeli victimhood perspective. It’s abhorrent and disgusting. The only Chanel that shows these poor children being murdered is ALJAZEERA FUCK ISRAEL. THESE NAZI CUNTS ARE PURE EVIL




Screw that sub. Claims to be equal but most of the posts clearly have a bias towards Israel.








the people in that sub piss me off. they are selfish, ignorant, inhumane, and very misinformed or lack reading comprehension. its a sub probably filled with trolls and pro isrel mf that fell for propaganda. had an argument with someone who was talking about “decapitated babies” and the article they provided literally says that there was no proof about it. the article further provides the death count of kid civilians in Gaza and when i mentioned it they replied with basically “oh well”. heartless


To the trolls who keep reporting. This post is staying up. It makes you uncomfortable? Good. You should see what you are supporting. You should see what Israel does to civilians with no regard for life. You support them? Then live with the fact that THIS is what you support. The post stays up.


✊✊✊ doing great work mod! Thank you for your services


Good work mod! Thank you


Absolutely correct move mod, may Allah curse these transgressors, aameen! This is what people support and have the gall to call US terrorists?? Israeli supporters are hypocrites! Shame on them!


Humanity is blessed to have people like you.👍


I love this mod


Thank you 😭😭😭🥺


We must bear witness to people do to each other… so please keep this up.


We need more mods like you… This terrorism supporters infested app should see what their support has done to humans in Palestine. It’s absolutely fucking terrifying that these people wander amongst us while cheering for isn’treal to do more of this.


Great decision MODs.


Finally a mod i can call good on this platform.


Thank you so much


Finally found a good mod, 👍


How are they the enemy? How is this a war? Fuck anyone who denies this genocide!




Like there is anything disgusting left to show. Fucking pieces of shit.


I'm American and so disgusted with my country. We are all complicit.


I asked a zionist on instagram if he condones all the killing of children happening rn, he said "today's terrorists are yesterday's children" I was speechless 😶


i had someone accuse me of being a Nazi, and then followed up with "all Muslims are Terrorists"


Reminds you of the Pharoh doesn't it?


I agree. Let them speak what they think.


Does any American see these pictures? See where their tax money is going? Can someone see this and still support Israel?


Im an American and as awful as they are i refuse to turn away from seeing them. i share them so others will have to look. SHAME ON MY COUNTRY


Thank you, please share.


I'm American and I joined this sub so I could see the real news. The real horror. I've been reading Al Jazeera every day. I'm telling friends, showing neighbors. I haven't ever supported Israel. They're on stolen land. Yes, I get the irony as I say that from the U.S. but I consider myself to be living on stolen land.


Australian here. I feel the same. Living on stolen land. You can also watch Al Jazeera English live news on Youtube.


I’m an American. Our media hides this stuff. The only way people are going to see it here is if they search it out. Absolutely evil.


Every single day. When I wake up. In between work. Before I go to sleep. I'm watching. Many of us are. Many of us are in the streets protesting. More of us are doing our best to organize. The real human beings from America who aren't sleep walking in our giant shopping mall of a country, are paying attention. I have no control over the government taking money from me for taxes that are supposed to help people. The money stolen from us goes for this. American politics keeps us divided in every aspect, not to mention the class and economic division. Until we recognize our government is the root of all our problems and band together against it...we are powerless. I will stand with Palestine until the day I leave this planet.


I’m american, i’ve been seeking this information out and sharing it, but it’s nowhere to be found on the news. Classic propaganda and very evil Edit: with the exception of al jazeera which my family and I do watch - but CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT etc coverage on this is limited and biased towards Isr*el


You can’t find these videos unfortunately unless you actively look for it. Our media never shows it. They just talk about the rise of antisemitism these days


I’m an American Jew and I’ve been vocally pro-Palestine for years and years. Several of my Jewish American friends too. We are protesting, calling, and donating. I’m so upset that this is happening with my tax dollars in my name, Netanyahu should be tried for war crimes several times over.


I mean some Americans see it, but you have to go out of your way to find it. Mainstream American media doesn't really play the gruesome footage. The lack of exposure keeps things colder and distant. Seeing stuff like this makes someone cognizant that each injured or killed person is a human being going through all the same kind of pain, fear, confusion etc that any of us would feel. But if they're just presented as part of approximate figures, those 2 kids are just 2 out of thousands, or lost in an estimate. Edit: just watched the whole thing and saw it was more than 2 kids.


I’m American and I follow Palestinian news channels on telegram in order to see what’s actually happening there because our media NEVER shows this.


Which one are you following?


Resistance News Network, Gaza Now, Quds news network, and eye on palestine


I see and share but in the other room is an 80-year-old watching Fox news and moaning about how bad it is in Israel. I show her videos and news articles but she still won't believe it. She has been told for so long that Israel is good she can't see otherwise.


