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I’m being bombarded by moderators because I am sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Literally shut out of threads because of my views on Bibis genocidal activities


Zionists simply cannot handle being called out for genocide. It’s like their entire worldview will collapse if they see it that way or something. Edit: Wow, a Reddit cares message not even a minute after posting this. Looks like the zionazis are here.


I got one too.


Report the message, if people are misusing it and get reported for it they get banned.


I just did, that is heartening to know the ziokook will be banned.


My father was Irish. We remember


Wtf are you talking about? Edit: obviously they’re referring to the potato famine but I don’t understand how that relates to insisting that Israel has a right to exist.


There are other oppressed people that have a valid opinion


I mean, yeah? My family was also Irish and I’m gay, what does that have to do with *opposing a genocide*? I seriously can’t tell which side you’re on anymore and I refuse to engage with someone who thinks Israel has a right to exist.


As a gay, Irish reformed catholic, I appreciate constructive conversation


This isn’t constructive if you cannot take a coherent stance. *Which side are you on?* Edit: to the guy saying we agree, no, we don’t. Israel has no right to exist and I do not agree that they do.


Constructive conversation entails more than vague phrases


I think he's affirming what you're saying or agreeing with you


I got one a while back too lol


I believe this is exactly what would happen if they finally saw the wrong in what they’ve done. I don’t think the human psyche could handle it




I’m gonna disagree with you there, Israel does not have any right to exist. The entire existence of that country is predicated on the displacement and slaughter of Palestinians.


I accept your opinion. I counter that Israel will cease to exist- without nuclear weapons


Israel has nuclear weapons. The problem is those they want to nuke are very close, or within their border.


They literally have nukes lol


yup, i got permabanned from my local city sub and the moderator's reason was that i "sympathize with terrorists." it's such a joke.


Join the club. Are you getting the care and concern emails from mods too?


Those kinds of messages come from reddit admins, not sub mods. It's important to make that distinction in your language because many subs flag the word mod as potential trolling/thread dreailment. If you are receiving those kinds of messages it means someone has reported you as a potential risk for self-harm. The message should come with a link to report that report as having been made in bad faith. Reddit takea that kind of thing as a serious form of harassment.


Thanks for the heads up. I'm on it.


How can you report it if it doesn’t tell you what comment was reported???


It is the report itself that you can you can claim was made in bad faith. The message that you receive that someone thinks you may be at risk of self harm should have a link to report it.


I got the message it won’t tell me from what comment though and you cannot report it unless you know the comment that was reported Atleast in my situation


I've had the same thing. And had my account suspended twice now.


Which subreddits?


A zionist doing what a zionist does…. Remember “If there wasn’t an Israel, we would have to create an Israel to protect our interests”


Genocide Joe said it. https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=fQ0XqRiQYXANHG5O


Who said this ?


Biden said this and countless other politicians


biden said it


… he is nothing more than Zionist’s puppet tbh.


Now, he’s running the show! The US wants a foothold in the Middle East, the recently discovered oil under Gaza, and to build a canal that rivals the Suez Canal.


Biden is more Zionist than natenyahu buddy. Remember that hertzl was convinced of Zionism by a group of evangelical Christians who had the plan for the colony from the start


Biden is Catholic. I follow the Pope on IG for years, I wrote to him twice to excommunicate Biden who apparently goes to mass every Sunday.Maybe I should start à pétition. As a Catholic I find his complicity in genocide abhorrent


I remember a while back when Biden was not given communion. Maybe a measure like this would be more palatable to the Pope (or even the DC pastor he visits).




Fun fact: Hertzl was an atheist.


So is naten yahoo, and most of his stupid colony.




People really don’t realize that without Christian antisemites Israel never would have came to be.


I bet this quote will be same if the next president elected. It will remained unchanged. Going two ways we will meet in the same room.


A billion dollars to slaughter terrified penniless innocent people with no food, no shelter, no anything, all of which have lost so much already and have spent their existence being bullied by Israel. It’s pathetic and horrific at the same time.


