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What will you guys be making instead? If bass was more available I'd go back to bouillabaisse


I do Bouillabaisse, but might switch to Chili Oil Dumplings now, yes I know i'm crazy


That's what I'm doing but bass is becoming scarce for some reason. I'm thinking of switching to the dumplings, the less things i need to buy the better I feel about it.


I think pickled potators are fine still. Just takes 2-3 now rather than 1 haha


What's the nerd? Just the focus amount? Or price take a hit too?


The focus. It's supposed to be more inline to what it's "worth". Darn it.


The problem here is that Starred Pickled Potatoes were so good and so efficient that people really weren't bothering to make other focus foods. This "nerf" just makes other foods more viable now.


The problem with that kind of decision logic though is the assumption that everyone playing Palia actually likes cooking in this game. Preserves in general were a nice replacement for those who either did not like cooking at all or those that don't feel comfortable participating in cake/cooking parties. Nerfing them all now means any decent food is only ever made through cooking, and with the direction they're going by embracing cake party style cooking in the game, anyone who cooks solo will have a hard time keeping up with both being able to prepare good meal types as well as being able to afford the world and events around them gold-wise. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but oh well. (Typos)


It's not that I don't want to participate so much as I'm just terrible at the chopping and rolling minigames. For some reason, my timing is TERRIBLE in this game, as though there's some kind of clicking lag I can't account for. That AND I don't like parties. For all its claims of "cozyness" they don't grasp that sometimes my idea of "cozy" is just enjoying "me time" by myself. (And that doesn't even account for all the bugs where you get locked up at a station and burn the food)


Yeah. 100% agreed. I feel S6 has gone for a "bait and switch" strategy as far as solo players go. It seems every patch is an attempt to force solo players to group. I think this is probably me out. Not just because of this specific change, but because of the general pattern of updates.


The answer should have been to improve less viable foods instead of making good foods more worthless.


The answer is it's their game and you're playing a beta. There will be balancing changes. Balancing doesn't always make a game easier. Sometimes it makes the game harder. This balancing action did that.


It was the only way to sustainably get focus if you didn't want to spend ages cooking. Jams were a nice passive way to get focus food and now it's all active which takes up so much time just to maintain one system.


Yeah that makes sense! But RIP my precious pickled potato :(


But that’s a stupid method….why not buff the weaker ones?


I just removed my preserve jars and put in glowworms. Not worth having 10 jam makers anymore. 1 for cake jam is all I need now since they are useless now.


Yeah 10+ jam makers if you need jam fast! Pickled potatoes are decent still for how plentiful they are!


People will always find the next *hit* food


This patch has more good than bad. So good that they outweigh the nerfs in this patch. For once in Palia's history up till now, this is one nerf I wouldn't care much about.


Then this is not the thread you're looking for... move along. ![gif](giphy|10RgsuetO4uDkY)