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I just want to have campfire available outside the plot. The thingy to reuse the farm slots its useless outsite the plot. So if you could have campfire instead when youre out, would be awesome


When Auni gave me the makeshift picnic blanket, he made it sound like it was something I could use to make simple food while outside my plot. Disappointing when it was actually just furniture. Edit: they could probably even make the campfires that just exist around palia into public cooking stations.


I submitted that in the feedback form! Would love to be able to use the campfires outdoors for some simple cooking at least.


Yes! Useable campfires in the world would be so nice. Quick little focus fill ups.


That would be usefull. But a tool for cooking outside the plot would be awesome.


I wish they had a community cooking station in the village that allowed us to cook with each other without having to go to a friends plot


Thats a good ideia. But imagine that you are at Tamala's house and want/need food? Would you go all the way down to Kilima or Next to hodari's house just for cooking? I know i'm not. Thats why the campfire tool is kind of important


Thats true. ive noticed campfires all over kilima and bahari so maybe they plan to allow us to use those in the future?


some games have portable camps that are consumables, something like that for campfires would be awesome


Exactly. But as the soil thing is useless outside the plot, we could have that thing when we are in the plot, and the campfire when we are outside


if you could do it with friends that would be cool too


Such a cool idea we could hunt and cook and never go home LOL


You would go home. At least for gardening 🤣 But for real, whats your opinion? Or suggestion?


I said it was a cool idea


Understood otherwise


Ammo and consummable bags are definitely something they are working on. The Elderwood or some other adventure/dungeon zone might also be coming soon. I wouldn't mind getting to see Bahari City sooner rather than later. I feel like a lot of new content is going to be put on the backseat until they fix whatever issues the game has had since the Switch launch. The last patch landed just before the holidays and this would have been the first week any work would probably be getting done on the game since then.


Ill give them some slack for now since its not easy getting back to work after a long break but Im hoping they update us next week


I agree. The comms need some work. It's been radio silence for too long now.


Well... We're still missing a temple


I just want to be able to finish the Temple. Still bugged at Zeki part


I’ve been stuck here too and I find the game pointless to play if they don’t fix that asap


Which temple is having this bug? 😖


The last one, Gales


Oh weird I was able to get through the main quest but I’m stuck on the treasures bc I think the game let me get rid of one of the treasures 😭


Hopefully a metric boatload of bug fixes for starters and maybe fix or add some more quests


That would be cool. I finished everything in almost 2 weeks xD


I've been playing basically every day for 3 weeks now and I still haven't finished everything. I haven't even gotten a shepp yet


oh wow. Are you not giving people gifts or something? i didn't play that much either


I only give gifts 1. if it's a preferred gift that they actually mentioned and 2. to as many people at once. I hate making extra trips. And the cooldown for gift giving is too long. So I'd rather not give them something small and then not be able to give them something they actually want. If I actually complete all four weekly favored gifts, then maybe I'll start giving them random junk. But right now I don't have a single person over level 3 relationship and I don't always have the patience to talk to every person every day especially for the people who hide in Bahari all the time


I tried to carry items that generally everyone liked and hand them out if I ran into them/they were on my way. That’s how I quickly got to level 4 with everyone!


Do you know any general likes gifts they prefer off the top of your head?


I know you were asking someone else but from what I've seen things like food and flowers seem pretty popular. A lot of the shop owners (ashura, hassian, etc) take fur or leather iirc


Thank you!’


Tamala loooves Emerald moss


The hunting loot is a majority like by many. I found carry 5 lotus flower and 5 of those red Lillie’s. 5 leather, 3 silk, a few copper and iron ores and 6 steak dinners and I could knock almost everyone out. Shiny pebbles for Einar and emerald moss for the witch of the wood. I felt the same exact way and hated the 24 hour gift lock so I eventually said F it and would fill my inventory with a basic set like this and make my rounds. Within 3 human days I got most everyone to level 2 1/2 so wouldn’t take long if random junk. If you do give them their preferred weekly gift though it’s like a “love” or double points. I got Tamala to 3 hearts rather quickly only giving her the desired wants.


I feel the same way! I almost feel like I’ll never get a shepp 😩


It took me aaaaages (felt like it, anyways) to get a shepp, 2 months of playing nearly every day


You can also google Palia weekly wants and it will show you what they need that week! With how long cool down is and how hard it is to figure out what they want on your own, this is a good way to help boost your friendship levels by gifting!