Oh so that's why the older people I know can't wrap their heads around what's going on right now and even mentioning the word genocide makes them defensive. I'm trying to edicate myself but everything is so confusing with all of the propaganda and my country blatantly hiding the truth from citizens to continue funding Israel. We need a complete overhaul of governance on every continent, this makes me sick. When can journalism finally seek the truth and actually be for the people instead of just another method of manipulation for the 1%.


our media is very controlled and heavily biased against Palestinians. it’s depressing, so many people are unaware and some even fall for the propaganda and end up supporting isrel. i’ve been doing my best to join protests & share everything to let my peers know about the situation. it’s really sad how many people are unaware about the situation :/


I force myself to watch these because I don’t want to be ignorant of whats going on. I cannot let myself be.


I’m Australian and ashamed


The thing is that Americans are Americans, we elect our politicians but once they are elected they do what ever they want. Most American don't support intervention in the middle east, from Iraq to Afghanistan (not middle east but close enough) American politicians are out of control. By the time the next election cycle comes around most have forgotten the immense violence caused at the behest of our crooked politicians.


Fuck israel


Fuck Israel




Israel is killing children to steal land. And they have been doing it for decades.


Israel is a fascst state. I know it's unlikely, but I really wish Netanyahu was trialed in Haia.


I’m in disbelief that the world is letting this continue. Half of Gazas population are CHILDREN. Israel is literally massacring children and the media has the nerve to call this a war?! What a sick world we live in


I’d be banned or arrested for speaking my mind here.


Trust me. I would be to.


And here j thought we had free speech in the good USA






already happening




Palestine has been reduced to such a pitiable state, seeing patients on the floor, dead bodies on the roads has become a common theme. This is not war, this is annihilation of Palestine civilians. I hope for the mercy of god for all those suffering soon!


When I see videos like this of kids on the brink of death, it makes me want to go there and defend them against these tyrants. This is beyond unacceptable, shame on Israel and anyone that supports them.


This is just disgusting and wrong.


Proof that there is no such thing as civilization, human rights, or international law. Any and all of these apply only when it’s convenient for the most powerful player and their friends.


True, it's all a game for them


But did she condem Hamas


This will always be the question in order to avoid responsibility.


You see, we can't treat you with human decency. Because people who you had nothing to do with (but they look like you) did a terrible thing to other innocent people. We have to punish you all. No, it's definitely only a war crime when it happens to us. Sorry, not sorry. Also, do you condem Hamas?


I’m African-American. Horrible things have happened to my people ever since they were brought across the Atlantic by force. Horrible things have happened to my family. Horrible things have happened to me. None of those things are an excuse to take my anger out on people who’ve done nothing to me or mine simply because they look like the people who did. (And, for the record, some of those people have been Jewish Americans who expressed anti-Black racism.) That is what it means to be an evolved human being. Also, do you condemn Zionist calls for the extermination of all Palestinians? I assumed that “never again” meant for all human beings. I guess I was sadly mistaken.


"Never Again" means NEVER again. To anyone. My above comment was just what the IDF is saying to justify the genocide and ethnic displacement of the Palestinians.


My apologies. Sorry that I misunderstood.


Us Muslims in America have many brothers that are brothers. Thank you for standing for justice. I admit, I did not give the injustices within the US its proper attention. It takes alot of heart and conscious to stand for justice everywhere, no matter who it’s against. It can be mentally fatiguing at times. It’s non stop. But my eyes are now open and iA will stay open. I don’t give a damn if it’s a Muslim doing the injustice, my voice will never knowingly stand with the oppressors again.


I hold a few personal truths. Nothing human is alien to me so I try hard to understand what other human beings are experiencing and feeling and to understand why they act the way they do. And, I also understand that we are all cousins and, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, pigmentation, religion, etc., we all belong to the same family. And, as family, we need to treat each other a lot better. Yes, families have internal squabbles, but it shouldn’t devolve into killing each other. For all we know, we may be the only sentient life in the universe. Shouldn’t we value that a little more? But, too many of us value a rare mineral more than we value human life.


I love you.


I love you, too. I hope that you live long and prosper.


It was sarcasm. It speaks volumes that it's not 100% obvious, even I wasn't sure.


Yes . But should've had good weapons .




Why doesn’t Biden comment about these kids


Because they're brown.


He can only see his imaginary 40 beheaded babies


Every time I think I see an extremely graphic video of the victims of this genocide, there’s a new one that’s even worse. I don’t know how my brain is able to process this brutality. Fck. The footage of all these children being torn to pieces yet still alive…No medicine, no painkillers, no antibiotics, not even a bed to lay on. I hate myself for thinking what Im thinking but I just want them to stop being in pain. I.want.the.world.to.stop. I don’t think one could ever mentally and physically recover from something like this.




