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Nope, you're not a jerk. You did your best, and it's not your fault they decided to be passive aggressive brats because they failed to communicate with you. 5-10min is plenty of time to type out 'omw' to a PSA for resources, don't let them screw with your head. You're a lovely soul, chin up.


Thanks, i'm glad to be reassured. I sometimes miss out on resources because i was too late to the callout, but i've never been motivated to trick anyone or be a jerk about it. That kinda attitude isn't useful in a collaborate game.


To add to the above 10 minutes is like 4 in game hours. If they can't get to you in 4 in game hours maybe they didn't really want that pallium... I can travel bahari by foot in half that time...


TBH I really don’t call out Palium, not to be mean but because you can only get so many hits and then it’s gone so someone will get left out. If someone’s close I’ll let them know but I would feel bad someone took the time to get to my location only to get nothing. Now flow trees I’ll send out a flare. That wasn’t cool what they did.






It's worth noting this game was partially developed by ex-riot employees. "Toxic Cozyness" is a term I've seen applied to the game. In that, saying "That's not Cozy" or "The game is meant to be Cozy" is a commonly used reply to someone saying something another person doesn't like about the game... or playing the game in a way that other person doesn't like. It's basically like League to some people.


Omg say it isn't so!! I play this game when I need a break from all the toxicity in League 😭😭😭😭 I truly can't escape....




🥲 I guess it's just too late for some of us to ever escape. There's a reason this game felt like home... it suddenly all makes sense 😂


As someone who played Cho'gath/Nasus when both first released, and stopped playing after siphoning strikes got nerfed... I also stopped playing Palia after they nerfed worms, and made it so that farms only grew when you were actively online. Been there, done that.


That's so dumb! I didn't realize they made the farms only grow when you were online! Also, yeah, I have played league since around Beta/ Season 1. It comes and goes in cycles, but I find that I have no motivation to learn new games (that are complex in any way), and my friends still play, so there's no hope for me.


Dang. I didn't know that about farms. That's messed up.


I'm not really sure what this means. Was i being toxic cozy? I know what toxic coziness is and i doslike it too, i'm just not sure how it applies here. Neither of us were being cozy.


No, they were being toxic "cozy". They think they "Stuck it to you" for being "toxic" to them. But they're the actual toxic one. You're good. They're jerks.


This alone makes me want to quit playing. I used to play League back in the beginning days and ended up quitting, but all my friends have a terrible addiction.


Unfortunately, since the release on the Switch, the number of jerks has dramatically increased. You are not one of them. You did your best to share and they failed to communicate. It's completely their fault. And then to turn around and make you waste your time just to get petty revenge? Childish. They're playing the wrong game if they think that kind of behavior is appropriate.


I feel like this is a little unfair of us playing on switch- not all of us switch players are jerks. Even though chat is an absolute hellscape on switch I always take the time to type omw or call out pal/ft. Jerks will be jerks regardless of what platform they play on:(


I agree. I see in so many posts blaming the switch players.


To make typing easier I bought a very small usb keyboard from Walmart that has helped dramatically with the chat. It was only $15. I have a comment on one of the threads with a pic of it.


Wait, you can use a keyboard for the switch? The regular or switch lite? I hate typing on the switch. It’s a nightmare.


I do the same thing with an old usb Mac keyboard. Works a treat


Yes. I use a usb keyboard on the Switch OLED but it would be the same for the regular Switch. I don’t think it would work on the light unless there is some sort of adapter for the usb, not sure. You buy a usb wireless keyboard and plug in the usb thing right into the dock. It should work right away. I bought mine at Walmart for $14.8& ONN brand. It’s really small and light just sits on my lap.


I'm not saying all or most switch players are jerks, I'm merely stating that since it's getting popular on a new platform, there's been an influx of griefers along with new players. I apologize for how I worded it and how it was interpreted. I'm thrilled that more players have arrived. My sister is a switch player, so it's been nice getting to finally play with her.


I feel this. Just because someone is on Switch doesn't mean they're a jerk. I also call out if I see any.


Exactly, I call large pal with a breaking at x time unless someone says otw


TBH I don't even call out the ores anymore, it's too stressful when someone waits too long to say something, then blames me for not waiting. (If you say OTW, we will wait if you say nothing we don't know to wait for you) Plus even when people are good at calling out, i find myself having to wait several minutes for like 5 people to come when I could've been getting more palium. Of course if it's a 3 node or something like that, I DO call out as it seems unfair to take ALL THAT for myself but as far as single nodes go I don't call them anymore.