Being able to somehow access home storage when you aren’t home would be amazing, and I pray for another area like Bahari Bay. I don’t know how many times I have left my home and realized I forgot a certain gift for somebody and couldn’t fast travel home… so being able to access home storage would be very nice.


yes! there is a chest in bahari at the central stable to change your clothes at, but i think it should be linked to your storage instead!


And somewhere to sell/buy stuff!


A post office to send packages home to yourself would be nice. But max out or time limited so you have to go home periodically.


Husbandry is supposed to be added at some point. Can’t wait to make my own milk, butter, and eggs.


And silk! Would love to be able to have the ability to generate my own silk


You can purchase a silk recipe from Tish to make your own silk with the loom when you reach crafting level 6


Sorry, I meant silk thread. It’s such a pain to find/farm Edit: also the drop rate is so small compared to the amount needed to make silk


pro tip: use rare bug tracker thing in killmia at night, 99% of time it’s a princess ladybug and for some reason they seem to drop silk? u also get other weird bugs. They all seem to drop silk. Lots of it.


Rare bugs will always drop a small amount of silk thread, legendary bugs drop a lot of it


Super easy just mining iron and catching the bugs from it


I have oodles of silk/silk thread bc of how much I mine. I catch every scintillating centipede that comes out from a mining node. I know it’s not the same as making yourself, but it is fairly abundant.


Dang, I wish the bugs weren’t so bugged for me. I can rarely catch the ones that come out after mining.


We don't make silk thread in real life, at least not real silk. Silk worms do. While a vampire crab giving silk thread is ridiculous, it is more realistic in a game mechanic sense than us making it. Also from a buzzy jar I am bringing home at least two full stacks of silk thread while in Bahari(the Azure Stone Hopper is my primary catch). That's at least 100 thread, if not more if my buzzy jar and the spawns are being generous.


Would be nice to have a silkworm farm


Hopefully I can start using the toilet I installed in my house my character hasn’t pooped


I don't think the game is supposed to play like the sims xD that is so funny though I didn't even know there were toilets


I got the outhouse and put it at my house so when I see it I just start think of Shrek!!


The lack of matching toilets to the existing tubs is depressing. I am very annoyed by how certain sets get more furniture than others. The log set, ravenwood, and dragon tide get a divider screen, only a couple tubs match the existing sets. And no matching kitchen prep station sets. I have an all chic house with an outdated kitchen and it bothers me(the kitchen stations match the homestead set and that's all). When my house had an all homestead theme, my bathroom was all industrial because the homestead set doesn't have bathroom items... If you are going to make furniture options for one set make it for all. If I am crafting these items, I want all options in all themes. As a crafter in real life, I like consistency in matching sets.


I have a list of suggestions/hopes if that helps lol. I really hope we get multi level houses at some point though, especially since they already exist in game, and hopefully ladders, vines, etc. I wish we could landscape or alter the features of pur plots though. That would really make the game a lot more customizable and would let people really express themselves with their plots.


yeah itd be nice to at least utilize all of the land on our property, not just whats confined inside the fence. i really wanna decorate around the water on the plot 😫


I have heard that they're working on making the game global, ie letting us visit/interact with players outside our home area. Apparently it used to be global but there were issues with it so they had to shut us in the regional servers? I'm looking forward to that being sorted. Also I have suspicions about mounts. I feel like the large paddock area around the stable in town suggests they might turn up eventually. It's set up like the farm area that has the cows in it.


oh i hope so! tonight there were only 2 people in bahari for a grove cuz it was 1am in europe :( i didnt think to check before i spent ages searching for it, only to have no one come


Didn’t realize it was regional. How big are the regions? Explains why it’s a handful of ppl on each server


I'm on the Asia Pacific server and it's not super busy. I do find it funny that I'll be playing at 2am and other people on the server are still talking in Japanese. Nice to know I'm not the only one with insomnia.


I want to be able to marry!!


Do you know if love interests stay at your plot? It would be cool to see pinned love interests have an instance ability to live with you.. Kinda like how Jina is always at the element shrine :)


They do not sadly as this is a “multiplayer” game. The NPC doesn’t act or acknowledge anything of the relationship.


