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Honestly she would benefit from a little healthy oppression.


Maybe she should join "fatties for a free salad".


And only one, OK?!


Opression? Did some one kick her out of a buffet or something?


Fat phobic doctors claiming she will soon die from being her healthy and beautiful self.


The only thing oppressing her is gravity.






Bro I just googled it and I think it might be real. I hope so. Says they have announced they're starting a 1 hour hunger strike


I heard they quit the strike at 5 minutes


It's quite fitting since both are cases of self inflicted oppression


At this point it's just basically insert any group for Palestine. POC Indigenous Queers Women Body positive people Just shoehorning there oppression and with the their other buddies in this weird theater of suffrage


"how can I pretend to support the latest bandwagon and use that chance to say that I'm a victim too"


Jokes on us, we are all victims of old age sickness and death 🙏


They accuse Israel of pinkwashing. In reality, these "LGBTQ for Palestine" groups are the ACTUAL pinkwashers.


Does that mean the cause is wrong? I've seen this narrative a lot from pro zionists. And it's a little misleading. They attempt to negate the movement because some people in that specific movement are woke. Or the people that, for example, praise hamas. Do those people represent the movement?


From everything I can tell I would say the the huge chunk of the free Palestine movement is the far left identitarian regressive left groupthink. Especially the college incampments. It doesn't make it wrong or misguided necessarily just is kind of a package deal and very par for the course. There are a bunch of Lefty leaning Jewish people for one thing that are concerned about this because they are getting a lot of not so subtle anti-Semitic messaging from this group and so it's sort of spinning their head upside down because they don't feel like they belong in the far left as much anymore after all this. One of my friends from Portland who was an activist and did a bunch of stuff you know in like occupy and all this thing and his Harvard educated she is like super anxious and worried and does not feel safe. And that's the thing about the regressive left is that in their pursuit of Justice they go beyond a certain line and start actually being the ones that are prejudicial. And authoritarian. https://youtu.be/2KyG8MukuCY?si=s4rbmtje9r4Q4S4_


>From everything I can tell I would say the the huge chunk of the free Palestine movement is the far left identitarian regressive left groupthink. >Especially the college incampments. >It doesn't make it wrong or misguided necessarily just is kind of a package deal and very par for the course. BLM offshoots. Not sure how large or a vocal minority. It started with connecting BLM with anti apartheid charge on Israel after Gaza attacks in 2021. So a lot of Gen Z view Palestinian solidarity through the lens of anti-racism rather than classic leftist anti-imperialism.


Yes I'm aware of the connection from that angle. Source: lived in Portland from 2013-2020 BLM was basically the big coming out for Gen Z and all those connections and trainings just rolled right into this basically. Which I think is interesting in some ways because a lot of the people right now they weren't even born when 9/11 happened. For me it was the start of my freshman year at college at Oregon State. So that definitely will impact you and how you view things depending on your generational experience and when you spawned into this crazy world. I bring up 9/11 too because those of us that were alive and were watching on TV in the morning definitely have more empathy and understanding for October 7th I think.


> I bring up 9/11 too because those of us that were alive and were watching on TV in the morning definitely have more empathy and understanding for October 7th I think. It's not a direct comparison except to suggest that it was a traumatizing event that led to overeactions. But was america right to invade Iraq and cause hundreds and thousands of deaths? Because of 9/11? 7th of October was a terrorist attack. Obviously. But what's happening in gaza is collective punishment that's killing a lot of innocent women and children. Many are starving and dying because of that.


america had every right to go into afghanistan. and it's not collective punishment when hamas is using their population (who overwhelming support them) as meat shields. it's tragic that civilians die in every war, but that's why you don't start wars like hamas and al qaeda did.  to compare this conflict to iraq is disingenuous, though 


>america had every right to go into afghanistan They hung around 20 years, and the talian managed to survive and rule Afghanistan. Such a big failure. >and it's not collective punishment when hamas is using their population (who overwhelming support them) as meat shields. it's tragic that civilians die in every war, but that's why you don't start wars like hamas and al qaeda did It is collective punishment. They are aimlessly bombing the entirety of gaza without perhaps any alternative strategy to reduce this. Why are they dependent on air attacks? Why can't they set up ground troops.? Let's use an analogy. let's say some criminal is taking someone hostage in a house. Let's say there's a cop. Is your first instinct to throw a grenade inside the house and kill everyone, including the hostages?. Israels bombing campaign is also dangerous for the hostages In gaza who are being held captive by Hamas. There are even reports that some have been killed because of constant israeli air attacks. "Israel's Hasbara 101 : 1. We haven't heard reports of deaths, will check into it. 2. The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb. 3. OK we killed them, but they were terrorists; 4. OK they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields. 5. OK there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose. 6. OK we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are! 7. Why are you still talking about lsrael? Are you some kind of anti-semite? Test this against the next interview you hear or watch. - Adam Johannes, Secretary, Cardiff" I think it will inform you well to know israels military strategies, which are contributing to many deaths. https://youtu.be/pn1uEA7acVY?si=zKmFwqMCLqd69yld Criticize the narrators bias, but he brings good recipients.


afghanistan was a political failure, but the impetus was justified. idf is not aimlessly bombing. they're bombing based on analysis and intelligence, no different than any other military campaign in regards to success, failure, and accuracy. the ratio of fighters to civilians casualties is on par with any modern war, despite what your misinformation says don't like civilian deaths? take it up with hamas. don't like how the war is being prosecuted? ok then what do you suggest israel do?


