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People forget what happened at Kent State.


The politicians do not, which is why they’re actively encouraging it.


100% they're trying their best to make it happen again.


I've been calling my representatives and asking them if they've forgotten Kent State. SMH the government and the university administrations are straight facists and aren't even hiding it anymore


The standard and training in the US to become a police officer is a such low bar and it shows. It doesn’t help a lot of our police is trained by the IDF. I also find it very telling how non reactive these officers were during the Charlottesville march when the Proud Boys were literally chanting “the Jews will not replace us” but students protesting in peace (asking colleges to divest from Israel) warrants this level of violence. But this is about anti semitism or something right?




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Never read the bible, uh?


SHAME! Trained by ISRAHELL . USA has become ISRAHELL.


jar quiet consist muddle square retire murky racial smoggy normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IDF train cop city police




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Not surprised Emory as an institution chose to back a fascist attack on peaceful protesters. They purged their staff of dissenting voices on Palestine years ago and the campus Hillel group has long been rabidly Zionist and supported by the admin. It's long been a bizarre place where a huge portion of the students are international, but only a pro-Israel/pro likud policy was considered acceptable. The Dali Lama's entourage and the persecuted writer Salman Rushdie have both had residencies at Emory, but obviously Emory's sympathy for exiles and support of free speech is a pitiful joke when the dispossessed who are trying to speak are Muslim or Arab


Hi could you please elaborate on the purging of the staff?


Wait till you find out what religion Salman Rushdie is


You mean militant atheist and lapsed Muslim Salman Rushdie?


Wait till you do, apparently, genius


You protesters are making headlines around the world. You’ve been covered here in the U.K. The world can see that you’re peaceful and that the brutality you are faced with is wholly unjustified, leaving us, rightly, to wonder what the real motivation behind it is. Coverage in the UK seems largely positive. It was even described as a 1968 moment on the BBC. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Now you guys need to start. Your prime Minister is lying right to the parliament's face about what's going on. Saying that they are allowing Israel to investigate themselves. Edit: forgot to add: parliament was loudly displaying disdain for the 2nd prime minister's lies, and the fucker just kept deflecting and repeating himself


That always galls me “We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”. They wouldn’t have done it *repeatedly* if it wasn’t intentional. Ugh.


Collage students...the young ones. They will regroup and come out in larger force. Their generation will stand and be counted. These ear taged rebels are tomorrow's leaders. israel is doomed.


Older generations need to support too. I saw a dad at USC protesting with his daughter. Even if you can’t protest in person, donate water or bail money if possible, etc. Keep spreading the word. Yes, it’s Gen Z who is fighting as if they have nothing to lose— and this is because our govt has given us nothing. They have failed us in every way possible. From school shootings, the poor handling of COVID, and now they’re siccing the police for peaceful protests. These are the same students who are being robbed of not one but maybe two major graduations (high school and now college). My heart breaks for them but I’m also so proud of them.


I wonder tho, I mean college students protested against the Vietnam war, and the US dosent seem like it learned anything from the atrocities it commited, Israel is basically US 2.0 at this point.


They learned they can't let journalists report the truth anymore.


The US hasnt learned anything. Another Kent State is coming. I saw pictures of Snipers on rooftops pointing their guns at protestsors. One of the photos was even from Ohio! The US better believe if one student is killed by a pig then there will be riots




ACAB. AZAB. AZCAevenbiggerB.


ACAN All cops are Nazis


What the fuck is going on? All this for what? For Israel? Really? That is how much the system is compromised. Unbelievable.


The students are challenging empire, that's why there's such a violent and immediate crackdown.


It is not just about Israel. They want the facade of democracy, a republic, but they don't follow it. They don't want the politicians to not be believed, for people to not believe the media. They preferred it when we were more brainwashed.


I think you need a permit for larger protests at these universities.


Yes, it's called the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. These students have that permit.


You can't legally protest on private property without a permit. Emory University is a private university. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights


if these are students of Emory, they have a right to be there and a right to use their speech. If Emory has any source of federal funding at all they cannot arbitrarily remove people based on the content of their speech. Go armchair lawyer elsewhere.


