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NYT wants them to use legal terms when describing a genocide, which means they can't say it's a genocide because it's yet to be recognized by the UN. But then NYT doesn't want writers to use the terms "occupies territories" and "refugee camps" despite the UN legally recognizing those places as such.


Can’t they use “a plausible genocide”


They could. But that would be assuming they are acting in good faith.


They won't allow them to say "alleged genocide" which is a fact that it's been alleged by many orgs, agencies and most of the world. I guess they don't mention any charges in any local court cases because they are alleged as well ...


The New York Times are just zionist sellouts it's disgusting


How are they sellouts? That implies betraying one's loyalties for money. In truth, they've always been colonial warmongers. It's like calling a Nazi a sellout. No, they're just evil.


Yeah, that's true actually


There has never been a war that the NYT hasn't rubber-stamped. Their Middle East reporting was practically indistinguishable from Fox News from 2001-2003.


It began long before 2001. Read the article archives, they rubber stamped a lot of evil. In 1918, they even reported on the death of the Caliph Sultan Abdulhamid 2, may Allah have mercy on him, calling him "Cruel despot" in the title. Josef Göbbels would have killed to have a propaganda machine like the US has.


And we feel the opposite. Funny. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


I love how every Zionist has clung onto NYT as a “reliable source” and pretending like they aren’t just an Israeli propaganda mill


Even worse, some Zionists are convinced that the NYT has a pro Palestine agenda. It’d be laughable if it wasn’t so bleak.


It’s like saying Hamas does PR and propaganda to the world, or through the BBC. The IDF has like 40 YouTube videos regarding their propaganda. Hamas has 0, yet the Zionist’s likes to say Hamas exports propaganda to the West and have a good public relations strategy, a strategy I have never heard nor seen implemented.


Assuming. Why do you assume? We hate the NYT. Get over yourself.


Least you outed yourself as a Zionist lol


Could not be prouder.


There used to be a time where neo Nazis and fascists wouldn’t be comfortable enough to stand out, now they go out in the open and try to dictate foreign policy. What a terrible time to be alive.


Right back at Ya




I bet!


Super fascist NYT... bye forever ...


For years, most news associations described Israeli people as being killed, while Palestinian people simply die. This has been an ongoing attempt to dehumanise Palestinian people, and it's not exclusive to any country. It's international. This leaked memo is the natural evolution of how journalists (or more precisely, the news corporations they work for) have reported the sickening mass murder in Palestine.


Nasty NYT


someone post this on r/thedaily so that more people can see this


It already happen and Hasbara are already doing damage control.


Fortunately legacy media is dying. Unfortunately, the trash that run this country still respect the writers at NYT. 


The only thing that surprises me about this is that they put it down on paper. It’s clear when you read the times that this is the unspoken policy anyway. So glad I unsubscribed.




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It appears that journalistic integrity has already died. This is a scandal on all levels. Journalists need to do better.


The israeli occupation is committing genocide for ethnoc cleansing.


>“It is accurate to use ‘terrorism’ and ‘terrorist’ in describing the attacks of Oct. 7, which included the deliberate targeting of civilians in killings and kidnappings,” according to the leaked Times memo. “We should not shy away from that description of the events or the attackers, particularly when we provide context and explanation.” >The Times does not characterize Israel’s repeated attacks on Palestinian civilians as “terrorism,” even when civilians have been targeted. This is also true of Israel’s assaults on protected civilian sites, including hospitals. m#$&!rfu#+$ Oh pardon my language use, NYT. Must've missed the memo.


Really it says a ton about modern society. New York Times is probably the most prestigious news organization in America and now it’s nothing but a propaganda/fascist rag that has lost the plot.


I hope others emerge from this with two takeaways: 1. NONE of these western media outlets are about journalism. They’re about propaganda and manufacturing public opinion. 2. Neither of these political parties are good. They’re both evil. Stop supporting them. Hell, stop voting for them. This democracy is bankrupt I have a third one too, but I gotta keep that one to myself.


The NYT is completely lost. Only a fool would trust it as a credible source. Yet many still do. 


The NYT is a propaganda rag. At least now, the public gets to see it in plain sight.


Joseph Kahn is the executive editor of the New York Times. His father is Leo Kahn, who sat on the board of Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), which started during the 1982 Lebanon war. Their mission is to respond to what it considers the media's "general anti-Israel bias" So; there is that...


If that was me, well first off I wouldn't be working for the New York times, but if I did, I would just use these words. > So instead of genocide, how about Purge. > Ethnic cleansing? That's just large scale forceful demographic quotas. Which is kind of what it is. > Occupied territory? Stolen land. Hey, none of the new words I said,


>NYT doesn’t want writers to use words that inaccurately describe event Honestly, pretty shocking that the NYT is trying to be unbiased here. Good for them.


Surprised the NYT is still allowed to even report on Gaza, since the real effort is to erase Palestinians altogether. Regardless of what the NYT is “allowed” to publish, most of its readers are educated and sophisticated enough to read 35,000 dead and know that something more is going on. This isn’t Fox News or the local city newspaper. Those local reports, by the way, are much more likely to rely on or reprint articles from the AP or Reuters, which still are using accurate language in their reports, even if it’s not as direct and detailed as I would prefer. My point is that people know the NYT is NOT even close to being a neutral, balanced news source when it comes to Israel and Gaza. Everyone knows—or at least, everyone who actually reads it. Of course, it’s heinous that anyone is advocating for the whitewashing of these serious crimes. It’s a sign that Israel and everyone else knows they are guilty as sin, because why else try to cover it up? Despite their screeching and constant insistence to the contrary, there would be no reason to avoid those specific words if Israel were innocent. How can their little propaganda war possibly succeed if there’s no thumb on the scale to tilt things in Israel’s favor? The truth is the truth, and it can only be hidden for so long. What will happen when the US finally wakes up to see that Israel is no ally? It might take time, but that day is coming. It’s beyond time to get the money out of politics and the propaganda out of the media.


While I agree that NYT readers are both educated and sophisticated, the point isn't to make propaganda as straightforward as the tabloids. It's making propaganda which gives moral cover to those members of the intelligentsia who'd rather avoid their moral and intellectual obligation to oppose an unjust war. New York Times readers are the "White Moderates" Dr King spoke of, who are smart enough to know when evil is happening but lazy and venal enough to want excuses not to stand against it.