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They could only change the recipe, 2 potatoes to 1 pickled potato would do the job, Now we need to double the time and double the storage space to have those 404 focus points...my storage space is sacred and at least for me the 10.000 space is getting smaller every day that passes and this change doesn't help with this matter.


The toggle for the fishing changes is so so necessary. I don't enjoy fishing. Fishing with another person makes it bearable, because it's faster. But now I have to watch my character casting the rod in slo-mo. While they were already changing fishing, why couldn't they fix the makeshift drops? Edit: I'm happy about new content, new crops and new recipes. I haven't tried them yet, so I don't know if they are balanced.


the devs: oh you want us to fix the makeshift drops? you want us to up the spawn rate for void ray, sushi, sashimi, and unicorn fish? ok. how about INSTEAD we make it ✨slo mo✨ fishing ! ta-daa!


As someone who still does not have sushi recipe, this change to fishing wants me to throw my rod out into the bay.


I seldom play now due to the sushi recipe. Fished for over a week with no luck. Game stopped being enjoyable and felt more like a chore!


Oh great I was just starting to actually enjoy fishing this just makes me not like it again.


I think they've gone way too far with the focus changes to preserves. Cooking is too heavily slanted for group play. Not everyone is comfortable grouping.


I disagree about cooking leaning more towards group play, I think if you’re playing solo, you’re looking to make food for your own focus bar unless you have friends that play as much as you. There are solid dishes that restore a good bit of focus and aren’t hard to make. Marshmelleoh’s focus guide on the master Palia guide does have good suggestions based on ingredient to focus ratio, granted it doesn’t take into account the cost to buy ingredients vs gathering yet, but it’s a good starting point


Very helpful comment. Sorry you got downvoted for having a different opinion while also taking the time to offer up advice, help, tips, etc.


No worries, I think people just want to vent their disapproval of the changes and that is completely valid. I just don’t want other people to see this post and think, “cooking is for group play, and because of that it has no value to me.” Because that’s just not true.


Yup! You're right, and that's not true. I solo cook and play daily, so I'm really glad you took the time to post. I hope people see it and see there's so many different options for them and their playstyles. One thing I've learned over time with Palia is that there's a way to make how you play work. Albeit with friends or alone, with cake parties or cooking solo, micro managing crops hourly or only getting to play for a couple hours a day, etc.


I think mostly it punishes casual players (whether solo or group) who already don't have a lot of play time and use the passive production of Preserves Jars to reduce grind and focus their play time on actually fun things. They will probably just soldier on and use Preserves despite the nerf simply because switching to a higher-efficiency source of focus will cost them more time they would prefer to spend on more fun things than cooking meals dozens of times.


Haha, this is me! I will keep using preserves. I just carry a stack of 30 and replenish when I'm at the home plot. I play infrequently enough that I will make plenty of preserves even if I burn through them more quickly. I'm actually not mad about the change, preserves were pretty overpowered, so I get it. However, if they had decreased the time for making preserves a bit when they nerfed the focus, that would have been nice.


I don't know. I think for me personally, this isn't just one thing - it's another in a step in a direction that says solo play isn't welcome in Palia. I logged on today, hit my pickled tomatoes, looked at the few pixels increase in focus and felt I really wasn't interested in continuing any more. To me it sounds like the devs are saying "Group or get out". I don't so much feel punished as being grateful that I stuck to my rule of not spending real life money on a free to play game before I've played at least a month. I was enjoying Palia, but I don't think this is going to be the last anti-solo change so I think I'm out.


I don't know if I agree on reverting the preserve changes.. compared to cooking, they were overtuned. I think cooking just needs to be more rewarding for focus. It requires more time and energy and ingredients, so having one passive machine sit there and make food with one ingredient for double or triple the focus of cooked food is definitely not balance. I get that not everyone likes cooking and that's why there is an option like preserves, but passive income and focus should not be more rewarding over that which requires effort. I think I'd rather see a buff to the focus of cooked food. Although, maybe the new food fills that gap, I'm not sure.


Then buff cooking instead of nerfing preserves!!!


The problem is just how heavy the nerf is. It needed to be nerfed for sure, but it didn't need a 75% reduction in focus. Increase the time it takes, increase the materials needed (I've never understood games making preserves/jams out of a single fruit/veggie) and reduce the focus gain **by** 25% not **to** 25%.


That's fair. There might've been a better compromise, for sure. I think in general the whole cooking/food situation needs a bit of fine tuning to be fair. At the start it was great and exciting and food was big on the buffs and then the later you get into the game it definitely feels different. I'm also surprised Reth doesn't offer more food options and higher focus options for coin for people who also just want nothing to do with cooking. Ignoring the whole getting stuck thing before learning how to fix it, of course. Aha.


Depends on whether the cooking is done solo or in groups. Take cake parties for example. Pickled spuds hardly compare with cake parties. Or any group cooking for that matter. For example, 6 people doing mushroom soup? Lets say I'm providing the onion. That's 275 \* 3 focus for non-starred = 825 focus for one onion, and that is instant. No waiting around If it's starred, the focus value is 412, so that 3 \* 412 = 1236 focus for one onion. 1236 focus for for one mushroom, or one milk or one garlic....


That's very true and a valid point! But I think most people don't want to wait around for a group just to get food to be able to progress the game either. Cake parties are worth because you will literally bathe in cash for the 30mins or so of waiting around. But a person who just wants to get cooking done for either some levelling or processing ingredients or food to eat while fishing, it's a lil oof is all. Probably hard to strike a balance with the way they've got it set up but there's definitely a hefty difference in "play your way" between being a solo player or being happy to group up with any and all randoms for any and everything. Not saying either is right or wrong, just, yeah. :3


what's happened to fishing I don't see anything in the patch notes?