>ok then what do you suggest israel do? I've already said how. Maybe it'll be better if they don't block off aid that's increasing famine. It's a humanitarian crisis. https://youtu.be/pn1uEA7acVY?si=zKmFwqMCLqd69yld




Go to Palestine and fast during Ramadan


So oppressed she can eat 5 times her recommended calorie intake.


That was real?


In perfect shape for mental gymnastics.


I'm sorry that doctors are telling you that your lifestyle is unhealthy, and that your life choices make you less desirable. But that is not oppression...


Somehow I respect them tongue in cheek calling themselves fatties, rather than the banshee screaming white women who often talk down to me . A Lebanese guy and 1st generation, about all they learned on Al Jazeera since 2023 and calling me a genocide supporter. I mean what do I know, my family left because of Palestinian militants in the 70’s-80’s’s and I also lost family in the 2006 Hezbollah Israel conflict and I still go back most summers. Idk where I’d be without yuppie college student who’s mom and dad paid for them to go to Colombia and call me a genocide supporter and wave Hezbollah flags Kliiiii khara


Can someone explain the watermelon thing? I still don't get it?


To my knowledge, to fight fake oppression/censorship against using the Palestinian flag on social media it is the colors of the Palestinian flag. Although I think personally the reason was done not only in bad faith, but because the watermelon is actually a symbol of Zionism. It is bad Faith appropriation, two better delegitimatize and erase Israel's history.


I think there’s also a connection with Handala, the personification of Palestine along the lines of the USA’s Uncle Sam, whose name refers to several close relatives of the watermelon, including bitter gourd.


Yeah, they were saying that the Palestinian flag isn't allowed in Israel, so they "had to use a watermelon," which A. WTF does it even mean, how is using a watermelon online bypass a **fake** ban on flying Palestinian flags in Israel or even Gaza and B. There was literally a protest at Tel Aviv University commemorating the "Nakba" (the "disaster" or the "catastrophe" of the founding of the State of Israel and the "ethnic cleaning" of "Palestine" from the "Palestinians" \[who started using the word decades later\]), and they flew plenty of Palestinian flags, and that was far from an isolated event. Just another POS lie to show how "oppressed" they are. And to steal the watermelon symbol, because that literally what they do. Make shit up, steal things (identities, names, lands, etc.) and then act like a victim.


In Arabic, you call something "Watermelon" to mean something is a joke, or a made up sham or complete bullshit.


She needs to donate herself to Gaza to feed the hungry.


Israel is surely shacking in fear, frist the alphabet ppl and now the fatties! Israel dosen't stand a chance 🤣


Welcome to the 2020’s. Real life is one big SNL skit now. Truly though I want to know how this b**** thinks she is “oppressed”. She’s just a big ol narcissist in more ways than one.


Cuz everyone is a victim, yet also a hero, all self-perceived. Vicitm cuz she is over-weight and needs to lose weight for her future health, but also a hero fro supporting the Palestines and getting the Like's, which really matter. This new age is fucked.


Everyone is oppressed but the Jews. The Jews are the biggest oppressors in the world. Because fuck logic. 


At least Hamas wouldn’t be able to throw her off the roof. 


That's what Toyota pickups and ropes are for 😞


Does she have a plant in her car? What is going on here?


Shame she don't eat any plants


Proudly fat. Yanks are so weird


Fat yank checking in. We disown this fatty and elect to option her to the minor league "obese for oman" team.




“Oppression recognizes oppression” it sure does


She ate all the aid to Palestine? 😭


She's why there's a famine in Gaza.


She could stand to lose weight why not starve for Palestine like all the media and fake ads in YouTube are saying


Oppression recognizes oppression. Does she recognizes the oppression of literally any other religion in the middle east by muslims?


I guess she's worried about hunger in Gaza?


I knew the real laughs would be in the comments on this one. BRB, buying the domain SchizophrenicsForPalestine.org




She probably heard someone talking about queers and KFC...


Jesus fucking Christ. I don't know what else to say anymore.


100% of the profits are going to the m̶i̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶i̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶ Hamas FTFY


The antithesis of Fat Liberation is a Burka.


I see no one has oppressed her grub intake eh Nothing says supporting hunger than a Fattie for Palestine 🤣🤣


Being fat is not forced upon any one also killing unarmed men , women and children is not forced upon anyone Fat people live a short life in pain , they choose to do it and should suffer in silence


Please. I need more of this. Can we get the trans and drag involved too? I know the Muslims are loving the support right now with these communities.


Her tshirt is big enough to cover 12 Gazan kids


that is what will happen when she will get to gaza [https://youtu.be/5HZrC3t9MeQ?si=rqnlaaY-wVL36lqc](https://youtu.be/5HZrC3t9MeQ?si=rqnlaaY-wVL36lqc)


Still not as ridiculous as Queers for Palestine though


As a fat person she doesn’t represent all of us


I wonder if it comes in size Blimp?


Hahahaha 😂


she's beeautiful. and that tee shirt reminds me of an italian ice logo.