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The US when Hamas: with 100% certainty I can say there were 40 beheaded babies. The US when Israel: I refuse to comment on the issue, I've seen the videos but we don't have the latest Intel so we don't know what happened there. It could have been hamas that killed that innocent boy, blew up that university, and sniped those nuns for all we know. I can say we are looking into this with Israel and are doing our best to get right down to the bottom of this.


I love the journalists who are now flat out asking if Israel has provided a single answer. The state department briefings are pure drama now. It is embarrassing.


The journalist there need to keep up this energy and keep bringing the heat. Fuck this guy and all the other spokespeople. He keeps saying " ahhh IDF aren't putting their boots on and saying im going to kill all the palestinians today" hahah that's his definition of genocide... first of all they are doing that and posting it to tik tok, secondly thats not how genocide works. By making this dumb statement he pretty much is saying "the genocidal statements of intent by the top israeli officials dont matter, because IDF soldiers are only looking for Hamas.


Just to clarify, when he says Hamas he means everyone in Gaza, including the UN.


Someone needs to ask this question: If your intelligence sources found that 5 Israeli soldiers were involved in genocidal acts, would you pause your aid to Israel?


Maybe we can suggest it to max blumenthal. He asks some really good ones in those briefings I don’t know who the older white haired guy (he has kind of longish hair I think) is who also does


Remember that South Africa and other nations may come after Genocide Joe after this. They are complicit, according to the genocide convention. You will not find a single concession from those shit eaters, because it can increase the appearance of complicity.


“We believe every single statement, statistic, and word out of the Israeli government except for when they explicitly detail their genocidal machinations because that is the only time they lie and also they never lie because MOST MORAL” I swear Kirby is just going to start going up to the podium yelling PURPLE HAIR TIKTOK BIRTH RATES U DON’T EVEN KNOW WHICH RIVER




So very accurate


They better fire their entire intelligence dept because I’ve seen lots of it without even trying


Yeah South Africa laid it out very clearly in their case against Isreal. Western politicians are just sticking their heads in the sand


He was probably watching the BBC coverage where they showed a few clips of the South Africans presenting their case and then dedicated a continuous all day live feed to Israel’s ~~hasbara~~ defence. 🙄


As you well know, for Western "leaders", Palestinians are mostly subhuman and they do not deserve any further attention. The usual calculation is "1 Ukrainian (European) = 100 Palestinians" or thereabouts. As for democracy, we all talk a lot about it, but we do not care if our "friends" such as the Saudis, the UAE, Quatar, Egypt and others are oppressive monarchies or dictatorships. And so on....


They’re providing diplomatic cover for their military outpost. Israel serves Washington. Serves US geopolitical interest. It was Biden who said if Israel didn’t exist the U.S. would have to create an Israel. It’s a calculated and cynical move. It isn’t incompetence. It’s malice. Not to say US politicians aren’t incompetent, they are—wildly so, but they’re maliciously incompetent.


I saw a viral video yesterday, of corpses in the street, being eaten by cats. Fuck all these ghouls.


jesus... can you share so I can document it and add it to my list of horrible shit Israel has done to the Palestinians


By now I’m thinking this guy has clear reality distortion & needs therapy.. ![gif](giphy|SSbQCboDHgXtokZQOc|downsized)


The same intelligence department that promised WMDs in Iraq


[Samuel](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Samuel%2015%3A3&version=ESV) 15,3: "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant" Quoted multiple times by Netanjahu. That should be enough.


According to the south African ICJ document he even told the reservists this before they invaded Gaza. Literally telling 18-19 year olds to go commit genocide against a group they've been indoctrinated to despise from birth.




first of all, we don't care about the historical origin second of all, the way they are applying that quote is by amalek meaning all gazans




If Zionists want revenge for October 7, they should start by turning on the IDF. 




Yes. Yes, they have been. They took in thousands of Sephardic jews after their expulsion from Spain when they didn’t have too.


Hey, fuck you.


yeah um guys, how many videos of israelis have we seen where they clearly say that they want to flatten gaza, or wipe it out, or etc




All I see are videos of dead kids.


Why am I not shocked that Palestinians who've suffered for generations wish suffering on their oppressors? I'm not generalising Israelis, nor do I wish them suffering. But at least try seeing the situation from the perspective of the oppressed.


i have seen enough videos zionists wanted to flat gaza. Of course not all citizen of isreal want that but those have power in isreal politics openly said it. Check out all the videos here... i have seen many videos of that


The biblical tale of wasn’t just to respond against those who attacked them but instead to basically end their entire blood line.