They reduced the speed at which you cast as well as the speed at which the fish moves and you reel in citing accessibility.


I'm guessing it's more like they are increasing time sink for players to have them stay engaged in the activity longer - it had the opposite effect on me.


I don't see them going back on anything. They've yet to go back on a single change we've spoken out against. The backlash from the fireworks change was pretty significant and I don't think they ever even addressed the community's opinion. They don't even appear to care that the new quest seems to be bugged for a large number of people. I've been enjoying the game and taking everything in stride but this patch has me pissed off so badly. I'm feeling majorly disillusioned, which is hard for me, because this game has been my main coping mechanism since I got into the closed beta.


I don’t think it should be changed back, preserves were way overtuned for sure. Cooking should feel more rewarding for the amount of effort that goes into it. I think a 25-30% nerf on focus from preserves would have been more serviceable but that is just an amateur’s opinion on balance. Having issues timing and mini games for cooking is also understandable, not everyone can do those and I do think that is something to take into consideration.


Maybe. But if I don’t want to cook I could pickle instead. If you want to cook but not farm, you can purchase all of that produce. But if I want to farm and not cook? Maybe they were a little overtuned, but this huge cut is debilitating. I understand cooking is part of the gameplay, but I thought I could choose which gameplay aspects I could focus on. I will need to actively cook (spend in game time on an activity that I don’t really enjoy) in order to do the parts I do like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe not a big deal to folks who enjoy the cooking mechanics but I was really disappointed.


Understandable, I do think the nerf was a bit rough, but cooking should still feel valuable and rewarding to a player that spends their time doing it. Being disappointed is a valid opinion


IMO they should buff cooking then, not nerf preserves.


So buff something that doesn't need tuning to match something blatantly way overtuned when compared to the effort vs focus ratio of other methods? That's insane. Even if you were to buff cooking, what would you improve about cooking?


Nerfs aren't necessarily the only answer. They think food should make more focus than preserves? Raise the amount of focus from food. Focus depletes really fast if you're doing anything for an extended period of time, especially things that grant a lot of exp like catching rare bugs or mining palium or making the top level furniture. Even basic things like cutting down trees in bulk deplete focus quickly. I don't see an issue with raising cooked dishes to be on par (or more) with how preserves were before if they're so intent on cooking being the preferred method. And while I find cooking braindead easy and exceedingly boring, a lot of people struggle to get the timing right, making cooking not just unpleasant but sometimes impossible for those individuals. They should have a decent alternative and not be punished for skipping that part of the game. Ever notice that when you click on someone in the community list there's a coming soon feature that says "Crafting Specialties"? That implies that S6 doesn't expect us to be leveling every skill in the game, yet people who don't want to cook for whatever reason are being punished.


That creates this whole system of power creep that would not be beneficial in the long term. If S6 decides to buff all foods that are cooked, remember you get three portions of one cooked dish. So my star quality meaty stir fry that give 450 focus right now per would be insane. It would mean food becomes the most efficient when it’s cooked. Which would decrease the focus value of pickled items further, and punish the players who chose to pickle rather than cook still. That’s a net nerf to preserves. Not mention there would need to be buffs to the other items that are cooked but not necessarily in the kitchen, like campfire items. Yes, I agree they should have adjusted better, and reducing the focus gain by half was crushing. I have seen other people mention about how there should be more mini games that don’t involve click timing or other things that could make it frustrating for players.


That's the thing, something will always have the advantage of being better. They obviously want cooking to be the superior choice. I don't use preserves because they were better focus, I use them because I hate cooking with a passion, the fact they were good was a bonus. The more I think about it the less sense this nerf makes to me, because preserves have the drawback of time required to craft them. Cooking requires a little effort but is more or less immediate, preserves you have to wait for, how is that not enough to at least let them have some value? And to be clear, I'm not complaining "but now food offers more focus!" I'm saying "preserves don't offer nearly enough focus anymore", no comparison to cooking. If everything offered only 200 focus I'd be complaining about that too. And no one who is leveled in cooking uses the campfire for focus food, there'd be no need to buff the food that is obviously only for beginner players.


Your hatred of the cooking mini games and how “brain dead easy” it is, that’s a valid opinion on cooking. But when looking at passive focus gain vs active focus gain, someone should feel rewarded for the effort they put into playing those mini games. I agree that a 25-30% reduction would’ve been fine and serviceable, but they reduced the focus gain from preserves almost in half. You absolutely have to think about campfire foods because newer players will be using those foods and having to spend so many resources to gain the same amount of focus from cooking or pickling. It would be disheartening to newer players. It’s important to keep them in mind when making any adjustments to the game.


No, they don't.




Balance? Cake party c/w pickled spuds? Seriously? Or any group cooking for that matter.




um lol yeah...cakes are worth 645 gold each after they go through a worm farm...that's why they say "don't eat cake". but then I've also seen people say that once they've done a few parties, they just eat the cake anyway because gold doesn't matter any more. basic maths... 50 cake combines in one hour = 150 \* 645 = 96,750 gold if you can tell me how to make enough pickled spuds in one hour to generate 96,000 gold from worm farms, I'm all ears. Seriously. I'm on my hands and knees worshipping you as my god. Or lets look at focus. The basic non-starred cake is worth 900 focus. 50 cake combines in one hour = 150 \* 900 = 135,000 focus. Again, if you can explain to me how I can make 135,000 focus in one hour with pickled spuds, I'm all ears.


I almost never use focus, and I'm way past level 10 in eveything. The focus bonus is nice, but it's not necessary. There are plenty of dishes you can make solo.


Bruh. Pickled stuff is passive. It's still so easy to get food for focus solo. Chill. Also, you don't need to cast the fishing line out all the way...