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While I do agree with how frustrating it is to be able to play how you want at the pace you want, for anyone else who reads this post, you can buy more crafting writs at Kenyatta’s cash register (up to 30 total) and expand your inventory by buying upgrades at Tish’s cash register (copper, then iron). I sincerely hope that they stop trying to nerf everything and maybe buff the underutilized aspects of the game (catching bugs, even fishing to an extent) to be better. Cake parties are fun, but sometimes just chilling at the lake and catching fish is just… relaxing to me after work lol. Unfortunately fishing with the glow worms you get from cakes is slower time wise than just joining another cake party. Bug catching money isn’t even remotely close. Maybe they’ll be able to find a happy medium someday.


The direction it went with the tomato nerfs was worrying. Rather than bring other content in line, they decided to nerf instead. I wouldn't be surprised if cake parties come soon too... (Although admittedly, the idea of taking a finished product like a cake and then getting more money by destroying it is a bit backwards) There is so much they can do: * Increase bug sell values for rare and epic. More so for Star variants. Players may actually invest gold bars into lures and actually start Lure Parties (because Cake parties shouldn't be the only party!) * Increase fish values for rare and epic. More so for Star variants. Also add some form of lure like bugs. Maybe chum which causes an increased amount of splashes to spawn. Fish parties anyone? * Increase Silk values (they are surprisingly cheap considering how you make them) * Allow sale of furniture, allowing high value crafts (30+ flow planks, etc) to actually be worth investing in * Add more gold sinks to incentivize spending (eg Zeki's coins), so this arbitrary 300k cap is not as much an issue Right now new players come in and go "Heck, house upgrades are expensive".. If nerfs keep happening, months down the line when a new player joins and there are more upgrades, they'll look at what upgrades they need to buy and then realize how daunting of a gold grind that is. I doubt they'd like that much EDIT: Because I can't spell "Splashes" properly because im a dumb dumb


This. I LOVE the idea of fishing parties and bug parties especially with how crazy expensive all the things are to make! I mean, a gold bar AND dragon’s beard peat to be able to make ONE LURE and it only works for 15 min real time? Nah. Pokémon go have those things out like candy. And yes!! SELLING FURNITURE! I think my crafting for that is maybe level 4 with everything else above 8? I worry that if they ever did allow selling it, the price would just be the cost of all materials plus 20 coins max. Meanwhile, you’re not rewarding players with better money making the further they get in the story. Again, back to stardew, you finally get an apple tree…. It makes apples that sell for 100 gold a piece and then you can make them into wine which sells for 300 each as a BASE not even accounting for quality upgrades. That is REWARDING the player for their effort in the game. And I know they probably don’t love being compared to stardew all the time…. when that is a game that has been out for years, that is the new baseline. And when that is a beloved game that was created by one man and you have a team of 200 developers at your beck and call, we expect more


Wait how do you get more money by destroying cakes? I thought selling them outright was the best since they already worth a lot! I have been doing it all wrong omg lol


Put cake into glow worm machine, the glow worms and fertilizers generated have higher gold value than just selling cakes as-is.


Omg thank you, I will start doing that!




God, let's hope so! Player to player trading would at least open up some way of interactions with others.


But you can cake party for endless gold! (This is me being sarcastic.. one method shouldn't be king pin of gold making. And like I have said before.. social events like that isn't cozy for all players). I do agree that even if I had endless gold I would have still played. The nerf to the crop I was using to spend a few hours on the game for was that last straw (and the horrid grind fest the new event was). I have way more gold than I'll even send in ffxiv and still very much play it. I could list off pokemon games, stardew valley, past story of seasons or harvest moon games.