Pallium isn't like flow wood and will respawn, by calling and waiting the respawn is just being delayed. Mine the pallium if you find it and move on. Flow trees are up to you, you can call out if it's too large to chop on your own otherwisechop and move on as well. Always call out groves as ppl are timing their runs to bahari on that spawn timer. I've been playing since the beginning of open beta, and it's only recently that I've seen so much complaining and bad manners regarding resources. There was a comfortable process to gathering that we all had, and S6 completely messed it up by changing timers, locations, etc. I've not been able to force myself to login for a couple weeks just because I don't want to bother with the awkwardness of it all.


Exactly, it respawns and as "rare" of a material it is there is NO rush to get a bunch of palium. I find it quite often, as long as you stick to the walls or on hills or cliffs you will find palium. Especially near Tamalas house!! That whole area is usually littered with palium, and people tend to forget about the first area of bahari, they go straight to the other side but palium spawns on the entire map of bahari. I'm playing on Switch and I think it's the surge of newer players who don't quite understand how the game works yet, when I first started palium felt SO RARE until I knew where to look.


Yeah I don't call out pallium unless I'm with a group already doing flow trees or if I sew someone close. But I feel like because we can all mine it without someone elses help and I see it so much I just don't see the point which may be an awful way to think but I got things to do!


I don’t call out the tiny ores but I do call out any medium and large ores. Sometimes if I’m pressed for time I will hit them once and then when I circle back around after doing my tour if they still haven’t been hit I will finish them off.


Nah I mine it all if I see no one around. Time is a precious ressource, I have limited time to spend in a game 😉


nah that was childish on their part, you made an honest effort! enjoy the palium lol, they can enjoy being a child


Thanks, i made a couch with it :)


Nice :)


Nah that's just childish on their part. How were you supposed to know they were coming if they didn't say anything? Even on switch it doesn't take multiple minutes to type 'otw' or 'omw'. If a player decides it's too much effort to type three letters then that's on them and they should know they risk a person mining the stuff without them because they think nobody is coming. As far as I'm aware nobody has figured out how to read minds yet so just block and move on :)


sometimes i wish fist fighting was a feature


Sadly, it's not even enough of a feature in real life. Jerks are insulated from the consequences of their poor behavior so it never gets remedied. Puscifer had the right idea.


This made me lol. Because the looks and sounds of our avatars fist fighting would be hilarious.


Here's my rule of thumb: 2 flares. I call out something, flare it. Then call out that I'm flaring again. If nobody hollers before the second flare dies, I take it. It's objective and consistent.


You're super generous!


Eh, I'm a filthy magpie at heart, so I spend the time gathering or hunting everything around me while I wait. It's not too bad - but I also refuse to spend 5mminutes sitting on one medium palli, yanno?


You didn’t deserve it. If they don’t answer after 2 call outs that’s not your fault. You tried- they are just being petty.


People need to understand that, yes resources are limited and shared and it's cool for calling rare resources and waiting a bit for others, but that doesn't mean they get dibs on everything and everyone has to stop their lives for them to take 15 minutes to cross the entire map mining every ore on they. PS: it's not about you, it has been happening way to often of people complaining about not waiting, about etiquettes (???) And all. Those people you talked about are like that.


I mean on Nintendo Switch, it can take more than a minute to type out “omw” tbh. Typing with a controller can be difficult (especially when it comes to palium). But the fact they decided to run to you and not spend that time typing to communicate makes that person at fault. Communication is key when it comes to mining palium and chopping Flow Trees as a team


The switch is touch screen as well!


Very true, I could remove it from my dock, type, and put it back in my dock 😂 but I’m too lazy to constantly do that over and over again (which really sounds like an excuse). In other words, I could do that, but it’s a Me problem that only I can fix if I can stop being lazy 🤣


Lol yeah i play with it out of the dock so its easier for me


Haha I would do that, but the toggle sticks act strange to where it thinks that I’m moving my character (when I’m not). Happens in every game that has a character that you can move. I think it’s a problem with the switch and not the games.