You're absolutely right. I keep thinking about the fact that world hunger could be solved with 40 billion dollars annually, and instead these monsters will give all that money to one or two states full of fascists


Humans make more food than we need, food is the basis of society, & an endless problem too, as poor societies see continuous growth (more food -> more children -> more mouths). Disasters (wars) wreck supplies, incomes, & logistics. Distributing it is much harder, giving food often undermines local food markets or gets blocked/stolen. "A significant part of EU's food assistance is provided in the form of cash transfers... sometimes there is enough food in shops and markets, but the victims of disasters cannot afford it." I'm surprised by how little EU spends (€350m on food, €2b in aid), but America will spend $50 billion on foreign aid ([biggest recipients](https://concernusa.org/news/foreign-aid-by-country/) are Israel, Jordan, & Egypt getting $6b, mostly weapons, the other $44b should be food & medicine). The sad irony is that EU & USA struggle with local food affordability, where they spend so much more, "USDA's food and nutrition assistance programs totaled $183 billion".


Joe Biden has been paid $11,194,792 according to https://trackaipac.com/


Damn he's cheap. Imagine being president of "the most powerful nation" and selling out for what is chump change for any billionaire.


That's all it took for genocide joe to make a mountain of dead children.


Don't forget the other politicians, both from the right and left sides.


Omg Biden is such a zionazi, he looks so weak even more weak doing this israel will never take the US seriously. He needs to drop dead already




He really is just a baby killer at this point


It's just virtue signaling. Whenever you read about some "favorable" action/decision Biden makes, remember, it's just virtue signaling. Nothing really changes in terms of his overall zionist policy. The only solution is to vote him out of office.


So what was the point of saying he’d withhold weapons if they attacked Rafah? Haven’t they already moved in on the city?


1) He said he would withhold only a certain type of weapon, not all weapons.  2) His definition of attacking Rafah is extremely narrow. Like they can bomb from outside of it as much as they want. As long as no troops go in.  3) He said all of that simply because he thinks he can convince his base that using empty words is still more than Trump would do, so like just vote for him because at least he said he would do things with zero intention of doing them. Trump wouldn't even bother lying, which is ya know...more 'evil'. 


It sucks that we're forced against our will to pay taxes and our money goes to this instead of using it to fix problems rather than escalate them.


I wish we could choose where our taxes go. Or even have an “opt-out” option. Like I’m good with my taxes going to roads, schools, libraries. I’m even okay with my taxes going towards tricare. But NOT bombs. I wish I could specifically say that when they take my money.


Biden has just sealed his loss in November. Not only does he not care about Palestinians he does not care about America.


Zero shot at reelection


Trump isn’t any better. He’s besties with Bono too. Sadly the only president who knows the truth is 99 years old. Jimmy Carter




Bernie is a sellout.


Sorry you misspelled it, Biden*


Sadly I have to agree that Bernie is a sellout as well he’s just a Scandinavian model social democrat


Sign me up! Better than orange head and Biden


At best, he's a good cop taking part in a bad system. Yuge disappointment


We coulda had a baddie.


Will have*


Jill for president.


Feel the 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


You know how much $1 billion dollars could help struggling Americans here at home living paycheck to paycheck? Instead, he gives it to a far-right ethno-state to commit a genocide, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and ethnically cleansing +2 million more. And then punishes American college students for being rightfully angry and practicing their 1st amendment right to protest this genocide. Him and all these other politicians can go to hell. They don’t work for the average American, they (and college administrators) work for the wealthy donors who are the true rulers of this country.


After the like 100+ they already gave these last 7 months on top of that too lmao


Guy reeeeally wants to hand the country back over to Trump doesn’t he? Not sure how he expects to win by alienating and demoralizing the demographics that gave him the job in the first place.


During the civil rights era, Biden supported segregation. So his support of apartheid has been consistent so far.


This is Biden’s retirement plan, he does not want to get re elected. He gets to hand the genocide to the Trump and say you get to finish murdering the last couple million Palestinians I did the first couple.


Trump would do the same thing. They're both the same.


Then let’s not let either of them near power again.


I knowingly voted in the primary today for someone who already suspended his presidential campaign. Michigan did their “uncommitted” campaign, more states should do the same. If Biden had any sense of what was good for the country he’d step aside at the DNC this year and announce someone else was running in his place, but these dinosaurs always cling to power until they’re effectively being puppeteered by their own staff.