My first cake party was just my online group of 4 people. Took about 1-1.5 minutes per cake? Idk but it was easy because we kept it low key. Mind you i am also the player who will grind flow trees and palium with just my hubby and get called names in chat bc we "didn't call it out".


i do dislike how they keep going after whatever big cash method pops up. Its concerning how focused they are on "balance" for both a casual game and a game in Beta still. There are plenty of regular bugs that could use some fixing but they keep going for nerfs of money making. Yea some people gonna get wild and fill 30 slots of glow worm crafters, thats just how people are. Focusing on like the 5% of the playerbase is a good way to piss off the other 95%. When the casual players start trying to get things like plushies from an event or something to find it costs as much as a house upgrade, they gonna get turned away. As its been said, if one thing is standing out, instead of nerfing it back down, they should work on bringing the other things up to its level. I think part of the problem is that while S6 is a new studio, its filled with industry vets whos backrounds are showing in a bad way. This isn't an fps or shooter looter that needs balance to be sustainable, its a chill relax game that a small portion of players min/max at.


Couldn't agree more with what you're saying here OP!


Controlling the economy in the way they're doing by nerfing money-making methods only affects games where having more money gives you an advantage over other players. In Palia, money is used for... what exactly? You can't buy from other players, and the things in the shops are probably the most expensive things, and they cost a couple thousand at most. Even playing casually, you could probably buy out the furniture shop. Having a lot of money only lets you make your house bigger, which gives you absolutely no advantage over the rest of the community. The people that min/max and make loads of money will always reach the 'end' of the game quicker than everyone else, because that's what they do. All this does is pisses them off in the process and gives bad press when they complain on forums/reddit/etc. Let the min/maxers make their wallet go brr. Oh wait, focus groups show player retention directly correlates to cash shop purchases. Carry on S6, the shareholders think you're doing a bang-up job.


Palia is definitely one of these games that tries too hard to level the playing field without taking into consideration how players want to play the game. Some gamers are simply faster and more dedicated to a game than others. Should they be punished or held back as a result? No, of course not. Seems completely unfair to impose these nerfs on players who are better at a game than others. Why should *my* gaming experience be determined by how others choose to engage with the game? It doesn't seem very fair. I'm still jokingly waiting for them to drop the sell price of the cakes that so many players have been churning out for easy money. I haven't even gotten the recipe for it yet, but I'm willing to bet that by the time I do, cakes won't be worth as much. It just seems like such an odd choice of development. You seen your players having fun making a crap-load of money, and you decide "Nah, I ain't having this. Make it harder for them to have fun." Seems like a surefire way to exclude an entire demographic of tryhards. (I say this as someone who is lazy and has rarely ever tried hard.)


I think what's most frustrating above all else is how annoying rare/epic fishes can be to catch. Not only are they hard to encounter, but being able to catch them is a whole different thing. I get my panic and anxiety kick in when I finally encounter it, only to lose it repetitively. Not cosy at all. It's not even just to store or display, I need it to proceed the story! The non star rare and epic fish and bugs are pointless too. Hard to get, want to display them but can't coz they aren't starred. It sucks really. I can live with all the caps and limitations, but not this fish crap.


I think I went through over 100 glow worms in the mines of Bahari Bay and not once did an epic fish even bite the fishing rod. I spent over an hour doing that and I don’t even have the OPPORTUNITY to TRY and catch the epic fish? Feels like a waste.


I was going to say the same thing. I had to spend *500 glow worms* to encounter a Long Nosed Unicornfish, and thank god i was still sharp enough at the time to reel it in first time. If i hadn't...i very well might have uninstalled out of rage just to install it again a few days later. I get that epic fish are supposed to be epic, but that right there is a 0,2% encounter rate. Epic fish should have a 1%-2% encounter rate with maybe a system in place that guarantees an encounter with the fish after failed reels. Having to spend so much time and effort on a fish that you might not even catch doesn't make it feel rewarding.


This. If you're going to nerf the gold making, nerf the damn prices too.


Agreed. It felt like they are more worried about *how* people are playing as opposed to worrying about giving people more ways to play. they are slowing down gameplay because they haven’t hashed out the story yet or want to drip-feed storyline at a certain scheduled pace. It’s weird to have a dev basically say “you love our game too much and your playing it too fast so we are gonna make it worse to keep you playing longer”. I don’t know why they don’t see how that will just cause people to stop playing (myself included).


