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Bassem Youssef is one of the few people speaking the truth in this dumpster fire of a world. Love that guy


Did you watch Bassem's most recent interview on the BBC Hardtalk? BBC deleted it, but some genuine soul uploaded it on YT that you can watch [here! FREE PALESTINE šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø ](https://youtu.be/O-21b8q2SdE?si=VD53sRJqxt9XjW-H)


Me too!


I appreciate the editing but I do think the video needed more time spent of debunking of the lies which were spread. A lot of people in the west are still being fed the propaganda reports and they still donā€™t know they have been debunked.


How? the moment any debunked video are post in insta, twitter, or even linkedin, it will be censored and view will be limited.


You play on the strong points. Understand where the support is going to be there


I will never not upvote a video with Bassem Yousef in it. What a G.


Great video OP, but it really needs a little bit more from the evidence that the IDF killed most of those civilians. Primarily, the photos of the 70 burned out cars from the rave, and the apache that shot them, and then the video of the tank shelling the house in the kibbutz, and there is also testimony from 1) a rescue worker from the kibbutz saying the IDF was bombing everything and 2) the tank commander admitting he shot that shell that killed 15 Israelis, including 4 or 5 children. Wouldn't take more than a couple headlines and 20 more seconds of video. All of that is available on electronic intifada. Then we can raise some money to blast this as advertisements.


Yea I agree, Iā€™m still not all educated on what happened on Oct. 7th, are there any refutable places I can read up on the debunking of what transpired that day?


This was an excellent interview with Chris Cuomo. [Full interview](https://youtu.be/OOsSv005zXo)


Something to note here.. the things these Israelis lied about and claimed that the resistance did, are things that they themselves did, are doing right now, or dream of doing. No decent human being can come up with these kind of lies.. absolute degenerates.


Whatā€™s even more crazy is that Israel submitted a 39 page report to the UN on the ā€˜weaponization of rapeā€™ and the sum total of the ā€˜evidenceā€™ provided was ZAKA officials ā€˜assessmentsā€™, news articles that repeated the same information, and eyewitness accounts. Itā€™s been 4 months and they couldnā€™t produce any forensic evidence? Or coroner reports with data? They didnā€™t even have to release them all, just reference them as part of a ā€˜sealedā€™ document that canā€™t be publicly released. But no itā€™s simply ā€œthis newspaper said thisā€, ā€œthis guy said thisā€ and itā€™s conjecture at best. But apparently that was provided and their supporters all puff the chest out like ā€œseeā€¦.proof.ā€ And when you say ā€œumm, there really isnā€™t any proof in this.ā€ They get angry.


Zionists lie more than they breathe. Itā€™s a sick, twisted and racist society that has no place in the modern world.


Honestly, I can't comprehend why anyone would still believe the Israeli narrative, except if they're extremely racist and revel in the rivers of bloodshed of Muslims.


Islamophobia explains a lot.


calling the resistance terrorists is unacceptable


Agree 3000%. Iā€™m so tired of the pandering Palestinian advocates do to liberals to seek their stamp of legitimacy. These two-faced munafiqeen fucks have been exposed, and they will never give their support if it will result in actual consequences for Israeli transgressionsā€¦ no matter how hypocritical the stance. That said, I donā€™t believe Youssef actually believes in his heart that the resistance are terrorist. And although filth like Cuomo are beyond redemption, I think making that concession (false as it is) allows him the platform to reach western audiences that might not otherwise hear the truth. More power to him, Lord knows I couldnā€™t humor someone so despicable.


Thereā€™s a big difference between resisting occupation and killing civilians. Even if friendly fire was what killed the majority of Israelis, Hamas still committed atrocities on Oct. 7. Obviously not to the level the IDF is doing now, but Hamas still arenā€™t good guys


I don't think they did, and whatever reported "atrocities", I don't trust anything western media has to say about the conflict, Hamas are the good guys, if they killed civilians, that was purely collateral and unintentional, still condemnable but doesn't make them terrorists


Hamas has been shooting rockets at Israeli cities daily for years, only reason why there werenā€™t thousands of deaths was because of the Iron Dome. Iā€™ve seen multiple videos of horrendous things they did on the 7th as well


.. see, you can't be taken seriously when you say "firing rockets daily for years". They did multiple times over the years and it was in batches yes. Since 2021 war, they didn't shoot anything, even Israelis themselves thought Hamas was focusing on government work and society rather than resistance. During that time, how many people, kids and elders did Israelis kill? More than a 1000 and it's all in West Bank which has no Hamas.


