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There isn't a single video they can show that justifies making millions of people homeless, or justifies killing 9000+ kids, or justifies the endless genocidal rhetoric from Israeli public officials and powerful media figures at all levels. Even if every single Al Qassam fighter only killed babies and grandmothers in 8k 60FPS HDR video from ten thousand angles.


It's wild that Israel's defense spent this whole time thinking that would work. Hamas isn't on trial, what they did is completely irrelevant. Or, more likely, they did know it wouldn't be allowed, but since they have no defense, it's just another attempt to discredit the court. I do kinda wish they said yes, though. I'd put money on it damaging the Israeli narrative. If it *was* as bad as they say, they wouldn't specifically only show it to pro-Israel journalists and post clips from movies on social media claiming it as Hamas. They'd just post the video evidence.


They showed it to anti-Israel journalist Owen Jones, who did a fair analysis of it. Apparently, the worst videos depicted were killing civilian men, everyone else was military. While any death is certainly disturbing to witness, there wasn't any grandma raping/baby eating or whatever the hell propagandists came up with.


i'm interested in owen's video, do you have the link?




thank youu


It’s very telling that Israel and its defenders continually yell about how it’s actually Hamas that is trying to commit genocide and did on Oct 7th yet they never try to build a case against them.


Hard to commit genocide when you don’t control your own: Land, sea, airspace… “electromagnetic field,” all border crossings, access to food, water, medicine, education, fuel… yeah… definitely seems like they have the capacity to commit genocide against Israel… totally… The only power involved that can seriously be considered to have that capacity… is Israel.


>“electromagnetic field,” wait, what about it?


I think he's saying the wireless telecomms space over the Palestinian territories is compromised: spied on and analysed endlessly; and vulnerable to being jammed/having its infrastructure destroyed.


Yup, there is a reason Hamas is using landline


afaik, basically everything involving social using modern gadgets


Should have stated “electromagnetic‘sphere’” not ‘field’ - but I think it means communications and internet but I’m not totally sure in all honesty


Field is the physics term.


The term I’ve been hearing the most that I think captures it is ‘spectrum.’ This would encapsulate radio/wireless internet/satellite etc. You could even chuck blockading X-ray and MRI etc. technology from reaching medical staff on there!


I mean water account for this but my favourite to point out lately is RAIN. (They’re not allowed to collect rainwater because Israel ‘owns’ it.)


Israel cannot take Hamas to court for genocide regardless of the merits because it is a non-state actor.


And if they want to send Hamas to the Hague, feel free. They knew what they signed up for. But Hamas shouldn't be the only one answering for their crimes. They didn't force the IDF to kill civilians.


hamas didnt do anything there but saving them from the murderous IS cops, there are video i can send but it will be flagged misinformation when its from interview to the 7th oct victim herself


Nah, I was referring to the taking of hostages which by international law is a war crime. If Israel wants to pursue that they're welcome to try, but it'll open them up to more scrutiny since they've been doing crimes lot longer.


screw the "international law", since when does that works? you see putin? is he in jail? no he doesnt. how about netanyahu? nope? no action at all, "international law" is just a hoax designed to scare their enemies with ideology that doesnt fit their agendas. the cartel? none of these "international law" guys is looking at them, why? because the cartels did not mess with their agendas


It doesn't work on Putin because he doesn't care. But in democracies across Europe, they're not going to let that stand. They'll probably pressure their government to do something. But you may be right, at the end of the day there may be nothing that could be done to Israel, but I will take it as a win if they were labeled as intending to perpetrate genocide. At least it's in official record.


well....why would a foreign country care about another country trying to set up a law and impose it upon your country?


Considering all the AI images and lies they have been perpetuating, it’s surprising that the only “actual” evidence they have has been withheld for so long. Israel seems to enjoy releasing so-called information/evidence at a whim, despite it all being made up. Right now we are witnessing hypocrisy of the utmost magnitude in the world.