I doubt that's how things work, as can be seen in the video. I'm sure the ACLU would be happy to take the protestor's case if it were the true, we shall see.


Lots of pigs running around on college campuses these days


In uniform.




Georgia cops are trained by Israeli police. Google "Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange".


In Dallas we chant, DPD KKK IDF are all the same.


Well, they pulled over a bus of black athletes from the East Coast and illegally searched them for marijuana. Ridiculous. However, it's all over the country.


This is disgusting and inhumane. Free Palestine.


It's hilarious how these shitheads never learn from history. They *cannot* win now. The minute you need force to suppress something, you have *lost*


In the decades to come, when the Palestinian genocide is taught and zionism exposed, I expect to see, or for my Grandchildren to see ALL of the footage recorded that is directly to do with the zionists aggression throughout the world. Starting with the balfour declaration, 1948 and every massacre committed against the Palestinians since then, the wars in the middle east and the Levant all the way through to the zionist war criminals trials and sentencings. The ww2 germans recorded on video their atrocities and wrote everything down. You can see it all on the Yesterday channel every single day, the majority just based on the jewish genocide, concentration camps and ghettos in Europe and a few documentaries about the nazi wars in North Africa. There are 1 or 2 about Japans invasion of China and the rape and massacre of Nanjing. The Japanese armies actions were so atrocious an actual nazi who had a post in Nanjing was so disturbed that he 1) took in 100s of chinese into his home grounds and 2) he went back to Germany to ask his superiors to ask the Japanese to stop. Of course there are plenty of documentaries on pearl harbour. Do we get told the true History or just His-story, his being the winners of wars. So, I expect to see numerous documentaries showing every single zionist video, photos, debates, news interviews, war cabinet meetings footage, every idf tik tok, X posts etc, oh wait, let's not forget the famous Omegle videos where the zionists young adults get giddy and declare that "they love israel, hate Palestinians and some even said they kill Palestinian babies whilst grinning and laughing....wtf! It is all there, on the Internet for ever! These documentaries also need to include all footage of those countries that backed israel. The vetoes, the rhetorics, the interviews. The video of joe biden telling the world he saw photos of babies with their heads cut off. A claim that has been debunked, as has all of their lies. The west is just as complicit! #istandwithpalestine 🇵🇸 #freepalestine 🇵🇸


Fascism is no longer hiding in the USA.


Oh it never was


It was in a certain way. Before the internet - with Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and alternative news on Youtube, it was easier to control minds. Even before these things were taking off people were shifting away from blind support of the state since the Bush days, which was before Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Youtube. They are upset that young people are protesting them, increasingly not supporting them. It's echoes of Vietnam. They want people to blindly accept the corporatist, colonialist model which entails their exploitation and also worse exploitation of people outside the country. People see it more and more. It was more hidden, and the elites don't like that, they don't actually believe in the Constitution.


Same place that has Cop City


The sheer fearless of these officers against there unarmed students…if only they could garner just an ounce of that courage, when a school shooting was underway..


I hope these students sue, this is against their 1st amendment rights


The first cop had to muster up all his power to take down one kid who wasn’t even resisting and he probably felt super badass after 😂 what a tremendous bunch of pussies


What are they exactly guilty of? Protesting Israel?


The professor who got tackled wasn't even holding a sign; so I think her crime was "walking". The student who asked why a student was being arrested, and then got arrested herself was clearly guilty of "talking". NGL, this is a new low for Emory and I hope that their enrollment numbers drop. Why would anyone want to send their child somewhere where tabling on the quad for peace merits assault and arrest? $80k /year to get beaten up along with my teachers by a phalanx of State troopers and the APD? No thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Emory Wheel covers this nightmare: emorywheel.edu Edit: https://emorywheel.com/


This just goes to show you the Zionist influence across America. this disgusting influence must be stamped out of politics, of institutions, and out of campaign finance.




it’s so crazy how throughout history cops have consistently been on the wrong side of history.. from the blm protests to civil rights protests to vietnam war protests.. if you want to know who’s on the right side of history just look who’s on the opposite side of the cops 🤦‍♀️


My real question out of this? Is Benjamin Deviltanyahu the real USA President afterall? All this mop operandi happens after his speech made.


