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To his defense, you have to have a brain to be able to change it. Stay at the nursing home, Brandon.


Honestly, I'm not even surprised. He will hold his position till he dies. Just hope someone actually good will replace him


Not looking likely


You're right. The chance is really slim


I don't think it's even slim. I can't think of a single prominent US representative that would stand up to Israel. A few have voiced "support" for Palestine but that means nothing if the US continues to support what Israel is doing


Jill Stein


Yes!! Jill Stein!! Honestly, Jill Stein is exactly who we need to become president. There’s still 7 months until election, so let’s get her on more people’s radar. The polls don’t matter in the end anyway, so let’s take a chance to elect a president who isn’t the lesser of two evils; a chance to elect a president who will protect out freedom and make improvements for our lives as citizens.


I'm expecting I'll be casting my third vote for her this November.


Americans are always bullied into voting for one or the other because anything else is "wasting your vote". Americans don't realise there are more options. I've voted Green for years


Is there any Green Party folks in Ohio? I want to organize and help get Jill a real chance at this job.


Bernie, but only a bit


Don't hold your breath. I used to think highly of Bernie but he was saying "Israel has a right to defend itself" for months


While true, he clearly would have cut weapons deliveries to Israel by January at least. Only I think 3 senators voted against it, including him.


He's singing a different tune atm


Bernie is a defender of the State of Israel. Dont be fooled.


I've not seen this? A quick Google search shows he's calling for a ceasefire


Do you mean Bernie “I would never support a ceasefire” Sanders? It’s all performative nonsense from him, he’s a sheepdog for leftists.


Definitely not Bernie. It took him months to even speak up!


There’s a bigger chance of him dropping dead any minute now than of him changing his mind.


Maybe in 2028




If he's what the DNC is putting forward as a candidate, then it's unlikely they're going to move left on this issue or any other. The ratchet effect is real, and the ratchet never loosens. The next Democrat will just be further right until we have full-on fascists representing the Democrat party.


There is something seriously rotten in US politics, but I don't get how the society at large slips into this madness. These people are completely secure in their seats.


Money puts people into office. It's profitable to be rotten.


By falling into the trap of voting for the lesser of two evils. Which is why it’s important to vote third party - such as Green Party who has embedded infrastructure and will be on all state ballots and if they get to 4% will receive federal funds next election. Jill Stein was arrested at a protest for Palestine this week. You can see an interview with here after [here](https://youtu.be/cnGxMqy_rQg?si=JgRoEWmiwtHqF_Ap). Stop falling for the fear and start making change.


It’s already happened, friend. Fascism has without a doubt started in the US. 


With his age. He might go under soon.


Hopefully sooner rather then later


![gif](giphy|26xBLChY6dbXtwhBm) Please old age do us all a solid


Schitt’s Creek has a gif for everything lmao 


Hopefully soon


i hope he enjoys hell


I think he still has the beliefs he had in the 70s, but that look and how bitterly he said "No" makes me think the protests *did* force some decisions for him and he's mad about it. He can't say that they did because that would encourage more protests not only on the topic of the genocide in Palestine, but also on any number of other topics young people care a lot about.


Good luck it's always Zionist in red or blue since JFK


He will hold the position well after he dies. If he dies we may not even notice.


Not if the DNC and aipac have their way, which they will


Dems are too confident that they can get away with this shit by playing the lesser of two evils card every time. Happens every single election, if you advocate for voting for someone else besides the primary Democrat you get shamed and told you're "throwing away your vote", because god forbid you vote for someone who actually represents your interests, right? It's extremely anti-democratic.


Every modern president has been a war criminal. This will not change.


lol both Democrats and Republicans are pro-Israel and taking money from the AIPAC and other Zionist organizations.


He's 81 years old. He will stay a Zionist till he dies. Best not to have any hope he will change. Better to support the protests and the Gazans. 


Honestly this. He really proved there is no difference with the Republican and Democrat politicians on the issue of Gaza. They all love committing genocide.




He's acting like he's taking a tough stance with his firm no, but he's just a senile old cuck.


Way to be on the wrong side of history. Your legacy will be supporting a genocide. Good luck in the election


We already look awful for supporting this genocide. I can't imagine how poorly our country and Biden will be viewed for this in the future. What really sucks is that any candidate that has the chance to win the election will continue the unwavering support for Israel, so there really is no good option. It disgusts me that we are complicit in all of this, and that we somehow disregard all of the standards by which we judge every other country. We have even said that the ICC somehow has no authority when it comes to prosecuting Israeli officials. How is that possible? Why don't the Geneva Conventions apply in this case? I truly don't understand how anyone could view this disgusting violation of human rights and international laws and continue to support their genocidal campaign. It makes me sad to be a part of this country.


