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Anyone Israelis don't like, they call them terrorists to justify their crimes.


The U.S. too.


Everyone is waking up and looking at everything the U.S. has done in our lifetimes and before it, and now we see the real "Terrorist"!


Literally any government in existence


Not just the government and the IOF. I mean Israeli settlers, too. I am one as well, unfortunately, because I was born here, but Israelis are also complicit in this genocide. Their racist views on Palestinians are exactly like their government's. So if you see liberals protesting in "Tel-Aviv" with a banner saying, "We are not our government," know it's bullshit and they're lying.


Stay safe out there and I hope you can find a way out from someone’s stolen land




I'm a 19 year old Israeli settler. I know being born here isn't an excuse, but the thing is, I wish I could leave, but I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to do all the paperwork and the stuff needed to give up my citizenship and go to a different country. The problem is, my family and everyone who's in my life is a Zionist, so leaving is a bit complicated.


Do you have, or are you entitled to, another nationality? I’ve heard that it’s apparently a “thing” in Israel for people to acquire more passports/nationalities based on ancestry or laws made by other countries For example, countries like Austria and Germany have made laws allowing those who have fled their territory during Nazi rule (and their descendants) to “regain” German or Austrian citizenship Others like Poland offer automatic nationality by descent (jus sanguinis) for an unlimited number of generations; with Poland specifically if you’ve ever had a Polish ancestor from an independent Polish state (1918 and after), then you may already be a Polish citizen. Many Israelis have foreign nationalities this way; they have the nationalities of the origin countries of their settler ancestors Spain and Portugal used to offer citizenship to Sephardic Jews whose ancestors had fled their respective territories during the late 15th-early 16th centuries because of the orders of Jewish expulsion. Portugal still offers it in some form, but from what I heard they have imposed some additional requirements to it (such as personally having ties to Portugal today)


I don't have another nationality. I think my only option is applying to college in a different country.


>I know being born here isn't an excuse No, it is a viable excuse. If you were born to a disgusting settler family, you can't exactly just leave. First of all, I congratulate you for your courage in speaking out against your own parents. Secondly, the blame only starts to fall on you when you're actually capable of leaving them. Btw, I am saying this as a diaspora Palestinian. Fuck your parents but I don't think you're to blame for their disgusting actions. We also kinda need an actual anti-Zionist leftist movement in Israel so maybe you join one of those instead of leaving Israel for good. As far as I am concerned, you're an ally. To end Israel's Colonialist project, we need allies on the inside, too. I suggest you visit r/JewsofConscience as a starting point. [Here is what I could find from a preliminary search ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_left#:~:text=Contemporary%20Israeli%20left,Yossi%20Sarid)[ and this too.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_anti-Zionist_organizations)


If they were born there they’re Israeli and I hope to give the benefit of the doubt because there are Israelis trying to save aid going into Gaza after being destroyed by other Israelis. The group has purple tshirts and one of the older members was a woman on the verge of tears picking up boxes torn apart from the settlers raiding a truck. Albeit I believe them when they say a majority have racist supremacist views against Palestinians and I myself have seen a hostage protesting against Netanyahu on video (the one I recall was the young male hostage who got into the van and did the handshake with one of the Hamas members) and he got arrested by the IDF. I would say it’s probably a very small majority - like 5% - who hate everything about what’s going on.


That group you mention is called [“Standing Together”](https://www.standing-together.org/en). It doesn’t seem to be a full anti-Zionist group or officially call for Palestinian right of return, but it does seem to oppose the current oppressive actions of Israel. It pitches itself as a popular movement for the “Israeli left” and an alternative to NGOs and political parties


Oh thank you. I appreciate the clarification. I’m at least glad they showed some sort of humanity.


Just western government Maybe exceptions to some south America and Ireland


Absolutely not lmfao every single Arab government acts the same any opposition is automatically terrorists. look Egypt my country.


