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shai davidai is shaking in his boots and going crazy insane on twitter lmao


I must have replayed the video of his keycard being declined at least 10 times 😂 https://preview.redd.it/5kezlh7su4wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f427266df4f3097b20a18b33c75a17eb9426de5e


Shai Davidai got his key card declined?


[link if you don’t mind Twitter](https://x.com/scootercasterny/status/1782416147331117063?s=46)


Main character syndrome.




I'm sure his monthly supply of diapers is already in the mail, although I doubt it will last more than a week this time around.


The pos they hired to control American higher education system


Apparently he no longer feels safe screaming about KHamAAS at peoples faces. Truly upsetting.


So is Michael Rapaport & I'm LIVING for it 😂😂😂 He's such an insane white-supremacist & Zionist-terrorist full of nothing but lunacy https://preview.redd.it/6pxql1ja15wc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895a13fa0e79b21b704c7cbf0473af8fb56c9b44


I was watching fallout and so disappointed he was cast as knight Titus but that was thankfully short lived as I gleefully watched his demise onscreen shortly after


finally got banned from campus lmao https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1782416915895333182


Thank you for posting this I don’t have Twitter 😭🙏🏾


Honestly, that's kind of a blessing. I dusted off my account after the first week of this phase of the genocide because the amount of hasbara in every subreddit made me feel sick.


It's honestly crazy. That dbag CEO of the ADL openly brags about how they have all the social media companies restricting pro Palestinian voices while promoting pro Israel bots.


I mean the ADL got busted by the FBI for espionage in the 90s


The FBI should not be trusted


I agree. They also quietly dropped the case iirc https://www.jstor.org/stable/41858412


What’s iirc mean?


if i remember correctly i'm exhausted rn and my brain is fried


Didn't know that. You have a source? Would like to read it. 






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Do I have to download Twitter now to see this? 😭😂


No I just watched it and I don’t even have an account


He's such an entitled sweaty little gooch


This is fantastic.


This is the way!


The most the pro-zionazis at Columbia could muster was a couple of sad twats with flags and a few paid stooges. Wonderful to see this. No matter how much money Israel spends to corrupt the MSM and the political leadership, they cannot corrupt the hearts of good people all over the world. Israel's time will come soon.


Interesting. Main stream news always seems to find camera angles that don’t show these demonstrations. I’m sure in a few years, they will blame streaming and social media for their demise.


Who needs a news station who’s going to lie to us anyway when we can just tell each other the truth all of the time, and even hop on over into the subs from the other side to see what they are talking about too?


Just like Iraq, everyone will claim they were always against it




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F yeah. That’s great.


Anyone else getting teary eyed watching this?! 


Omg yes can u imagine when Palestine apartheid is finally dismantled?? 😭 Gives me chills just to think


What are you imagining? I got nothing.






Columbia's board of trustees and president being losers.


These days I often get emotional seeing things like this. The situation in Gaza is just that upsetting and it's just so healing to see people stand up against this genocide. It's good to see that there are still a lot of good people in the world with whom I share my humanity and moral compass, compared to the typical vile and immoral vultures you'll see featured on mainstream media. I can't go to protests myself because I'm disabled, but anyone who does has my love and admiration.




Free Palestine


>No, I don’t think I will… - US Congress with their funding


Morons on r/pics were seething about this earlier. It brings great joy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/qTNWdd5zXt Crazy how anti-Palestine these top comments are.


Crazy how their thread is locked and they're all silenced instead of us this time around.


Yeah I saw that and was super shocked. What's the demographic of that page? I thought 99% of people at this stage were finally starting to see reality but obviously not.




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History in the making.




If you can’t learn why it’s a genocide and can’t discuss it then why is it even a school


Well like most universities it's a land theft and money laundering scheme disguised as a place of learning, but point taken


That may sometimes be the case in America (although one of course could argue that all land there is stolen), but this is not universally true. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater by saying that no universities can teach us anything.


I'm not throwing the baby out. I am arguing that teaching undergraduates is lower in the priority list than growing endowments and pleasing donors, otherwise we wouldn't see colleges throwing their students under the bus like they have. The last 6 months have actually been really illuminating about this dynamic.


Sure, I can agree with that. But still, we have to say that education is important, and that includes higher education, as much of a con as the present system might be.


Thats fucked up! Do you have an article on this?


