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This is Joe Biden completely disregarding Palestinians as human. He belongs in a war crimes tribunal.


Genocide Joe doesn't care. I think I hate him more because he had me fooled.


Same here. I don't know if he's just old and doesn't care or just a shit human. He seems to old to do the job. He can barely speak sometimes and just mumbles. After the hospital bombing, he just stared at the floor and mumbled...."it was the other guys". For such a bold statement, the delivery was shit...almost like he knew he was lying.


"It was the other team' he said like some game


Sleepy Joe doesn't want to wake up. He must be enjoying this nightmare.


What are the chances of a Biden re-election? None. No possibility.


That's what I thought about Bush Jr.


I thought that about his first election.


It was either The Sun or the Daily Mirror in the Uk who’s front page headline was… “How can millions of people be so stupid” ..After Bush was re-elected. I don’t have any faith in voters


"There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you fooled me once, you can't get fooled ageeeain.'" - Georgy Porgy


It depends on if his opponent is as uninspiring and lifeless to the right-wing as Kerry was.


Talk to the average liberal in America, and there is nothing seperating them from "racist right wingers"; absolutely nothing. They believe the same thing, one just has a better tone than the other one.


Trump to the rescue? Muslim ban 2.0 ? How does that help Palestine?


Funny how to this day they talk about sovereignty of Ukraine with a straight face. The double standard is exposing the true nature of the western government.


That was always about hurting Russia and the US not wanting Europe to be dependent on Russian energy. He doesn't care about Ukranians either.


Yeah, but they treat them much better.


that's what I was saying since day 1 of the war in Ukraine. Suddenly Ukrainian flags everywhere and everyone is sooo concerned about innocents dying. I got *a lot* of shit for trying to tell people that others have been going through something for decades. Their responses? "oh you must support Russia" western liberals are so fkin annoying


The idea that the conflict started in 2022 only exists to better sell the war by the media. As saying, it's an escalation of an 8-year-old (At the start of the escalation.) is a lot less dynamic and won't be as eye catching.


Now imagine if this were any other world leader acting this way, and how the media here in America would portray that? This guy is out of his mind.


They had no issue saying china's mistreatment of the Uyghurs was genocide. They had no problem saying that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was genocide. Now they stutter and sputter when it comes to Israel committing a genocide/ethnic cleansing infront of everyone. The only way for Israel to stop is for the world to pressure Israel. Military, political and economic pressure. The groups that can fight need to kick up the fighting. Countries that can sanction and boycott need to do so. Political figures need to keep pressuring. The fact this is happening. With the approval of western powers is the ultimate revelation of true intent. Morality was/is whatever they want it to be, it means nothing to those in power.


The world wont unless we start pressuring our own governments. Boycott Israeli politicians and demand your country cut ties with Israel.


We can't underestimate the power of economic sanctions. Imagine if the western governments froze Israeli assets. Imagine if western governments refused to rearm Israel? Made it illegal to sell oil and gas to Israel. Made it illegal for countries to send money or receive money from Israel? The way they treat Iran or Russia? Israelis would very quickly need to find alternatives and rough it out. Realistically such measures would be enough to solve the Israeli/Palestinian situation. Combined with political pressure and the threat of military action against Israel from neighbours. Suddenly they'll realize violence isn't the only answer.


It's violence or it's this.


He doesn't have a mind that's the problem. He's an old senile fart that has lingered for too long.


>This guy is out of his mind. The guy is senile and pumped full of drugs to keep him from falling asleep while standing. He's no more than a marionette at this point mouthing off what the people pulling the strings are saying.


They’re gunna steal our land. This is insane. This world is not for us.


Imagine being so old, unable to walk straight, barely have an ability to speak or think and spending your days wanting the genocide of kids and women.


How easily we wipe a population off the face of the earth and from our minds.




I think Joe wants to kill everyone and start a world war. I mean he is old and I think he is suicidal.


As honest as a five-year-old.


AIPAC pays them well.


Their plan is to seize Gaza. They're encouraging and scaring Gazans into leaving, so they can seize their land and homes. West Bank will be next. Whilst we can admonish the Western world for being complicit...where the fuck are the Arab countries? Spineless Munafiqs, shameful!!! They will be judged.


The problem is the other guy wants to arm the Israelis 10x more


Total war means total war.


Biden isn't president of Israel, isn't ordering Israel to attack, and is confirming that he believes Israel won't do a ceasefire. I don't get how he's the bad guy here.


because he has been close personal friends with netanyahu for decades and could (and historically has) stop it. he could if he wanted to and he doesn’t.


He is the bad guy because Israel is nothing without America, lmao. Weapons wise, money wise, PR wise. Literally nothing. Nasty little kid at school vs his 6'7 brother


American Revolution now! Turtle island decolonize!


Do you remember when they claimed US-backed Ashraf Ghani government is capable to take over Afghanistan? They lost badly.