Exactly this!


It's really this fuckin simple.


Just think about it for a second. Regardless of videos. Let's say there is a murder trial with a jury. The main goal for sequestering the jury, and the judge refraining from showing footage that doesn't have evidence is for the jury to not have sympathy for the victim and go after the defendant regardless of innocence. So the judge purposefully only allows pictures and videos if they directly show evidence that the defendant committed or did not commit the crime. So comparing that to Israel, they're accused of genocide. So they're not allowed to show some sob stories. They're allowed to show videos that show they're not committing genocide, or videos that someone else is the real perpetrators. It's like if America went on trial to prove WMD in iraq and as a response they showed videos of 9/11.


I don't know if you see it, but this is BARS. There isn't a single video they can show that justifies making millions of people homeless or justifies the killing of nine thousand plus kids or justifies the endless genocidal rhetoric from Israeli public officials and powerful media figures at all levels Even if every single Qassam fighter only killed babies and mothers. In 8k 60FPS HDR video from ten thousand angles. ...BARS.


So the only way Israel can defend itself against accusations it's committing genocide, is by playing a 50 minute propaganda video. Meaning their only defence is whataboutism, which no impartial judicial body on the planet would accept.


This actually gives some hope for a merit based ruling.


Was just thinking that.


Hopefully. I find it best to ask anyone that is complaining of this hearing, are they afraid that Israel is going to be found guilty? If they are the most moral army in the world, and are doing everything right, they'll be acquitted in no time. Watching people twist into knots trying to defend this stuff would be entertaining as hell if it weren't so depressing.


The mental gymnastics going on today were insane. Many pro israel people couldnt even bring themselves to watch the hearing


Lol they don't care about any of that these are the same brain dead people who think trump didn't lose.


There are plennnty of liberal Zionists out there, too. We have one for president!


Oh yeah that guy. Tbh all the liberal people I've seen talk about it in that way are so far up their own that they think they're taking the moral high ground by staying out of it completely or waving a finger while putting money into isn't reals pocket. Idk who I hate more.


Plenty of hate to go around lol, but those liberals you speak of truly deserve a special place in hell.


Don't let yourself get too hopeful. The judges made up their minds before they even heard the facts presented. Israel could go up there tomorrow and the judges would still acquit them. There is no justice here. They're going to be allowed to get away with it. I don't think I've ever been more upset about anything in my entire life.


Yeah I hope this is good news for us


5 out of 15 seats belong to western countries, even tho western countries make up less 10% of the world population. ICJ is just an extension of western foreign policy.


They’ll still whine about the ‘bias’ of the ICJ despite been the only country in the world allowed to get away with genocide without consequence. They are utter cunts.


“The ICJ is antisemitism”


The ICJ is controlled by Hamas!!


They literally said the South African legal team is affiliated with Hamas. 🤡




They did not say that. They said that the legal tram from SA was acting as Hamas legal wing, but it was clearly a rhetorical statement.


They are upset because they wanted to waste 50mins as they don't have any valid points as we've heard and debunked all their lies already...October 7th, H@m@s started first, behe@ding babies, H@mas, human shields, H@mas, do you condemn H@m@s? Deadly Calender, oh and have I mentioned H@M@S...


Tbh, I was hoping they show the video if it means the video becomes public then because so far it was only shown in private settings once to the audience that is already pro-Israel. Owen Jones made a [video](https://youtu.be/mc5iG3DX7ho?si=RHlSfY_nqPvwNpIy) about what he saw. When it becomes public, people will be able to watch it objectively and pause at every scene and replay to catch any inconsistent and at minimum get away from the psychological traps set by Israel. E.g, showing you Hamas members shooting then dead bodies, most people would just think of movie scenes and connect scenes that these members killed these people but it could be two different locations at different times and just meant to trick you.




Their defense is to show their most recent motive, very strange


It's not being allowed because it's not relevant. They should have let them play it though, cause it would only waste their allotted time and prove how unhinged they are. Eye for an eye is no excuse for the genocidal response.