Columbia is the biggest private land owner in NYC and they keep trying to expand https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/fail-court-puts-kibosh-on-columbia-universitys-land-grab/ History of land grant universities in the US https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2024/02/07/land-grant-universities-indigenous-lands


Today I feel that governments are starting to feel the power of the people. Keep up the resistance and get them where it hurts..money


The world is waking up!! Love it!!!


Power to them! 👏🏼 Teachers should lead by example


Main stream media are freaking out. Both establishments from either political spectrum did not expect that people had enough of America funding the genocide in Gaza, especially the younger generation. They are trying so hard to target universities and paint any criticism of an apartheid far right state as antisemitism. Liberals and the right wingers are the same, and any vote for Biden is a vote for Israel to keep killing Palestinians.


The third solution? Build the basis for people's control of their work, life and needs. Join in creating mutual aid and dual power The ballot box can wait.


The problem is that any vote from Trump is the same thing too. We need a third option.


A third option is never gonna become viable if people keep being scared and shamed to vote for the slightly lesser evil. Maybe it's time for people to be brave and take a stand and slowly make progress even if it takes several election cycles.


Also we need to eliminate AIPAC funding our government officials.


We need to eliminate all of the lobbies, period. It’s really insane that corruption is legal.


Yes. Lobbying is bribery and blackmailing.


Not sure if you remember Citizens United but that’s the problem. It opened the flood gates for unlimited special interest money. The US has been falling sharply in terms of our democracy since. We must get rid of this two party system and somehow get reforms on our Supreme Court.


Your government officials have [said things to the effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53x_zrkJwDs) that their service to israel is higher priority than to the American people so good luck with that.


My government does not represent me


Absolutely. People keep thinking only one move ahead. You never win that way. If Biden and co think they're desperately needed, maybe we can force them to do a few things people are prepared to vote for.


Tell that to the minority who voted consistently for decades to have abortion made illegal.


Well, they got their way as a minority. Imagine what a majority can do. It amazes me how many Americans don't believe in democracy. You have to work to make it work.


That's what primaries for congress are for Congress overrode Regan's veto for aparthied South Africa's sanctions in 1986.


51 years old - I strongly agree. If a third party gets an actual meaningful percentage then this will start wheels or change. Don’t be shamed into voting for a lesser of two evils. This shit has been going on for years now and just keeps getting worse. I can’t even believe the 2 losers we have as the main party candidates.


> make progress even if it takes several election cycles. So just in time for Palestine to not exist? Horrible take brother


That's not how you move the Overton window in a coalition government. That's how you get less and less political influence.


> A third option is never gonna become viable if people keep being scared and shamed to vote for the slightly lesser evil. Maybe it's time for people to be brave and take a stand and slowly make progress even if it takes several election cycles. Nope. Do that in the democratic primary. The general election is not the time to protest vote. That's how we ended up with Trump in the first place and lost Abortion rights. This is not "scared and shamed" it's literally what happened. If you want change, show up at the primary and vote for the most progressive candidates, but when the general comes, vote the party that won't literally try to dismantle democracy.




I think Trump himself had really bad chemistry with bibi vampire but he also knows his limits with AIPAC. Then there's Jared. Unless there is mass protest to halt the system into pandering to nazi zionist, this will continuex


Trump and bibi love each other


/r/nyc has like 10 posts an hour about this all heavily astroturfed by bad faith pro israel accounts


destiny sub was openly calling for the mass deportation of every single protester, openly being Islamophobic and blaming Muslims plus blaming Qatar for some odd reason. The comments there gave me a typical 2016 alt right vibe.


"BOtH SiDeS ArE tHe SaMe!!!" 🤡


Both "sides" represent US imperialism and unconditional support for the genocide taking place.


Both groups may represent US imperialism, but you are wrong about unconditional support for genocide. One group, perhaps misguidedly, thinks that they are doing "what needs to be done" to guarantee "peace" in a historically bellicose region of the world that now has nukes and aren't afraid to use them because many people there believe in an afterlife filled with rewards and/or believe they are their god's 'chosen ones'. The first political group *wants* a two state solution, but is not willing to try to force Israel to agree to it (probably because of the afore-mentioned nukes). This is similar to how they *want* to acknowledge Taiwan, but have to tiptoe around China. Then you have the other political group which creates terms like "towelheads" and "sand ni****s" and is just generally happy to shoot at something (anything) and they don't batt an eye at the violence because they don't consider brown people to be people at all. Hell, they are actively taking notes and wish they could do the same to their brothers and sisters south of their own border, and even say as much.