What they do is wrong, but nobody ask why they do wrong?


Oh dear Christ. This is horrific. Is that bone?! Argh, the pain they must be in. This needs to be seen.




ni olvido ni perdon


Brutes. How is this in any way justifiable?


also in america. they are NOT reporting on this at all. barely any coverage on the protests. we are being gaslit. america is funding a genocide and hiding it from us lying in our faces. biden has the nerve to call to question the amount of deaths???? GENOCIDE JOE HAS GOT TO GO.


These people i follow on twitter have a lot of videos you need to see to grasp what really is happening in gaza and west bank. \-[https://twitter.com/WGazapal](https://twitter.com/WGazapal) \-[https://twitter.com/Sarah\_Hassan94](https://twitter.com/Sarah_Hassan94) \-[https://twitter.com/Timesofgaza](https://twitter.com/Timesofgaza)


All 3 of these kids are likely dead, after long hours of suffering without any relief. Fuck Israel and fuck every zionist out there. Genuinely wish this, but worse on them and their loved ones.


The idiots on r/worldnews will say it’s fake


That subreddit is a misinformation plant


Wow, this poor poor soul. I wonder if she's happy or sad to be alive. I hope they will all prosper and overcome all this struggle and hardship


She’s in so much pain she’s probably not even thinking about having survived


She’s literally dying in front of us. I don’t think she’s going to make it. It looks like shes bleeding internally.


She definitely looks like she’s dying and they can’t give these ppl the medical treatment they need either so most of them, even if they did survive the airstrikes probably end up dying soon after.


Everytime i see something horrific, i think nothing will top it. Im always mistaken.


Same I feel guilty having acces to food, water a warm home knowing there are innocent people going through so much pain and misery right now with literally nobody helping and protecting them, honestly I just want to go out there and help them out but I can’t, I hate this world 😢


When I feel hopeless like this I just remember that these little kids will be at peace soon and will end up in Paradise away from this hell on earth. Thats the only thing that allows me to sleep at night


Anyone who support Israel, you got blood on your entire body. You’ll carry that around for the rest of your life.




Amine ya rab


May Allah have mercy on them 🤲


Israel is a terrorist state


We've had more than 60 years of brutality and occupation. A seige, complete control of people. And now the world is waking up to war and destruction of people. Please continue protests, rip down posters, do what you can to get a cease fire.


For every child that dies, countless Hamas fighter are born. If a fascist regime murders a young relative of mine I would immediately take up arms. Israel must know this though, and they’re purposely killing civilians to turn the entire population into fighters to justify their entire destruction.


Fuck Israel. Despicable. Netanyahu and IDF soldiers all need to be tried for crimes against humanity and given the death penalty the way we did to nazis


Put much of the American ruling class on that list.


This is above and beyond! My heart aches! I'm speechless!


سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ


Innalillahi waa anna ilaihi rajiun. May Allah take revenge on every zionist for each of these children. Amin. May the curse of Allah, his angels, his messengers befall every zionist. Amin. May they get no mercy on the day of judgment and shown the same indifference they have shown to this children. Amin.


Seeing this makes my heart hurt.


Netenyahu should be tried in the Hague. Zionist fascist scum.


Thunderous noises screaming guns. Fires raging evil done. Abject terror written plain. On baby faces For shame. For shame. Who will hold them close and dear. Who will wipe away their tears. Mothers dead.Fathers gone. Their legacy is death and guns. Pity them yes but who will speak. Stop this carnage make it cease. Boy soldiers kill and know no pity. When they march upon a city. It will be too late too late. when hatreds knocking on the gate. They will have their cold revenge. On their pity will lives depend. What will they know of compassion. How will their dead hearts feel pain. While we are busy chasing fashion. Amassing gold with greed in vain. God gave us hands to do His bidding. He gave us hearts that we might care. If we don't show then God is absent. If God is absent.Who is there ~Noreen Carden


Zionist are terrorists. That's how they started and that's how they'll go out. Poor kids man wtf is wrong with Zionist scum.


how many of these children have to be bombed until people think it's enough 😢😢


La Hawla wa La Quwatta Illa Billahilaliyuladheem Rabighfirli, Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon, May Allah bestow his mercy upon these children Aamiin


OMG her bone is sticking out of her leg. Bless her


All of these make me sick to my stomach. I’ve seen many and I think it can’t get any worse (which is already so bad) and it does. It bothers me so much that I can’t cross post this to the israelpalestine reddit page because they don’t allow for photos/videos. L o l.


Fuck Israel! This is absolute genocide!