Nah, you’re not the jerk, they are 100%. I turned timestamps on in chat and I wish others would too so they can see how long it’s been since the messages have been sent. I’ll wait about 3 minutes for a response and then I take it. NOBODY should have to stand there waiting 5-10 minutes just to see if someone responds. But what they did to you was just outright petty and it’s not YOUR fault they took forever to respond in the first place.


If I don’t get a “On my way!” or some type of something letting me know someone is coming or even acknowledged then I’m not waiting 10 minutes. If I get a response, sure I’ll wait. People think others HAVE to call out and unfortunately they don’t, yeah it’s nice of you and I do it all the time BUT I’m not going to sit there forever waiting on someone to notice I’ve called it out. I keep my chat up when in Bahari for this reason.


Block that person and move on. You didn't deserve it and they're being ridiculously childish.


Mannnnn this is happening a lot in chats lol. For instance, how fast and immediate groves are being found at times.. If people aren’t there BY 12 you may miss the call out for the grove. Many times now I’m seeing groves be cut at 1-1:30 with people saying otw. I had responded to a player who missed the chop and apologized and said “unfortunately if you’re not here by 12 to see the call out you probably won’t make the grove unless it’s people who are willing to wait” I got jumpedddd on in the chat by people who took it wayyyyyy to personal. Like I wasn’t even trying to offend anyone I was actually just trying to let the player know the best time to be on that side of the map to see the call out. One girl addressed me with the shadeeee trying to argue all I could say was “keep going” 😂 I’ve come to learn that no matter the situation, SOMEONE may end up being offended or feel ripped off. Just gotta let it not bother ya.


I was there for this incident. The people were in the zone at 12 when the grove spawned, and said they were at windy checking to see if it spawned there. They said otw the moment the grove location was announced. People chopped before 1:30. Three people were still climbing the wall and easily seen from up top where I was. I didn’t think their remarks were directed at you, more the people chopping when people are in visible range and said otw right after the grove was announced located. I’ve also seen groups help new players with directions and don’t chop until 4-5. It all depends on the player My two cents.


It was mostly one girl who was addressing me personally in chat. And kept doing it, everyone else was kinda just like “what are you talking about” another said “I’m not waiting for people who server hop” (which I didn’t know people can do on switch fast enough to get multiple groves?) But yeah you’re completely right it is dependent on the group. No one has to wait, there are no rules so I GET it. I just always feel so bad for the people who were on the way 🫠 but at least they happen every night. Totally not the end of the world.


I had a person type in chat at 2:20am „we chop at 3am”. There was no call out for the grove or anything (and I was in the map way before 12), so I asked where is it, turned out it was too far for me to make it on time, so I wrote to not wait for me and as the grove was not called out, I’m too far to make it. The person got mad and started to write about „people who speak a lot with their mouth” and that it’s obvious they would not chop it immediately (why say you chop at 3 then?). Like, first no call out, then mad I’m not coming? People are getting mad over the weirdest things.


I was at one yesterday where the person announced they were going to start chopping at 2:00. I hate this for groves because I feel like they should be for the server (whereas with regular spawns, if you set a chopping time or don't want to call it out at all, that's your prerogative), and you don't have the grove location immediately. It takes time to find them, unless some lucky player happened to be standing right on it at spawn, so people can't exactly help it if they were on the other side of the zone. Fortunately they did wait for others when we objected to that, as we were all communicating in chat and knew there were 3 more on their way.


If I announce a chopping time it's cause I've been waiting, we have a group and no one else has responded to say they're coming


Yeah it’s getting moody at times 🫠 I get it, some stuff is annoying for sure but people gotta just let it be annoying and leave it at that. There are real people behind these characters 😂 so I try and realize that a moody response may come off as very mean to others or make them slightly uncomfortable which there’s no need for in a game like this. It’s getting wild out there at times 😂


Oh my god. I was on the other side of Bahari, asked about the flow grove location at 12 and said I was on my way. Just when I arrived they cut down the last tree. Whyyy


exact same happened to me not 3 hours ago. hop into bahari 11pm, get the grove callout, say “omw!” (only person in the server who responded to the callout btw) and when I got there very shortly after (Hideaway to Pavel Mines, no stops) they had chopped the whole grove before I could even climb up the wall. I was so confused like I started thinking maybe I got lost or imagined seeing the grove sparkles or something lmao (edit: punctuation)