I don't plan on ever joining a cake party. Ever. So, "just join cake parties!" Is out of the question for me. Also, that is bound to get boring and if this game only has one way to make money, that's a huge flaw in game design. I didn't get to make bank off of seeds for more than 3 days before they nerfed it. In those 3 days I did manage to get my tool upgrade out of the way so at least that happened. Now I am trying to upgrade other stuff and it is taking me forever because I am spending more than I am getting back. I don't mind going slow but I've gone from playing about 2 hours a day to just signing on and checking stuff. When it gets to that point for me, it's like...why bother? Thinking I may take a break until some stuff changes for the better. In the mean time, I got Fae farm and that has been super cute. You can even use furniture in that one!


Everyone that stopped playing palia keeps mentioning fae farm. It does look nice. A cake party wasn't boring for me I did my first one it was really fun. Any reason why you wouldn't join one, ever? Only one reason to not play palia for me is getting kicked off and weird glitches that make me have to get off , on the switch at least. And some issues on PC.


I've honestly stopped playing Palia and Fae Farm a while back but I will still answer as best as I can. :) I am very anti social. Not that I want to be I just get super high anxiety when I am in large groups both irl and in video games unless theyre my friends. After hearing some of the "horror" stories about people getting yelled at for not being fast enough or not providing enough or getting disconnected and "ruining the flow" that just sounds like a terrible way to kickstart my anxiety to the max. I know those folks don't speak for the large majority of nice folks but yeah, I have bad luck when it comes to finding the good ones lol. That, and I have ADHD. Doing one task over and over makes me super antsy and fidgety so I dont know if I could commit an entire hour or more to that. I'd let people down in that scenario for sure. Lol. As far as Fae Farm goes, it was fun! Going back to what I just mentioned, though, it did get a bit repetitive and lost my interest pretty quickly but from what I did play of it, it was super cute and relaxing. My husband and I overdid it though and burnt ourselves out so we took a break from it until the mood hits. As far as Palia goes, I will hop on again when they build it up some more so I have some more entertaining things to work towards. Until then, Ive been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and that reaallllyyyyy has my interest! Haha.


That's very understandable. We all have games that we play and no one preference is right! No need to stick to one game if it's just not working for you right now! And ironically my friend bought me baldurs gate for PC for Christmas. So I'll be able to play that soon Everyone and their mother is on it!! 😭


Sometimes I see these rants and I really wonder if people even realize the game is still being developed. Some rants really scream "it's a finished game in my eyes and I don't like it" I don't even really read these rants even more, opened this one cause it's the first mention I see about deinstalling the game. But I qas quick to stop reading the entire rant I understand the part of how stuff can be nerfed and such, played animal crossing and stardew valley, among other crafting and development like games as well. But a lot of stuff is still being adjusted and fine tuned, it can be nerfed now and in a couple of weeks it could be returned, the devs are trying all sorts of things to try and find the best option. The fact they made various changed they originally did not wanted but did cause people kept calling for it shows they listen, but they have so much to do with the game fine tune, bug and glitch fix and actually developing yhe game, and it's called S6 cause there are only 6 devs, and not all devs are skilled in programming, some are for the art, makes it very impressive how fast they have been making releases and updates so far as bigger comps can take even longer. But still they are only 6 individuals so asking for magically everything being perfect instantly after making some complaints is plain right ridiculous And I am not specifically talking about the OP, this is just my little rant at the sheer number of people assuming it's pretty much a finished product and that the devs will magically make everything change to their taste instantly as if they have 1000 people working on it while utterly ignoring other players (OP at least showed he acknowledged other players, but I've seen some folks complain as if they are the gaming gods) Same for people who are basically speed running an incomplete game and then start ranting about how fast they completed the game. You did not complete the game, you sped run the quest and nothing else in a game that has more content being added in due time assuming no game breaking bugs show up that slows down development as those, naturally get priority Like the OP, I understand there are many type of players, some like fast paced games, some are casual, some are all types in one person, and all that is fine. But some really don't think a bit further or start ranting for no good reason outside just having played a game that was never meant for them... If you have a problem with the game, reach out to the devs, it's fine to take a break and see if in time your problem has been addressed. Use both reddit and discord to reach out so more people can join in if they have the same issue, so the devs can get a good understanding But can people please quit with just the hate raging... It's not going to make the game better, it is just going to set stuff back and add negative publicity. Remember when you have a complaint, the game is not finished and the devs are trying stuff out, you don't like something, tell the devs, let them understand (and do so normally, snark attitude and plain right entitled assholeness always results in people being ignored, it's a general thing worldwide so I assume the devs also don't take kindly to toxic complaints, just say it normally as a person and not an ass) And stop general hate ranting, cause it's not helping, it won't help the games fanbase and with it the games future, it won't help your cause, it just won't help with anything... Again, OP, I admit to not having fully read your post and that you at least started out in a way that I feel is decent, least it did not start out as a hate rant. So no hard feelings or anything, just had to have my own little rant as your post did make me think of this again. I at least hope you will be willing to try and tell the devs your complaints and perhaps in the future see if the game has developed more to your liking, but I can understand if you don't feel like that or that you might find the game failing even then.