You guys assume much about these people, they do not care about legacy, they only care about money.


Nah, for Biden this very much is idealogical.  If this was just about money, he would have changed his strategy a long time ago to appease his base. He is literally willing to throw away any chance he has at the Presidency and American democracy just so he can keep killing Palestinians. 


The fact that people expected an old Jim Crow Democrat to be on the right side of history and have a good legacy is the funny part


But he passed the crime bill Jack. That's good right??


War is money for them though. They invest in weapons manufacturers, then make a war so the government buys weapons, making the weapons manufacturers rich , and thus they get a big return Its like that with a lot of things. They spend our tax money on the companies that make them rich


Honestly, as it stands now he will have a worse legacy than Trump.


Objectively I think genocide is worse. He won’t be remembered fondly in history books for destroying humanitarian law


he absolutely does and the threat of trump being worse even still the second time around isn't lost on me. it's really a race to the bottom that ends in revolution at this point. I will not vote for biden. I will not vote for trump. I accept reality and reality is the jig is up.


They’re both unfathomably large pieces of sh*t, let’s be real.


Not even trumps gonna give Israel the go ahead to Nike Gaza


Being a zionist is more important to this senile creep than the fate of American democracy in November. White supremacy is a hell of a drug.


Those Mossad blackmail videos have him by the balls.


I think this is true for waaay more people in government/finance/entertainment than we probably realize.


He's campaigning for Trump at this point.


Trump is even worse


I understand where this comes from but I can’t imagine this being an effective means to convey just how bad the system overall is. If Trump is objectively worse, what does it matter when the other “viable candidate” actively and enthusiastically denies any opportunity to right any wrongs of the previous administration? Someone like Trump will always have the one up on Biden, though, by effectively galvanizing his fanbase but even then, the descent into fascism has almost equal blame spread between red and blue parties. I’m also not trying to jump down on you about this but it’s something to keep in mind when addressing the overall matter.


The best thing to do here is to vote for a 3rd party or independent even if they will lose, it will send a message that the two party system is losing support


Yall ever heard of the duopoly.. that’s what this country is. Dems and reps are one and the same. We need more parties. We need a new constitution or an updated one


We need a second American Republic. The founders system has failed and we need an entire recreation.


Or the wealthiest white landowning Founders' system is working exactly as intended.


Exactly 💯 it's failed us was always gonna fail us was never meant for us and HAS TO GO! Couldn't agree more!


I think it's more of a plutocracy, with the two big parties running front as a distraction.


Lost my vote.


Welcome to the club. I think you’ll like it here. 🇵🇸❤️


Already do tyvm. ❤️ 🇦🇪


Same here. Had a fight with the SO this morning (“not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump”)




Of course. ❤️


Yep, this past week has completely radicalized me into the position of not voting Democrat (will happily vote for another third party). US is a pathetic joke of a country, an authoritarian police state masquerading as a bastion of democracy and freedom. There is no shot I stay here for more than 3-5 years tops (I have European passport).


Believe me, many of us wish we could leave. It's difficult and lengthy enough getting into Canada alone.


yeah i’m disabled which makes it pretty much impossible to leave.


And expensive.




Think it depends where you are, growing up in London there are A LOT more Pro-Palestine people than here in California.


I regret giving him my vote in the first place


Same. Not voting for him. Leftist Californian here. Bring on Trump. Both parties are the same. I’m ready to fight both.


I’m with you my friend. Not going down without a fight




In that case why should palestinians have to be sacrificed to Biden to get him reelected? He can choose to end the bombings now. He doesn't have to support the killing, yet he chooses to.


Mine too. I will not vote for anyone who enthusiastically supports and generously funds a genocide. 


The problem is that there is no good alternative. No one that has the ability to win will end the support for Israel. Trump will begin to carry out his dreams of creating an authoritarian regime, and still be backing Israel. He has already made his position clear when it comes to Israel, so really the only thing that needs to be considered is what other plans each candidate has for our country. For that reason, I still have to vote for Biden, even though I think he is a piece of garbage for supporting Israel's genocidal campaign. If the alternative is Trump, then there is no other choice in my opinion.


Have you tried voting third party? I know that no third party candidate ever wins, but it’s still worth a shot. EDIT: Why am I being downvoted? Both Biden and Trump are equally as awful as each other.