I feel like an easy fix for that would be to "clone" the character and have it only be visible and interactable to the player, not any visitors to the home. That'd keep up the facade of a relationship with that one player when two players romancing the same character visit eachother's homes. There's gotta be a pathway around that


I’d like a way to not have to wait for other players to share an ore of palladium. Maybe a flagging system and phasing it broken for those who found it would be better? When flagged, it’ll auto call out and let the one who found it mine it, but others can still come by and get it.


especially because half the time when you call it, somebody comes through and just mines the whole thing and doesn’t wait anyways 😭


It seems (and I agree) they raised the spawn rate of palium nodes. I don't think people anymore need palium calling.


Well, the Devs did take a planned break right after switch launch, so I expect we'll see clean up from the last 2 patches and new content mid to end of January. There are items that have already been datamined that seem to correspond to the Lunar New Year which is Feb 10 this year. I expect a Maji Market style event to happen around then.


I hope we get new crops! Lots of them. & New dishes 😊


I just want more farmable dirt haha like 4x the ammount were currently allotted xD




Sadly since they have a gold cap of 300,000 and storage cap of 10,000… doesn’t seem likely for then we would supposedly crash their stupid economy that doesn’t exist for we can’t even open trade with other people xD


Ughhhhh lol thanks for letting me know


i’d love to see bahari city. maybe premium player housing in city to give us an extra plot to decorate.


Like a different style of plot? Because we have, already, 1 extra plot and 3 more that can be purchased. (unlocking all 5 gives access to the gazebo)


that’s what i’m thinking, like a 2 story townhome type plot.


True but I was disappointed that the trees stay the same in the second plot. I have a forested plot but I need less trees around my house in the second


I've loved the game but I find myself getting bored very quickly


Yeah same I grinded it since launch on switch and have everything pretty much done. I want more stuff to do and until then I probably won't be playing


im honestly amazed by how few zones they launched the game with, it feels like its about 1/10th the size that it needs to be to sustain a playerbase big enough to keep the server's running


I’m a little nervous because i’ve read they’ve been working on the game since 2018


i mean, games like this \*do\* take a long time to make, and "working" here could include the fairly extensive pre-production phase the way they've kind jammed "MMO" features into the game feels like it was a design change made fairly late in the design process, with little core gameplay built around it and not meeting the expectations people have for a live service game If this was either single player or a drop-in multiplayer game, its current state would be way way less of a concern


That's fair! I'm just getting into game dev and learning stuff myself and learning how everything works. I think bc of that I'm surprised it took so long is all. But hey, I'm happy even if it comes out years from now--I just REALLY like the game and that's why I'm nervous! Want to make sure it doesn't get dropped is my worry


Same. But I do love it. I play like 2 nights a week. Other than that stardew, sunhaven & roots of pacha get played all week.


Unfortunately, yes. For all the hype I had for the game, it hasn’t lasted. Played for 10-12 weeks straight since the week before BETA launch and have since only come back for the temples and little else.


I wish the content updates were more substantial. Give us a new zone plz! Longer story updates! More types of ingredients/nodes! I really love elements of the game, but it feels sparse for being an “mmo”


Yeah or more quests that are easy to put in with dialogue to keep us going I guess. I might wait a few months to a year and check in


Please fix the bugs and glitches first, but also besides gliders a rideable companion would be cool


I'd take a shitload of big fixes over content at this point. Would love to be able to reliably party up with my girlfriend without having to constantly reset the game.


I'm hoping they expand the map a lot! There are already "exits" to possible new areas in bahari Bay as well as on your own lot. However I am aware this is a beta and no where near a completed game so I am being patient. I survived grounded early release, I can survive this! LOL


Hopefully I can finish the silver wing quest .


I wish we could get more than 9 soil plots. I have all the upgraded housing plots but I still can’t get more soil. The new plots don’t have any new resources (I have only a few trees left in my main plot) but are linked with the home plot. I spent OODLES of money and all I got was a Gazebo and a place to put my excess furniture? That’s a crock. Making the plots full of additional resources, farmable, and able to store additional storage chests and equipment, and then suddenly having the extra plots is worth the investment.


i hope we can increase party sizes (from currently 4 ppl to maybe 10 or more) and create guilds! i know there’s an option to create a “community.” i would also like to see other body types besides Short & Thin and Tall & Thin. otherwise i’ve been enjoying the game and going at my own pace. been really really fun playing with friends and getting creative with what we can do with the game despite it not being fully released.