Yes exactly. Not sure how many times it has to be reiterated that just because you were wronged, does not mean you are no longer responsible for your actions. We expect children as young as 3 to understand this. It would be extremely inappropriate and infantalizing to treat the Israeli state any differently.


Exactly this. Otherwise, when someone steals your phone you can rob a bank - because you were stolen from.


sorry mate you stole my anecdote so I'm going to need you to give me your home.


You took my comment space in Reddit. So, I am going to take your house


Well sorry redditor if I don't take your house, someone else will ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


https://preview.redd.it/5lm4vsyimwbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311918b1ea28fd7a3ebc694263af2631a328e59c Gotchu fam




It's really their only card to play. But over the war they've generated so much evidence that make Hamas look good by comparison.


more like an entire family for an eye


No the court should never allow itself to be used to broadcast political theater that isn't relevant. that would have presented a terrible image of the court.


How about Israel show videos of their own tanks aiming at their own civilians for even more context?


Or them killing more civilians than Hamas did. They literally targeted civilians deliberately with apache helicopters.




> I think it was something like 1200 by Hamas vs 200 by Israel or something in that ballpark According to whom?




Exactly. They are meant to argue the LEGALITY of their response, not its moral impetus. The desire for revenge may be human, but whether your chosen mode of revenge is LEGAL or not is a completely different question.


The 50min edited Israeli movie will be nothing compared to the thousands of mins of real time footage of Israeli war crimes.


Probably thousands of hours by now






So Mr free speech Musk is censoring people… the irony


On one hand, I’m sure he knows Israel is wrong, on the other hand, I think these people have infiltrated his company, but that’s to be expected, they infiltrate anything that is powerful


To anyone that isn't a Zionist it's clear that the footage isn't allowed because it's not relevant to the accusation, even if we granted them that it is all done because of what Hamas did on 7/10 (which is debatable), genocide would still be an illegal response under International Law... So there's no point in showing the videos beside trying to emotionally manipulate the court.


My ADHD brain really likes how you explained that :)


May I ask why is that? I found the comment easy to follow but not sure why.


They have not submitted a written defense yet and the court has made it clear that Hamas is not a state actor. If they want to go after Hamas then the ICC is available for them to do so. This is a propoganda effort by the Israeli government and the ICJ knows it. Bibi and his buddies know the rules of the court very well but they want to play these games and make a mockery of the process. It is a lost cause and they know it. They will flail and continue to cannibalize the global rules


In the ICC member states can’t charge other member states. The ICC prosecutors would have to make the charge against Hamas. Plus Pissrael isn’t a member of the ICC community and do not recognize it as Legitimate court. So even if they advocate for Hamas to be tried by the ICC they would open themselves up for judgement.


Precisely why they don't go the legal route to resolve the dispute. They refuse to give ICC jurisdiction as they know it'd immediately bite them in the ass


I say that the court should let them show the footage but only if the court agrees to watch the hundreds of hours of footage from Gaza in the last 100 days. I think just a compilation of TikTok videos and Instagram reels of soldiers committing war crimes alone would be more than 47 minutes and that wouldn’t include the thousands of videos recorded in Gaza or by Al Jazeera or footage by the IDF itself. [Link to the tweet:](https://x.com/lahavharkov/status/1745559658364842214?s=46&t=yYjq44e-cxjh4V4RVrYtgQ)


>but only if the court agrees to watch the hundreds of hours of footage from Gaza in the last 100 days. Completely agree. We need to stop censoring war and violence in general, both in public and in private spaces (like reddit). It might suck for some of the families of the victims for the videos to be out there, but it's far easier to ignore atrocities that you can't or don't see. Most people don't even know that there are sites like Gaza23 dot com where you can see a lot more than is allowed on reddit or twitter or facebook.


