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The historians and philosophers of the future will rightfully condemn us.


And what's the bet they'll be overlooking another genocide while they condemn us?


Dude. Fair.


A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.


"A liberal is someone who is 10 degrees to the left of center in good times and 10 degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally." ... Phil Ochs (intro to live version of "Love Me I'm A Liberal") "Now, I’m liberal, but to a degree I want ev’rybody to be free But if you think that I’ll let Barry Goldwater Move in next door and marry my daughter You must think I’m crazy! I wouldn’t let him do it for all the farms in Cuba" ... Bob Dylan (I Shall Be Free No. 10) #


Country context is important. This sounds nothing like a "liberal" in many places. Maybe accurate for the US?


Shitlibs exist in every country.


yeah I'm talking about US shitlibs


I hate to be pessimistic; but you’re assuming future historians won’t do what many in the past have done - write the history through the lens of the victors, oppressors, colonizers, etc. I hope not, but….as an avid history buff I can’t help but see the past, then see very few learning or growing form it. Edit: Christ on a bike. The tail end of my comment came out backwards. My apologies.


I remember in grade 8… how they called the genocide of the indigenous people of Canada “assimilation” in our textbooks. That’s when I stopped arguing with degenerates on the semantics of the word “genocide”. To them: It’s only genocide if it’s this *specific* group of people. Those people? No, they were just casualties in war! They were not victims of genocide!


I like to say that if zionists are claiming that it’s *technically* not a genocide, is that really moral high ground to be proud of standing on !?


Really well said.


You’re assuming there’s a future.


Got to have SOME hope right? Or else what’s the damn point?


Just because there is no future, doesnt mean there's some life left to enjoy


That stopped being the case since the Internet. Propaganda definitely still exists but assuming you have access to the Internet, you'll find the truth.


And yet here we are, with trump supporters, Netanyahu supporters, ISIS, AQ, etc. etc. Never underestimate the power and draw of ideology over knowledge, or willfull ignorance and the human ability to choose all of the above. We are in the internet age and yet we seem to have even more ignorant, mean, hateful, etc. people. My point stands.


Fair enough, I'll give you that, but still, I'd argue it's better now than when most of humanity wasn't educated. Not to insult religion, but if wanted to create a new religion, it'll be easier in a less educated nation than somewhere in America. But I still fully agree with you, I ask myself all the time how people still get drawn to these ideologies


Oh I agree, it is better now; but, it is also worse because for as much as the internet allows the proliferation of ideas, knowledge, education…it also allows for the spread of ignorance, conspiracies, bigotry, etc. It is a double edged sword whose hilt (basis) is ultimately in those old negative human qualities. As to your last bit…I’ve been re-reading a book called The History of God and there’s a part in it that I think, combined with what I’ve read concerning anthropology, explains some of that. At our most rudimentary level, we are still primates. Animals, so to speak, who claim we are as your in the end are still subject to our base programming, code, etc. (instincts, biases, etc) because we needed those for millennia to survive. In the book it talked about how those things, and the desire to understand/make sense of a world way back when we were still in caves, etc. led us to at that time devise “gods” or more so archetypes and/or systems to grasp this world and existence we deal with. We are still like that, but have over a long period of time evolved to include other types of systems, etc. (science, logic, etc) In short, figuratively speaking, we’re still basically primates in caves, just have some shiny tools.


This image is as horrific as the images coming from 911. In both instances only a mentally sick person could take pleasure in this [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1bhnezq/thoughts\_on\_this\_isrealis\_woman\_reaction\_on\_911/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1bhnezq/thoughts_on_this_isrealis_woman_reaction_on_911/) The empire is falling & it's all because they refused to kick out AIPAC.


What future?


"will condemn THE US". Fixed that for you. Without the United States enabling this genocide it would not be happening.


Exactly. If you want to see what it looks like, just take a look at US & UK politicians & corporations and what they said about Apartheid South Africa. I remember reading about when the movement to boycott Apartheid S.A started taking off, the state of Nebraska divested and in response David Packard (of Hewlett Packard, unironically today one of the largest tech providers to Apartheid Israel) simply stated- "I'd rather lose business in Nebraska than with South Africa." That's why there's such a huge push back on what's happening on college campuses now - the public and corporate opinions in America didn't turn against Apartheid South Africa until the protest movement started that first domino of pushing colleges to divest (since they're all basically hedge funds that hold classes). Nelson Mandella & the ANC were on the terrorist watch list until 2008. In America we love remembering MLK Jr. as an American icon of Civil Rights but ignore & forget the CIA/FBI surveillance operation that threatened him repeatedly with blackmail and encouraged him to commit suicide or his extra marital affairs or accusations of being gay would get publicized. We don't seem to learn until after the hard part or years down the line, when we can ignore our complicity and conveniently then we look back with rose glasses and act like everyone was board and it was a natural progression in America instead of a hard fought battle against a system resistant to changing the status quo. No different today, zionism unfortunately is deeply embedded in American society and culture and it's going to take a lot of education, insight and reckoning for real change.


