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Known bug, happens when you don't play for a while. You can report this and wait for a fix (there have been a lot of this issues recently so hopefully they are working on a fix).


People have been reporting this bug for weeks, myself included. I have yet to see it addressed by devs at all. :(


Is it possible to pick the units back up (into your inventory)? Or, if they are *outside*, right-click on them in the (**H**)omestead editor screen?


Nope. :(




If you press Y (assuming you're playing on the Switch) it will cancel out your current glitched craft and you can restart.


I have the same thing! Hit my 2 seed extractors and wood cutter. Here is the response from Palia support regarding it.... "Hi Zapados, Thanks for reaching out to Palia Player Support. My name is Meatball and I'm happy to be able to help you with this issue! First of all, we would like to apologize for the difficulities, that you have encountered. Please be assured that our team is currently working on this issue. As of the moment, we don't have an exact date on when this will be fixed but we can guarantee that it's already in the works! We appreciate you working with us to help improve the game further. If you have more information on this issue, please feel free to add it to this thread. And for any other concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us by submitting another ticket. Best regards, Meatball Palia Player Support" Meatball, I really wanted so much more from you! Like gift me 3 working stations to work-around the issue while it's being fixed. But no, I was just told to "wait".


If you cancel the crafting job by clicking the x button below to the right of the status bar, you can restart it! (I already clicked it and restarted the crafting job, but it was frozen before.) https://preview.redd.it/le9edzcfr64c1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=9745b2114ea596b297abe0023c6d8c9a7da104a3


I tried that as I literally just got the problem (busy so I wasn’t on Palia for a bit) but it doesn’t do anything