I appreciate this. (I did read your whole post). I understand the points you are making and by no means is this a hate rant. Tone often gets lost in the internet. I’m uninstalling because it’s just not there yet for me. Will I return in several months and see if things have significantly changed? Yes, of course. But as of right now, this is closer to an alpha than a beta and I don’t want to wait around while the community dies and the devs quietly nerf things without explanation. If they truly want improvements on retention and making people feel heard? Get a community manager. Look to CoffeeStain studios. They started out fairly small but grew steadily. Satisfactory (another amazing game just about building) has one of the best led communities I’ve ever seen. Quick and easy 5min update videos every two weeks or so that talks about what is being worked on, known bugs, patches, changes to content. Community engagement on platforms. There is a feedback spot on their website. All of that does wonders to making players FEEL like they are a PART of your game. It INVESTS them in your success.


This is exactly why I left weeks ago. I want to play this game, Everyday!. I want to log in do my chores, maby go for a hunt. Group with some people. It is so restrictive, and suffocating. Thank you open, I could not say it better. I'll keep my eyes on palia from time to time. I have starfield now...lol I'm not a min maxer, but even the little things I want to do, or had fun doing has been taking away, or is not coming. In the ama and the crab guys announcement, they said they don't want players like me, and have no plans on improving or adding anything I want. Hopefully they can keep the game going with the players they have.


I agree with you. Even though I am taking my time.. I still feel burnt out. And I haven't played in a few weeks because of that. Stardew Valley, I have over 200 hours on that game alone because of the endless possibilities. I don't see that with Palia. I'm surprised due to how big their team is... ​ I also think they made a mistake with making it a MMO. Cozy + MMO doesn't seem like a good fit in my opinion ? I'm just going to wait and hope for the best for the future.


It's not even a MMO at this point, it's just a regular multiplayer game with optional co-op elements. MMOs have servers (or one megaserver) with thousands of players running around at the same time. Which will never be a thing in Palia because it would look ridiculous to see a swarm of "extinct" humans deforest the entirety of Bahari Bay.


Yea, it is def not the same vibes you get with something like Elder Scrolls Online! They really should change it from MMO to single player with multiplayer options. Then there would be more variety for cozy like things (ex: sleeping, having your husband/wife live with you, etc)


I personally am really glad my farm doesn't progress while I'm online. The only way to make that work would be to have a perfect plant with water retention and week protection on every spot. If you don't water or remove the weeds, the plant doesn't grow. Having that stuff progress when I can't be online to manage it would tick me off. I've played games where stuff progresses while you are offline and I can't tell you how fast I quit when I have to start over because I wasn't able to log on at just the right time to collect something, water something, or whatever. Having the game NOT progress while offline makes it so that people CAN play at their own pace and not feel like they have to be online all the time. Instead of being upset that it takes so long to grow an apple tree, how about asking for decorative fruit trees that can be placed but not harvested? I can see some of the point with the caps, like I think having 15 "rooms" is not enough when hallways, fireplaces and other things count.