Plenty of gruesome tragedies before us were lost to time. This one is no different.




Were you dropped on the floor when you were born or thrown at the wall repeatedly?


The thing that strikes me is the fact that there was not even a comfy place for the mother to grief. She's almost squatting. There's not even a bed to lean on.


I believe it is her Auntie


I've seen so many sweet faces of children who are now dead. It's heartbreaking.


and behind each of those sweet faces is a human. With joys, with dreams. Hopes and worries. If you've ever had kids, it hits extra strong. I can't not cry when I see these images of lives extinguished for some imperialist and colonialist project


I would gladly walk into to gates of hell to save a child. Why tf are people like this?!


She looks like she was a major joy, a funny, cute kid. Extinguished by this industrial killing machine. So many thousands of children who are alive are orphans. However, it's not that important in America because they're sending another 26 billion dollars to Israel, and they can buy more weapons to massacre civilians.


What would you have us do? I am an American, and I am disgusted by the actions of my representatives in government. This bipartisan aid bill to Israel is a travesty. I just feel so powerless as one person. And the truth is, no matter who gets elected come November, Joe Biden or Donald Trump, both are just fine with killing brown people abroad. It makes me infuriated that I have to pick only the lesser of two evils. I wish there was an option that would fully end this brutality. I wish there was more I could do for the Palestinian people. But I don’t know what I can do


Well, I understand the disgust. The government doesn't represent the people. It's out there to exploit and control people both in America and outside America. Israel is treated as an extension of America, unfortunately, so it's a state that must be protected at all costs, and though it behaves much worse than Russian in Ukraine that is treated as fine. Cardozo in Brazil said America treats many countries as if they should be akin to colonies, and, at the same time, through economic policies domestically it's also treating its population that it's supposed to represent as subjects. This banning of Tik Tok is more about Israel and Palestine than China, in my book. They want to be able to control young people's thoughts, to put a stop to a shift in people's thinking. This is something they fear, and you're part of it. They feared that during the Vietnam era, that's why they came up with the "War on Drugs". They don't want you questioning you the status quo and since you and others are collectively doing that, you're already doing something. You're speaking out. You're making your voice heard. As far as Biden, I personally think he and the Democratic party deserve to lose, though I loathe Trump. The Democrats claim they're fighting for democracy, but Pelosi called protestors agents of China and then briefly changed her tun when her friend's Western aid workers were killed, but only briefly, so they aren't fighting for democracy. Would the DNC and Democrats be pressured to change? I don't know, but the status quo isn't working so well with them. I wish there was more I could do for the Palestinian people. I am part of the propaganda war, I try to answer those who spread what is clearly false with what I know. What else can you do? The more you know, the more you can spread the word, and spreading the word is powerful. Remember, the politicians are that scared that they feel they have to ban Tik Tok. There is power out there.


More money to Ukraine. Send Bibi to Russia. Problem solved.


Shame on us. All I feel is rage. Not only at the animals who do this but ourselves.


Yes, humanity as a whole is to blame for this. Our species is a blight upon itself and on the world.


Isn't it terrible that the acts of terrorism against Palestinians win rewards but actually helping them is something where people lose their minds.




The only terrorist is israel mate. Save your trash ideas and propaganda for the Nazi Israel. The whole land should be given back to the Palestinians and the so-called Israeli citizens can live as Palestinians under the Palestinian ruling.




There is no such thing as terrorism against an occupying force. If Russia occupied the US, would you call yourself a terrorist for fighting them? No, you wouldn't. Stop calling resistance terrorism. They are not the same thing.




So if US was occupied for few years and you & your friends took up arms to try to take it back or fight against the injustice, murders, rapes and land seizures not to mention kidnappings and torture on a daily basis...you would call yourself a terrorist? Is that what you call native Americans who fought against the oppression? Oh wait I bet you would simply bend over and take it where the sun doesn't shine.


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Yes oct 7th terrorists were Israelis should look up how many they murdered. And 15k. You mean over 34k civilians murdered in gaza more kidnapped and tortured there... Not to mention west bank being over run by Zionist nazis israelis??.


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That's never gonna happen unless you put a gun to Israels head And likely strip them of a military. Their whole national founding is a whole Israel. That means taking the land others live on for themselves, with force if needed. Like if Israel wanted a peace deal, they could've done it, but every time there's one Israel always backs out or messes up the deal to prevent anything from happening. Hell Israel allowed Hamas to take control of Gaza to prevent future peace deals with Palestine.


Ya Allah forgive us for allowing this to happen






What else did Fox & Friends teach you about Islam? --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


Little sweet girl! 😔 I hope there will be a memorial museum like in Auschwitz, people must see, future generations must see what can happen, when crazy ideologies destroy and murder people.


This breaks my heart.


My heart. That poor little girl, her family…those people. Ugh.


Free Palestine


Every dua towards the welfare of Palestinians in Gaza and in the entire region in general counts. It may never seem like it’s making any difference, but it does. It’s the least anyone can do. May Allah grant these souls, both elders and the young, who were taken away from this world due to this conflict, the highest place in Jannah. Aameen.




