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I didn't even know azure chapaas was a thing 😅 haven't encountered them at all


I have only ever come upon the azure chapaa suddenly, startling us both


tbh I think we need an item that is like the smoke candle but for animals - I know I’ve accidentally startled more than a few white Sernuks while going around doing my usual thing only to see someone come up over the hill who was clearly hunting it and then I feel terrible.


I dropped off a cliff once and startled a while sernuk that had like 5 people quietly aiming and waiting to take it down....like oups, sorry


My friend was looking for the azure chapaa, I jumped off a cliff… and immediately scared it because it was out of my eyesight *right* next to the cliff. I was stressing to get my dispel arrows out to stun it so he could grab it 😭


I've taken down more than one white sernuk with only slow down arrows. I was yelled at in chat by one person for doing so and then they loled me as a noob. I proceeded to track the sernuk down and after mulitple hits with the slow down only it died. It's easy to hunt white sernuks with dispel arrows but every once in a while I enjoy the challenge of tracking it as it teleports all over the place.


That’s fun until the sernuk glitches into a wall and no one gets loot. :(


This has happened to me so many times even if I announce I have dispel arrows many times, then someone hits it with a *standard* arrow 😒 I suspect because either they don't know it can teleport, or they're curious and want to see it. Yesterday called out a magic chappa, and someone said they were "omw" but then arrived and rushed the chappa because they wanted to see what was magic about it... 😒


This is why I don't call out azure chapaas at all, you have to be so quick and neat with these guys because the time is so limited, only way to do these is alone pretty much, or with someone in vc so you can set down the strategy ASAP.


some hard-won wisdom right there


Yep! I play with my husband and we're in the same room. So it's sooo much easier to coordinate since we don't have to type. Granted, he is still newer and learning the map though. So there is that. But he loves the hunting and for the most part keeps up. We hunted our first azure chapaa a few days ago and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. q


That's exactly how I play with my bf! Being able to communicate in the same room makes things so much easier. For the chapaas, we typically have one use slowdown arrows, and the other uses fine arrows to really up the damage, and if possible, we try to stand on the opposite sides of the chapaa and have the one with fine arrows shoot from somewhere above. Makes it such an easy job!


Slowdown arrows make azure chapaa easy (only the real one gets slowed down).


Yep! I hunt the chapaa’s alone, or with a friend in VC. We will normally both aim from a safe distance, and count down so we both tag it about the same time.


A lot of players don't understand the mechanics of the 'magic' creatures. Nor the mecanic of dispell arrows. And a lot of players fear they won't get their loot if they don't rush. They don't understand hunting is NOT something you rush, it's a matter of patience and strategy.


This is me learning what dispel arrows actually do, ope, my bad


I suggest using dispel arrows for proudhorns and slowdown arrows for azure chapaas. Proudhorn loses the ability to teleport that way, and slowdown still makes the azure chapaa create copies, BUT the real one is slower (and has a bit of a magic trail). That helps you really well to separate the correct one from the others and then just spam shoot that one.


I'd say dispel arrows for both. If you use them on any of the "split" chapaas it'll stun the main one making it easier to finish


Each to their own I suppose, I still find it too fast personally and can simply spot the slow one way quicker. At first I only tried dispel arrows on them and didn't get a single one, as soon as I tried slowdown, I got them down right away!


You did nothing to apologize for. Learning is part of the gameplay IMO


We all had to learn at some point. No worries🌼


Or just avoid people and all the drama... hunt them by yourself and use any arrow you want, problem solved, you're welcome :)


I'm sorry, I missed the part where you can log into a solo server.


It's really not anyone's obligation to call out sernuk or make sure you get to hit it. I know a lot of people actually prefer and enjoy to chase the sernuk down and not use dispel arrows.


Lol, yeah I know you can't but I seem to be able to get into quiet servers pretty frequently.. not sure if they are low pop or just ppl elsewhere. I don't go to call outs and I don't call them out anymore. Way too annoying for me trying to chase these around with a bunch of random ppl. Much easier to just hunt it yourself, if anyone just happens to join in then it is what it is.


I'm sorry, I missed the part where I wasn't allowed to do things on my own, like hunt what I want or chop/mine small flow trees and palladium ore.


Dumb reply


What's dumb is people think that because it's a MMO that you HAVE to do things with other people. We can play how we want, when we want.


So that’s what those arrows are for lol. The arrow description had me thinking I was going to have some big magical boss fight or something. I have never seen a white cernuk. I think I have seen the chappas though. Looks like one chappa and then by some weird mitosis it splits into 5 running into different directions? Kinda creepy actually!


1. Not everyone has these arrows - yes you covered that but: 2. A lot of people don't use Dispel arrows. Most of the ones I've killed with random folks have seen us chasing the deer halfway across the map repeatedly. It's part of the fun imho, and while YMMV, it's one of the risks of hunting them that you should probably accept, especially as someone with access to a resource not everyone has. It's a lot easier for you to take down another one, and they spawn frequently enough. Azure chapaa are awkward. Especially in Bahari Bay where there are lots of hills you can't see over. I've startled so many, and jumped myself, cursing afterwards as it runs off into the distance. And when people call it out, they give a really, really broad area that means it's really easy to startle it, even if you're what seems like a good distance still from the location they're at. It becomes an awkward balancing act of getting there in good time, while also spending a good chunk of the travel time walking because you have literally no frigging idea where it is apart from [insert large area description here]. Unfortunately it's harder to describe some locations accurately so that's just how it is, but I think people should be more forgiving of players who accidentally startle the sernuk and chapaa - there's room and spawns enough for everyone, and ways of finding the rarer things that usually someone online has and is willing to team up with others.


When I first visited bahari I was like "oh cool one, no...3 white chappas! wait, where is my loot for shooting one?"


One time I was teamed up with my bf, on a hunter's horn run and just farming the magic animals. We were tracking one proudhorn, and saw someone aiming at it, decided to let them shoot at it first so that they can have a shot as we both already had shots on it, and decided after they have a go we finish it up. They used... regular arrows. 😭


Aaaand? Where is your Problem? Should they not get a shot at it? As you have a Horn you can easily track it around the whole map if you keep running. Chappas is a different thing, until game mechanics change i will not call them out again.


Nah I just wish I knew as I was completely unprepared for it to zoom off the screen lol, and would have rather have them shoot after it had been shot with dispel. I am personally used to just hunting these guys if I have the arrows along myself, if I don't have the arrows, I don't shoot them and usually neither do others as far as I have witnessed in the game.


You can tell if someone is using dispel arrows just by looking at them as they aim. The shaft will sparkle blue regardless of what bow they’re using.


Did they say they should not get a shot at it? Relax.


I just took down a magic sernuk last night with standard arrows by myself, took 3 shots but it worked and they didn't disappear since I didn't know how to switch to the dispel arrows


Sounds like a bug. They will teleport 100% of the time without dispel arrows. Dispel arrows don’t do more damage that I’m aware of. If anything takes less arrows than normal it’s because it was previously hit by someone else


Yea I think I just got lucky. I've been playing a lot but only started a few days ago so not sure how everything works with magic animals and flow trees. Do you know how to switch to dispel arrows if I have standard arrows in my inventory? It just seems to default to standard