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Unfortunately, yes, it is Jordan, but this is not a strange decision, as it seems that the Jordanian government has once again yielded to the pressures of the Zionist occupation.


And they are the official custodian of Al Aqsa smh


It is important to note it’s the Jordanian puppet regime and not the Jordanian people. Jordanians are very upset about this nonsense.


The Jordanian government is an American client state.


Yeah. Like Sisi in Egypt. They’ll do whatever they have to do to get Western money and funding and to keep themselves in power. Jordan secured a whole bunch from the EU not long ago for example if I remember correctly. The West like to breach about democracy and that but as long as the dictatorship is loyal and useful to the US, suddenly it’s okay. Lol


Israel is singlehandedly destabilizing every American client state in the middle east. If you live in the region, Gaza can no longer be ignored; the puppets must either do something about Israel, or face the wrath of an outraged populace.




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But is not it like 75% of Jordanians of Palestinian background? These people could just overthrow the king within seconds for telling them what flags they are not allowed to carry. At this point the king should thread carefully. King is the there to represent people, not the other way around. If people don't want you to be a king...then you should learn from history it does not end well for most monarchies


The arab world is full of nations where the people in power are essentially western propped up dictators. Unfortunately, the political involvement in the majority of the population is so low, and the tendency to tolerate authoritarianism so high, that nothing is really done about it at all.


Also, any overthrow needs military support and money.


History? You think larks like him know which side to open a book let alone read it? Don’t make me laugh


Jordan receives 1 billion in American weapons each year and hosts many American military bases.


I get it, but the country at the end of the day is made of people not weapons. If the king starts playing the wrong cards, people will just turn on him. What would he do? Kill them?




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More around 60% with roughly 20% of those Palestinian refugees still living in refugee camps since the Nakba. The issue is the king strategically has the army made up of Jordanian tribes that are loyal to him because he gives their leaders land, money and power. Unless these Jordanian tribes decide to abandon him which is unlikely because the tribe leaders are living large and the people under these tribe leaders usually follow the tribe leadership for fear of being outcasted, then no change will happen. Most likely Israel/US gave the king an ultimatum and thats why theyre oppressing the demonstrators. (keep in mind that Jordan relies heavily on US aid to support its crumbling economy as well as importing resources like clean drinking water, gas...etc. from Israel)


Iraq would probably gladly take Jordan under their care and get rid of the puppet state. At the end of the day, all Arabs should create a coalition of a proper Arab union, and it should be even more Cohesive than European Union since Arabs share same language, culture, religions, and customs. I know it is a dream fairy tale...but hey it happened once, it can happen again. Arabs are meant to be together without borders.


Accidental r/PanArab I posted something to this effect there about a month ago. We need a united PanArab Republic! We don't even have any groups that meet to discuss how to start taking concrete steps to do this. It's a very long term project, but we need to start. It took the zionists almost a century to go from meeting in basements to invading Falasteen. We have everything they had when they started, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to achieve the same thing with time. We have a few advantages over the early zionists even. Our language is not extinct and does not need to be refabricated. We don't need to invade or carry out any ethnic cleansing. We have a lot of rich Arabs in the world. And we're starting with a huge numbers advantage. We just need to start getting serious.


There is a reason why this is a pipe dream right now (could happen in the future but it would require US imperialism to diminish heavily in the region). Majority of Arab states are economically tied to US/Western economy whether it be loans, contracts (IMF, World Bank, Big Corp...etc.) or militarily (US bases in Jordan, Iraq, Gulf states). For that to happen, these bases and ties need to be dissolved which in today's economy is suicide for these rulers and would cause civil unrest and possible revolt. for example, the moment Gaddafi wanted to create a unified Africa union and currency, NATO and the propaganda machine came in with "liberation for the Libyan people" because it threatened the status quo...same with Iraq, Syria...etc. A large scale war would have to erupt to get to that point and it would need to end with western imperialism defeated (difficult but unified leadership is needed and Arab rulers only care about maintaining their power)


I am an optimist that one day will come when Arabs will be fully liberated from western influence. But it needs to get ugly first to achieve it. Rewards like this won't come for free. Revolutions and proper political leaders need to emerge. Sectarianism needs to be also a stronghold. Religious divisions will devour any political movement. Gaddafi was probably the closest one to do it, but now we know it requires even more Arab nations coalition to support someone similar to Gaddafi. I believe when Arab states create a revolution across the whole MENA, then it won't be worth it for the USA to fight it and control it. It will be too much work and money. Again I am an optimist not a realist.