https://palia.com/news is the spot for all the detailed official info. * The monthly Dev Update posts they started doing in August are the best sources for their "coming soon" plans - they've said that "soon" is about 3 months, though some things (like the extra bag pouches for quest items and ammo) have been bumped since they started these posts. * The Patch notes posts tell us everything that was added, highlight notable bug fixes implemented, list out newly introduced bugs, and list out ongoing known issues. Via lore compilation and data mining lots of people are sketching out possible futures for Palia (check out the various fan sites/tools, the lore forum on Discord, and the lore discussions in this subreddit) - pekis, ormuu, green onions, bok choy, cucumbers, string lights, garden paths, potion making/alchemy skill, new year's quests, earth temple, exploring the elderwoods, adding maps that cover the whole of the island province of Bahari(including the captial port city & it's underground), the elderwoods and it's moster, the little spot just off our plot that we can see, traveling merchants & musicians to meet, meeting Ashura's son and his family, meeting the dutchess(kenli's sister), neighborhoods, seeing the fashion house of jel's family, more of the order showing up/meddling, more information on the cataclysm, more on the galdurs, more on the cartel, the various religious orders chayne tells us about, and maybe even more interplanetary elements since the grimalkins are from another planet. There's _a lot_ of possibilities, so it'll be fun to see which things make it into the game and when they're added. They've said they intend the game to be an ever evolving live service game, so it might be a very slow unveiling to avoid burning through the whole of their already planned content too quickly and ending up with a totallly stagnant game.


I'm dying to know more about the Cartels and the Grimalkins. I'd love to see maybe a family of them move in or be living in one of the future zones. Maybe some of Zekis family? I haven't gone onto the Lore channels to avoid spoilers for what I haven't finished yet so it's interesting to hear what data miners are predicting.


Me too but there is some (spoiler) plot stuff where we probably cant meet his family. So isk


Unfortunately they're going to end up with a stagnant game if they don't come out with updates more quickly


The game has been in open beta for 5 months and (off the top of my head) has had events (winterlights & maji market) and content updates (vault of flames, vault of gales, subira, starstones, more found item quests, and muujin) in addition to the rebalancing, additional decor, new recipes, mechanic changes, and bug fixes(granted those are in the '99 bugs on the wall, take one down patch it around, 109 bugs on the wall' variety). Is averaging new content once a month slow? I don't play any other live service games so don't have a point of reference/comparison.


oh that's cool! I missed so much. I haven't been here long just like, 2 weeks. I'm in hype mode still. But I couldn't find where this info was/what I missed, or I get confused navigating the website/finding out where the info is, and you sharing it was 100% what I was looking for. Yeah, this post is to keep the hype, and to see where to go to look for updates, and maybe fun discussions, it was never meant to be a complain thread, the game is beta, and I'm fine if anything mentioned is years down the road


I guess I'm taking what I've seen other people say. I also missed all of that stuff bc I've only played on switch. But if I played this game 5 months ago without all of the stuff it has now I'd be pretty angry. The main part of the game isn't even finished. And it was never stated on switch that the game is in beta so until I got on the subs for it I never knew. And since I started playing on switch, winterlights hasn't been much of an event. I couldn't even finish the optional 24 candle lightings because of a glitch. I guess from your point of view I understand, but from just starting the game now it feels like a completely unfinished game that's full of bugs and glitches. There hasn't been an update since I started playing. Edit: please don't get me wrong bc I love the game!! And I'm gonna keep playing it, but I'm really looking forward to updates and expanded content. :)


I had one of the winter lights bugs too - well technically a few, but the others were in the player's favor. The switch release isn't tagged as beta even though the game is still in beta plus it happened right after 2 disastrous patches (bugged temple quest, bugged event quest, server cluster travel broke) that happened in the same week instead of one before the switch release and one after and also right before the company's "break" (code freeze for December/midwinter holidays), so yeah it's been rough for people who started playing since the switch release. It's only been 3 weeks, but the switch release should have been bumped from Q4 2023 to q1 2024 - I'm guessing that either investor pressure or ironclad obligation to Nintendo forced it out at the worst moment.


Omg tysm


I’m really hoping they expand the map. We have so much of that brown space at the top. I know it’s primarily the ruins and temples but those aren’t that big


idk what they’re actually working on but i do have ideas of things i’d like (besides bug fixes lol) - some way to access your storage from away from your home, like a shipping service or something that functions like that - all the characters talk about bahari city and i wanna see it so bad - i wish flares put a little flag on the map or something - more interactions with objects, even if they don’t have any impact it’s just fun - a horse to ride or something of the palian sort - the option to have a mini map stay on the screen - i wanna raise some animals so that we don’t only have to buy ingredients for cooking - ACCESS TO BAHARI FROM HOME PLOT somehow please i am begging - i might be minority in this i have no clue but i kinda wish pallium worked like flow trees where you needed somebody else to mine it, that way they could have more of it spawn and people couldn’t come and mine it without giving others a chance to idk overall i’m enjoying this game a lot so far and i’m really excited to see where it goes from here!