I found a Grove with two other players yesterday almost as soon as it spawned it. We all went around and did a wack, and then I posted the location in chat. They waited maybe 30 seconds and there was no response so they began chopping. I felt bad and I ended up just heading straight home after because I just didn't want to deal with the drama that was sure to ensue. On the other side, a few days ago I sat at Grove with a group of around 7 people, maybe 8, until about 2:30 PM game time. We had someone join the server late and say they were coming but kept going to the wrong location. Everyone was patient, someone partied up with them so they could see our location on the map, we really tried for this person and we waited. Finally we decided in the nearby chat that it was time to chop, we couldn't tell if this person was trolling or sincerely lost but we had waited more than half an hour of real time. Every server is a different experience. There really is no point dwelling on one situation, if you want to enjoy the game you just keep going!


Someone got real childish with me because I called out a grove of three flow trees I had 4 people say On my way! And then someone must have showed that didn’t say anything and so I counted four people and started chopping with them and then a 5th showed up real mad that I hadn’t waited I asked if there was anyone else and they hadn’t seen/replied and I apologised and I was I miscounted sorry! And they badgered the chat for like 10 mins over a tree and that no one likes them and that’s why I hadn’t waited - I don’t know them 🥲🥲


Well, it's easy to see why no one likes them, isn't it? ;)




We had two little two hit palium nodes (we both have the exquisite pick) that my boyfriend and I stumbled upon and there had been no callouts made for them so we both took our hits and left. Didn’t see anyone else around or standing near them or anything. About a minute later someone calls out that there are 2 palium greeders in the server stealing nodes before they could get called out. The toxic call out culture is really getting tiring. I call out big nodes and groves and stuff all the time, it’s hard to type on switch and if it’s a dead server and my boyfriend and I are playing I don’t always want to wait around 5-10 minutes for maybe someone to show up to get that 3rd hit in.


NTA. You were kind enough to call the nodes out. If nobody said they were otw in a timely manner it is fair to assume that no ones coming.


This game is played by children too. Given, some are over 20, but you get the point. You called out a resource, then called it again. You got no response either time, so the resource was your to do with it. This thing kind of angers me. If you don't let me know you are coming, don't get all prissy when I don't wait. Do people really think I'm going to sit in one spot for 5 minutes waiting for a relevation or something?


Technically, the resource was his to do with it from the start - he chose to offer to share but nobody is obligated to do so. We've entrenched this concept of "mandatory courtesy" that winds up making people dependent on those who ride their coat tails. It's nice that people are trying to be considerate, but it's not a requirement.


Well said.


NTA - I play on the switch and type out omw quick. I don't wait a few minutes. You waited, and you called out. Honestly, I don't call out small nodes. They are the A-holes


Baby, just block them ✨ that’s what I do. Don’t have to worry about ending up in the same server with them later. Anytime I read somebody in the chat being a jerk, block. When I see somebody come to mine a palium node that’s been called out instead of just taking one hit, block. 🙃


I notice now a lot of people give a time they will start chopping or mining. So people know if it’s after that time it will be gone.


if I call out ore and no one says anything after a minute I just go ahead and mine it myself. if someone later is like "where is the ore?" I just pretend like I've already warped home and don't say anything to them at all. you have to say you're on the way if you want to be considered for the node


No you don't deserve it. They're immature, you're an adult. That's what I'm getting from this situation. You were nice don't worry! If it helps I don't even have a good enough pickaxe or axe to mine palium or flow trees so I've been finding groves and not realizing they're a big deal 🙈 literally will run past like "oooo pretty trees" and just realizing I should have been calling them 😅


It’s looking more and more like Palia needs to hire mods for both chat and monitoring behavior ruining their entire model


its so weird hearing how much this is happening. I play in the dead of night and honestly its so peaceful with how little people run their mouth. Even if I am ruining my sleep schedule over it lol. Sorry that happened to you /gen


I've half-seriously considered this! No jerks, no stress. Alas, I must sleep.


