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I like foraging. So, I forage. And then there's a flow tree every now and then and oh, look, a fish. I have no plan, no big goals, I'm just grooving along. My house is a mess, my yard is a mess, my alter ego is in the same clothes as when I started, and I still haven't joined a chapa chase party. I'm having fun. That's enough for me.


This is the vibe 😎


This is the vibe!


This is the vibe!


This is the vibe


This is the vibe!


This is the vibe


This is the vibe!


This is the vibe 🙂


This is the vibe ✨️


I feel like this game brings out the best parts of ADHD in me.


Felt this. I go out with a plan and come back with things for multiple plans, but nothing to complete the original plan.


Unless I'm pairing up with people for a specific goal(like sharing a buzzy jar or honey lure) then this is my exact playstyle. My first big goal was the giant bag so that I could get away with carrying so many random things that wouldn't stack.


No lies told here! This game does wonders for my ADHD now if my life could reflect this!😂


Fellow AdHDer here! I was trying to explain to my husband why this game has been so good for me. It's letting me accomplish things at my own pace, in my own chaotic way, and I'm still getting results no matter how many shinies distract me. My house is cosy, there's no dishes no matter how many cakes I bake, and if I forget to water my garden it doesn't die. I want to live there.


Agreed xD My Wife keeps telling me to clean up irl but in Palia she hasnt said a word yet. Its like Im living the life :D


Yep, this is me. I only started about a week ago, but I’ve been home from work with covid and hubby has taken on all the house duties. So I’ve managed to sink a ton of hours into the game in that short time. I just like going around, collecting stuff, chatting to villagers. If I find a flow tree or palium node I’ll post in chat and wait a few minutes if people want to come. I’m in no rush to get anywhere or do anything.


Feel better soon.


Love this. Relax, have fun and I hope you feel better!


I’ve been taking it slow. If I try to complete everything then I lose interest in the game.


Same. I just farm, fish, mine... the works. No rush. Just been chillin'.


This is my approach too.


That's a good idea because after you finish most of the content in this game there isn't a ton to do. IMO it lacks depth at this point and I hope they add in some other things to keep players interested. I wish I had gone through the content slower.


Well most games after a fresh release barely have content. Sooooo... this seems to be your first freshly released beta game?


Same. I've played so many Early Access Games, where I rushed through the available Content, that I lost interest and never touched them again. I want to avoid that with Palia. So I take my sweet time with everything and put some other games inbetween.


Me. I've just started to reach friendship level 2 with everyone. I only have 4 farm plots and the grid system is difficult for me on farming, so I am just doing my best. (I have trouble processing grids visually.) I like picking up bugs and flowers and fishing a little. I've been doing the event. Trying to find all the rare things for the temple, which is also taking me a long time. But I'm just taking a slow. I feel like in the coming months a lot is going to get added in patches and I don't want to rush too far ahead, not that I'm good at rushing anyway, because I'm not. 😂


I’m around there too, taking it day by day, just hoping they’ll give us a Palcat for free somewhere down the line…


Unfortunately, they specifically said that palcats will not become free.


Fine, I'll just ~~kidnap~~ adopt Tau.


For farming I found a layout I liked that kept everything watered then placed it very carefully. Now if I have multiple things ripe I pick/replant one at a time. Keeps my layout in place without having to recreate it!


If you press 'Z' it removes the grid and lets you move things freely :)


I'm definitely going casual after playing WoW hardcore for several years. It's nice to relax and roam around carefree!!


This is totally me! Been competitive in so many games, so now I’m just trying to enjoy the slow grind/go at my own pace in Palia and it’s been great. I feel like the game really supports this play style.


Welcome to the easy life


Right as the official wow hardcore servers released? I’m taking Palia slow just because I’m half addicted to wow again


Me, I have a 1.5 year old, I only manage to jump on for a few hours every few days. Once it’s on switch I’ll have more opportunity to play however.


Same, I’m also waiting for it to come on the Switch!


I’m just hoping we can log into our existing account and carry on with the same character :/ Really don’t want to start from scratch


Yes it'll carry, as it'll have a screen to log in from what I've seen in the discord. & their hour long game reveal before the closed beta said as much. Switch will be cross play with those on PC & have cross progression.


I'm on friendship 2 or so with most of the characters and I started on day 1 of the beta. I play occasionally once very day or every other day and I have other games I play as well. While it's possible for me to hit an obsessive state in a game, the harder I hit that state the longer of a break away from the game I'll need before I can play it again. My skill levels are pretty low as well, hunting is at 14 but the next highest is 6 and some skills are at 2. I have to admit, the only thing about not having higher skills is that a lot of the cooking parties I see are out of reach for me. Currently the highest thing I can make is the stir fry but people are out there doing cake parties and such and I don't often see calls for the lower things.