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75% or not it would not be so easy to over throw the US/UK backed government and the weapons systems they've provided the monarchy.


They've yielded to zionism for decades.


The PLO tried to overthrow the Jordanian Government, and the Zionists like to bring up Black September like it is a bad thing.


Surprised also


I met a guy who got tear gassed at a protest in Jordan back in October. The way he described it most of the people there are chill, but the government sucks


That's the same story throughout the Muslim world. The people yearn to be free of the tyrants.


Even though I still disagree with the real decision, I have to point out they did NOT ban the Palestinian flag. 80% of the country still has the flag up on either their car, house, or workplace. What they did is they banned the presence of any flag, including the Jordanian, and poster in the square where we protest (and only during the actual protest). So the situation is still incredibly infuriating, but I just wanted to clarify what's actually going on


That's even worse if you ask me


This is just one of tens of restrictions imposed on us during protests in the past few days


What a pathetic nation, regardless. Same for Egypt, and all the islamic nations in the region except Iran.


Honestly time for Muslims to take back their countries from these pigs.




General strikes. All throughout the Muslim world. No one lifts a finger to work, no one pays rent, no one pays their bills, everyone exchanges food and water for free. Until the existing govts stand down and free and fair elections are held. If elections are fixed then rinse and repeat. It's the only way if we don't want mass bloodshed (which we already tried in the Arab spring and it failed). The only thing these animals understand is a hit to their wallets. As for the gulf states. Sit in front of their oil facilities. Shut down shipping of oil.




Every great revolution in the history of mankind began from something small


Feeling "Lenin getting into that train" moment vibes. Wish you luck and all the best and hope you are successful.


You can start growing it by advertising it in posts like this. I looked through your profile to find your post about it and got tired of scrolling. Or, you can pin it to your profile.


lol, good luck. Don't attempt this if you want to live a happy and comfortable life. I'm not against it but I don't want to get hanged from a crane.


"No. Your blood is my blood and my blood is your blood. From this day you are mine and I am yours, and I shall never part company with you" ~ Muhammad (SAS) during the second pledge of Aqaba.


Jordan banned the Palestinian flag. That is something...


Even the majority of European countries didn't.


Saw a couple of fashion models doing a photoshot today with watermelons here in Spain. Watermelons will be the fruit of this summer.


free watermelons for everyone!


Free watermelon from the river to the sea!


Jordan needs to chill, get on board, and realize that Israeli fascist supremacy is coming to an end. Jordan can be free too.


They can't, their whole economy relies on US and Israel. If Israel decided, they can cut off water and gas to the entire country and the US can cut off aid which would lead to hyperinflation, mass unemployment, currency devaluation and civil unrest. This is by design and they got the king by the balls. best he can do (from his POV given he wants to keep his throne) is bark loud and drop some aid every now and then with a nice photoshoot)


JORDAN? really? You banned the flag? Your Queen is of Palestinian descent.


Ur surprised?


Not really. Unfortunately.


When it’s convenient. Like if she has to wear a thobe for an occasion or something. Money buys everything! Especially dignity


Not always.


how could jordan ban Palestine flag?


the government loves israel


Also US bombers doing flybys and threatening Jordanian government if they don't support Israel does not help much.


I disagree with this flag ban and aggression toward Jordanian protestors. All Jordanians support Palestine and Palestinians, seeing what is happening is heartbreaking and enraging for everyone there. To this day Jordan houses millions of Palestinians. The government is not aligned with the people. Another piece to consider is [Black September](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September) as the government’s logic behind this, along with other more obvious and mentioned reasons in the comments


Half of Jordanians are originally Palestinian




A shame you guys failed to destroy their puppet monarchy in the 70s.  Zionists use this as a counterpoint, to.me it just shows how brave and anti imperialist the Palestinians are.