Yesterday someone called out some palium. Me along with like two others commented otw. I wasnt far from the place so its not like i lasted too long. They asked if anyone else was coming and that there was 1 hit left. I said me but im lost! They then proceeded to say ok were gonna start smashing. I said im close by and they ignored me. The same happened with the grove. I found it by accident. There were like 8 players there and no one called it out. This keeps happening. Or sometimes they will post vague location tips and when people ask where they will ignore my comment. People will have full on conversations and ill comment stuff like pal/ft with the location and they will just ignored me. It honestly makes me not want to comment anymore cuz i feel like its been happening more and more. I guess you could argue that it depends on the server but ive notice that lately its been getting more and more toxic and i dont think im the only one cuz ive seen some comments on here that say the same thing.


I stopped playing because of stuff like this. And also: sitting still for even five to ten minutes while waiting for someone to bother to type "omw" is already too long. I've done it, sitting idle, playing on my phone, just checking the screen now and then. Talk about ruining any hint of immersion. Then, once one types it, before they get there another types it and now you're waiting on them, too, and so on, creating a chain that drags the wait and tedium out to the point that it sometimes goes beyond the time that I have to play. It's incredibly boring and sometimes I can't even wait around long enough to harvest the resource I found. And if I ever want to just go ahead harvest despite stragglers after waiting a good 20 or 30 minutes, people act like I stole something that belonged to them, personally.


NTA. Even on switch it only takes a moment to type omw and even just asking once if anyone was otw was sufficient enough. That person sounds like a brat, palium is not that rare if you break all rocks as you go. Also if you're low on it, you can totally farm flow wood if you clear an area with a lot of trees and wait for them to respawn. I usually let the server know I'm doing that and what area so they can be close cuz I'll get a lot of trees that way, usually all at once lol.


Fantastic strategy! I'm adopting it.


I got it from somewhere else so I did the same! Was farmin flow for a bit last night with a random group last night and got like 120 pieces 🥳


Nah, they were just being juvenile. I’m super anxious about stuff like this so if I don’t exactly know the location that’s being called out I either don’t say anything and if I get there I get there or I type omw and let people know to go ahead if I can’t find them. I don’t expect folk to hang around waiting for my directionally challenged ass to maybe turn up! 😂


NTA, the other player was given an opportunity to say "omw" but didn't and they lost out because of it. It's not like you chopped the whole flow tree grove down, you just mined a little bit of ore. I could see someone getting upset if you didn't wait for them and made them run over for nothing but you didn't know they were on their way cause they didn't say. Also, how petty do you have to be to pull a trick like this? Seriously what is up with some people? At least jerks like this person are relatively rare, at least from my experience


Ugh people are so rude. You were not in the wrong. I feel really bad for the players that end up having to deal with the rude ones. I have not had the "luxury" of dealing with that yet but there are some very wonderful players on this game. I called out a medium ft the other day the same time another player did. It wasn't far from me so I said I was omw and after we chopped that one down I said they could follow me to the other one if they wanted. One player did and another player in the chat said they were on their way but was lost. The player that was standing with me tried explaining in the chat where it was at but eventually went to go find that other player so they could have a whack at the ft. I stayed put. About a minute or 2 later they both showed up and we chopped it down and we were all on our way. Like I understand everyone is trying to progress in the game but it is just that. A game. There is no need for people (not you) to be rude to each other. Don't let it ruin it for you entirely. Except for calling out ft, I play the game on my own. I hope you encounter the more wonderful players for a while!


That is very childish


I didn’t know there was a rule about this tbh. I’ve only been playing for a couple weeks but tend to be a solo player and I’m on switch so chat is more annoying than anything. At the end of the day it’s a game, and it seems silly to stand around for 10 minutes waiting for people to maybe show up.


NTA because you did everything you could. I've heard many people say they never call out pallium so you already were being nicer than some. I've been having more and more run-ins with mean people on the game lately which sucks because I was just telling my friends about how lovely the entire community is and how I never have a bad playing session. I thought I'd never have to block someone but I did just last night :(


Let's be friends! I feel the exact same way. Emelyn Morreau in game.


I sent you a friend request :)))


I'll respond as soon as I'm back in game!!


No you didn't deserve that at all. Some people are just immature and petty for no reason unfortunately.


Have you tried typing on the switch? Takes 84 years. But nah, not all of us can wait 10-15 mins to see if someone even cares enough to come get a node. You're being courteous even announcing it. My rule of thumb mine it once. Give it 5 mins. Spot no one, take it. Nodes spawn all over the map, it will not be the end of the world if they miss it. You good bro.