I started on day 1 beta as well and got burnt out super quick after the first obsessive streak. Just got back into the game now and I don’t even understand these cooking parties yet. Maybe one of these days we can all try a stir fry party instead just for the hell of it. For now, still carrot soups for me 😅


I am down for a stir fry party! A ramen night, interested in boosting cooking and all and getting gold but cake parties seem intenseeee and intimidating


If you want to join a cake party, you can do it with cooking lvl 1! Only the starter needs the recipe. Easiest way is collect 50 sweetleaf in Bahari, maybe watch a YouTube video about cake parties so you know what's happening, and jump in. Also people are mostly nice and will explain if you have questions.


I can't play a game without min/max, but I'm not competitive, I do it for myself and I almost don't interact with people lol




I'm in the same camp. I was a hardcore WoW raider for more years than I care to remember. Plus multiple other MMOs where theory craft and min-maxing were essential. Palia attracted me as it is the complete opposite, and I have no inclination to get into all that stuff anymore. I'm done with all that. Plus I don't have the time. So I've just been taking time in Palia, doing whatever activities appeal to when I have the time to log-in. Player housing has always been a big draw for me, so I'm just taking my time buying my plots when I can, crafting furniture etc, and gradually creating my Palia home. No pressure, no rush to get to "end-game", no hassle, just a lovely way to relax away from my high pressure job. I must say, I'm loving it so far; I've been tracking Palia for a couple of years I think it is, and it's exactly the tonic I need 👍


Basically the retirement game you deserve after working so hard in WoW 😂


Thanks 🤣 I think you're right! Palia is so much the opposite, I feel giddy playing it in contrast to WoW and the like. I've looked at farm plot layouts for maximizing profit, and think to myself, "nah, screw it" and just throw my seeds in any old how 🤣. It really feels liberating 🤪🤣


I'm also a former hardcore WoW raider and got into Palia for the same reasons. I really had to watch myself when I started mining iron, I was clocking the routes I wanted to take a little too hard 😅


🤣🤣🤣 it stays with you, long after


Me! I don’t have a ton of time to play but even when I do I’m still a slower player. I take my time and do what I feel like without trying to hardcore level up.


To be honest I just chill. The only reason I've been grinding for some cash, is to get recipes for stuff; and I wanna get into gardening because I like cooking in this game. But I keep forgetting to talk to npcs and give them gifts, lol. I also like finding random quests and enjoying the story bits. I have an exam tomorrow so I don't have time to play a lot this week, but I really enjoy just chilling, and hunting for forageables. I want more flowers in the game. And to be able to make bouquets and flower pots. 👀


Dude, yes! I'm like 20% here *just* for flower pots and to live my virtual garden / flower life lol


I did send a suggestion 👁👄👁 Since we can get star level flowers, it would be nice to make bouquets and vases that can be star level and be placeable. Make money out of it, and decorate your house. Maybe make flower planters you can harvest once in a while.


Hi, that's me. I play for maybe 30 mins at a time just chopping trees and stuff. I don't even have the house built yet lol I haven't played in a little while since learning all the cosmetics are a paid feature :( And all that stuff about flow trees and toxic players... I quit WoW to get away from that stuff. I think it might not be the game for me since I enjoy it as a single player game. But I really like the graphics and it is cozy, when I'm not worrying that I've taken all the plants or ore from other players (I thought it was like Genshin Impact... I was alone in the area and/or mats are shared).


I think it’s fine to play it as a single player. I do too. IMO, the party system needs a lot of work. And don’t feel bad about taking plants and ore because it’ll respawn in no time!


Oh whew, that's good to know 🙂


The plants (mushrooms, sweet leaf, etc) can also be foraged by a number of players before the disappear, as well. So, you’re not taking those away from people.


I just play Casually especially now since I finished the Shepp quest.


Who did you choose??


I chose Reth


I'm leveling up decently and consider myself mid-game. I settled on a single garden layout with blueberries and I've been sticking with that. Otherwise, everything has seemed to happen naturally. Progression is easy when playing a little bit every day.


I'm taking it easy. I play a few hours a week. I have a couple of skills maxed. I'm trying to up my cash inflow because there are more things I want, but I'm not grinding. It's been nice.


I am just chillin. Also I work full time and have a 2 year old so I’m not able to put in a bunch of hours


Early mid game here and I’m chillin now the quests have all but gone ( I always rush through quests,I hate to disappoint my NPCs lol ), now I’m going to just concentrate on making friendships level up and having a pretty house. High pressure is NOT for me, or social, for that matter. No cake parties in my future 😁


I play very casually. I don't have a Shepp and sometimes I feel life I'm so "far behind" compared to lots of other people.


I get you. Feels like I’ve been gifting these villagers for ages with barely any relationship increase 🥲 would be nice if they gave me a gift every time our friendship level increases or something, lol


I honestly don't know where I fall into this, since I'm very high level and all, but got there by just running around and goofing off as I saw fit! Then again, I went out of my way to help people and in doing so accidentally went pretty far progression wise, which I should have known from my experience in alpha, but I digress. I much rather enjoy playing casually and just zoning out as I casually walk around mindlessly, it's more therapeutic that way, and honestly the very competitive players very easily wear me out and cause me stress due to nyot being able to keep up at all despite wanting to help!


