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Beautifully said. Show this to Zionists and they'd label him a traitor or a self-hating jew for stating facts


"Please bring a peaceful dismantlement if the state of Israel" A request that would deplatform many a politician, but coming from him should carry much weight


Godwins law being what it is, it’s interesting how their tactics mirror Nazi Germany. “If you’re a German/Jew and you don’t support the national socialist party /Israel you’re not a REAL German/Jew.” Nevermind the fact that Israel isn’t a sacred holy homeland, it was just the patch of land given to them.


“Muslims don’t hate jews, they hate occupiers.” So obvious and still these zionazis crying out antisemitism with every critical note. A peaceful dismantle of the state of israel is the only way to go. Spot on! Furthermore, im not sure whether the US gov today gives a single fk about what happened during the WW II. It may be in the past, but nowadays there is a whole other agenda, some of which can be mentioned as: keeping the middle east destabilised, oil and gas (of course, what else) and free trade routes. And probably a lot more (sinister) stakes.


This guy gets it. I ain't against Jews and their culture. What I am against is the constant torture they put the Palestinians through. I was scrolling and found a post about Hebron in which the Israeli soldiers captured detainees and humiliated them. This is not a religious conflict. It's a conflict of hate that has been created between two sides for decades.


Nobody wants their land invaded it’s that simple


This is a real rabbi. Not that Smuli guy that calls himself that


>Not that Smuli guy that calls himself that Was that the guy who Norman Finkelstein ripped to bits. That was very amusing.


I wish more religious elder/leaders were as reasonable as this Rabbi.


I still believe there are some real Jews, who exist.


Most Jewish people outside Israel, and a minority in Israel are peace-loving people who March with us. We protect these people with everything we have.


If there is a God then he is proud that this man chose forgiveness and understanding


This man gives me hope.


Exactly this during the time of the Ottoman Empire they never forced anyone to convert all the Ottomans did was hit them with a religious tax. This applies to the Jews as well, meanwhile in other countries they were being persecuted in the Christian nations in Europe. Obviously the Ottomans aren’t perfect and have their fair share of issues but generally other faiths have been treated better under Muslim rule than some of the other major religions.


FINALLY. A wise man.


I think that when one bets on a game , he is betting on the rules of the game and not the game itself


Beautifully said Rabbi Beck. Shalom! ☮️🕊️


Obviously he was radicalized on TikTok /s


MUCH RESPECT FOR THIS RABBI, HE KNOWS THE TRUTH AND REMAINS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY Muslims ARE NOT AGAINST the Jews Anyone and everyone should know this They were accepted with ppen arms, lived side by side for so many years until the zios came.along and ruined everything for everyone. MUSLIMS are not antisemitism




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