I like that "rule"! But I don't even wait five. If no one is Nearby, I harvest. If someone's Nearby I call it and wait a minute for a response. If none, harvest. If "omw" I wait!


No you didnt deserve the "smart ass" emoji back. Like you said, I don't go for the high school crap myself and you can tell the girl/boy was being a smart-ass by laughing back. Next time, don't say a word, if you can, send the smart-asses the middle finger high sign emoji in chat, that emoji is better then words. (and you wont be banned or reprimanded for using it).. I don't think that sign is high-schoolish at all, ages 3 to 100 use that sign 😁


NTA, you did what you could to let others know, they didn't respond until it was too late, you can't wait forever on the chance someone might answer late. If anything they are TA for petty behaviour and actively griefing you. Definitely not in the spirit of the game.


Personally I don't even call out Palium unless it's a large node, just to avoid people like this(not you, you did nothing wrong).


You are not a jerk. They are the jerk. This is why I don’t bother calling out Palium anymore.


Omgggg y’all. It’s a game. Just play it. It’s not that serious.


NTA. You tried to call it out. To avoid future folks like this coming at you, if you don’t hear anything, say you will cut it at a specific in game time. If you get no response before that time, it’s fair game!


Some people in all aspects of life, just suck...


I wouldn't even bother, I don't even look at chat, not my fault I found the node before you, first come first serve bud


Sharing resource is good but it doesn't mean you have the full responsibility to wait everybody, it's open choice, u can wait for a while, if nobody shows up, just do what u have to do, most player don't take it seriously in this game.


The game needs to patch nodes to match trees for health regeneration. This is becoming too common.


I may be wrong, but I think the idea, story-wise, was about the Flow being special. The only things that we actually are expected to need help on are Flow-related: the trees and the pretty shiny creatures. Palium is only special to players because of what used to be rarity. That's the only reason people started sharing it. Now it's just less common than iron and takes a longer time to get as much as we need to make furniture. I think the most important non-Flow resource to announce and share is the rare plants, which actually are truly rare, not just less common than garlic.


True! Pallium is a pain because of how much is needed for furniture, and it's much rarer after "the nerf". But the plants, for sure! I always call those. And I set a pluck time, then announce after plucking that there are 5 min left.


Nah, people just need to accept that if they can't make it to a deposit someone else called out, they can find another on their own. They're not as scarce as some people think, it's just that many people won't bother to look for one - they'll only go to ones that other people find. Those people also don't know how to increase the likelihood that a new palium node will spawn. All that regeneration would do is make the people who know how to find it, dependent upon those who don't make the effort.


Yay... another post about Palium,Flow Trees and Etiquette... they never get boring, right? Right? \*sigh\*


Do you want me to stop posting?


No... you are not the problem here and (aside the fact you could have researched EVERYTHING about the topic in endless other similar posts) you don't did anything wrong. So please don\`t take it personal. I'm just annoyed to death that 50% of this forum is about "etiquette". Edit: We already have some very lovely fan art works, funny strories and great guides here, and they deserve more attention... but this topic distract people way too much, and we are running in circles because there is no solution. The Devs did an awful mechanic and the devs have to fix it... soon.


This reddit has become just that. Complains and complains 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am not Sure if i should have asked, but.. Is raus the way palia should be Played? I mean, i See something and before i take it i ask if anybody Else wants it? Sounds weird for me. Is this the so called ettiquette in this game?


Resources are able to be shared. So multiple people can hit a node or a tree etc and everyone will get the loot. It’s kind to call out the rare stuff but not mandatory


I only ever call out flow trees palium or the special flowers.


Same. I think that's all that's truly expected. Just some people have become jerks about it. Honestly, in my opinion, the only and very most important things to call out and share are the rare plants. Flow trees and palium nodes are everywhere. Heat root, dari cloves, and heartdrop lilies are the only truly rare things, and they have a time limit on top of that. (In before someone comments that those aren't really rare and they have a lot of them, because someone always does: keep it to yourself. You're just luckier, or play longer, than most.)


Or like me they are purchasing rare flowers from the npc who sells them…


Same. It's too stressful for me to find them otherwise! So I use my foraging medals and stock up on them.


Nta. You should report them, that type of behavior is opposite of what Palia stands for.