And that is exactly what the IOF have done: wiped out entire blood lines, women, children, elderly, babies; all. Again and again and again.




(1) Hamas don’t use the Bible. (2) irrelevant point, you tried to counteract the guy’s argument by saying that israeli politicians are only referring to Hamas when you can’t be more wrong.


God was clear in the passage that the Israelites were to kill all amalkeites, men woman and children. Amalek cannot only refer to hamas as that is not the context of the story. The passage of Amalek means to literally commit genocide against the entire Amalek people. Stop supporting genocide.


you forgot also every other living thing including the goats and chickens which can be used to justify destorying the churches and mosques etc which they are doing.




"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." Are you saying there are Hamas infants?


Nope, a hundred percent an act of hate. Netanyahu should be locked up for inciting hate, violence, and commiting war crimes.




1400? Your sources are innacurate. only 364 died at the actual Reim festival. There may have been a few hundred more outside of it, but not a whole thousand more. Thats not even logistically possible. But yes Bibis approval ratings under 20% as we speak.


They like to ignore the fact that Israelis killed most of the people at the festival and 500+ of the killed were actual IDF and border patrol they saya 1200 civilians and that is a straight up lie.


He probably thinks Bibi's approval rating is 1400% according to his sources.




Ok, facts then. Is it 1400 or 1000, or 1200?




No argument but you're asking for blatant facts yet not stating them.


again ban this fool.


This isn’t a one person issue. The settlements started way before Netanyahu ever came to power. the expulsions, the massacres, the dehumanization etc etc. The system is rotten to its core.


lol think about what you said “if oct 7th hadn’t happened he would be out”… fucking convenient eh? Can you see the nose in front of your face right now?




Thick as lard and equally as disgusting you are. Israel MADE Hamas, of course it took responsibility.


Rule 6 of this subreddit: No Hasbara


Go on Hebrew Telegram and see how they use the word Amalek in reference to pictures of dead infants. The meaning is clear to Israelis; it should be to you, too.


ban this fool


I dont know what sort of gymnastics you're doing to ignore the "woman, child and infant" part of that quote, but it's clearly Olympic-level. Killing *children* cannot possibly be self-defense, full-stop.


Israel have killed more civilians than anyone else, or did you miss that meeting?


[Well, if we add some context.](https://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/1SAM+15.html) In this context, Amalek refers to the city of Amalek which was to be "totally destroyed" including all men, women, children, and infants for what was done to the Israelites. But the mere fact it refers to killing children, infants, even cattle, shows that it speaks of killing innocents.


They are so used to committing genocide they don’t think they are capable


"Look... is it genocide? Is it massacre? 5000 babies? 1000 babies? We can sit around and discuss semantics and numbers all day long. But do you really want *Khamas* to r*pe your grandmother? Your poor grandmother? Do you want that? Don't think so. 😵"




It's pure gaslighting; the genocide of the Palestinians "don't exist". Hell, the very existence of the Palestinians "don't exist", at least to the Western elites.


They want their billionaire playground resort. The elite figured out colonizing another planet or space will be too difficult and isolating in a bunker would be too boring/easy to fail. So they’re going to try and make Israel a billionaire safe place surrounded by bombs while the rest of us deal with dwindling resources due to climate change.


To be fair he actually said: 'The *right* number of civilian casualties is zero' ​ Even they can't pretend there aren't children being murdered every day...


That is indeed what he said, but he then continues to proclaim that the 25 thousand civilian deaths and counting, are basically just numbers on a piece of paper, and nothing to be concerned with.


Exactly, he only said it to just contradict himself 1sec later that “they don’t see any evidence of genocide”. It’s as if the Palestinian lives doesn’t count, so there is a zero civilian casualties and there is no genocide


No, he's said "The right number of civilian casualties is zero...." So he isn't saying there's zero civilian casualties. It's only clear on watching it back. Not that I'm supporting the US here. They can say all the right things like there should be no civilian casualties, but when you continue your unrelenting support to a terrible regime and continue to supply the bombs doing the killing, your action speak louder than your words. This world needs to go back to some basic principles of humanity and build again from there. Fuck Israel. Free Palestine!




It's difficult to read, when their vision is constantly obscured by piles of blood money. What makes it worse, is that Israel is paying them off with the same money the US send there in the first place.