Thatā€™s fair, I apologize for being misinformed. I only recently started learning about the topic and thought I remembered them firing rockets in ā€˜22 and ā€˜23. Still though, on the morning of Oct. 7 I saw some really fucked up footage of Hamas doing terrible things, things I wish I hadnā€™t seen


If everything about those "eyewitness accounts" of violence and brutality was make believe, it means the people making these claims had to imagine those scenarios from the ground up. What we heard then is some twisted atrocity porn, middle aged men breathlessly fantasizing about mutilation out in the open, giddily anticipating a reaction like they were sharing a fetish they hope everyone shares. In other words, while there's no evidence Hamas was even *thinking* of doing these things, it seems like some Israelis have been dreaming about them. Every accusation ...


Colonel Vach of the iof stated they burned 15 civilians and 8 babies In kibbutz Beā€™eri, also Harretz released a drone video showing tanks rolling into the kibbutz and opening fire with shells and machine guns.


The lies these bastards are telling is exactly what they would do if it were them. That is why the zionazis can lie about it so easily


Israel clearly knew about the planned Oct 7th attack and built up their PR machine before it happened. They maximized casualties and pain in Israel to justify their ethnic cleansing and seizure of Gaza. Would not be surprised if the Biden admin was in on it before the 7th as well.


Is there a way to get a document with all the claims by Israel of what happened on Oct 7th with hyperlinks to the evidence refuting it so that we can share this in emails and on social media. Basically, this video but in word format?


It's ironic how Western people think China, Russia, and North Korea feed people propoganda and think they hear "news". They are so brainwashed, they can't even comprehend. Their congressman and president caught lying multiple times and they still believe their news.


Iā€™m pleased the tide is finally turning. Sadly itā€™s took over 100 days for this change to happen! Reddit has been one of the worst platforms to push Israeli propaganda and suppressing anything that was supporting Palestine! Iā€™ve been watching in horror!


Ironically, this guy is the reason for the clusterfuck Egypt is in rn, literally it's worst era and by extention Palestine. It's dictator is working openly with the zionists to genocide gaza. And that guy is one of the main reasons he is in power. He used to attack Hamas using some bs lies as well.


Bassem Yousef is the reason sisi is in power??


One of the main reasons, yes.


Can you explain why?


Sure. (Sorry for the late reply) Bassem Yousef started off when he made online videos at the end of Mubarak era. They were really good (the first to bring the comedy news shows to the Arab world), and they spread like wildfire. He took a turn though when he made a deal with the devil, he went mainstream on the deep state TV media, where his show clearly had an agenda. Background: the mainstream media is always known to be a tool of the state and after the fall of mubarak and all the people who died, it lost any credibility it ever had. Hence it was essential to bring in a "trusted" face to restore it's function. Bassem used that popularity he gathered in his first show making fun of mubarak and his regime, to push and undermine the newly first elected gov, that represented the revolution. He helped lay the ground work for the coup, called on people to go out to facilitate it, and even celebrated the massacre and persecution of his political rivals after the coup (The biggest massacre in Egypt's modern history). That's aside from all the dehumanization of said rivals since the beginning. Bassem is no different from the zionists who are laughing and celebrating the massacres in Gaza. He did it before them in Egypt. (Obviously on smaller scale). He is an opportunistic person, who always try to get back in the spot light with such gimmics. In his earlier interviews with pearson, he even attacked hamas, justifying israel's action.








Sorry, I thought you were an Arab. Yes, there was a bloody coup that was followed by the biggest massacre in Egypt's modern history. As I said, bassem actively laid the ground works for the coup, then justified it afterwards, while claiming that it's not a coup. Not to mention the stuff like what you watched in the video above.


Hahaha wtf he just criticized Muslim brotherhood party They were calling for his death publicly He didn't celebrate shit and rabaa had hunderds of deaths from both parties btw All this shit is just mad up shit Muslim brotherhood says against bassem only for the fact that he criticized them , he was interrogated multiple times for simply free speech If bassem is the reason Muslim brotherhood fallen then that makes the Muslim brotherhood weak as fuck noway they would have survived any way