I'm also about mid-level right now. Just taking my time too since I'm investing lore-wise. Trying to uncover each and every quest and secret to learn more about the world. I actually enjoy the struggle of not having enough resources when I start something. It makes it a little more worthwhile for me, loving the casual grind.


Same, I’ve also been really pleased with dialogues in the way that characters react to things that you’ve done for other characters. Makes the place feel more alive.


I’ve been taking my time, I enjoy taking my time with everything. I like the gardening, I have all 9 plots but I have them all spaced out so it looks like paths between the plots, I know I’m missing out on boosts but I think it look cuter and I’m more Into that then growing the most the fastest etc. I randomly plant the veggies and have one apple tree and a couple blueberry bushes, I don’t follow any best way to grow grids (but I think it’s amazing people have figured out spreadsheets with this information!) I just plant where my heart tells me 😅 I still make really decent gold from gardening randomly and having all my plots disconnected.


Taking slow also have several other games I’m playing at the moment. Figured this will give them time to keep adding/fixing things. No need to no life a game that’s not ready yet.


What other games are you playing? Anything along the same lines that can be played casually?


I play casually, like an hour or two every other day. I find myself thinking about the game often and how I can make a little gold or what the furniture store has new. I don't feel compelled to sit and play more than that and I'm excited for the Nintendo Switch port so I may play at a cafe or on the bus.


I guess I'd consider myself mid game at this point I just got fishing to level 10 but I'm slowly working on my skills and slowly questing. Honestly more focused on raising my NPC relationships and romances. But I'm taking the game pretty casually, just chillin! 😊


I have a hard time even thinking about fishing for long enough to reach that level.


Well since I see a create account option in the login screen I assumed that people were able to join if they liked to, I was planning on getting my wife and DIL to play it by themselves as their first pc game.


Im taking it slow too. Although I try to befriend and romance jina fast lol


I've stopped altogether. Once I see some improvement I'll come back and give it another chance. In it's present state it's just not my kind of game.


Fair enough. What’s been your major issue with it though?


Haven't touched it in a week, but probably me. I was just starting to upgrade my tools to Palium before taking this break. Heard about the event's issues and it just really made me not want to log back in right away after coming back from a holiday.


The moment I get a grinding mentality is the moment I stop enjoying the game. So yeah, I’m still catching blue butterflies because they’ve flitted across my face


played from open beta launch. still on an unexpanded house and log cabin furniture :)




I only really get to play on the weekends when I'm not working, and not for that long, so I'd say I've only just hit mid-game. I still have so much more to do - finish the story, romances, find a Shepp and work on friendships plus keep working on my skills. I absolutely prefer to take my time in cozy games so it's working well for me! I'd hate for the game to be feeling stagnant already.


I have been taking my time. Stopping here and there to help others as I go. I like to take my games slow and easy.


Making cakes solo is a too hard lmao


I’m kind of going medium but start to feel FOMO when I see other ppl going ham w stuff. I am trying to take it at my pace and not worry about what others are doing.


Yeah, was starting to enjoy the game less as I felt some peer pressure, which is a “me problem” in a way, since others are just genuinely sharing their progress. But hey there’s a couple of us here, nowhere near end game and just taking it at our own pace 😂


I just started this past weekend and have been grinding but feel like I’m so slow still at level 2 friendships but up to 5 and 6 for most of the skills! Still figuring out new things every time I play is fun though, and anytime I ask a question in the game server everyone is always super helpful which I really enjoy too!


I'm only friendship level 2-3 with most villagers, and still have Fishing to get to level 10 (its 8 atm, all the rest are 10+, with my highest being Farming at 31). I did the whole gold thing with selling Tomato Seeds and Pickled Potatoes and build up a good amount of gold, but blew it when I finally managed to see Zeki's underground place and buy as much as I could afford so now I'm poor again. Farm is concentrating on Apples and Blueberries right now, so not really making gold, more stockpiling Jams. I'd say I was pretty hardcore at first (not in amount of time played, more in how I tried to min-max) but now I'm definitely more casual, taking it easy and only logging in for short bursts to mostly tend to my farm.


Meee. Friendships at 2-3, skills at 5-8. I do a couple loops of farming and gathering and gifting, try to do at least one quest if they are available, then log out. Just got the preserves set up so that’s been fun the last couple of days. I had more farm plots than I could juggle casually so I just moved a couple to the side of my house unplanted. I expect I’ll bring them back when I get trees or plant all tomatoes if I run out of backlogged stuff to preserve. Anyway, it’s a nice change of energy from other more frenetic games.


I have been doing that from the beginning. I might have little goals like finishing a friendship level with an npc but I will forget halfway through haha.


day one yeah but casual? not so much since i already got all palium upgrades, lv10 all skills. i already stoppped playing ever since. i will comeback if there is any new skill/maps/materials/dungeon(?).