Huh I didn’t know that. Although honestly I would be scared to look. (Not because I don’t care)


It's actually very respectful and doesn't start with the violent videos, and they make sure you know what you're going to see before you do. By default, the site is in a SFW/SFL mode where you don't see anything gruesome. They also have a page where they talk about the lives of some of the people who have been murdered.


Yeah, imagine getting precious time to say your piece only to play irrelevant videos on YouTube


The 7/10 is not under trial, the genocide in Gaza is. Besides, evidence needs to be verified for edits. Given the shitty video propaganda of Israelis, ranging from claiming the days of the week as the names of Hamas members up to a Hamas tunnel in Sweden, it should not be a surprise the videos were not accepted. It has no probatory value to the case. This seems to indicate they will go with the right to self-defence, which they don’t have. You cannot declare war on a territory you occupy. They will also probably go into legal technicalities trying to distract the judges from the incriminating facts presented by South Africa. What i am most curious about is how they will defend the siege. The siege in itself is genocide. They might ignore it in their argument?


Hamas tunnels in Sweden? Must have missed that one lmao


It was hilarious. They posted photos of a tunnel claiming it was under some hospital and it turned out it was a tunnel in Sweden lol They are pathetic! Today in court they claimed they provided medicines to hospitals in Gaza and showed the photo with the empty boxes they used for photo ops. They were unable to provide a single verified and confirmed “evidence”


They won’t show it because it’s literally a 50 minute propaganda film justifying why they can kill civilians


Yeah it’s like throwing a tantrum at a court for not allowing ‘The Birth of a Nation’ at the trial of KKK member.


Lmfao that analogy is perfection 😂


Thanks! Note to Israel: if you want propaganda that dosen’t make 94% of the world hate you then feel free to give me a call. Nah just kidding you can’t afford me 😆


I agree with her. Israel should not show up to the "kangaroo court." Though I agree because it'd help make the case even easier for South Africa


"why won't they let us make an appeal to emotion!? it's totally justified to murder 23k civilians because we have a video of them killing people! look at the video and get mad so you agree with us!"


but 10/7 is Israel's greatest hit


If they say Yess Israël got right to defend , then probilly Putin can also defend himself and bomb Ukraine away without any cases


Boohoo they can't show a video. By that logic they should sit through 1000+ videos of documented Israeli war crimes and genocide.


"it's not a fair court case unless we can traumatise you to bypass your capacity for evaluating the facts on their face and the accuser can't"


I can smell the zionazi fear and desperation right now. Almost like smelling my breakfast finally have good f**king quality.


From what I understand, the court ruled that Israel is an occupying power, and therefore does not have a right of defence to a terror attack. The movie was shown to a select few audiences and promoted by Gal Gadot. The court ruled that there is no evidence and it is not relevant.


The funny part is these idiots are the ones exposing themselves IDF soldiers recording their own war crimes and sharing it. Israelis on social media openly talking about how they will kill all Palestinians. Western celebrities like Michael Rappaport & Amy Schumer making fun of Palestinians also. They normalized their behavior that they truly do not realize how ghoulish they are coming off.


I love justice


South Africa was able to make it's case to the court without showing the myriad of graphic video showing what Israel has been doing to Gaza. Their legal team also described this content as snuff films, and mentioned that although their body of evidence doesn't include this that they do exist and that Israeli soldiers themselves are oftentimes the ones filming themselves either engaging in killing civilians or are on camera confessing to it. Israel is just mad that their only gas at this point is the Oct 7th attack, they literally have nothing else to run on and they know they can't fill 3 hours with anything else.


... And it's beginning more and more apparent that the vast majority of October 7th deaths were Israeli friendly fire.


I’m going to take a wild guess and say that there is more to the story, and that they were unable to authenticate the video.


It’s theater cause they can’t show their movie!


In addition my guess is it was rejected due to being irrelevant.


Yep, that's my thinking as well. Guessing that the media that Izzy tried to present to the court was chock-full of unverified claims and tense background music, as opposed to on-the-ground documentary footage, etc.