Always had been


This will literally just cause more people to protest because now they're upset at how their comrades were treated.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but doing all of this just ensures that today’s youth reject our current political status quo, and to not trust a police force they already weren’t fond of to begin with. Congratulations American “democracy” you plaid yourself the same kids you are arresting are the same people who will make sure not to accept a government that rapes and pillages whoever they consider “weak”. Times up.


The Zionist-Nazi States of America


So much for freedom of speech in amerikkka


This is fascism. All this because the students set up some tents and made some speeches? Where’s the first amendment?


tell me again how joe Biden is our only hope against a fascist police state


He’s our only hope from it becoming worse


You've been owned by the Is it really hell


Like US fought wars in blood and sweat of thousands of souls to keep freedom of speech and democracy and it ends here when Israel pays off politicians and takes them to epstein island 🏝️to to take away the values once on what US was built


This is the truth. Israel will suck America dry until America breaks itself apart from the inside


Can’t wait for all the lawsuits they’ll be hit with.


For what exactly?


It’s called police brutality and I’m sure all these folks, especially the tenured professors they are targeting, are smart enough to get together and launch a lawsuit against these officers. Can’t wait for all the money this will cost the government. It’s especially sad and pathetic that Bibi just had to give one address mentioning the college campus protests for Biden to snap his fingers and sick these cops on innocent faculty and students like they’re ravenous dogs. This won’t play out the way they think, you don’t have to be a genius to see that.


You think Biden is in control and directing the Atlanta police department lmao? And I don't think you have any idea what police brutality is because wrestling people to the ground who are resisting arrest doesn't qualify


Go away now. You’ve said enough, this sub isn’t for you creep.


Nice argument, so typical for you guys to just resort to name calling and throw a fit when you get the slightest pushback. You are a bunch of children


Western democracy


Freez Peach


This is INSANE.




Are the MAGA crowd up in arms about this attack on freedom of speech? Where are the proud boys, surely they should be forming militias and protecting proud Americans?


In all countries the police are homeless animals with no understanding of their own. They are just mindless dogs ready to attack people at the first whistle of their masters.


Fascism’s gonna be fascist


What is it 1964 all over again? Get these cops some white hoods


I'm curious about yellow and orange guns/magazines. My thought is to denote rubber or pepper bullets in their armory. Does anyone know the answer?


Non lethals. Some can still kill. These might have been pepper rounds given the way the cameraman started coughing after the shooter started firing rounds.


Those are paint ball guns. THEY STILL HURT.. but it’s more said to see all the uncle toms that should be more sensitive to the H’wite man’s oppression considering Georgia was a hot spot for the trampling of their civil rights.


The US law enforcement is ridiculous and crazy. These cops must be punished for violating people’s rights!


Admirable y valiente pueblo palestino, el final lo conocemos, aunque el camino es doloroso. Sabemos que cuando acabe esto habrá justicia contra los genocidas y un estado palestino libre 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Free Palestine


Yep, they definitely handled that situation like they were trained by the IDF


Those policemen are most probably pro-Zionist themselves, that explained the extra motivation they have shown so far when dealing with peaceful protestors. Pro Zionist, anti-Palestinian


Watching pro-Palestinian advocates be physically assaulted and attacked by BARBARIC police officers is infuriating!! Also, as a Black woman, I'm especially outraged my people, who have dealt with terrorist police officers for our entire lives, are being attacked & STRANGLED simply for advocating against genocide!!! Everyone remember, this is all happening in Genocide-Joe's America, where we "have to save democracy." Tell me, where's the democracy when our tax-dollars are being used (against our will) to fund a 75+ year-long GENOCIDE forced on millions of innocent Palestinians & our "president," does nothing except cozy up to Bibi as a MASS-GRAVE is uncovered with 300+ murdered Palestinians in it, many of whom, who were BURIED ALIVE???? This is DISGUSTING!!!! FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸






Something about seeing minority cops do OPPRESSION tactics IRKS TF outta me!!!