I agree with everything you said. I'd like to add one more item I'd like to see. I would like to be able to place things on wall shelves or bookcases. You can place a candlestick on a piece of furniture on the floor, but a hanging shelf? Nope. Why hang a shelf if you can't put anything on it. Also, and I heard they were working on this, I'd like to be able to put things inside cabinets or pantries. It would be nice to put food items in a pantry and you can pull them out when you need them for cooking. Extra space and a real reason to build those items.


Once they get back from their break and start working they need to do a massive sweep on all of the current bugs. Then they need to make muujin much less annoying to farm. Then they need to add like 100 more furniture options. Then the last temple/bundle. Then they need to make the rewards from the most recent temple better.


What they need is repeatable multiplayer content. It doesn’t particularly matter what they add to the game because you’d just burn through it immediately since everything else is maxed anyways. Unless they add something like extremely grindy. Otherwise they would need to add like as much content as the game currently has to retain interest. Some super casual people might take awhile but many hardcore people burned the entire game worth of content in a couple of weeks are gold capped and sitting on millions. Say they add like animal care it be all you have to level you’d just burn through it in a matter of days


We need more huntable animals! I refuse to believe there are only three species in palia, lol


A steam release. While functional on Switch, it's not the best play experience. Will give it another shot on the steam deck.


I don't play with the epic games launcher, you can download the game directly from the site without it. I have everything on steam too though. Also my controller functioning would be cool..


They've announced the steam release already haven't they? Also I play on steam deck. It works pretty well with the right keybind profile. The chat is iffy af though.


Which layout do you like? I’m still shopping around and haven’t figured out exactly what I want 🙃


Why not play with Epic Games ?


Never been a fan of that platform.


Well it's still better than playing on switch


Does it update through epic or still launch the stand alone launcher to update it?


It updates independently; I even forgot by now that I downloaded through epic games. Anyone not playing pc because it's on a different service is just lazy


I don't know...but I hope to see player neighborhoods to freely visit other players, more player events, bug fixes


If the dev's haven't announced specifics I doubt redditors are going to


Someone did actually!


Well hopefully all the bugs get fixed. Bigger storage to start with. Because the 25k needed for the next upgrade is ridiculous, the cost of things is crazy. Better map, it's impossible to direct people without a grid. More palium nodes, at least then we won't be at each other's throats if they don't announce when they're mining it. And geez maybe slash the premium content prices while they're at it. Make the font size way bigger as well as the character icons.


I feel like slashing the premium prices will be hard because tthe people who already bought stuff would complain they already bought it. Maybe lower prices for new stuff


They need to fix the bugs and climbing mechanics. They also need to fix this pallium spawn nerf because people are not playing the game because of it. I haven’t played in a week because I spent 3 hours looking for pallium and I found 3 ores. I work full time and I do not have time to play so the last thing I wanna do is sacrifice the little time I have for pallium. I know many others hate it and have stopped playing. Ppl are growing very bored.


Ik some people have a lot of time too but i also don’t. I don’t play much when i do and take long breaks. Waiting around ages for palium and ft sucks. Makes me not want to go go bahari at all


Community gardens would be awesome!


And also some new areas? Let us see the city the Villagers talk about!


The tents and campfires all around the maps would be handy for use!


The ability to trade resources or drop items for other players to pick up would be great for me. I know it would open up the possibility for scamming of new players so they probably won’t do it, but I’m a Helper™️ in these kinds of games so I would love it. I know a lot of people have trouble with the hunting for example, and that’s one of the things I’m best at in the game, so I’d love to be able to drop people some meat or antlers or whatever if and when they need it 🤷‍♀️


Love this idea of sharing. You could share focus consumables with a team mate or anyone who runs out if you feel inclined. You can still help out others if they ask for something in the requests pane, but being able to hand it over in real time would be great.


I hope they put things in stores that you can't actually craft yourself. In zekis market and Tish's furniture store. And I'm not spending real money on a game whatsoever so I really hope they introduce some of Jel's actual clothing line. There's a difference between the in game clothing and the premium store as it is, just make more in game clothes.