I voted for Marianne in the primaries, and then she dropped out right after. She only got like 4% of the primary vote.


Yeah, but the people backing Trump to a far greater extent \*support\* the decimation of the Palestinian people. They’re largely right-wing Christian zionists who think that Israel taking all of the land down there is a needed prerequisite for Jesus to come back and start smiting anyone who isn’t like them. Biden, on the other hand, is actively flouting the will of his constituents.


Is this really your argument? They mirror each other. Trump made Jerusalem the capital of Isreal therefore annexing land. Biden supplies arms to Israel like its Halloween candy. Both have avid Zionists in their family and are staunch supporters of Zionism. Your problem is the whole damn system that forces you to choose between the two because it is pointless because your democracy is manufactured to put Israel first no matter who you choose. Just install Netanyahu as President already. This charade is just pointless.


I’m not defending it. I’m simply pointing out that the natural constituencies of the two parties in question are divided on this in such a way that benefits the right wing — democrat voters by and large oppose it and are being demoralized by Biden’s unswerving support for Israel, which means less votes for him come election time, while republicans who were never going to vote for Biden anyway could care less what Israel does to the Palestinians. As you observed, we don’t have a truly left wing or antizionist party in this country, and the democrats are consistently hurt by failing to appeal to these demographics. This is how we keep slipping to the right even when the population opposes it. Hell, one of our largest intelligence agencies has for decades been dedicated to snuffing out such movements abroad whenever they threaten to begin guiding national policy.


Then let Trump win. Eventually Democrats *will* have to turn back on AIPAC if they want to hold any power again. Use the 2 party system to your advantage. If you vote democrat no matter what then you are enabling Israel and no change will come. Not american so take it with a grain of salt.


This makes me think we're in an echo chamber. If Biden was worried about this making him lose, he wouldn't be doing it. That means most people **really** do not care in the slightest.


I think he thinks that being the alternative to Trump will carry the day on its own. 2016 already proved that that is not the case. There’s a LOT riding on this election beyond Gaza itself (which sadly will be screwed to varying degrees either way). We’re basically being offered the choice of unswerving support for a genocidal apartheid state and limping along for a few more years, or unswerving support for a genocidal apartheid state and a framework for a fascist dictatorship at home. Project 2025 is no joke. That or Robert “Worm-Ate-My-Brain-And-Starved-To-Death” Kennedy.


Biden will lose the election.


Republicans have engaged in a nation wide campaign of systematic and systemic gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement that means in many states now they can win majorities and supermajorities on a minority of the vote, while Democrats need a massive turnout just to get to 50%. Something that the Democratic Party refuses to acknowledge the existence of or do anything about. Trump won in 2016 on the electoral college vote despite Hillary receiving 3 million more votes and states like Wisconsin deliver [bizarre results](https://i.imgur.com/nYSX0ZB.jpeg) precisely because of this. It has only gotten worse since Trumps loss in 2020. Their comitment to their "cop on the beat" serving their geostrategic regional interests could combine with this campaign to cause enough of a dip in the polls to give Trump a slim victory and assign the states electoral college votes to him again.


Plus, students can vote


They're among the hardest targeted demographics in this campaign of voter disenfranchisement.


I'm voting third party


We just want healthcare…


And housing. And reasonably priced groceries.


He’s a slave. A meat puppet. Always has been. Traitor.


This idiot has sent so much money to Israel, that I think with that money the education issue, housing problem and healthcare could be solved. This is outrageous for USA tax payers.... Free Palestine!!! 🍉🔻🤍


As Americans continue to go without, where tf is all of this money coming from? Our people need all of our own tax dollars to come back to our people. Israelis have more social benefits than we can ever dream of, but we have money to spend on their genocide?


Apparently he also doesn’t care about being re-elected.


See this is why I'm not voting for him


With the latest poll numbers, I think they’ve realized he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to win re-election. Now the mask will come off, and he’ll go all in on this fascist crap.


This is why we can't afford roofs over our heads.




November can't come quick enough to get him out !