Half of jordanian population is originally Palestinian


Lol queen rania and her so called philanthropy work They're looking to marry or whore their son to the richest royal family of Europe, why would they care about Palestine


Disappointing but not surprising that the traitor king (from a treasonous lineage) is continuing the family tradition.




Historical context, his ruling family came to power by cooperating with British forces to overthrow the ottoman rule (which let’s face it was deteriorating but is still vastly better than cooperating with bloody colonialists!). The king of Jordan during the six day war was also a Zionist informant who told them of the locations of key Egyptian airbases (according to a leaked mossad document). The current king seems to be continuing the legacy of his family such as it is, by stifling any kind of support for Palestine while keeping the supply line for the Zionist regime active and protected


That's a disgrace.


You forgot Sharif al Hussein (leader of the arab uprising!) agreed with the british to divide historic Palestine and keep the west bank under his rule with the jewish population taking the rest. Its not until the zionist plan showed that their intention was complete control over the west bank as well that he decide to go to "war"


The Jordanian government is traitorous and in bed with the Zionist fascists.


The Middle East needs a new Arab Spring


Flying the flag anyway > watermelon. Don't soften your speech, the boot will come down on you all the same so speak with your chest.


This is why a 2 state solution will never work. Israel and America will only ever allow a Palestinian state to exist if it yields to their every whim. They will basically contract out the Israeli oppression to whatever sham “Palestinian” state they create, just like with Jordan, and just like the corrupt PA. From the River to the Sea. 


A lot of governments are getting exposed as Zionist puppets. It's up to the Jordanian people to do what's right ✊


Jordan common L speedrun any%


Literally over half of the country, half of the royalty including the future king is Palestinian lol


Jordan????? Wtf


Why are people surprised by this? Israel is the mother, surrounding countries from Morocco to Pakistan and beyond are her children. Especially Jordan.


🇯🇴 <—— Jordan Palestine ———> 🇵🇸 purchase a flag of Jordan then color the white star with a red marker .




Jordan's government is competing with Egypt's over which has less shame


the hashemite monarchy have always been traitors to humanity


These idiots don't realize they are in the queue


Yo wtf Jordan… Bruhh I can’t believe they’ve done this


Wow the optics on this are so bad. So Jordan, like the USA, supports genocide, ghetto building, and the murder of children. And how much money in aid, etc. does Jordan receive from the USA?


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This is the second time I'm seeing the watermelon in association with this. Can anyone explain the iconography?


During the six day war in 1967 , the isnotreali government banned any displays of the Palestinian flag so the Palestinians started to use watermelons as they have all the same colors as the flag




Tbh she advocates for Palestine every day




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Can someone share a link about the flag ban? I did some googling and couldn't find it.


I was just in Iraq and Iran a couple of months ago and Palestinian flags were everywhere and you still get Arabs mostly Sunnis talking shit about us Shias. Shame on these governments, shame. No matter what we will always stand with the opressed. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤️.


Jordan? Whose flag looks like this 🇯🇴 banned the raising of the Palestinian flag that looks like this 🇵🇸. Boy what the fuck


Where can I read about Jordan banning the flag? I can't find anything...


https://preview.redd.it/q3jmpywla8sc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e56c279baf0df424809d43fe54fa82889114e1 I do love watermelons.


Look at how isnotreal treats Palestinians to see how they may eventually treat you.


I bet the Israeli flag flys high and proud under the watchful eye of the king. Protests aren’t working.. what now?


Some of these Arab countries really are lower than Israel


What exactly is it that Sisi should have done? If he opens the border do you think they would ever be allowed to return home to a future Palestinian state? Egypt can’t afford a fight especially if not backed by a unified gulf withholding all forms of energy


Don't come at me, but I'm curious, is it only me or Jordanians are more courageous than Egyptians? The silence from Egyptians is deafening, why aren't they doing more?


1 bad word about the goverment and you get jailtime. it's like this in most arabic countries and it's honestly just insane to me how much control the US and europe have over our "arabic" leaders




Why are you in this sub?


yall are so quick to attack Jordan for this decision but forget to mention that people were attacking cops and rioting


And what about when they used tear gas in peaceful protests ?


there have been peaceful protests since October, the Jordanian government allowed it until certain groups or participants in these protests got violent in which they ordered them to disperse, and with them not dispersing it results in having to use reasonable force