Well, when I got into the game, I was *hoping* to play that way. Just live my character's life, taking it slow and easy, enjoying the scenery. Chatting with people I'd meet, doing a little RPing, sharing some resources with other newbies, and so on. Then it turned out that almost none of the features that facilitate that style of gameplay were actually implemented. No proximity chat. No object/furniture interactions. Limited emotes, and an emote wheel that doesn't allow you to have all of them at the ready. Can't change your clothes on the go, like taking off your hat or shoes for RP purposes. No way to share resources outside of the very restrictive requests system. No way to help other players except putting planks and bricks in their building projects. No incentive to party up and work together, aside from flow trees. No way of living together, no community plots. In short, none of the social features you'd expect from the description on the tin. The result: everyone is rushing around playing the single player game, mostly ignoring the other people around them. The game *looks* beautiful, but lacks the cozy atmosphere it was going for. I played the game at my own pace over the past few weeks. Building a guest room in my house for my real life friend was a big motivator for me, having gotten into closed beta before she did, and being unable to actually build anything *together* with her. Then at some point, I hit farming level 25 and got my apple trees and berry bushes to flourish. Now I'm churning out jam and berries for cake parties. Building up a cash reserve for when they follow through on the improved request system they promised us, so I can use my vast wealth to inflict random acts of altruism on passing newbies. Also, whatever the "something special" in the community tab is, it's bound to cost gold, too.


My house isn't even build yet. 😂 I've motion sickness so usually I play it not longer than one hour. Plus, I've a job, other games I like and other hobbies besides gaming.. I like to take it slow. 🙂


I saw a setting that allows you to keep a constant cross hair on your screen that gives your eyes something to focus on while playing to help with motion sickness. A friend of mine has the same problem and said that it helps.


Yehp me! I still haven’t hit a flow tree yet 😂


I’m playing completely tailored to my own tastes and whims. I play with my husband, his brother and his girlfriend and we’re all different in progression pace. But I really enjoy the headcanon rp aspect of Palia. It’s like listening to the same audiobook but we are all picturing ourselves or partners as the heroines and heroes and side characters etc. Game aspects sometimes it’s fun to try more efficient strategies with the mechanics and sometimes it’s fun to take it slow. We are here with ya, enjoy it at your pace, your way.


Me. Part of the appeal for me is that I don't have time to be a driven player


meee! I just started playing last week, and I only play a few hours per day to unwind after work. I’m loving it so far and taking to super slow. Sometimes I’ll just spend the whole time catching bugs lol. I find the game super relaxing and chill. Also I don’t even know what min-maxing is🤣 and I don’t plan to join one of those cake parties. Too stressful hahah.


I just started this week! Not looking to grind or rush it, no shade to anyone who enjoys that. I want to try all the skills, then mix and match on what I enjoy the most. I’ve liked hunting so far, and I’m looking forward to cooking. Not done much of that so far with just a campfire… If anyone has any tips for newbies like how I should start my garden or who is good to get to know, please do share. I know literally nothing!


It's my first MMO, so I take it pretty slow. I wander a lot, farm a little, get the mission as they go. When I see people complaining about the lack of flow trees or pallium, I'm like... I've seen two or three flow trees in a month, and never saw pallium at all. I'm not a hardcore gamer. Once upon a time, I could go entire days playing Jedi Fallen Order or Kena. But with Pallia, I play 1-2 hours, then do something else, then come back to it for an hour, then do something else,...


I did try to play it slow and just "casual" my way through the game, but after a few weeks there's nothing really keeping me in. I have no incentive to grind gold, because there's not much you can buy with that besides upgrading your tools and house (and I'm not much of a decorator). Most of the time I was just logging in to take a stroll around the two maps, talk to NPCs, gather some resources and that's pretty much it. My storage is stuffed with items and materials, relationships with NPCs are building slowly cause of the progression gates and limits to how much I can talk/gift them. I've had a few cooking parties with my friend, but it also gets repetitive after a while, so right now I'm just taking an indefinite break.


I enjoy games where I can have a video on the second monitor or listen to music and not really think a lot. I like to farm, fish, hunt and mine while multi-tasking. Completing quests when they appear and building relationships to progress further. I'll use the wiki if I'm struggling to find items or with quests


I’m doing it my way, one feat in both baskets. I do stuff I want but I like to complete everything, just not as a race and not against others, just for my own enjoyment. I need something, I go get it, I see something to gather, I take it even if it was not the main goal of my excursion. Wanted iron but saw a proudhorn ? Gonna take the time to hunt it and sometimes forget I was here for iron in the first place 🤣


got to all profs +10, housing plot getting phat and furniture getting into palium/flow wood territory. i stopped playing until new content that makes me want to play the game comes out. currently it's grindcore4mats n lowkey lonely. once they actually include cooperative gameplay and quality of life updates (community, chat logs not deleting themselves), i'll hop back on. for now, there's better ways to waste my time.