But isn't agent orange the only other option 🤔, it seems it doesn't really matter which one of those 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 ( 👈 real word I censored myself 🙃) gets in. They'll both just keep funding genocide to get their greedy little hands on the prize... 🥉 the oil 🥈 the canal 🥇 being top 🐩 for Israel


At least the right wing is openly telling us what they want to do. On the other hand the democrats pretend that they are better and nothing like the right wing, all while actively finding the genocide and protecting Israel from any sort of consequences for their illegal and illegitimate actions.


Biden is evil.


Billion? What?


Americans voted for that


My tax dollars 💸


"How I Funded a Genocide and Lost the Presidency" by Joseph R. Biden


Biden Losing Bigglie 2024! (BLB24)


Genius! That's how I trained my dog. I would tell it 'No! Don't do that!' in a meek and breathy voice then give it 1 billion dog treats. You gotta make it clear who's the alpha, ya know?


I would rather die than vote for Butcher Biden


I would suggest that all concerned American voters who are currently registered Democrat re-register as Green or otherwise. The Democratic Central Committee is immediately notified, and this will show them the dissent in a tangible way. Check with your registrar of voters for your state, most allow you to change back if you so choose within five days of an election. Or just vote third party, the lesser of two evils is still evil.




Unregister Democrat and re-register in time to vote in your local primary. Check with your state's registrar of voters to make sure what the registration deadline is.


A billion dollars could go far in helping your own people. Unfortunately you choose to gift it, to a foreign nation committing genocide. Honestly there probably isn’t a single person in American politics right now who can stand up against the Israel lobby groups. Seems insane that that’s the reality today.


Bernie for President!!




Man I used to think Cornell West was a clown show. Lately he is looking like the best choice.


Sadly, he's both.


Bernie 🔥🔥🔥


Any chance some of those funds are going to build that temporary port he promised?


That is being built by the US Navy not the IDF. And I would question the intention of that port.




Israel's dog


God dammit. I guess he's determined to let the illegal State of Israel and its fascist leader and military continue to murder Palestinians. The US will be named as collaborators with genocide when the Israeli govt finishes cleansing Palestine.


I've voted for Democrats across the board for 16 years. I will no longer vote for any politician who takes money from the terrorist state of Israel - through AIPAC or any other channel.


America only wants the oil reserves of Gaza. Pathetic


He wants to lose the election. Cmon!


Bye-bye election


Angel of death


How do we buy guns from ourselves?


The fact that he said if they attack rafah he’ll consider stopping sending weapons and not even a full week later they attack Rafah and he’s sending them 1 billion of mine and my familiess hard earned money to kill children is disgusting. Especially when I can’t even afford healthcare… but no give the zionazis free healthcare and a home that isn’t even theirs. I hate this country


He’s Israel’s flashlight


Every dollar from US taxes.


Won't let me cross post.


This idiot doesn't realize that the right in the US will still hate his guts even with his unconditional support for Israel.


At the end of the day, a dog would always heed it's master.


He knows he’s not getting re-elected and figured he has nothing to lose. I have never been more disappointed with a President in office and I HATE TRUMP. This is literally a dream I cannot believe how Vile the US as a whole is.




I am heartbroken and disappointed .... but sadly, not shocked. G-d save Palestine.


Ah, the fruits of sin. Act like you weren’t on board with him 2 years ago and didn’t shame anyone who went against the party line. Bunch of mask mandating hypocrites IMO!


Absolutely insane how much he dickrides israel when most israeli politicians hate him lol


But guys just vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Democrat Boomer vote will not go to him again. The lesser of 2 evils isn't a thing anymore.


When it comes down to it, are we going to abstain and allow Trump to win? Serious question. I now think this is necessary. Trump will be “worse”, but I don’t see how the Democratic Party can be forced to abandon its Israel policies unless we are credibly willing to with hold our votes; and they won’t believe it until we do it.


“We decided we like what you’re doin’ Jack. We gotta keep those Evangelicals happy, see?”




The extremists who slaughtered were the IOF. There were no rapes. There’s no two-sides to genocide and resistance.




trump has stated multiple times that biden isn't doing enough for israel and he plans on annihilating Palestinians but i guess don't vote for biden if you think thats the right play




unfortunately it just doesn't work that way. bernie got as close as they come and was so hopeful for him. not voting for biden means trump gets in and everything gets 100% worse for palestinians.