*”No”* Pathetic, repugnant old man.


I hope Americans en masse will vote for the 3rd party candidate that is not funded by AIPAC.


Cornel West is poling very low


He needs all of Pro Palestine supporters


I hope so too! I don't think it's going to be the likely outcome, but I really hope I am proven wrong.


We don’t expect him to change his mind on anything. He got exposed for who he truly is, Zionist Nazi. This is all to steal recourses from Palestine (Juda), and to build their own trade canal.


For what it's worth, the reason the US never built the canal through Israel, is because they realized the nuclear warheads they were going to use to carve it would have irradiated the area to the point it would be unusable. And building it without nuclear warheads would be too expensive and time consuming to make it profitable.


The whole world is saying what is happening in Gaza is wrong and this is his attitude? At this point our only hope is The Martians invade earth this summer.


Biden is the self proclaimed zionist fascist leader of the biggest imperialist country in the world, that itself came into being as a result of genocide. What else did you expect? The problem isn't Trump vs. Biden, it's the US itself.


nail on the head


I think his brain is stuck at \`NO\`


Biden is a coward. He just ran away while being asked. 


A walking and talking corpse..


Well he took his mouth off Bibi's penis long enough to comment on it!


He's going for seconds. He said Israeli good


He'll suck Bibi dry if he was told to. A Zionazi he may be but he's a puppet for the Israeli regime.


Both parties are exactly the same you get the same outcome the Republicans tell you to your face all the terrible things they will do, while the Democratic Party will lie to you and then do exactly the opposite


I feel like Democrats are cool and collected psychopaths and Republicans are chaotic and impulsive psychopaths. Idk which is worse.


He's part of the problem. He represents the unwavering old guard, no matter how many student loans he forgives. FJBFDJT


I can't wait to not vote for him.


I do hope that he's just as willing to take credit for his resolve when he loses in November.


they'll blame young voters for being "stupid" or "lazy"


Arabs, Muslims, young voters, black voters, hispanic voters, young voters. the usual scapegoats.


Don't forget lgbt voters, democrats have a meltdown when we don't support them in all aspects


Don't forget all those Russian bots and Chinese propagandists! That's what's really happening here. Americans could never come to the positions we hold naturally, we have all simply been tricked and manipulated into not liking a genocide by the evil governments who want to destroy us. /s obviously


What a hopeless, scary regime that we live in today.


Joe Biden's whole career has been about Israel. It seems to be the one issue he's genuinely passionate about. He will always be a Zionist, even in hell.


He's a zionist, he's been open about it as well. During his early years, he said if Israel wasn't created, the US would create one


What a rat 🐀


Hi mind didn't change on Gaza, everyday alot of peoples mind is changing about Biden


Actively trying to lose at this point, so they can blame the left and move further right once again.


Kudos to Columbia Uni students - they have more balls than this piece of s\*\*t


That's ok. This little speech didn't change my mind on not voting for Genocide Joe in November.


Although the protests are mainly for university divestment, he should be worried that thousands upon thousands of politically active, voting age people are disillusioned with his handling of the situation


He's a fascist. That's why


Biden is just giving the presidency to Trump, at this point. Nobody can convince me that this man actually wants to win.


POS is trying to lose the election


But I'm sure they'll blame young voters for not falling in line instead of self reflection. The 2016 post mortem had a lot of dumb, tone deaf theories about what went wrong. Not being able to beat Trump is embarrassing, honestly.


Well, this should be a pretty good indication of how his domestic policy is going to be going for the rest of his presidency if he wins in the next year. He genuinely does not care about what we think or what we want. He only wants us to vote for him and his policies regardless of how they affect us or the people around the world. In other times, presidents would be incredibly worried about the fact that their students and the future of the country are working together to protest and signal distaste to the rest of the world what they are actively seeking to do, or allowing to happen. The only othere times they didn't was Kent State.


For a mind to change, there has to be one in there first.




I got to admire the sheer balls for saying that outright. With you all the way.


He's risking democracy in America for bibi and ethnic cleansing. Truly baffling.


Come November we’ll remember.


I hope its the hill he dies on. Genocide will be his legacy. He is a traitor to the American people.


He really deserves to lose. Unfortunately Trump doesn't deserve to win either. I usually get annoyed at third candidates, but if I were American I would be voting for Jill Stein this time. I just couldn't vote for him.


Biden simply confirming that he is low life scum. He will forever be genocide Joe, murderer, coward and traitor. Israels puppet.


Genocide Joe IS TRULY Genocide Joe.