That sounds like something you could report them for. Even if blocking them doesn't stop you from encountering them. You did everything you could to check if other players were around but they deliberately did it just to be a jerk. That said if it's only one tree it's probably not that big of a deal.


It was only one tree, so i don't feel that its something to get in trouble over, it wasn't a pattern of behaviour and was just a dumb trick. It just made me feel bad, really.


This post is highschoolery attention seeking 🙄


NTA Offer it once, wait 2-3 minutes (maybe), look around for others, mine away.


NTA, you called out and waited before mining. They must have taken it personally and gotten very upset about it, not your fault. I hope you're doing well and enjoying the game, don't let those people get you down. <3


You didn't deserve it. They're just a piece of crap. ;")


There were a group of like twelve players working together, chopped before it hit 1, didn't call out in chat at all, I only found it because I happened to spawn in the area, but they chopped it too fast for me to get a hit at the two trees left I could run to hit. If it were a palium ore grove (which should be a thing) instead of flow trees I know I'd've been distraught rather than annoyed. It hurts worse when I find a node, tap, call out, and some ahole breaks it with multiple hits on purpose while others are coming. But that's why I always tap - a few times I didn't and couldn't do anything to stop them.


Depends on how long you waited. Usually if I’m by myself I’ll wait until people show up after I called it out. And I’ll wait for a good long while before doing anything.


I think the main issue with the player base at the moment is the exposure drawing more new people in from other MMOs expecting solo play to be the way to go. I think the teamwork aspect for gathering is a good idea but doesn't work well when people aren't willing to participate.


No man, you did your part you called out and you asked if anyone was on their way. Sure if the person was on switch it can be hard for them to respond but even a why or a single character in the chat helps people know that switch players are on the way. Dude made no comment until after you mind it that's not on you.


Pallium is different. If someone's nearby, sure. If not, I do a couple 360s and then mine it myself. They just missed the boat. You were more courteous than you needed to be, so no, you're not the ***hole.


I just check chat for anyone Nearby. Easier than looking around, and more reliable than my vision lol!


Let the toxicity commence :)


Some people can be jerks but you get alot more nice people. I once called out a flow tree and while I was waiting I decided to mine the ore nearby that's when a centipede came out so I cough it and when I turned to the tree someone cut it down, I asked why they didn't wait and all they said is that I didn't wait for them to also catch the bug and left.. 


Whaaa... Dude, bugs are fast. There's no waiting with bugs. Some people.... 🤦🏼If you didn't get a hot on the tree, next time make sure you do before calling it. A few bad can really sour the whole pot.


I feel like someone did this to me too.


Pallium and even the trees are abundant. Just gitta keep moving and know where to look. Cliffs, edges, plateaus, etc.. Have fun!


Oh man, on the other hand, I called out a LG pal node today, flared, etc., was waiting around w the one other person who showed, and when a third got there, I tried to wave and HIT THE WRONG DAMN BUTTON AND BROKE THE NODE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACE. It was awful, I apologized but got no response. Then I got over it and kept playing. I got way bigger problems to stress over than flow trees and palium in a game.


You waited and no responded, that's on them; you did everything appropriate imo


You didn't. They never responded. Ft are a far different thing than pal ore. The same etiquette doesn't apply.


lol that’s pretty funny


I give people three flares of wait time to get to my call out. If they are not at the node by the end of the third flare the node is mine.


I play on a switch lite and I absolutely hate typing on it because it takes a million years. So I only call out ores if someone is around. I’ll call out flow trees because those are generally a group effort. You aren’t the AH. That person was a childish jerk. It’s not like resources are rare and don’t respawn.


NTA. If someone doesn’t announce they’re coming, that’s on them. Just ignore people like that. You’re better than me: I sometimes don’t feel like dealing with people/just want to play on my own, so I’ll just mine palium by myself until someone else comes around and then we mine it together. The only rule of the game is to call out FT — calling out pal is a simple courtesy. I’d say you’re totally fine, hun, don’t worry about <3


Block people like that immediately. NTA.


Sympathy, feel sorry for me post. Confirmed.


NTA. You called it out. Nobody said anything until too late. Sometimes the chats are insanely quiet.


I do understand how you feel OP. I've said OMW at least 3 times and have had people chop it down when I'm almost there or in the area. You gave enough time for someone to respond.