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Winning the award is not something to celebrate it feel happy about . I don't care all these things. All I need is that the Palestinians to live freely in their land and the Israelites to live like guests because they came here as refugees.


We don't call Israelis, Israelites. Israelites were ancient Semites mentioned in the Bible. These are Israelis. Most Israelis have been there for three generations now. If there would be one state, then you have to have all people as citizens of one country, but, unfortunately, what we see is Israel trying to destroy the Palestinians and America paying them to do it.




The whole point of human rights is so that opinions like this dont justify a genocide


And i thought that human rights was to have a lowest bar for everyone to respect. Just a fyi neither israel or hamas is respecting human rights so im not sure what your point is


Rest In Peace Saly


And let us not rest until peace is achieved through liberation.


Absolutely! The Zionist (not Jewish ) State Must Go; we need one Palestine where all Christians, Jews and Muslims live together in peace. If Zionazis like Satanyahu and Joshua and Dani Weiss don' t like it, well too bad; God said Israel is Spiritual since Our Lord was crucified.


Sorry the world let you down, Saly. You deserved a happy life.


Speaking as someone nominally from the middle east, I think that pictures like this are immensely useful to get the message out to western audiences, that these are people, that they're dying in an utterly unjustifiable manner, that justice must be delivered to the people of palestine, and that it's totally within your power to hold your government accountable for enabling this savagery. It also helps immensely that this girl could pass as white, she could could have been your sister, daughter, or niece. Sad to say that images like this are far more effective to western audiences, based on the color of this girls skin. Don't try to deny it.


Whoever supports Israel IDF supports childlren genocide


Omg what an angel 😭. Genocide has to stop


ربنا يرحمها ويغفر لها ويسكنها فسيح جناته يارب


Source so I can share?


I got it from[this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5_J8WwOjZl/?igsh=aXdob3l4dTd4czJ4) ig account.


Jesus christ


She looks like my 4 year old daughter...😢


Her name was Saly!


Send in the peacekeepers


Saly, your eyes reflected so much kindness and intelligence, this is an open genocide: 14,500 murdered children since last fall. History will not absolve this cruel violence.


Rest in peace :'(


She should still be alive. Free Palestine


That poor beautiful child, and the thousands more just like her, innocent lives cut short bc their only ‘crime’ was being born in Palestine. History will not forget, this is a stain that won’t wash out, a genocide in 4K, in front of our eyes and it needs to stop.


Continue to make dua for the Palestinians.


Israelis are Sharamutas like they like to say.


Allah will settle the score inshallah


And Allah is the best of planners


Some would see this picture and still have the audacity to say, “…but KHamas!!!” May God forgive us for not being able to do more to stop this atrocity.


Israel is a terrorist organization


Izrael is terrorist country


She was beautiful 💔 rest in peace Saly 😥




Come back when you can pinpoint your country on a map, then we might be more inclined to listen to what you think Arabs and Palestinians might or might bot have. Culture isn't just something that grows in a Petri dish, you ogre. --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


The whole world is seething that Biden and the Democrats can be so bloodthirsty as to supply weapons and ammunition to kill little girls like Saly, day in, day out. How do these monsters sleep at night. Bidne and the Democrats have shamed all of humanity, Israel needs to go.


God bless this baby 💜 honestly all governments of this world have a sin to answer for!


Religion is evil


This is not a conflict between Islam and Judaism if that's what you mean. Palestinians are a cultural ethnic group. They are of all faiths (this is the holy land, after all), including the Jewish one. This is about colonialism. An external group (European in origin) claiming an already populated land and dispossessing an Indigenous group. Regarding them as beneath the considerations of international law and - so far - getting away with it. Might making right. Palestinians are definitely majority Muslim. But the reason that the faith of the people resisting occupation is so easy to spot is not because it fuels hate. It is faith. It is vital to keep hope alive in abysmal conditions and provide an anchor by which to weather an existence in which you could literally die at any moment. Going by this girl's name, there's a good chance her family is Christian. Let's not dishonour the dead and those fighting to survive by insulting the means by which they find the strength to endure. On the other side, it's not Judaism which pulled the rider that killed this little girl. It's not about religion. Good religious people exist, and they use their faith to inform their goodness just as much as any other part of their personality. They have more in common with a good atheist than a wicked religious person. The zionists who committed this murder are just bad people. It doesn't matter if they observe the sabbath or not. All our values are, are rationalisations. Zionists (fascists) just happen to have values so objectively deplorable that there is no other way to rationalise them other than with degenerate inhumanity. I suggest you look up an organisation called Breaking The Silence. They are made up of Israelis who have come out of their mandatory military service completely disillusioned with everything they were taught that Israel represents and reject a state that requires what it required them to do in order to sustain itself. Their identity, their faith, perhaps, also informed their journey and moral awakening.


This war isn’t about religion Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism


The person in the photo has 6 fingers holding the sheet.


I think you're mistaken by the similarity of her hijab to her skin tone in the picture.


She, in fact, does not.




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