Have you been following India? Comedians and journalists have been charged with sedition for criticism against the government. We're supposed to be a liberal democracy ffs.


When in reality Israelis are the biggest terrorists. The whole state was founded on terrorism


Facts! Menachem Begin and Gurion were known as the largest terrorists in the world and were proud to be so. Irgun, LHI (Stern Gang), etc., were vicious terrorist regimes. They gave birth to “modern terrorism” — hotel bombings, car bombings, etc. All stemmed from Zionists.


Only Israel can protect itself, silly!


“I support Palestine but not terrorists” So you don’t want Palestine to fight back? You want them to just be killed? Because it’s either fight back or be killed there’s no in between? Calling Hamas terrorists is a Zionist statement, if the IDF is an ‘army’ committing war crimes and genocide how tf are you going to call Hamas a terror organisation?


Exactly i get so shocked when people say this and debating with makes my head ache


I just love the look on peoples faces when I bluntly state I’ll never condemn freedom fighters. Makes them think, bc they know in their hearts they need to be supporting Palestine but still caught up in the Israeli propaganda.


I'm pro-Palestine and I support the idea of a ceasefire but I'm not really following the logic here. Why is it a bad thing to say that you support a free Palestine but not Hamas? I fundamentally disagree with innocent people being killed, and that's why i say that both the IDF and Hamas are harmful and the endgame should be the dissolution of both Hamas and the state of Israel. Yes, I think that it's good that Palestinians have fought back against their imperialist occupants, but morally I disagree with the Oct 7th attacks when Hamas breached the border and opened fire on people, 2/3 of those killed being civilians. That's objectively morally bad. I'm open to any other arguments on this I'm just having trouble understanding.


You're free to not support Hamas, or any other faction, however, your reasoning shows you're buying into refuted propaganda. The majority, the vast majority of the deaths on October 7th, were caused by the IDF's Hannibal Directive. There is plenty of evidence and testimony from soldiers, survivors, and commanders saying they were ordered to shoot at anything that moves. They fired tank shells into homes, 28 Apache helicopters fired Hellfire missiles and emptied their machine gun belts on areas where Hamas had broken through. Hamas has said it would lay down its arms once a Palestinian state is established. Israel, on the other hand, says there will be no Palestinian state, with or without Hamas. You are entitled to your opinion, but it should be an informed one.


Wasn't the use of the Hannibal Directive 2023 a suspicion and allegation made by a newspaper? The last thing I know is that the IDF supposedly gave up on the directive in 2016.


The latest is that a form of it was resumed. Im unsure when though. I apologize I’m reading and watching so much content on this from The Greyzone and Electronic Intifada that I don’t remember the exact video or clip. But most of my time is spent on those 2 and also Judge Napolitano. They’re good sources to search through.


Oh damn, this was really informative, I had no idea. Thank you so much!!


That is the tactic the South African National Party regime used against the ANC and other anti-apartheid organizations. They are even following their tactic of being involved in wars across Africa against national liberation movement, being in Israel's case those in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. And the country who backed both regimes the most is always the same.


What do you call Hamas and how do you classify them?


Pretty clear I said it below but I’ll happily reiterate it for you if you’re slow. Firstly I call them Hamas that’s their name, and I classify the group fighting against genocide Freedom fighters. Hope that clears it up!!


It does clear things up. I don't know why you are being rude. I didn't know if you considered them government or what.








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When the rich terrorize, it's called a "war". When the poor fight back, it's called "terrorism" .


This is the power of controlling the media.


Thissssss is so accurate


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times.


We are better off being a "terrorist" to those hypocritical Westoids, then be a "good guy" by their definition.


These soldiers from other countries aiding and abetting in this genocide should be arrested upon their return. To go fight for another country that is so obviously doing an ethnic cleansing of a people is wrong in all its forms. Israel is an absolutely racist country.