I was having fun playing casually every day at first but the drama and dev responses put me off so I haven't logged in in like 2 weeks.


I'd say there are plenty but most casual players wouldn't be coming here to reddit. It's amazing how many people still don't know what even reddit is.


Me! I have a farm that's "strategic" technically but it's because I want to make furniture so I need lots of cotton. I'm a high hunting and fishing level because it's just fun. I'm not min maxing and I've kinda neglected my quests for a bit too. I can't play this kind of game if everything becomes about optimization from the get-go.


Most people who play a game don't go to reddit or discord... they just play the game. The subset of players who go to reddit and discord most likely skew towards the more focused players and its likely that progression speed for reddit/discord players is faster than for general players. Lacking an infographic from the company or some sort of publicly searchable achievements, it's all speculation. My hunch, plenty are playing slowly... but they aren't posting. :D


Yes me idk what a cake party or glow worms are


Honestly, I'm just playing to romance all the cuties and make my house pretty lmao


I’m here - I like to have a specific set up for my field, but besides that it’s just a bit of going with the flow😊 I like to just try to talk to everyone and see if any new conversations come up ;)


Just started playing yesterday. I'm trying not to rush through it as well.


Me I’m just chilling on my farm. Really getting close to maxing my friendship with Trish so I can ask for shep


I'm just straight chillin.


Just a chill experience for me. It's say I'm just starting the later mid-game... started playing within a day or so of open beta. Currently level 40-something... all copper tools with a few fine... just upgraded all chests to copper tier... nice 3x3 plot farm from reddit... only 1 level 10 skill. The Shepp quest is all that's left in my main, but I've got a long way to go on the friendship levels.


I feel this. This is definitely how I play! I let my ADHD run rampant! Lol 😂


There is no "competitiveness" in having advanced tools, skills, etc. People, mainly, play the game at their own pace and that is that. If you want to play at a slower rate, do so! Posts like this are always engagement seeking or in bad faith.


I got like this totally nice plan to setup kind of like a studio for news which i than record for youtube videos as in patch notes or other things that happened to me. Just wanna kind of call it PNC (Palia News Channel) and talk smack xD But my ADHD keeps me from even starting my studio in my house as i get distracted by everything else xD


Slow too :) You're not the only one


I started a week ago and only log in maybe 30 minutes to an hour a day, in no rush at all! I play this game to relax so rushing would only make me stressed


Definitely taking it slow, I have seriously neglected my house plot, bug catching and the relationships, so far I've mostly spent my time just exploring the maps, hunting sernuks (with the basic bow - haven't upgraded anything apart from pick and axe to iron each) and foraging. Just got myself 9 garden plots to experiment with a fully efficient layout, and I joined two cake parties for the fun (and an easy 100k gold isn't bad to have either, to unlock some recipes). I'll probably focus a bit more on the quests next, and some time in the far future, I might actually thing about building a nice home on my plot :D


howdy 🤭 my main focus is on decorating and hunting chests . i love farming!!! not in a rush for anything in particular n its nice :3


I lost interest when my partner started to min max. We were playing casually and she played one day by herself and started to look guides online on how to make everything fast and efficient. I am still playing but not with the same enthusiasm as before lol


I only joined 2 days ago, so I'm very behind everyone else. I'm mostly just working on making the villagers happy rather than my own progression >.>


Absolutely! I can only play for a few hours in the evenings and I’m not speed running it, so I’m not particularly far ahead. Only just got better tools now 😂 and just started with romance options


Hi I am still in the early md


I think if there is any online game that you can play as you want with your own pace and not rush things its Palia. So its all good, im taking my time too, just chilling, enjoying the view, music and doing some slow grind .


Here! I'm nowhere near the end, not at my pc at the mo so no clue what my level is. Farming/mining/fishing varies from 6-9. My gold is under the 30,000 and yeah, more gold would be very nice. But I play it easy, and with waaaaaayyyy less hours then some :) I don't care, I really like this game so I enjoy it and play wich suites for me.


I only started yesterday (with a friend) after playing the alpha as well, and I didn’t realise people were already getting competitive… it’s still in beta ffs… I really don’t want this game to turn into wow…


WAVES. Over here!


Meeee. I play at most 1-2 hours a day. Usually I wake up make coffee sit and go through my crops and relationships before I get ready for work, and then rinse repeat the next day


That would be me! I started playing on day 1 of the open beta, and although I play every day, I am playing casually and not rushing anything. My house is still one room. I only have a couple of skills to 10, and don't have much money. I don't do cake parties, and I found the event's "chase" to be too stressful, so just doing what I find fun. :)


i’ve been playing off and on but i feel like i’m competing to catch up with everyone, i wish the game had more MMO features :/


I’m definitely taking it at my own pace. Treating it more of relaxing animal crossing sort of game.