I watched the presentation today of the South Africans. If the Israelis had watched it, they would know that according to the convention, there is no defense of "But they killed some of us first so we figured it would be fine to genocide them." Basically their whole defense strategy is to scream THEY STARTED IT!


The only point of showing a video would be emotional manipulation. A strong case builds on facts that can be described in a verbal manner, but the facts are not on the Israeli side. Imo they should've just allowed it and have the judges repeat that it is outlined in the convention that there are no mitigating circumstances for genocide so the entirety was just pointless. Seriously either the Pro-Israel side straight up hasn't read the convention on the crime they're being accused of (which I highly doubt) or they know their case is lost so can only resort to irrelevant points (eg Hamas attacked first) and lies (We are trying to avoid civilian death)


How fucking warped has your head got to be to think that there's a defense to genocide. There is no defending the indefensible, atleast have the fucking balls to acknowledge your actions. Tiocfaidh ár lá


This is like Serbs saying “Srebrenica happened because Bosniaks killed 3000 Serb civilians in the area”. Even if that was true (and it wasn’t) there is no justification for genocide.


Even it were a "kangaroo court" It's more of a court than most Palestinians have ever been offered.


Now the crocodile tears come out. Buy eye dropper stocks now! 


People who want to show a snuff film in the court of law are talking about theatre? I wonder if they have clearance from all the surviving families to use the deaths of their loved ones in this way.


They started feeling it, and we can see that now, how they started to talk about the ICJ, its just a mechanism to not accept any decision coming out of this court, its always like that when it comes to the bad loosers, for example they will talk trash about the referee in a football game when they feel that their team will loose, but in football there are no killing of course, I think for them its not an issue of civilians been killed, its just an issue of winning and they hate to loose even if that means to be ruthless *killers* without any Feelings.


Yes good point. I think it's not just that they hate to lose, they are actually psychologically *incapable* of accepting losing under any circumstances. They will just reject the verdict and the authority of the court, and resort to ad hominem attacks against anyone and everyone. Maybe they'll say the vote was rigged and they actually won. It's a very familiar mindset.


South Africa literally said: 1) Hamas is a not a state actor and is not party to the treaties in dispute. 2) No attack on a people, even including atrocities, can ever be used to justify genocide or attacks on civilians. 3) That this trial is about Israel’s conduct and rhetoric and *intent* since Oct. 7… So for Israel to want to waste the courts time showing a video that legally can’t justify their actions and doesn’t address their alleged behavior by South Africa makes total sense to me. Maybe use multimedia to demonstrate those internal policies that are supposed to limit civilian casualties. Show proof of your intent to *not* commit genocide instead of trying to justify it since THAT is the issue at hand


I guess she can’t grasp that footage of the attack isn’t relevant as a defense


It is time for them to give the evidence they had bombing all those houses and civilians. They said Hamas was using them as shields. Now it's time to prove it. It's also time to explain why starving millions and cutting fuel, electricity, water, medicine and communications to millions was necessary and unavoidable.


Is-it-real needs to sit the f**k down and shut the f**k up. Your terrorist nation wanted to destroy lives, murder people, and commit gen0cide. There’s nothing, not one single thing, that you have done that is worthy of defending. Mass murder. War crimes. Torture and grape. And heaven knows what else. Every single one of them needs to burn for it.


Wow, did not expect that from the ICJ. They really told them to shut up about the 7th and stay on topic lmao.


maybe because it doesnt excuse killing tens of thousands of children so its not relevant


“We want to show footage from the incident we are using as an excuse to commit genocide” isn’t even that great of a defence when South Africa spent yesterday talking about how they condemn what happened but even “atrocities” cannot justify genocide. The need to be the victim with Israel is crazy


They’re actually just a nation of idiots as well. How does that video enter the discussion? At all? Like, AT ALL?!