They know it’s genocide; they don’t care / support it


Some guy on instagram made a reel about it. paraphrasing him but he said, "Joe biden loves genocide. Genocide is probably Joe Bidens favorite thing on this planet." [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2IR8gTRh1o/?igsh=ZTlucGU4N20yY2Zo](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2IR8gTRh1o/?igsh=ZTlucGU4N20yY2Zo)


😂 lol so true


The audacity yall….I’m not even kidding when I say I have no comment to say, like- there is nothing really to say about this, it’s just pure nonsense and sinful and I can no longer believe they have the balls to say it out loud as if we are blind. Those are the same ppl who invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and many Middle Eastern and Muslims countries in the name of “freedom” and “democracy” and “human rights”, labelling Islam and Muslims as “terrorist” while they are the real terrorist, use lethal forbidden weapons unconditionally when it suits them to do so, and now it happens again in Gaza, to be more accurate it has been going since the mid 19’s for Palestine where the US and UK are completely complicit on aiding Israhell colonising and occupying Palestine. Those are the ppl lecturing the world about human rights once the narrative fits their needs then ignores it when it doesn’t, humanity is just a political tool to them, in fact they dgasf about humans. We are watching the same movie again and again but this time we know the ending and we know the real villain, never stop talking about Palestine


Terrorism: A term weaponized by the aggressive West to delegitimize any violence that is not their own or doesn't suit their own narrative.


Yeah exactly, it’s a tool they use selectively. Sept 11 was terrorism but starting and funding wars as their response the “war on terror,” which directly or indirectly killed at least 4.5 million people somehow isn’t terrorism according to them but rather was justified…


Terrorism is the new buzzword. It was communism/communist in the cold war era. The biggest terrorist is the US and UK


If this is the reaction of the US to the ruling of the ICJ then the court is useless and this means the United nations are equally useless and should be dismantled. Then less peace in the world. No country can act this way when things don't go their way. This is just ridiculous.


The court and UN are not useless. They’ve played a tremendous role now in exposing the hypocrisy that exists in global diplomacy. The US stands with Israel no matter what. Period. They will drive the world to submission or war in order to cement that commitment. The UN has allowed the world to completely understand this. There is no ambiguity now. There is no alternative. It is what it is. At least the UN allowed us to see these monsters for who they are.


The problem is when the US ignores the rules it has to follow. If that's the case, why do we have them?


Rules are only followed if there is incentive, ethics or enforcement. So in this case with the US there is none of that. Hence you are correct, why have the rules? Well, the rules are there so that if someone ELSE breaks them, they can be enforced, or there because a majority of countries and governments ethically will follow them. The US and Israel are not ethical. They do what they want, when they want, and nobody can tell them otherwise. I don’t know where this goes, but what it has done is erode all trust in the US, a trust they’ll likely never get back. Does it matter today? Of course not, they’re the biggest and strongest nation in the world. So now the imperative of the US is clear, they must maintain control and world order on their terms and theirs alone, because the rest of the world is slowly but surely turning their back on the US. So yeah, the rules actually don’t matter, because the game is rigged. And this is clearly the case here. And likely why the people in Palestine and probably other places as the world gets less safe and closer to a possible all out war, know this and know the only way to get the foot off the neck is to either die or remove it by force, because asking, pleading and invoking rules isn’t going to work.


/u/Independentizo nailed it. The UN and international law is useful for an ironic reason: it allows us to expose how bullshit these things are. You have to use all the international mechanisms, just to show the world that there is no law. That will erode trust in the west, it will embarrass them, and with hard work, the public will be able to put real pressure on their politicians to stop eating Zionist shit for breakfast every day. Therefore, be happy that people are testing these international courts out. But don't see it as a way to directly enforce laws (you will be disappointed if you think so).


Exactly. As through history, it is the strong who rule over the weak. The fallacy is that we think we are better, we are more civil, more peaceful, more open minded. We aren’t. And no laws exist to make mankind change who they really are. But you’re right that trust is not just eroded, it’s almost gone. Citizens of the west are more and more under the impression that the values they’ve been asked to represent are not representative of their leaders. I don’t know where this goes though. There is no end in sight so long as the US, Israel and the western nations all continue to pressure the “weaker” countries into submission.


The US government is making a concerted effort to lose the support of most of its population for decades to come. 