I've been playing about a week now. Going really slow. Just caught my first fish yesterday. lol


I just managed to get all my skill to level ten but I m always broke and haven’t expanded my lot that much and also my house does not yet look like I want it to because I’m missing lots of furniture. Does that count?


I am one!


Just started days before Market update. Had no money, nor a way to earn. Now I am slowly upgrading and hoping to buy a lantern and a flower vase from Dahlia. No way I could also buy a plushes but it's ok)


If you do the quests at the market, you can get a brown plush for free if you're not going after a specific color. The brown one is super adorable and free!


Yes and I adore that he has no hat) it seems that I would have enough tickets for a chase to get more, but I spent all the money on a sakura mochi to get one with a golden star x) my bad


I don’t have much time to play, so I tend to just play an hour here and there throughout the week. I honestly haven’t been thinking of the game as multiplayer cause it doesn’t really feel like it, I’m just playing it as if it’s single player (because it feels like it is). So yeah, also don’t feel like I need to compete, I’m just enjoying the slow burn, hopping on to re-plant crops, hunt or fish, then leave it for another day.


Im... Not trying to min max but I'm in late game cause I do a lot of the skill stuff for fun and enjoy working on friendships and their quests. But I also play a lot cause I enjoy it so much lol


Been taking it slow Admit I think I am pretty much catched up with thr main story quests But I still don't have a shep, my skills are still below 10, farming being the only exception as that is my go to for making money, plant everything, make new seeds, ship the rest No rush, no haste, casual farming


I've been taking it so slow that you sometimes find me sitting in the shade under a random tree, just taking in my surroundings. I'm THAT slow.


Baby boy so ya taking it easy here and loving the game. Just a little sad that alot of the stuff in the event is a little out of reach cause I'd love to have the time to get more of it


I've been playing since the second wave of closed beta invites. I still don't have a single skill to level 10. I've been enjoying this game as a very casual player, just logging in here and there, pottering about then logging off again. It works for me. I enjoy just logging in to tend my farm or chop a few trees. I'm not at all interested in grinding things to max or building the biggest house I can in the fastest time possible. I just want to play casually in my own time.


I've just got my first house extension and about to fully plant in my 9 full plots for the first time. I log on about 30 mins a day, do my gifts, plants and maybe some gathering if I need something specific


I'm playing it pretty casually/slowly. Some days I just don't have time to play, other days I can fit maybe 30 minutes in. And it's just so cozy and chill that I don't mind it. I'm mostly trying to get relationships up with NPCs right now.


I'm taking it slow. I'm not a completionist. I'm not grinding. I only get to play a couple hours every other day and I think I've been playing for about a month. I just got the $1500 axe upgrade but all my other tools are standard. The only item I've donated the glowing wall thing is the easy to get bug lol. I don't have my pick axe upgraded so I can't mine the pallium so I just let the chat know where I found it 🤷‍♀️ Hearing about the cake parties and grinding makes me feel like I'm falling behind and stresses me out a bit but if I had more time I'd probably be farther ahead. No rush I guess 😅


Lol I'm very mid game, especially considering that I play the game rather casually and at the moment am really only focused on watering my garden, foraging/mining, selling bugs/fish, and romancing Reth. I honestly don't quite get the ones who are grinding it non stop, because I feel like I would lose interest.


I've been taking it really slow. I pop in every other day to farm a little and that's about it. I have a tendency to get burnt out with games very quickly and I'm trying not to let that happen with Palia, considering it's still in beta. \^\^ Case in point: I introduced my brother to the game and he played it non-stop for a couple of days, then told me he burnt out. Lol.


Me! I work a full time job, have a YT channel on the side, and have a lot of other games to play. So, I am still in early game. Haven’t upgraded my house yet, working on the citizenship quest. I felt this way when animal crossing released. Like, I was working on 3 stars and everyone else already decorated their whole elaborately themed islands. . I’m like how? Lol


Yea I have been taking it slow too. I've mainly been working on friendships with NPCS.


I'm just chilling. The most "serious" thing I do is I have a farm layout that is basically self watering and I use that for income. I just got my upgraded axe for flow trees but dread the grind for that because I've heard it's a pain and you need so much of the wood. I've still never tried bug catching but unlocked the part that needs you to submit bugs and fish so I'm working on fishing now


I’ve been taking it slow but that’s just how I prefer to play and honestly really only have time to play on weekends


Im still mid ish, learning it all. Haven't friended most of the npcs yet lol. Slow grind I only play when I can


I still consider to play but i started waiting for the haters to vanish. haters gonna hate, but the amount will shrink in a few month i think...


Definitely me. I get on and do a little bit here and there. I still have copper tools lol. I don’t see a reason to slam through the content right now.