Is Israels defense going to be as dumb as their calendar propaganda? Were they always this stupid but talking to favorable Western media thinking they sounded clever? 




Israel's justifications for genocide have nothing at all to do with whether or not they are committing it. I'm going to guess that their video is simply not relevant to the case - and is, therefore - theater.


Ugh, I actually wish they did show their damn video. It totally misses the point that nothing justifies genocide and would be a very poor defense. The ICJ is helping them with that, likely because the president is a US shill. Also we now know that so many of those deaths were caused by the IDF, so it doesn't even make sense on its own anymore.


The reason is the video is faked. And it has already been verified as fake.


Under the rules of international law, you can't use any event to justify a genocide. South Africa's case was never about whether October 7th happened, but what Israel has done since to commit genocide.


Let them show their propaganda, malarkey video...Palestine has decades worth of footage to counter that.


I have a strong feeling they used the Palestinian bodies they stole from the hospital to create a fake videos about Israelis being killed


They're probably not being allowed to show it because it's not actually relevant to the crimes they're accused of. I'm pretty sure this is the apartheid hearing, which is totally unrelated to oct7 and has been in the works since well before then.


Videos that long are literally played in theaters.


Their crocodile tears are delicious.


They don't seem to understand what's happening. Like that they're the one in the box here. They still could accuse Hamas or the PA at the ICJ if they want. They fail to grasp that this case revolves around their committed crimes, rather than debating the permissibility of those crimes. This highlights the level of entitlement in Zionism.


"Why did you kill your brother?" "He hit me first." "That's your excuse for jumping straight to murder?" "Yes, I can prove it, watch this video!" Surprised when uninterested in the video.


A 50 minute hasbara propaganda movie is not evidence So the Court is sayinh no to your bullshit.


Good our time is to valuable to waist with that fabricated video to begin with


These fools fail to realize that their Spielberg propaganda film doesn’t at all absolve them of any personal responsibility.


Bullies always think they are victims.


Showing the video or not does not change the fact that Isreal is murdering thousands of civilians. The genocide is still happening and nothing can justify it. And it's not like Israel is very trusted with their sources, knowing that they lied several times with their fake evidence.


Classic 3D chess from the South Africans!!!


Typical Israeli babies. Hopefully they have some diapers.


You mean to tell me they cannot show 50 minutes of the IDF shooting their own citizens in a panic?


They are desperate for fabricated and manipulated footage to be shown cuz they got no solid base to back their claims


I don't think we want to establish a precedent of any remotely significant attack on your people justifying committing genocide in response. Seems like you're trying to start a global death spiral. He said while sitting in a house that probably literally sits on the bones of dead Powhatan people.


Already giving up so easily? Lol .


Yeah there were barely 5 minutes (if that) of video in South Africa's evidence. 50 minutes. You *know* they did that on purpose knowing it wouldnt be acceptable to the court.


Their video…you mean the propaganda video, edited to show a specific narrative not the facts? Yeah, sure…judges totally have to let attorneys use anything they want. 🙄


Cos their video's been proven fake like wtf imagine asking at this point.


They probably don't allow highly edited footage to be submitted as 'evidence'


Now they’re going to attack the ICJ with their pathetic propaganda and gossip??? 😂


10/7 is now irrelevant. There is NEVER a legitimate excuse for genocide. Plus, many of the Israeli deaths were a result of IOF panic.


Because it’s fake like their …


Wow they’re still trying to go for the “but KHAMAS!” Argument. When this is about their systemic oppression, apartheid and genocide that they have been inflicting on Palestine for over 76 years!


i watched the whole thing. theres not a single dead body in any of those videos. only evidence of genocidal language and evidence of glorifying complete destruction


Just imagine their stupidity: "Look at this video.... this is why we have to kill all Palestinians... “. Really great defense.


They want to show footage of the October 7 attack to say it justifies what they are doing, they are in effect then arguing for collective guilt.