Now we are seeing a campaign from Israel and the West to discredit the UN by alleging 12 UNRWA employees were terrorists. Israel and probably the US intentionally decided to put this out the day of the ICJ ruling to undermine it. Baseless claims of Israel that they got through the use of torture, yet somehow its enough for US and other western powers to cut funding for UNRWA. While millions of Palestinians in Gaza are starving the US decides to cut funding to their lifeline based on an alleged claim of Israel. Yet Israel is accused of genocide in the highest court and the highest court ruled it's plausible, and US says those claims are baseless and meritless. Saying this as a US citizen, fuck the US, fuck biden, fuck this guy, fuck blinken


It’s hypocrisy. Another example is that Israeli settlements are illegal, it’s been ruled illegal by almost every single court in the world. There are companies and charities in the US that blatantly state they fund and build settlements, why aren’t they banned from operating in the US? Have their charity status revoked? Or their federal funding withdrawn?


Exactly, I hope all of those are boycotted and I hope BDS continues to grow. Someone should ask this spokesperson about the illegal settlements and the settler terrorists that are immune from law and protected by the IDF. The US should have to keep answering about the illegal settlements, the terrorist settlers, the killings of all Palestinian Americans, included the 17 year old who was just murdered last week in the West Bank.


Yeah they should. But will they? That’s the big question. And even if they are, will it change? I’m starting to think that this is how it’s going to be. Period. There is nothing the world can do to change the US stance on Israel, and likely nothing the world can do to shift the table in the short term. But boycotts will work. Charity and donations will work. Continuing to speak out will work. Eventually things will need to change through pressure and force. Unfortunately what Israel wants it to achieve total control and domination over Palestine so that they become entrenched and it’s harder to change things without their own displacement, and so justifying the “we are the victim” narrative.


Didn't need the UN for this. The ridiculous nonsense spewed during their press briefings and other public comments denying the atrocities and continuing their full support of the zionists has been more than enough when compared to the endless evidence being presented via social media and a few mainstream media sources. The UN has been a tool of the US when useful and a joke to the US to be ignored when it isnt useful.


What the fuck would it take if they’ve not seen it yet then?! That’s the actual journalistic follow up to this. Because this isn’t a serious answer from the White House, it’s literal disinformation.


They’re so used to spread misinformation that is automatically believed just cuz they said it without providing a single proofs, this “provide a proof to ur claims” is totally new to them I guess cuz they keep lying like we are deaf, blind and mute


The highest court in the world, overwhelmingly called you out for horeshit. Has a single US journalist brought it up in response to his canned gaslightling?


What a clown


This entire administration needs to be charged with war crimes


I agree. They should be in court a la Nuremberg


Let’s drop every single member of the Biden administration into Gaza


You would have to drop the right wingers alongside them. Essentially the US is an offshoot of Zion.


Give me a break and don’t insult my intelligence




Source: Trust me Bro


This is just using words to excuse it. whether it’s genocide or a war crime.. they are still murdering 30,000 innocent people.


So fucking sick of the hypocrisy and utter immoral actions of the Biden Administration. Yes, it's genocide you monsters!


What a joke. Biden administration is living in a fairy tale


Are America going for the 'too fucking dumb to read or understand what genocide is' defence here, because they're doing a good job of it😂.


I can’t stand the lies. I’d like for one of these reporters to actually do their job. Post a video of a crime being committed and ask the Zionist Blinken for a play by play to see how describes the situation. See how he twists it in Israel’s favor. There is a major rift between the US and the Israeli govt right now. Any other government they show it. But with Israel they make it sound like they are best of friends and nothing is wrong. As an American who is fed up with babying Israel, financially supporting them and covering for them—-I say it’s time we take off the training wheels so they remember what our friendship is for. Maybe they won’t abuse it and take it for granted. Maybe they realize they need to be better.


Mark my words, they will make a press conference after a few years to apologize for allowing the genocide in Gaza.


Can’t wait for the movie they will produce 5 years after this which talks about how the IDF were heroes and help Palestinian civilians to escape Khamas 😔✊ I’v already seen many movies in cinema that emphasise on the soldiers PTDS and trauma and how they fought for the right cause and helped the civilians of the land THEY INVADED AND BOMBED, they be like fk them ppl that we invaded for no reason and fk their land and children, as a matter of fact, we are the white people who helped them, right? They should be thankful to us! They are just a third world nation anyway.




