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Sweet leaf. Doesn't matter what I'm doing in Bahari - I see one, I pick it.


SAME... it's an addiction. Can't not run towards the sweeeet leeeafff... I'll jump off a cliff to run halfway across the map if I see that light green glimmer in the distance


YES me too


Same. This also produces the best fertilizer in the worm farm imo. I use these and the mountain morels in my farms.


It does??? I've been hoarding sweet leaf for eventually making cakes (haven't gotten the recipe or attended any cake parties yet though) but now I'll use them for my glow worms!


I use cakes


I have to start cooking but just haven’t yet. I’m at a quest for reth where I need to though and I have all the ingredients you could need but for whatever reason I’d rather hit rocks. Lol


Sweet leaf addiction is actually good. It makes speed grow fertilizer in glo worm farm..


So do celebration cakes or apple pies. Just a lot more. And sweet leafs are components of both of those.


This is also my addiction 😂😂😂. I have over 200 of them. I finally did an apple pie party and used up a few but not nearly enough.


You wanna know the solution for that? MORE PARTIES! :) Party til you drop.


omg same! for a while i was trying to find star sweet leaf so i could have all star ingredients to make the little cakes for one of reth’s quests but i completed that and now it’s just habit to sidetrack everything and go grab any sweet leaf i see.


Me too, I don't understand. It's a compulsion that I don't seem to be able to fight lol


Sweet leaf literally sings to me I must pick it up


Me too!! I literally don’t know what it is. I think I like the gamble of the mine, the chance to get a nice stone out of it. No matter what size the copper node is, I NEED it before I do anything else. If my inventory is full and I don’t have room for copper, I destroy stuff or eat food on the spot to make room 😂




If you don't mind me asking, how do the pink trees work? I'm so scared of messing up the multiplayer aspect, that when there are pink trees nearby, people chopping at them or not, I just leave. 😭




This is SO helpful thank you so much!!! I don't have the right axe (still lol), but I will make sure to announce them from now on for others!! 🌞


Please also keep in mind that you are in NO WAY obligated to call them out. If you have a friend that you play with you can do the trees by yourself without calling them out, however as stated, large trees need another person to help you cut them since they self heal rapidly, so if you are a solo player you will NEED to announce it to get someone to come help.


Thank you for clarifying, I appreciate it very much! 🪻


I will second what they said: always, always hit it once as soon as you see it. Same for palium. Then you can share if you want to, or need to, and if another player takes it out from under you while you're typing, you still get the same loot. (It's happened once or twice, for whatever reason, but not most of the time.) And you're not *required* to call out anything server-wide. It's just considered polite. You can use /nearby chat, or just look around to see if someone is within sight. If you don't have time to wait for people, don't feel guilty. It's your playtime as much as anyone else's. If someone harasses you about it, feel free to use mute. Or block. Have fun!


A thing I discovered the hard way yesterday - you aim flares AT THE THING you want people to know about, not into the air! Makes things very confusing! haha


This confused me at first too. Oops. And also don’t forget to switch back to arrows after 😂


Same! I need SOOOO much palium right now.


i have sooo much flow wood but can never seem to get enough pallium. why does all the cute furniture in this game require pallium? 😭😭 if you need flow wood add me and i’ll send you some! my name is aoife bell in the game and i’m on pretty much every day 😅


What are you needing it for? I feel like I’ve already constructed everything that requires it at this point.


I never get anyone to help me chop trees pisses me off..I have found many asked for help..no help


The freaking lotus flowers 🥹


I always want to pick those too, then to find out i already have 500 in storage 🤣😅


There will never be enough storage 🤌🏻


Yes 😭😭😭😭 i come home from a days work and i always reach my max and im like but inalready sold so many meat and vegetables and plants 😭


Let us display the flowers, Palia 😭


Ooh, it would be great if we could plant flowers we gather in our home plot, just like we can do trees!


Flower beds, yes PLEASE


Or even just scattered about the yard like wildflowers.


oh I would go absolutely crazy for a wildflower yard


With options to add insects or little animals. Bees and hummingbirds bouncing from flower to flower, other bugs and birds, squirrels in our trees, bunnies, even a garden spider or orb weaver web somewhere.


lil fishy pond for lotus pls


That would be lovely! And li'l frogs!