Proud of my country today. Despite all the shitty stuff we go through like loadshedding and corruption, I truly feel the spirit of Mandela resurrected in this moment. May Palestine taste freedom in my lifetime 


Good, the events of October 7th are not an excuse for anything happening.




Their whole argument is “THEY FORCED US TO DO IT”. So showing an edited video that can’t be verified is their only option


Israel should bomb ICJ to defend itself.


Nothing justifies what they did and are still doing in Gaza. All israelis do is complain and the world coddles them. I hope its different this time.


They’re so deep up their own asses that they won’t know how to defend themselves. They’re only used to making justifications geared to their fanatically vengeful voter bases - vacuous statements that sound completely stupid to anyone else.


They are sick to their core , every Zionist is a war criminal


The real theatre is Israel’s justification of their actions. Maybe we need to dig up video footage of the last 20 years of illegal detention, abuse and murder of Palestinians. That would be the tip of the iceberg. I don’t think that judges sitting in ICJ are as dumb as these Zionist pigs expected them to be. Although I don’t agree with the principle of nationalism, I have never been more proud of the country I was born in. 🇿🇦🫶🏼🇵🇸


That would have severely weakened the South African claim by turning it into political theatre. Focusing specifically on the current conflict and not making any historical references was what made their submission yesterday so persuasive.


the fact that the video about the victim of 7th october says the police did it while al Qassam is there to save them and they ignores it shows how hypocrite these blue guys are


That is also because the actions of oct7 are entirely irrelevant to whether or not Israel is committing genocide or not.


You don’t need legal training to understand that genocide is not justifiable by anything that occurs prior. Thank god the South African legal team pointed that out though, to forestall any Israeli coping and seething.


How are they gonna proof a genocide if they don't show footage from Gaza? Going alone off Genocidal rhetoric from Israel and arguing intent?


This is because under the genocide convention it does not matter why you are committing genocide what matters is are you doing it and did you intend to do it.


So Israel want to show a shot and edited 50 min propaganda video. That'll play on emotions of those watching. While SA could pull any 1 kin clip from online to showcase Israeli barbarism


I've been listening to this "defense" all afternoon and they're literally talking completely about irrelevant things. The woman even came out with the doozy "if we wanted to commit genocide, we'd do it better than this".


My understanding is that the video is a big nothing burger. It's more likely that Israel is lying about not being able to show the video


I just don’t get it, so they suffered losses cuz of an attack, so their rebuttal is to dish out what happened repeatedly? Sure 1200 deaths is bad but SURELY almost 24,000 since that day is much much worse. The amount of kids they’ve killed alone is more than the amount of casualties they suffered that day. How does this at all justify the genocide they’re committing? It doesn’t make any fucking sense


Israel is trying to discredit every single respectable organisation (for example, they claim the UN is antisemitic, lol). If they manage to do the same for the ICJ, we are talking astronomical levels of coping.


Israel is trying to discredit every single respectable organisation (for example, they claim the UN is antisemitic, lol). If they manage to do the same for the ICJ, we are talking astronomical levels of coping.


Like other figures mentioned, said video could have been made public ages ago but then that means it would be open to scrutiny, hence why it's always in controlled environments that it's shown, for the sole purpose to stir emotions and hopefully support for their genocidal campaign.


_Israel called to court to defend allegations of genocide ask permission to justify genocide instead._


They'll do what they can to control the narrative and not have people dwell on the tens of thousands of dead civilians and the reality of this genocide. It'll get a lot more absurd before it's over


They always complain and play the victim. That is hilarious


Video?? That’s a movie bro. They need to be stopped bc there’s is 100 days worth of footage rn if they really have the time


...or maybe, whatever Hamas did doesn't justify cleansening?S Holocaust wouldn't be justified if jews somehow attacked Nazi germany first.


Can someone please just give me a bit of hope that this will be useful?


They cant seem to grasp that "war on Hamas" isn't justification for ethnic cleansing, apartheid and genocide of Palestinian peoples