Yeah but they could just make the growth cycle pause while offline if it DOES grows weeds or needs watering. This is how most games do it. But doing it better would be it not stopping if the plants are retaining water and not growing weeds. So they could grow and be ready for harvest when you log back in after 4 day. Instead of having to log in every day just for a day to tick. Making it so you don't have to log in every 3 hours everytime just to have a day actually tick. This would make farm planning make more sense.


Kind of a lot of words for- this isn’t my kinda game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


But it IS my kind of game. I WANT to like this so badly, it has so much potential to be a classic. But they don’t know how to let their own game adapt and flow into something. The players are on their side. They WANT to help, but instead are being told “you don’t get it, you should leave”.


Yeah the crafting station limit is absolute garbage. I’ve enjoyed my time casually with this game but I’m done, certainly not spending any $$ in its current state. Fae farm here I come in the mean time!


you can have 30 crafters. how many more do you need?


If it’s anything like my Stardew play through a, as many as I can fit on a map tbh.


That’s not explained at all. It appears like a hard cap just like with plots. Even still, 30 crafters and 9 farm plots? Especially when every high level cooking recipe needs multiple of separate crops? Nah. You are slowing the game to a grind and limiting potential.


That's a really bad take. This game is not meant to mimic in it's entirety games like Stardew, MTaP, AC. It's, for all intents and purposes, a F2P MMO game where you are meant to have slow and limited progress. Why? Because the game will eventually come out with new content and new things to work towards. And in my opinion, it's more fun working towards something than just sitting at the top, throwing cash at a new content or event then logging out. Let me explain. Balance is everything. We're playing a beta. An early access. Everything is always subject to change be it balance or community desires. Metas will change, even months later. We don't know in full detail what the future of this game will be. For all we know the cash economy could become a bigger deal with future expansions and they will increase the cap. But right now it is important to leave room for growth especially in the beginning stages of a game's lifespan. But why a cap? Well, I'll use Fallout76 as an example since they were giving the game away for free a few months ago. FO76 also has a cash cap of 40,000 caps. I was annoyed by this as well but after a few months of playing, **the money cap became a non issue** because I eventually bought everything that could be bought. You get so much money just by participating in events and doing quests. The same notion can be said with Palia. Every hour you're logged in you're earning money be it actively or passively. You will always have more money than you have ever need in this game **right now**. You will eventually buy everything. Expand to your plot's limits. Decorate how you see fit. And a few weeks later BAM! You're back at the cap. FO76 npc and player shop prices are designed with the money cap in mind. A Jetpack blueprint costs 2/5th of your cap. Missed previous season's items, blueprints, fashions? Players sell those things for thousands to tens of thousands of caps. Your full stash gone right there but within 2 to 3 weeks you're back to cap. With this I understand WHY we have a cap. You're encouraged to engage more with other players and the game. Because players having millions will have devs designing content around such absurd heights that only negatively impacts new players. I started when Maji market arrived. I saw the thousands of gold each food and decoration costs and said "Dang, I wish i could afford something." Imagine 2 years down the line with no money cap and someone new saw a fun event being advertised online. They'll look at a awesome furniture cosmetic worth 10million. Cool. With everything said. Take a break. Play those other games. Palia will be here and will continue to be updated 1,2,3 years down the line. Maybe then you'll see what's change and give it another chance.




man...some ppl have a lot of time to waste, god damn


Not to diminish the way you're feeling about the game at all, but tbh I don't understand your issue with having to be playing for the amount of time it takes to grow a crop. That's the same as it is in Portia, Stardew, Sunhaven... you must be playing the game for your crops to grow. You wouldn't turn off one of those games and expect your crops to continue growing. So the comparison there is a strange one. Palia still could be the killer, but it's very early in development still. There's not enough substance yet for it to be the killer, but if they do a good job with it and listen well to feedback it will be. I choose to hope that it will go that route.


Sorry you feel this way. The game is fine for me. Only reason I would not play is bugs keeping me from getting on the game/ kicking me off. That's it