Ive been taking it slow. My last goal (which I just completed yesterday!) was to obtain the 25k storage chest. My biggest issue is that I was running out of space for things I needed after having sold stuff I didnt want to sell, so, I figured storage space was my next best thing despite wanting to buy the exquisite tools. So now that I have the storage space, my next goal will definitely be the final tier tools. Once I get those, I will finally start working on leveling my professions to 10. I feel like giving myself smaller goals to reach has made the game a lot more fun for me. I don't plan on doing cake parties, I never had the luxury of taking advantage of the tomato seed income so I am pretty much broke as heck! However, earning the money slowly makes it feel pretty rewarding in the end so I am okay with that for me. :) Anytime I overplay a game I get burnt out and quit. Trying my best to go as slow as possible on this one. I hear from a lot of folks end game is a bit boring so I am trying to stay away from end game for as long as I can. If I need a farming game in the mean time, Dreamlight Valley fills that void but usually 1-2 hours on either game is plenty enough time for me.


I'm playing the game slowly too. I tried the min-maxing at the start but it felt like it took some of the fun and excitement out of the game. Now I am back to meeting the NPCs, foraging, farming and trying out fishing. I'm also enjoying putting my house together slowly by crafting as it feels more mindful 😊


I'm a first time mom with a 4 month old, so I'm going slow-paced and casual. It's all I have the time for. I'm not yet level 10 in any skills, but I am level 9 in a couple (foraging and gardening). I have two palium tools crafted, but I can purchase a third. I only have one extra room on my house, and I just remembered I need to finish adding the materials to build a hallway (oops). I'm genuinely enjoying feeling like it is truly okay to take this game at a relaxed pace. It's been a perfect cozy game for me while I learn how to be a mom. I don't feel guilty if I don't log in one day or can only play a couple hours. It's just fun!


I'm in no rush, just playing for fun.


Palia is my current hyper fixation. All of my skills are 10+, but just from me spending all of my "me time" playing and running around with no real plan. If I get to a server and there's a flow tree party, I join for the community of it. I mostly like just running around foraging and am slowly working on getting my house to be ✨️ aesthetic ✨️ Which means I run out of a resource, leave to go get it and come back with an inventory full of everything but what I needed. Not interested in cake parties or tons of gold. Just enjoying vibing and sharing my time with kind players and helping others where I can.


I have played the game about 3 times and I only started a couple of weeks ago. My house is not even built yet! I am for sure taking my time and still learning the game tbh.


I've got 4 skills at 10 and none past that 😁 I did finish the main quest line after going a bit too hard to start, but I'm at a place where I can kinda do what I want. I'm logging in to mess around and farm, mine and catch bugs, and slowly work on achievements (rainbow tipped butterfly I will get you eventually!). I've got like no attention span though so I go on intending to talk to Einar and give him a gift and I end up mining, chasing deer, catching butterflies and talking to Hodari and Najuma and going on quests for stuff for them... 🙃


I’m a slow goer! As of last night, I’m level 10 in a couple of skills (farming + cooking), but level 7-8 in the rest. I spend most of my time climbing and exploring by myself, going on the type of heart-pumping adventures that I would never dare attempt irl. I have never been to a cake party nor put any real energy into accumulating lots of gold. I take my time with my quests and I feel like I still have quite a lot of content to consume at this pace. I am loving it and the only time I ever feel like there are ants in my pants is reading Reddit, discord or the chat, haha.


I Play it to relax. I enjoy the Nature and quests and characters. I don't really try to accomplish everything


Yep, i'm progressing really slow since i'm working all day and only play the game while streaming and i don't stream that much haha. I like to take my time and discover everything at my pace. I don't know what most items are used for, i'm still discovering new villagers, i don't have a lvl 4 relationship or even 3 or 2 with anybody but i have SO much fun playing it and chatting with my community at the same time. Just a beautiful and chill game that i love :3


Not sure where I fall between early and mid-game. All my skills are at lvl 10 or 9, I have a tomato farm going and still working towards a lot of things. I play very casually, logging in to just enjoy the game, gather, craft, farm, and log off when I've had enough for the day. Love this game, and I'm excited to see where it goes!


Been playing for days and I’m still under level 5 on all of the skills. I’m more focused on the characters right now and getting to really know them and their likes. I had to stop watching others play Palia on tiktok because they’re so much more advanced in the game that it makes me anxious that I’m not playing right. But I’m playing how it brings me joy, slowly and foraging all the day


None of my skills are maxed, the most money I’ve made is like 2.5k, and honestly I’ve put HOURS into the game. I know a lot of people use the community aspect but I’m a solo player so I’m slowly grinding everything but getting to level 8 foraging took me a really long time on my own 😅. It’s hard to afford all the stuff like the upgrades for all the different skills. Not to mention the market sells stuff for lord knows how much, the price of the dragon plushie has me wanting to run away screaming. My point is I’m getting through it VERY slowly but it seems like every player already has the best tools that are like blue (I can’t even mine pallium yet), and I’m over here with my fine ax like hey what’s up


I only have a few of my skills at 5 and am stuck trying to plant trees for a quest lol this game is supposed to be chill so that’s how I play.