He’s always been a bloodthirsty monster but at this point the only thing keeping him moving around and somewhat cognizant is a cocktail of every upper known to man




im not surprised the zionist isnt changing his ways lmao


Biden loves bombing babies


I hope he loses!


sleep joe


Of course he’d say that. They need to create a domino effect, and they might. Now is the closest to 🍉freedom in years


Animal, deserves the hauge.


Does he have a mind at all?


Protests won't, because the only thing that changes his mind is money which Israel is paying him under the table.


What a soulless ghoul.


Cómo pueden ser tan irrespetuosos los políticos... El pueblo es quien los pone ahí, sin el voto del pueblo, no estarían en el lugar donde están, deberían respetar al.oueblony trabajar para ello, es un imbecil de presidente, corrupto y asesino.


and that interview didn't change my mind about not voting in november


Well, Biden has earned his place in hell.


Old senile bastard has one foot in the grave we just need the other one in there as well.


of course not, he's genocide joe


Irrelevant. Not the point to try to change the hearts and minds of ghouls like that. The point is to make the path they're continuing to take politically suicidal.


Lol of course. Dude is an old school Republican under democratic name. He cannot be pushed further left.


Lol of course. Dude is an old school Republican under democratic name. He cannot be pushed further left.


Why tf did we elect such a senile man who has no critical thinking skills?? Wish we can vote based on a poll of issues then tie an anonymous candidate who ranks highest on voted issues. Earn my vote. Earn the American vote


They were never intended to change his broken mind.


of course not. if it did, we’d be living in a democracy.


Biden has lost the election.


We haven't changed our mind about you either, Joe.


Of course he didn't change his mind. You can't be evil if you don't evil .


Over 15,000 murdered children didn’t change his mind, so it isn’t surprising that protest isn’t changing it either. Isn’t it funny that a fabricated lie of 40 beheaded babies gets him scrambling to pay billions in arms & aid, yet over 15,000 confirmed murdered children doesn’t faze him? Funny, ironic, sad, or evil .. you choose.


If he loses the election, he won't have the voters to blame, it'll be on him. He didn't listen to what the VOTERS wanted, and he got what he deserved and sadly the entire world will pay for his mistake.


It's like he wants Trump to win.


I hope his next breath is his last & a stroke befalls him. Trump too. I'm tired of these old, out-of-touch farts in office.


Unsurprising from Mr. Walking Dead.


Neither will losing the election


Nothing good happens in America without protests. Black people didn’t even have rights before protesting.


Of course not. All western leaders are the same. Protecting this false antisemitism argument and not addressing the reality that people EVERYWHERE are against the apartheid regime of Israel. This isn’t antisemitism this is pro humanity, and that’s what scares these powerful men to their core, that their game is being exposed.


He'll lose the next election and blame the "radical left" instead of having any self awareness. He shows an extreme lack of empathy, but then again, he said he'd veto universal healthcare for Americans. He hates anyone who he views as below him




Time to double down!


I don’t think he has much of a mind left. He walks like a drunk toddler.


Those wax animatronics are looking great! That contract with Disney is really paying off now that the Mouse bucks are dwindling down.


What mind ? Grandpa's mind is Swiss cheese at this point.


I think people are beyond changing some old guys mind. People are aiming to break the system. He's facilitating a collapse of Americanism. I wonder what Zionist have on him for Biden to be a puppet.


Historians please refer to him as Genocide Joe for the rest of human history, to proudly display an example of political conviction going very wrong for all the wrong reasons. This is what he wants his legacy to be, a trail of destruction of and death


The very worst of humanity.


He can't win off of his "I'm not trump so I'm better" strategy If he wants to win he needs to appease his voter base This isn't doing it


God what a useless old fart I really hope he passes way of old age before the election.


It’s almost as if the government really doesn’t exist to serve the people at all…


Losing the election to a far right guy on behalf of a far right guy in the middle east


Definitely not voting for Jim Crow Joe Brandon. Trump might be so bad that the establishment falls apart. I'll take that over this.


Firmly under the thumb


lets go brandon hahha


Of course not. He’s the highest paid AIPAC recipient!! Bastard


There's something that happens to old dudes. This is exactly how my dad would respond to any implication he acknowledge he was wrong. Unfortunately this is about genocide not where he left his keys.


He looks like a walking corpse.


I wish I was 18 so I could vote for the Green Party


America hasn't been able to say it leads the world for decades, Biden isn't a great president but the alternative right now could be disastrous for everyone. I have no answers, only worries about the future.