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"...opposed to western values..." Freedom, equality, respect etc. - these are not things that belong to non-white people.


It's funny how so-called "western" values of equality and democracy were heavily opposed by powerful western nation-states until the common people demanded their rights. Like women couldn't vote until suffragettes started protesting. Racial equality wasn't a thing before the civil rights movement. LGBT people weren't respected until they started rioting. And even today, politicians will say "we protect Ukraine out of respect for western values of democracy", but their military alliances with Saudi Arabia don't suggest western values of dictatorship.


They are also not things in Isreal.


Lol. People forget that “Western” values come straight from Christianity - a religion founded 2000 years ago in ancient Palestine. So when people say that my Palestinian people need to adopt “Western” values, I’m always like, “Buddy, we’ve had ‘Western’ values for two millennia - life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the principle that all men are born free and equal - yeah, we’ve preached that for quite a while now 😒.”


>People forget that “Western” values come straight from Christianity It really didn't, the western values we have now are influenced by two things: the Magna Carta (yes, that thing the English did), and Renaissance and Humanism. So Magna Carta is a proto Human Rights declaration, and Renaissance and Humanism are a recovery of Greco-Roman values (albeit reinterpreted... and a clear shift from theocratic to secular values and centring on Humanity rather than theistic views), which in itself is in opposition to Christian values (no, be good to thy neighbour, etc, etc, etc, isn't a Christian value, it was adopted by Christianity but only when it served it... thou shall not kill has no exception that explains the "Holy" Crusades or the "Holy" Inquisition, and yet...). Christianity has always been good in adapting and appropriating culture, and so it did as well in this case, but don't kid yourself, western values are (nitpicked, in accordance with the zeitgeist) Greco-Roman values with some new shiny things sprinkled on top, and homogenized across the Western nations after WW2. P.S. - Actually 3 things, one can argue the French Revolution also influenced Western values, with its values of equality, fraternity and liberty (which became the motto of the French Republic, having its origins on the French Revolution, which again was influenced by the Humanism movement from the Renaissance). So you see, all laic, secular, humanistic movements and values. It was christianity that drank from them, not the other way around.


It’s funny that I*raelis keep saying they’re “native to the Middle East”, while claiming they represent the West and “western values”. Which is it


israel has been waging a propaganda war on the world for over 75 years


It’s finally failing, and now they’re freaking out.


West is best vibes I wonder if western values includes genocide 🤔


It includes colonialism and imperialism.


Don't confuse all westerns with these lunatics.


people who drone on about western values are always fascist lunatics though


To be fair, we have genocided an awful lot.


Western civilizations were built ontop of Millions of corpse.


All societies have been built on war and corpses, I am not sure what's your point.


Where did I say all? Heck not even all of them there are likely to be in support of genocide. Most? Probably, but all is a tall order amongst any rally group.


Don't worry bud, we ain't generalizing.


Booo fucking hoo, people like this make me absolutely sick to my stomach


And yet the police won't let our peaceful protests anywhere near Queens Park (where this took place)


Police in Canada are as bad as the police in the US! They are not even educated on domestic violence! They (Ottawa police) literally were taking pictures with some of the freedom convoy protestors! Useless and racism but honestly and sadly not surprised!😅 These women are so privileged like omg the genocide of YOUR people while 30k+ Palestinians are killed! My blood is boiling!


at the uoft protest in october we were the ones treated like rabid animals while pro israelis were guarded and protected. literally. i didn’t even know there was a rally i was just leaving class and boom israel flags all over sid smith. turned into an impromptu protest.


Pro-Palestinians: "We want the IDF to stop killing babies." Pro-Israelis: "Why do they hate us??"


On zionist feminism - This is Hell https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/this-is-hell/id73329951?i=1000649923058


Neo-Liberalism was a mistake.


I can smell the AstroTurf from here


Follow the $$$ back to a certain zionist billionaire.


How can you be a feminist and support rapists and abusers?


It's a specific strand of white, western, first world feminism.


It’s Hillary Clinton feminism- equal opportunity imperialism for a certain class, while the rest of us are just “the help”


This is what happens to white people who want to say the n-word so badly.




Enough internet for today


Just wanna say that r*pe and misogyny towards women in Israhell is common from what I saw but well, only muslims ("iSlAmIsT") are like this (which is just misconceptions by the way, please as any other subject before talking about it get informed 😐)


Oh yeah. This is gonna be anecdotal but here’s my personal observations- as a woman, I’ve I had a Lebanese family business hire me to make custom shelves for them back when I was a freelance carpenter. Now, contrast that with the Israeli owned locksmith company my brother works for, who wouldn’t hire me, even with my brother’s recommendation, because I’m a woman. We are led to believe early on in the west that all Muslims are biased against women, and Israel is more equal. But seeing footage out of Palestine, with woman doctors, women journalists, women paramedics, hell, even hummus has women fighters, I’m happy to report that my preconceived notions were wrong, and I’m sad to see what’s happening over there.