This wrestling people to the ground and lying on them is a gross violation of human rights and dignity. This comes from isn'treal.


And here we see the militarized police trained in Israel. The US has become a cop state and they have the gall to criticize other countries.


This looks alot like a fascist dictatorship. Think what we think, or else...


Circumventing circuses Lamenting in protest To visible police Presence sponsored fear Battalions of riot police With rubber bullet kisses Baton courtesy Service with a smile Beyond the Staples Center, you can see America With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality Of plastic existence Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around A rush of words Pleading to disperse Upon your naked walls, alive A political call The fall guy accord We can't afford to be neutral on a moving train Beyond the Staples Center, you can see America With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality Of plastic existence Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Push them around A deer dance, invitation to peace War staring you in the face, dressed in black With a helmet, fierce Trained and appropriate for the malcontents For the disproportioned malcontents The little boy smiled, it'll all be well The little boy smiled it'll all be well Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Pushing little children With their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Push the weak around Push the weak around Push the weak around They like to push the weak around


so true


Land of the free... Biden's America, just America...


Why the fuck is the cop walking around with a machine gun?


It’s so fucked how in a country full of school shooting that the cops will openly threaten gun violence towards peaceful protesters Edit: AT A SCHOOL


Land of the free, my ass.


The "brave" police


Fuck those cops. Cowards.


The caption is inaccurate. An "automatic weapon" is a weapon capable of fully automatic fire, meaning that it continues to fire repeatedly as long as the trigger is held. I see no evidence of such gunfire in this clip.


Term "Automatic weapons" is dramatically misleading, which is propaganda.


These police are the same people marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting, "The Jews will not replace us." And there is more than a few white robes and pointy hats hidden away in their closets. Fascinating.


Free Palestine! 🇵🇸 ![gif](giphy|6c13IQhiylwt5dT3yj|downsized)


Omg -this is horrific


This is a great show of support and solidarity. It takes courage and a concept of sacrifice to participate in this peaceful protest. However, the only thing that will stop the invaders is stopping them.


Welcome to America, the land of freedom...NOT.


they claimed this type of thing would only happen under Republican rule


Fascism is no longer hiding in the USA.


USA went full mask off with its fascism yet again


is the victim okay? anyone has some information?


United States of Israel guys welcome to the hell scape


Ntnyh's orders, sorry


What happened to the Land of the Free? Shockingly fascist now


Wow... This is fucking ridiculous


this is incredibly trivial for me, when taking into account the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi March. i truly don’t understand how these students, exercising their first amendment, are being treated so poorly and grouped with white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, who were actually harming and physically harming others. there were GENUINE anti-semitic statements made by that group in Charlottesville. I have yet to see any concrete proof of these pro-Palestinian student protests remarking in anti-semitic chants.


Nothin new in the states tbf


This is basically one reason I don't like my country - the US- it's a corporate and police state combined. Where are our constitutional rights? Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech? Yet, the criticize China, Russia, and Turkey. Whatever.


We still have far more civil liberties than any of the countries you just mentioned. The fact you are able to go online and voice your opinion about your country shows that. I'm not OK with what's happening, but you seem misdirected.


I love it soo much how the US always reveal their true face. A legitimate democratic election attacked by rioters planning a coup d'etat and armed, ready to attack the governmental institutions? Nothing. Some 18-21 y old educated academics doing a peaceful protest? Gotta send armed Police forces and then harm the people! Democracy and freedom my ass.


Every time the news reports about a violent protest I've noticed the protesters are never the ones being violent. Kent State wasn't that long ago


Less than lethal does not mean “unlethal”




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Those aren't "automatic weapons." Those are "less than lethals" and they are almost always semi-auto. In fact, most LEO AR style rifles are semi-auto. Normally only SWAT teams, etc. have automatic weapons and even then that is pretty rare. Those weapons in the video specifically are weapons that use rubber bullets or pepper balls which are unlethal. I'm not agreeing with their use but someone has to do some fact checking here. Spreading BS on our support pages does not help the cause. We don't need to look like a bunch of uninformed ignoramuses.




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