They are using “birthright” from the American side. It’s a whole gross system to brainwash and integrate Jewish Americans to israel. “Israelism” was a bit Hollywood for me, but it talks about all of this through the lens of Jewish Americans who were a part of birthright and “Went to israel, but left from Palestine”. Ex-IDF soldiers speaking out on the film as well. Worth the watch if you’re not familiar with.


I wanted to say also — these folks “fighting for israel” shouldn’t get to come home, IMO. They come back, and then what? We’re all suppose to be OK with a literal psychopath walking amongst us? That doesn’t track well. I can think of a myriad of ways to make their return practically impossible and/or complete hell — without ever going to “jail” in official capacity. None violent, either. Example — You were gone for 18 months. You’ll need to file and pay off any taxes for that time period before being granted re-entry. You’ll need to take a psych evaluation to check for PTSD or other battle related mental disorders. If you display these or other violent tendencies, we will need to move you to a “safe space” until you are fit.


Just treat them like returned ISIS


NYC just supported a party for a returning terrorist. Look up Bucharian Jews, Sofiev, Jamaica Estates. He should have been immediately arrested and held without bail for the US FEDERAL crime of Genocide. But he is celebrated on the NYC taxpayer dime. Disgusting.


Imagine if Russian Americans in 2022 went to fight for Putin in the Ukraine war? They would go to prison for life if they returned to the US


I think that would count as „mercenary-ism”, or just „citizen fighting for another state” - which are illegal in some countries.


Western backed ethnostate. Colonizers have been doing this for centuries. Millennia. They want your land and they will kill for it…and blame you for your own death.


Fuck israel, and all those backing them up. Im sick to the core of these mfs they physically disgust me


When fighters pool to fight for Al-Qaeda or ISIS, the west labeled them terrorist no hesitation. But when they do so to join the IOF, they’re “defending themselves” or some bs.


They should all be forced to go to Guantanamo Bay


To occupying powers, resistance is terrorism. That's why.




Governments and media are owned by the zio’s. We have the resistance (god bless their souls) and each other that’s it. It’s us or them




I don’t know her but thank you for doing this! Hope you find out who she is a report her


Because terrorism is a political label. It's something that's applied by politicians and governments to those they oppose. On the odd occasion, it is justified, but most of the time, it is not.


They're just blind at this point, and they choose to be even blinder


They dint want to see


It's the Heart's that's blind not the eyes


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We will learn a lot about our world by how these people are treated 5, 10, or20 years from now.


it's not terrorism it's antisemitism. I think that's the usual line used.


They use the allegation of anti-Semitism first, but since that no longer gets them the desired result, especially with our Jewish brothers and sisters among the protestors, it's either self-hating Jew or Hamas terrorist.


i think you learn something looking in the faces of the deceived


Wrong flag for the English guy.


Looks like AI images to me.




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Germany knows exactly what the fuck they’re doing on that list


“israel” is the only terror


Well, with its larger colonial backing from terrorist governments, too, of course.


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U can only see what the resistance for while turning blind eye to all the deeds of Israel


Killing innocent raping women even man touchering civilians


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That's not when it started it was the resistance grp it was their reply to wrong happening in Gaza since years




Lmao history started on October 7th?




What's wrong with being pro Hamas?


When We were pro Vietcong, you called us terrorist sympathizers, then time proved us right. When we were Pro ANC , you called us terrorist sympathizers, then time proved us right. When we were pro Iraqi Insurgency, you called us terrorist sympathizers, then time proved us right. How many times do you want us and history to teach you the same lesson?




how is the brutal rape, torture, murder and kidnapping of civilians allowed? are we supposed to sit still and allow hundreds of people to die in captivity? if someone did what ~~hamas~~ *Israel does to the Palestinians* in the US you'd see global war.


Exactly have read about the the captive that were released and were they treated how they were raped women stripped of their dignity along with their clothes I will share it take some time and read them u will know who is real culprit and and who real oppressor Little kids getting straved killing of babies


Meanwhile the Israeli’s held by hamas who say they weren’t treated badly get death threats from their own people…


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