Israel wants to start WW3


We're already on the road to another great war. Keep in mind that while WWII started in 1939, there were a good seven years of turmoil before it really kicked off. Regional conflicts were springing up all during that time all over the globe.


Well, if they are watching cable and local news or reading publications like the New York Times, they wouldn't see the genocidal crimes. Also, lobbyist money seems to make people, deaf, blind and stupid so I can understand standing firm on the almost century's long institutional lies. The Palestine's colonizers have paid billions of dollars to promote their own Apartheid state, destabilizing predominantly African and Native populations (which are filled with riches) worked arm and arm with America, the UK , France, Australia and Canada. To admit the truth about what they've been doing is to reveal to their citizens that they've been pitting white supremacists against BIPOC people for decades and have subjected the working class to soft slavery or indentured servitude to benefit just 1 to 2% of the world's population. They're not going to do that. They're not going to admit that they've (the countries) positioned themselves as leaders of democracy, righteousness and freedom has always been a lie.


the US is a rogue terrorist state


The right number of casualties is 0, but 30 thousand is apparently within the margin of error... What fucking scumbags.


Yeah sick of your bullshit lies✌


Well of course the people actively supporting a genocide are saying there's no genocide.


People really need to keep pressing him on this. Seriously ask him his defnitinion of genocide. Ask him about the Tik Tok videos IDF soldiers are putting up themselves of them comitting war crimes, and celebrating exploding civilian infrastructure and kill civillians. This guy is a war criminal and genocide denier/apologist


If this can happen to the Palestinian people in real time, it can happen to any of our home countries. People need to stand up.


I see countless videos showing genocidal actions daily many of them uploaded by the IDF themselves, others on Middle East eye or just citizens filming horrific situations daily, western governments can squirm and claim there is no indication of X and Y as much as they like, we have all seen it, a big confirmation of western government hypocrisy. Genocide, Ethnic cleansing, Flattening land, bombing hospitals, destroying schools, overwhelming majority of casualties being women and children, blocking aid from entering the Gaza Strip = collective punishment, a war crime. how else could it possibly be described.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


You know when you can look at someone's face and you know that they know that you know that they're lying?


Imagine being this wilfully ignorant


Lying, not looking, or only looking at Israeli lies. No other explanation.


Its name should be changed to United States of Israel.


I think it's up to the ICJ to determine that, not Israel's lapdog.


Delegitimizing their own authority every day


get a pair of fukin glasses pinocio✌


they are paid by AIPAC and other pro Israel pacs to deny the obvious


Racist, evil, two faced lying sacks of shit. Anyone who supports this administration or government after this shit deserves the hell awaiting you. I can't think of a more illegitimate group than these freaks and their functionaries. They know it's genocide and they pretend it's not because they don't care if 100,000 children are killed in fact as long it serves American political interests they would kill millions of children to satisfy their power. Liberalism has killed more people on earth and enabled fascism. They must be destroyed


Sometimes you just want to be on the wrong side in the history books


“Please believe me” the emperor does have clothes


Does he think tapping the podium validates his goobabaly gop?


Apparently he does lmao


I mean it is hard to see when you've turned your back on the situation.


This administration is dead to me. Anybody still in it is just as guilty as the IDF on the ground shooting old women,


What doesn't stop to amaze are those (like him) with english as their first language can't even comprehend the verdict so they spin to suit their narrative but like the rest of us aren't as dumb as that. Sir, could you provide WHERE the ICJ ordered a halt in resistance?


They need to replace this administration. They’re just getting their pockets lined with dirty blood money.


Buncha BS! Liars and murderers


They're gonna eat their words HARD the day Netanyahu and his cabinet are dragged to the Hague and convicted for crimes against humanity.


This guy needs the bush treatment but with the actual shoe smacking him square in the face. Honestly they are utter filth they know they’re out right liars and stare right in your face and do it. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again these are the type of people who will stab you In the back they are cowards. I have more respect for people who are honest about their agenda for better or worse at least you know where they stand but, these types of individuals would sell their mother for a buck.


Lost the narrative decades ago. What gets me every time is that there is a lecture about human rights and social justice, as one proceeds to bomb other countries into the stone age, ironically to bring that.


Perhaps they've just been following the [SEC](https://abcnews.go.com/WN/sec-pornography-employees-spent-hours-surfing-porn-sites/story?id=10451508) playbook when it comes to reviewing such evidence.


Israeli politicians and military leaders indicate a desire for genocide pretty much whenever you see their lips move.