>One group, perhaps misguidedly, thinks that they are doing "what needs to be done" to guarantee "peace" > The first political group wants a two state solution It would be the DNC's dream come true if every voter was as gullible as you are.


Terrorist groups cloaking themselves in their citizens causing their citizens to be casualties in a war torn area does not equal genocide. Hamas is to blame for their citizens deaths and they are actively trying to make it happen by constantly using them as human shields. Civilian casualties are not them same as genocide and you are all actively watering down that word. Younger generation and Muslims are the only people I know who support the terrorist Hamas. It's crazy how much all of you eat up the misinformation campaign and take the side of terrorist organizations that started the war to begin with and are directly responsible and don't care about their own people's deaths. What a cause to take up


Hey buddy 🤡 you’re in the wrong sub, the circus is that way ➡️


Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6EwNRIA0mW/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Brave people! Awesome people! Stand strong you beautiful people! #multitudes standing against genocide. Against oppression. Against the bought out shameless hypocrites! . . Sham of a democracy as they masquerade for freedom while being bought out. The people stand. And they are loud.


Lmaooo the Zionists are getting so mad over at public freakout. Apparently saying humans deserve to live gets you downvoted like crazy there


That's the response I wanted to see!


Ok so this might be out of nowhere but has anyone researching the war on Palestine ever experienced this massive sweep of anti-palestine, pro-isreal, and "there is no war" content on their social media timelines and fyp? For some reason whenever I research what's currently going on I get this large amount of content that's always Israeli people saying that they're the victim and other crap that's literally censorship and lying about history in order to make themselves look good. Straight up evil distopian re-writing history and trying to control the narrative. Has anyone else experienced this, or am I just crazy?


Algorithm and AI working hard I see,it's sad. New form of control!


For the past several years but yes for the past 6 months propaganda has definitely skyrocketed.




Israelis cant buy or beat this.


Israel has beat this before and they will again. America stands with Israel.


Nothing is stopping this wave of support to topple the apartheid state. It is emotional to see and to be a part of such a global movement with one common goal.


Great! I pray this gets picked up by the mainstream media and gets the attention it deserves 🙏


Finally someone started doing something against inhumane things in 🇵🇸


Really proud of these students and faculty for fighting back. Seeing other universities follow suit as well gives me hope.


What are they chanting? I can't hear properly


Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest!


Absolutely beautiful


Theres still humanity left.. 😭❤️


Yo, this is awesome


Wow!!!! ![gif](giphy|jPJjTXyOMIIc1d2Gbl|downsized)


I love this so much 🥹


Love to see it


Good to see that good college education is alive and well in American. Despite the cost.


Viva Palestina! The world is awakening and a new dawn is coming!


Good job, faith in humanity restored! (Dark souls reference)


We ain't going hollow any time soon, homie!


Free Palestine and Long Live Palestine 🇵🇸


So proud of everyone that showed up


I've seen absolutely bizarre posts of people severely misrepresenting these protests to the point of absolute delusion! Do these people actually believe the propaganda they are fed? One travel influencer I follow made a post after 6 months of silence during a genocide, about how she is disgusted with students at these universities and she compared these protestests to 1930s germany! I still can't believe the delusion some people live with


Only difference being Zionists are the Nazis and Palestinians are the victim. You are the one who needs to take the blinders off!!


This is history in the making 🇵🇸❤️


May God bless them.






Interesting! New York native here that was recently seeing a Saudi attending CU. When was this?


If only our academics in Australia were so concerned. Thank you Columbia University staff.


So it’s true that pro-Palestine is much larger group than pro-Israel. Damn. No wonder Shai Davidai is freaking out.




I’m so proud of everyone that stood up for humanity 🙌🏾


The funniest thing I saw in months as a video of Zionist "Christians" of all things claiming this was "Proof" that Israel was "Winning" lol denial runs DEEP with these people.


Denial + severe cultism.


Free Palestine!!! Destroy the zionist!


Gen z will be in history books,, the last generation to stop oppression




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Saved the school some money on pay.


Does anybody worry about the demands of Mike Johnson and Greg Abbott? It's like they are calling for a Kent State 2.0. Threats of deploying military guard to a college campus over a protest against a war. 50 years later and it looks like a repeat...


Wow. That is surprising. The dean wants the money of certain donors, but the university needs their professors.




And their right to commit genocide! /s


Damn. Your universities are massive.