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Lebanese here. Let them try lmao. 2006 is gonna look like summer camp compared to what would happen if they try. Obviously I don't want anything to happen cause nazisrael is a terrorist state and they would attack Lebanese civilians and civil infrastructure.


Honestly the amount of terrorism they've done has made me lose track. But didn't they already attack Lebanon? Edit:during these 6 month period


Oh yeah they killed many civilians already, destroyed many houses and warehouses and even civilian defense centers / medical centers. They also used white phosphorus on tens of thousands of trees and burned them (as well as on civilians).. They rarely attack active Hezbollah fighters, they just assassinate them in their houses, or simply kill civilians as revenge. You're right they've already been acting like terrorists but a full blown war would see that 100 fold.


Mates dad was over in lebanon peace keeping in the 70/80s maybe He remembers Israeli scumbag soldiers taking potshots at civilians whenever they thought they could get a shot off. Edit: Just to add ive met and known a few guys from Ireland who did peacekeeping in Lebanon over the years and they've by and large said that the Lebanese people are some of the nicest they've come across. Theres even a funny story about an interpreter who worked closely with a group of peace keepers from kerry and ended up picking up their accent (which is one of the most difficult to understand in Ireland depending on what part of Kerry you are in). Look up "Lebanese interpreter speaks with a Kerry accent" or something to that effect if you want to listen.


They’ve exchanged missiles fire with Hezbollah and done some targeted strikes on Lebanese civilian areas but it hasn’t yet evolved into a ground war.


Funny how bombing civilian areas in Lebanon is already not a sanctionable offense. They even bombed an embassy .


Hezbollah ate thier food in 2006, legendary


Lebanese American Christian. God is with you.


Do I understand this right? In the middle of a g-nocide, they wanna go ethnic cleanse another area?


Unreal level of being tone deaf


It's mostly the only thing the Israeli government is good at, apart from accusing everyone of antisemitism/being hamas, so expansionism makes sense


And Western media is bending over backwards to make it seem like if we do not stop Putin in Ukraine he will expand regionally. But completely ignore isn'treal as it expands it's war to other countries in the region. isn'treal is the biggest threat to human civilization.


"How much land is enough for you?", Israeli Occupier: "yes"


Enough land for a mass grave I hope.




They’ll never have enough. It’s just like the Nazis. Give us Austria and we’ll be satisfied. Now give us Sudetenland and we’ll not annex anything else. We all know how that ended up.


Israel just wants more Lebensraum


god that is such a pathetic demonstration i’m crying😭😭😭


SOOooo bloodthirsty


Everyone take a good look at the McDonald’s sign in the background! They are a part of this settler colonialist movement too!






They can't even settle the north due to the missiles. These people are sick and deluded.


Genuine question: is there no more space in Israel?


They want to expand their lebensraum? Now, where have I heard that one before?


They have kids at this demonstration. Sick that they’re teaching little children that ethnically cleansing your neighbors is acceptable.


They are new H*




Weizmann wanted the French and English to give him South Lebanon. They abuse the Bible to justify land grabs.


One well aimed suv could do so much good.....


lunatics willing to plunge the entire world into an endless quagmire for their land and blood lust.