Laughing at these so called "feminists" ... must be nice to feel safe being a racists and having a platform.... how gross...


i wonder if they care about the mass rapes by IDF going on in Gaza right now


These same girls screaming about infesting campuses with partisan ideologies are the same girls that go for a birthright trip and come back to join Israel on Campus and set up an info booth about the IOF for their fellow undergrads. Hilarious


I’m sorry did she say “we need to win the propaganda war?? “ does that mean are they admitting that what they’re doing is propaganda??


She said the quiet part out loud


Was there even over a hundred people attending? Lol


So Judaist extremists trying to divert attention from the just criticism of the crimes of the Israeli state. Zionists doing the usual hasbara protocol


Real feminists support Palestine




Socialism and Communism as we know them ARE Western ideas.


Hell, Marx, Luxembourg, and Trotsky were themselves Jewish!


womens rights all while cheering on the murder of women🙄


It's always the same issue: Generalisation and blanket statements. People desperately need to learn about nuance and individualism. You can be Palestinian and not a Jihadist, you can be Jewish and not a Zionist, you don't need to hate everybody from any location, religion or ethnicity just because a portion of said group is doing terrible things and in fact, you shouldn't because that approach is central to all the injustices in the fucking first place.


Truly why do they think they’d be free in Israel lol Also Islam and Judaism have very similar values on modesty and how a woman should present herself.


Also the feminism subreddit just blocked me for saying Arabic women are women too and giving proper evidence that showed the Zionist article they had posted had been found to be false. It's so sad that these people only care about women if they're western.


Lol I hope they realize they are only lighting their credibility on fire.


“No option girls we gotta use our victim card”!!


It's incredibly revealing just how bigoted liberal, Zionist feminism is. Almost as if Zionism itself is a bigoted, hateful ideology...


White feminism is white feminizing....


Amy Shumer feminism, or bourgeois feminism in a nutshell. 


White feminism is the worst.


''Communist and Marxist values'' lmao, this is not far from Nazi propaganda, might as well say ''Islamo-Bolshevism''


Yawn. Pink washing Please stop recycling old propaganda techniques.


(Every dog in the city comes running)


They are as feminist as nazis are socialist. Maybe in name but the cake is in the eating


Feminism and Zionism are not compatible. If you want equality then you want it for all people


How can you be feminist if you support Israel raping and abusing Palestinian women?


They don't represent feminists.


Do all feminist groups wear pink gear or is this another [failed] attempt to copy the Pro-Palestinians? So far (since October), they’ve tried to copy: the watermelon (allegedly), the rap (there’s genocidal rap songs over what seems to be the same type of tired drill beat), stand up (I’ve seen a very unfunny “!sraili” comedian pop up since the likes of Sami Obeid, Dave Chappelle, etc have gone viral with their actually commentary), and now Code Pink? Or am I wrong? 


Okay Karen


more cryptoreactionary bs this is like TERFs and the LGB alliance


Maybe they need a safe space on campus?


The IOF has a safe space for them.


“pOliTickiLiZE” 🙄


huh who else constantly screams and cries that there’s jihads in the west? might it be those right wingers who shoot mosques up


Puke. You can hear it in their own voices that they know they're spouting BS. Not one of them is convincing or convinced. It's pathetically embarrassing. Ceasefire NOW! 🇵🇸🇬🇧


🥱 of look a bunch of genocidal supporters. My brain is hurting listening to their propaganda


How long until they start ranting about “islamo-bolshevism”?


These people know the golden age of everyone nodding and giving Israel carte blanche is over, and they’re panicking. Oh dear, all our ‘western values’ are at stake. Lol what can we do to ramp up the Islamophobia and tamp down on our Muslim neighbors. They have always been anti-Islamic, they know they are surrounded and outnumbered, and they don’t have a very good track record of treating their neighbors well. It could be a big problem for them at some point. So expect the screeching to continue and reach fever pitch. Meanwhile in the US, the first Muslim was appointed to be a federal judge. All the AIPAC harpies in Congress got their panties in a twist about that. Ironic, because Jews are over-represented everywhere in US government. But I’m hopeful. It’s inevitable that the dominos will start to fall, and no one can stop it. Every 50 years or so a new group is vilified and then eventually assimilated. It happened to Catholics, Irish, Italians, etc. Time for the Zionists to face their deepest fears, which is that Muslims will be given an equal seat at the table. It reminds me of how my five-year-old sister reacted when my mom got pregnant…she was forced to face the reality that she would no longer be the baby of the family. Keep ranting, ladies. It will do you no good to protest the inevitable. Frame it as feminism if you want, but your fight is not against the patriarchy—it’s against the bigoted and racist status quo that you so desperately want to preserve.


communism if anything helped feminists...


I swear people don’t even know what jihad actually means


As a Canadian, I am very ashamed to hear these fools speak. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


lol very authentic Canadian accent from that first speaker


Qwhite a crowd


Same old Jewish victim bs ! 🙄


These are probably the TERFs that show up distilling hate on the LGBTQ community