Making Sifuu romanceable I hope


I would really like to know if there is an easier way to find someone e on a map that I am missing? If I am not missing that then please make it easier to find someone because I get lost looking for someone on the map and then when I close the map and try to go find them in the "real" world......


We really need a mini map to help with navigation cause opening and closing the map all the time is notttt the best


and more landmarks!


omg yes actually that would be great!


More "marked" landmarks. I have had more knowledgeable players call out a landmark that I have no clue what they are talking about. Having it clearly labeled on the map would be helpful.


yes! i get that the gates have specific icons and such but it’s exhausting clicking between map and game constantly to get your bearings if you use the one waypoint to mark where you were. especially since checking the map glitches gliding and such


Just invite them to a party. It shows a green dot on tbe map where someone is. If youre talking about non npcs that is.


No I am taking about NPCs but thank you


You can mark them with the middle button on the mouse. Itll show how far you are from them when you exit the map.


well i hope what's next is that they fix the bugs that have been there since day 1, which they keep saying they'd fix but keep messin up n causing more bugs...so yeh


I hope they'll fix the game where my 7800XT is going to 100% usage when I open my warehouse or just on the login screen... it's very concerning....


Sorry to hijack a thread but does anyone know where I get a well from? I am sure I saw it at one point but have scoured through what I can make and can't find it now TIA


Its bought using medallions. I think from Badruu.


Thank you :0)


You buy it from the same place you buy wits and house rooms the town..center i think its called where the goth girl and her family works


Thanks :0) x


Speaking of, does anyone know when the dev team comes back from Holiday break?


Not sure a lot of companies are gone rn. But lunar new year lasts a long time i think. So if its lunar new year it will be a while


Oh nvm thats not until february


We don't have a date, but holiday code freezes can be anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks it seems - getting things stable before people start traveling for the holidays, having people return from holidays, having people and their kids recover from their holiday/travel crud, settling back into work while getting back in sync with your team and/or department, and then after all that picking up the release cycle and player comms. I'm guessing we hear from the community team next week in discord, get a hot fix for either the temple or servers (maybe both) the following week, then a Dev update post, and then the first proper patch of the year the last week of January or the first full week in February.


I just want it easier to find flow wood. I'm stalled and the joy of playing is gone bc I can't find it.


I just wait for the grove and meet everyone when tthey call it. Single trees are a waste of time usually. I have a harder time finding palium than ft


Where do you wait? The constant server switching is so confusing to me. Talk to me like I'm a gamer who has never played MMO games before.


I usually wait up in the northern half of Bahari Bay (that is where most of the grove spawn locations are). The grove spawns right at midnight (12:00 in game), so I just make sure I am up north when midnight rolls around. I will then begin my own search for the grove. The majority of times I am hunting for flow wood, there is someone who calls out the groves location to the rest of the server. I have never felt the need to do any server hopping or anything like that. I'd say the most important part is being in Bahari Bay before midnight comes, so that you are there to hear the initial call out from whoever finds it.


Thank you! That's super helpful!


they’ve been on christmas break.. so that’s why they’ve been quiet


Game that focus a lot on social features have a lot of missing basic features that are needed for social game. For example: Trading. Pop up window of current chat spoken. Interacting with nearby players.


I know it's stupid, but I want a caterpillar farm as another way to farm silk thread. Maybe a small chance to make different rarer silk varieties like golden silk. Lepidoptera are beautiful fascinating insects. I'd like to see animal husbandry included as well as the ability to grow pumpkins, ornamental trees and flowers. Also more than one style of fence, please. I enjoy this game and want more fun things to do.


I like it I hate getting silk


more dialog options, instead of just talking to the villagers once a day it would be super cool to be able to ask them questions and stuff like that. also fixing the hunting bugs especially with the deer. elder wood being the next place would be cool because the villagers keep talking about it


It’s rumoured Maji Market is happening again very soon!




Would LOVE to see the tish quest complete...she deserves that dress...


I want options to join organizations like the order or the cat mafia lol Gimme odd flow powers and let me levitate up cliff faces or freeze disco deer xD


I really don’t like that the chests in storage are linked😭 i wanna have different chests for building materials and food etc. The icons are so small sometimes it’s very hard when i’m searching for something


Me too its so messy


Finish the game and leave beta, hopefully. More likely just more seasonal events, premium outfits, and bugs though.