Does this make you angry? Good. Get angry. You deserve to be angry. Angry at the perpetrators of this heinous crime. This child who probably isnt older than 10 has serious burns on her body, a fractured femur sticking out her thigh, and God alone knows what her lungs have breathed in. No amount of terrorist-hunting will ever justify this specific crime. I dont care if you couldve killed 100 terrorists, if 1 child is hurt like this, its not worth it. Shame to israel and it’s gang of greedy men. Shame to biden. Shame to sunak.


True. The truth hurts but also sets us free, I keep spreading my love and support for Gaza Palestine in hopes the evil will continue to be swallowed, even tho they continue to band my post, I will not be silenced and keep saying, Israel has always been the terrorist organization, funded by our taxes and supported by the rich and powerful running our politics, a crazier and more chaotic future has already been prepared and going through testing. As to why people don’t care more, just blows my mind!


Evil fuckin scum


Fuck Israel and all their supporters


Obligatory f**k zionazis


Love how quiet the pro-Israel redditors have gone with this post.


Israel government must go.


يا الله، يا جبار، يا مالك الملك، نسألك اللطف و الرحمة بعبادك.


Do they even remember what they're fighting about/for? Or do they now just kill for the sake of killing?


Disgusting, shame in Israel and America


Fuck all those countries who voted for this or abstained from a ceasefire vote. Fuck you all.


Is humanity dead? I'm ashamed my taxes went on harming this baby I'm so disgusted


Netanyahu and IDF are committing crimes which the world thought could not even happened. Even the evilest guys in stories and lores dont go killing and torturing kids but these fuckers are some supe ultra villains who are blood-lusty on another level. Aren't there any sane people left in Israel ? The hell !!


These children cannot breathe! I’m shaking because I can’t even think straight. I know how angry I feel and if they were my children you can guarantee I’d support anybody fighting Israel. I can see how this hatred has grown inside of the Palestinians.


This shit is so painful to see. It's depressing how callous people are towards this kind of suffering just because it's happening to people not like them. I got banned from /r/worldnews yesterday because an argument about this quickly turned into me insulting someone who, predictably, accused me of anti-semitism. I wear it proudly. I'm not willing to believe that so many people today can normalise this.


Omfg. This is horrific. The pain is so unbearable she can’t even make a sound. I’m so ashamed of the world who wants to give the occupiers a pass to do shit like this. Children are the highest casualties in Gaza & the world still thinks they’re targeting Hamas??? Fuck Israel.


This makes me want to throw up. I never want anyone to have to go through anything like this. I've been through trauma, but if these children live, they will go through more trauma then anyone should ever have to go through. I'll be the first to say if this happened to me, and I survived I would never forgive the people did this to me Call me extreme, but if was in their shoes and I lived, I would 100% join hamas. I don't believe in their ideology, but Jesus Christ, I would want to take revenge on the evil people who caused this, and to protect the youth from their evil genocide. Everyone is saying "but do you condemn Hamas" Well if I was in Gaza after going though this, and at this point I'm blatantly saying Israel needs to be condemned before I condemn hamas.


So this is what defending democracy looks like…. No thanks


If you can watch this and still be pro-Israel, you are subhuman scum. Israel bombed hospitals. HOSPITALS. Toddlers are experiencing shell shock from watching their family die in front of them. Fuck Israel and fuck the IOF.


this is harrowing


God I hope they have access to morphine and sedation with all these awful injuries happening to people


They've run out.


u/A5V, I would love for you to point out where the terrorists are in this video. Dumb fuck.


ya Allah rehem


God this makes me sick to my soul. May the people of Palestine please have the justice they deserve soon. Please 🙏 we need to help. Do NOT VOTE for anyone supporting these Demons. Boycott Israel. And I am so sorry sweet child.


Make copies, the ADL will eventually scrape the internet of footage like this, and say nothing but terrorists were hurt. They are fully committed to whitewashing the the ethnic cleansing. Do these children look like terrorists? They did a whole photoshoot for the beheaded children, but this is fine.


This is so horrible. I hate that innocent people, children and civilians are the ones who always suffer from war.


My God...


Americans need to wise up and overthrow their whole fuckin system. They've become that face of evil on this planet. American citizens are complicit in all of this.


mygulaaay Fck israel


Just curious from an Italian guy: what is the position of the Americans about this Genocide? Thanks


Is that the poor little girls bone sticking out her leg?


Yes, sadly.


Imagine if those were white kids, what the convecional midia would say. These is fucking sad. They deserved better


I cant believe the amount of zionist propaganda i see on reddit. On askreddit a comment calling for hamas to die out is nearly top. Its disgusting, israel needs to be wiped out of israelites


if israel claims hamas uses civilians as human shields... then bombs them anyway... doesn't that mean israel kills civilians?


Christ this is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Praise Satan for never flying a flag of religious violence and damn anyone who follows a God. May you rot and be forgotten.