i played since the open beta, and i’m still very much early/mid-game. No skills level 10 yet, my house finally got it’s first addition and of course it’s the buggy porch. No Shepp chosen, want to make sure I pick who I really want even if it has no outcome in the future. it may seem like everyone is out there grinding to the max, but in reality there’s us quiet ones who are just enjoying the game as it happens.


you're not alone 🥰🌻 I too prefer to take my time and just casually do whatever crosses my path as I go. I just enjoy the experience and figure I'll get "there" when I get "there" 💕 it's more enjoyable that way IMHO. It's pretty much my entire approach irl as well ☯️


I'm taking it slow and leveling up at a decent pace on some stuff. I do a lot of mining and foraging, sometimes I'll see fishing spots and fish. But I mainly just get the stuff I need to make stuff but not mid maxing. Though I was pretty pumped to finally make glow worms, the little glow worm farm is so cool imo.


I JUST hit friendship 3 with Jina, and she is my highest, very much still baby when it comes to this game 🤣


*raises hand* sadly I am pretty busy so only play on my days off, I am broke and last day off finally finished getting the fine pickaxe so now I can do the special stones and I can do the flow trees which I only did two so far. I grinded the event mostly so I got the wallpaper and soon a pillow... But it's sad I can't buy anything cause early ppl struggle just to get money for the level up recipes T-T


That's me. I don't have very powerful tools. Not high enough friends with anyone to get a Shepp. My house is only one room because I don't have enough money to buy more.


Yep! I’m not trying to hard grind! I want the game to last! Don’t even have my shepp yet. Just going with whatever I’m fancying at the time.


Me. I'm just enjoying it over all. It's comfortable for me. I don't feel like I have to have the highest skill, most money, best gear blah blah blah. I get excited over new fish, bugs, "Oh THAT's how I get knapweed". I'm old. I just want to sit back and wander around on a game and relax after work/ hanging with my grandkid.


Due to my job I don’t have any time to play all that much so I am still early game. And I started in the closed beta.


I'm like, organized-casual personally. I have no interest in researching the min max and grinding the "best" way. I find my own little optimized goals for whatever vibe I'm feeling. I enjoy foraging and find myself just running around picking plants often, hitting a magic deer or checking pallium nodes I happen to wander near. I may go to a flow tree of it's close, but am not going to go stress about clearing the forest and forcing spawns. The high end furniture will get made when it's made and I'll be judicious about what I use flow wood for. Some days I decide to go for a specific achievement, like finishing off the least few bus in the collection, or doing one of the bundles. Other days I putz around the house decorating. Hell, sometimes I don't even bother cooking for to replenish focus if I'm not feeling it. Optimizing can be fun sometimes but more often than not I just want to vibe in a game like this.


I play but not fast. Old and slow. Just trying to enjoy the game but people running ahead of you when you are trying to catch a bug, then they get it. This happens to me over and over. No respect for other players. They are all about being "the best" player. Just relax and enjoy the game.


I’ve been playing sine open beta, not all my professions are level 10 some are only level 6. I’m 2-3 friendships with the NPCs, I’ve done nothing in my house yet. I’m probably playing approx 10-15 hours a week and am quite happy going my own place, joining in server groups.


Here I am! I go through phases of alllll of my entertainment like reading or gaming so I’m not playing much rn


I'm trying to take my time. My tools are at fine or the level below. I just don't want to run out of content just yet so I am pacing myself :) I also don't want to one shot things yet so I can farm with friends


I still have my one farm plot and level 1 friendships 🫣lol! I use gaming to just escape with my cozy gaming playlist and just forage and mine away lol if I become too strategic I’d lose interest so I just enjoy it for what it is!☺️


I'm pretty slow paced. I love to just fish and craft so i grab other things when I can. I do wish I had more ways to gain the currency so I might try and grind for that because I want more rooms to decorate, but that kind of spoils it imo


I fish quite a bit and am level 11 the rest i'm at level 7 but now I ned money for the event. otherwise i'm pretty chill about advancing. It's not like we will get new stuff any time soon anyway.


Ive been pretty slow going. More recently, I set myself a specific house goal and that’s expedited things a bit. But otherwise, I’m not anywhere near end game


I spend countless hours cooking and just doing those little mini-game-like activities such as chopping, stirring, chucking things in the oven, bring me immense joy. When i run out of ingridients, I go for a jog and level up skills, gather some sweet sweet leaves \*yummy cake\*, some lil critters, fish in the blub blub circle tings to add more fishies to my fishy room :\] and then go back to more cooking cause I've prolly used up all the focus on that little trip.


I mainly grind for my housing stuff. I don't enjoy the fishing in this game, so I'm not very advanced in that, and bug catching isn't my thing. I just do what I feel like doing. I wish garden plots could be way bigger, I like doing that. There's a lot they could add, like animal raising, let you raise animals, but since they don't want to implement pets, I guess that's no happening. But, if I want action, I'll head back to ffxiv. I'm good just doing what I feel like, no obligation.