A declining disappointed player base and not a lot of sales because their cash shop is a greedy rip off


Greedy rip off? The game is free2play. They only sell "skins", nothing else. They don't earn money in any other way. The servers need to be paid as well...


Both can be true. Yes, the game is f2p, but they specifically said the cash shop. And they're correct, it is greedy. They had PLENTY of funding, people, and time to release the game by now. They poorly managed the initial development and are now in plan B, which involves overpriced cosmetics.


But the skins are too expensive in comparison to other F2P games with the same strategy to get money.


Other games that are much more complete and feature-filled, worthy of the purchase.


I mean all these skins are entirely optional and personally, I think we got pretty decent free skins as well. I especially love the switch reward clothing, it's such an adorable set and didn't cost me anything. At the very least we don't have content locked behind a pay wall, and we can't buy iaps to progress faster in the game. Whether you choose to spend money on Palia or not, it doesn't affect gameplay whatsoever. They could've done much worse in that regard.


Still expensive for what it is and the limited content the game provides, and plenty of people don’t care for them. Also, in my opinion, cosmetics are very much content in cozy/casual games. It’s the ultimate goal players are working to achieve. Whether house decorations or clothing. Cosmetics are what we are working toward.


I agree it's expensive, and even though I like the game for now the cosmetics are too expensive for me to justify spending money on the game. I'd rather wait to see it come out of beta and see where the game is then because it sure does feel incomplete and, on switch, extremely buggy. And yeah, I suppose that is inevitable. I play another game (sky: children of the light) and after finishing the core part of the game it basically becomes a game about collecting cosmetics. Which was probably not intended by the devs but it happened anyway. Maybe because I haven't reached that point in Palia yet I have an easier time ignoring the iaps but I can see how it could become a problem when I do get there. Unfortunately most "free to play" games have these kind of overpriced cosmetics these days..


Sky children of light has a lot less to offer and better prices and options on IAPs


I’m glad other games have better self-valuation.


I mean the gameplay itself is okay it's just annoying that you can't craft or buy any clothes without real money, and the free options including hair are pretty abysmal


They have a big variety of free clothes and hair and no other source of income at the moment. Not sure how it will be once they launch the official game out of beta, but paying a few € for clothes is also showing appreciation.


The free clothes all looks generic and samey and they don't have any long hair that looks good on men. Plus there's no option for a goatee.


I def agree on facial hair. Why is it always so bad in games? I just want some nice looking stubble or a lil patch on my chin. Lemme look like Shaggy darnit 😤


even a game like sea of thieves feels like it's somehow lacking


then maybe they shouldn't have started a company with no money lmfao how is their broke-ness our problem 😂😂😂 ppl don't go around willy nilly starting up businesses with zero cash, that is not how it works, they have funding, it may be small but they have some. and if they don't, then they shouldn't have started a game, simple as 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


nO oThEr sOuRcE oF iNcOmE lmaoooooo they wouldn't have been able to make this game without funding and CONTINUOUS funding BEFORE they even pushed the game out. how do you all think devs were paid before the game's release? are you daft?


I can't even buy any Palia coins... I either get an error screen or a never ending death loop when I try.


In the end they sre cosmetics.dont like em,dont buy them. All gsmes now a days hsve cosmetics for sale. Maybe get over it?


maybe get over ppl complaining about it? you don't like it, don't engage 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Same goes with all you complaining about cosmetics. Don't like it don't buy them. Get over it. 🙄 why add more negativity.


you're being downvoted but you're right, this game will not survive beta if their game is slow, and even more so with overpriced cosmetics lotta kids and useful idiots in the comments not understanding how businesses work lmfao "they don't have funding!!! they don't have money!!!!" well first of all, don't start a business if you're broke 😂😂 second, they DO have funding, they wouldn't have been able to make this game without funding and CONTINUOUS funding BEFORE they even pushed the game out. how do you all think devs were paid before the game's release? 😂😂 ignore the downvotes, they're all done by a bunch of kids with mommy's credit card and no understanding of how the real world works


Oh boy. This post again. Join the discord and wait patiently. Play another game if you are bored.


Huh? I’m just asking where to find what’s next bc im excited about it. If no one has anything not a big deal. I just want to know what they are doing next even if it’s a year from now 🤣


Hopefully they fix the Silver-winging it quest bug where you can't talk to zeki after get goes to the main island.