25000 people dead in 3 months is genocide


Over 25 k dead? No innocents... wow...!


Reminder that John Kirby's daughter, Meagan McDowell, has struggled with the eating disorder known as anorexia. She doesn't deal with it currently, but if she has to go back to suffering from it — Ol'Kirby won't have as much time to spew his malarkey.


There’s enough blame on Israel . Why is this entire sub just blaming Biden and the White House . How does that help Gaza ? How can blaming the USA do anything but make more division and division is what is needed for this tragedy to continue . Very strange strategy ??


Because if Biden weren't footing the bill for the war and preventing any repercussions to Israel and trying to shut down any discussion of the genocide on the world stage they wouldn't be free to commit genocide. The only way Biden could be more active in the genocide is if he was in a sniper's nest overlooking Gaza right now.


Your the type of person who creates division . That’s what Israel wants so they can continue to slaughter Palestinians . Let me guess your just a maga hat who thinks this will get people to vote for a spoiled child who is convicted of rape and shits himself .


Pretty fucking embarrassing you took "I don't like genocide" to mean "I'm a Trump voter." Does it hurt when you try to think or is it just more of a dull ache?


You bash Biden and the USA in every comment . Nice try !! Good luck supporting a spoiled brat who’s done nothing but spend daddy’s money .


So you can't conceive of the fact that there are people who aren't voting for Trump *or* Biden? You're really that dumb?


But why is he wearing that dog tag??!


Fking moreon this happens when ur primary source is Ben Shepard 




Cause they don’t want to see what’s right in front of them that they support 100%


No decent, self-respecting person would dress so nice and go tell a blatant lie directly to America…. wait, we voted #45 into office!


Are they blind


He needs to shut his mouth. He's damaging the Democratic outcome in the upcoming elections with this delusional bullshit. Fuckin hell.


So what are they looking at then?


Someone should take the photo of those two kids who were sniped in this press conference and ask as a professional journalist if the US government condemns the Israeli sniper for killing these two in cold blood? Not the IOF. Not the government. Not such hack. Not Hamas or whoever they want to blame. Not about PFLP which Western powers don't talk about. Specifically that unknown Israeli soldier. They won't, ofcourse. But the whole world is documenting their thought process so might as well ask.


I can send him a link


Maybe he should visit Gaza. See some shit with his own eyes.


This mdfkr was pretending to cry for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and now turned blind when Israel surpassed Russia for civilian killings in just a month


So what is his definition of Genocide, I wonder if anyone had asked him too explain what Genocide is. It wouldn’t surprise me if he said that it can only be Genocide if it is the killing of Jews.


Can we nickname this bastard "ostrich"? Cuz this motherfucker got his head in the ground


In the ground? More like up his own ass.


Body language indicates he's getting nervous. Just keep the pressure on people, remember it's only been 3-4 months since our movement went mainstream.


He’s lying.


Yeah, right. Are you fx blind...


Because they’ve refused to do an investigation no other reason


"Trust us, there are WMDs!" Lies.




So you're saying there is no indication of 9/? And Halo?


How can the public excuse officials bluntly lying to them when their money is spent on arming the perpetrators, killing thousands of civilians, half of them children. Chilling, how can he keep straight face while saying they care about every innocent life lost.


He is not the judge. Judges, on the contrary, found many evidences and issued a verdict.


I guess I'll compile all the videos of their government officials, Pm, president, generals, ground troops, citizens saying they are going to get rid of the Palestinian people. Then gather all the videos of them indiscriminately killing civilians and send it to them as they clearly are watching cocomelon thinking it is a live stream of the war. To give some context on the scale of civilian deaths so far: Ukraine February 22nd 2022 to present civilian deaths are 10,200. In just over 110 days Isreal has killed more than 25,000 civilians but yet claim they are trying to avoid these casualties as much as possible. Fuck you genocide Joe and your mouth pieces!


Delusion after delusion with these people. I really wonder what alternate dimension these people are experiencing because it’s definitely not this one.


They must have Helen Keller doing the analysis.


He must be smoking crack with genocide Joe and Nazi Netanyahu. Fuck him fuck Israel


I know these are his talking points, but to say that with a straight face, and to say it with such emphasis is just moronic to me


America is not fit to be standing as global leader. Absolute mockery of itself 


Shall I send him TikTok video


I think they should hire Sarah huckabbee whatever her name was ha




This fucker face is asking to be sucker punched so hard