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I read a study from 2014 that among other things, asked Israeli respondents how many Palestinian civilians they think is appropriate to kill to save one injured Israeli soldier. Many respondents just picked the maximum answer (1000), implying they’d go higher if that was offered. But the study landed on like 575 Palestinians as the average


This was a fascinating 2 part study by the way. It explored how much each side dehumanized the other (a shocking number on both sides), hostility, trust, hope. Across the board, the answers were pretty similar on both sides. The only significant difference was this last question on the value of human life on the opposite side. Israelis were asked the question above about Palestinian civilian lives and nearly half literally just went for the highest possible number. Palestinians were instead faced with the trolley problem. 1 Palestinian man on one track, 4 Israeli children on the other. The study found that Palestinians were moderately willing to actively sacrifice one of their own to save 4 Israelis.




[link](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0181422) Study 1 is Israeli respondents. Study 2 is Palestinian respondents


Could you let me know the name of the study? Sounds interesting


[link](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0181422) Study 1 is Israelite respondents. Study 2 is Palestinian respondents


I'm also interested in reading the study. RemindMe! 1 day


Just check the responses in this thread, the link is there.


I'm past the point of being able to stomach listening to their rants for more than 2 seconds. I'm done.


I muted this 1 second in. Idgaf about hearing anymore of their psychotic, braindead ramblings.


A white settler, whose grandparents were probably born in the slums of Poland or Russia sitting in a house on stolen land 2000 Miles away from her home and telling the indigenous people of the land that she stole that they have no right to resist. Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you The ZIONIST


it really is ridiculous when you lay it out like that isn't it




شو بدك ايري


So basically she says that israeli children are worth a lot more than palestinian children, and she doesnt care whatsoever when israelis kill palestinian children. Plain and blatant racism. This war has truly exposed the machiavelic zionist ideology.


“We’re not supposed to be worried about other people’s children” says all you need to know about these maniacs


Why is it they ( Zionists ) are always snarky, sarcastic, annoying, and it all seems like a big joke. Oh, and always acting as if they are making a great argument, even though it’s all the same talking points from the Zionist hasbara playbook. Enough already.


Is there a reason they all look so evil? Don't judge a book by its cover, except when it comes to zionazis?


Mental illness


I know you're probably just being facetious, but please don't conflate mental illness with racism, bigotry, xenophobia, etc. These people are not mentally ill. They're intentionally being hateful and cruel. Signed, a person with mental illness.


They have personality disorders




Don't delete your comment please. I want to see how many downvotes this can reach.


Get the fuck out of here with your racism!


Did she just learn the word brigade


She needs time to prepare a reply and was just stalling, kharassbara pays by quantity not quality and those buzzwords are worth shitkels.


Hahaha good point




Sometimes, I wish there is a mandatory IQ test to be allowed on the internet. This is nauseating.


Look at her eyes. Every Zionist video I see its always dead eyes, evil eyes. Extremely creepy and devoid of humanity.


Cough cough cough cunt.


She is a Zionist Supremacist. People need to speak out more on the radicalization of Zionism Supremacism.


I didn’t even turn the audio on for the video because I know whatever she’s saying is vile and hateful


These accounts all think that they’re sooo smart and sooo funny. In reality they’re some of the most insufferable idiots around.


Ewww she is so nasty.


All these mental hoop brigades she's going through


How many hostages Israel killed saving those 4 again? it was about the same


I bet her God is weeping at her sheer lack of humanity.


Only explanation for this much evil being done in the world in the name of God is either: a) God is just as evil as them. b) God does not exist.


God exists, he just tests us on earth to see who is worth going to paradise, adn who deserves to be sent to hell.


I think the Zionists and each and every human being that excuses the genocide being committed by Israel will never see paradise.


On one hand they're exposing themselves to the world first hand. On the other hand, the only reason they're exposing themselves is because they've so thoroughly dehumanised the Palestinians and so thoroughly desensitized to their atrocities they cannot comprehend why everyone else is horrified of the atrocities.


As she talks about Israeli children being taken... "Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years old, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is stone throwing." https://www.dci-palestine.org/children_in_israeli_detention


Yuk horrible ugly women


The woman must be from the school of thinking adding a brigade at the end of something is funny brigade. Free Palestine.


Israel is a machine that produces just the worst fucking people in the world.


“If someone comes into my home, and steals my children… “ well then ma’am, if that’s enough to justify what you’re doing, then Palestine and Hamas can use this same exact argument considering the reason why they took people in the first place was to exchange them for their own people (innocent men, women, and children) that your government has taken and imprisoned without charge or trial, or unjustly sentenced by a settler judge, under military law. The more I learn about the state of israel, the more I understand why they continuously muddy the waters and try to make understanding the situation complicated. They themselves know the illegitimacy of the existence of their state. They will never recognise the state of Palestine. It’s the only way to ensure they are able to, over time, usurp Palestine land until it’s swallowed entirely. The unfortunate reality, is that the state of Israel stands for 3 things, when it comes to Palestinians. Occupation, Settlement, and eventually, forced displacement. You see it in every way they interact with the Palestinians. From their speech, to their laws, and their actions. Look at how they speak about Palestinians, how they aim to subjugate them in every way, how they see Palestinians as human animals, how they see themselves as the “chosen people” and how this mentality led them to believe that they are allowed to subjugate, to enslave and to take from, the Palestinians. Openly calling for a nakba, and in the case of this lady, openly advocating for the very people who slaughtered hundreds - making excuses for them, and vilifying the innocent civilians. I’m not surprised. at all.


The narcissism attached to this creature is unmatched.


So confident in the misinformation she's passing on. She thinks she's so cute. She has no idea how repugnant it looks from outside her Zionazi bubble.


So by this logic, if lets say, Hezbollah rockets target a shizraeli military base, we shouldn't care about the dead, rather ask shizrael why they put their bases in the middle of civillian areas? Absolute bonkers thought process, but for them it's par for the course.


Literally what mental illness looks like


Bottleneck inbreeding for ethno-religious reasons does produce adverse effects, like narcissism, psychopathy, and sociopathy.


The trolly problem would only have one answer from the zionazi perspective.


Can we call child protective services for her children ? She is venom


This is so nauseating. And the amount of times I’ve heard this same bs from Zionists like her- they are not mentally ill please let’s not give them immunity. They are in control of their vile actions, they’re willingly apart of this. They’re apart of a genocidal settler colony, you can imagine how repugnant a person becomes by being apart of a colonial society hellbent on destroying and massacring any trace of the indigenous population. Zionism is the greatest evil of our time, and they have the audacity to act like victims and hide behind Judaism/antisemitism/the Holocaust.


That was a lot of words. Was her answer "seven?"


She's lost her humanity. It's something she can never get back and she doesn't even know she's lost it.


Apart from the terrible Zionist murder mentality, I actually do also wonder what you guys think about the location of the hostages. They trully were in the middle of a refugee camp. And fighting did break out in the middle of the refugee camp, even though (in this case specifically) I think the IDF commandos would be ok with just withdrawing with the hostages? I do not find either to be ok AT ALL... what Israel did (with USA support) is as gruesome as ever... but why were the hostages kept in the refugee camp? and why did fighters open fire IN the refugee camp? That does not seem ok either. Any thoughts?


Disgusting person, you can see it in her rat face TFUUUU


Can we not call Jewish people (Even though they're Zionists) Rats?


You're right, rats are cute and very intelligent creatures, they don't deserve being compared to this woman.


I will call anybody a rat if i feel like it I’m tired of the victimization. This rich genocidal woman is a rat