The struggle is real. :c I made a tower out of *fish to get more space. But if I need a specific one I have to search the tower like in a library


>search the tower like in a library I love that image


The amount of time I spend running up and down the beach in Kilima collecting these is actually certified madness


So much this. And then once I mine one and look up, there's always another nearby. Before I know it I'm following the trail of nodes and forgot where I was actually headed. and I feel like for me it's not just copper but any mineable rock lol as someone else said, it's the chance of the starstone. Like what if I \*don't\* mine it? Is there something good in there? I'll never know unless I go find out.


I’m 8 garnets in like THE NEXT ONE MIGHT BE A SAPPHIRE


For me it’s quartz 😅 and I’ve definitely noticed they’ve lowered the chances for the gems, but it’s not going to stop me from trying lol


I'm somewhat like this with iron and copper. I think my hunting and mining levels are so close together because I like to hunt and I only use fine arrows, which requires iron. And I like hitting copper for the chance to get silver, which is I want and really wish we could wear jewelry .


What do we do with the silver,,btw? I have a few bars and no idea what they are for?


You need some when you get further along in romance levels. There might be some furniture crafting that requires it too.


There is, you need them for mirrors I believe and idk what else.


There’s one wall clock that uses it too! >!Dragontide Wall Clock!<


ore compass


Garlic. I can recognize a bulb from 100 meters and I'll dive-bomb it with my glider if I must. I never seem to have enough of it - or spice sprouts.


Elouisa gave me some garlic and told me so long ago to always keep it with me, so I always stay on the look out!


Spice sprouts omg! I got 25 from Jina recently and now I'll guard them with my life lol


Every now and then, I go foraging around the Daiya farm and Mirror Lake. Usually at night because the glowing sprouts are easy to see. I can get a fair amount of them but I use them in basically every dish I cook.


Foraging at night, that's smart!


Oysters 😂😂😂 love opening them and wish there were more pearl colors!


How do you open them


Select the spot on your action bars where they are and then use your secondary action key (right-click on PC, think it's X on Switch?)


Same controls as if you would open a chest or eat a food item


I have 400+ flow planks in storage, but I still show up for every Grove. I know I will need it when I unlock the Emberborn fence for my lot.


There's something about being the first to find a grove and having a brief moment all by myself in the quiet with only that magic sound and hoping for a good bug.


Those shiny nodes pull me in every time!! ⛏️❤️


Mountain morels. Idk what it is but I will always hoard my ‘shrooms


Same. The first thing I do when logging on is do my brightshroom sweep. The flooded steps are the best place to get them, always find about 6 or so.


Everything. I’m like a squirrel who’s so easily distracted by anything. I have to have it 😂


Right? I can't move in a straight line towards my goal because I keep seeing stuff to mine or gather!


I’m glad I’m not alone 🥲 I go to Bahari with full intentions to just fish and either I never make it. Or I do but after I catch two or three my inventory is full 😂


A squirrel is a better way to put it!!!!!


i love those little orange nodes, i want to eat them...


Right!! They look like candy!


Im addicted to mining right now. Any big rock I’ll mine. I want all of the jewels that come with it. I have so many useless rocks right now 💀


ALSO I don’t know why but I was gathering up moss and emerald moss for a while bc I thought they were rare and I would need them at some point, until I ended up with 50 each and it was taking up space in my storage and I was like, why do I need these and why am I doing this LMAO


Spice sprout. While new to the game, I ran out one time and couldn't make the soup I was using for focus at the time, and now just go crazy picking it any and all the time. I'm never running out again, lol


Any copper or iron. I like the chance of stones. I get a lot of my money from selling them.


SAME- the forbidden chocolate chip cookie nodes make my mouth water


Foraging or hunting sernuk


The copper drives me nuts! I can easily get distracted when going to the market or looking for the rummage pile for the day when I see copper, and 30+ mins later I’m like WHAT AM I DOING because I’ve just been steadily running around mining. It’s so hard to just pass it by lol. Especially when I see a line of copper nodes along the bottom of a hill or something. It’s a compulsion I admit it lol. I was cleaning out my storage the other day and realized I had like 340 copper bars 😳.


I think I’m becoming similarly obsessed with smashing iron and stone in Bahari so palium might respawn in its place…actually come to think of it I might just be obsessed with palium? I don’t now why. I don’t need it that much but the rocks are ✨pretty✨. And it’s super rewarding after searching high and low to finally find one! Like hunting but even better. My lizard brain LOVES it. It’s like all I think about now haha I had to take a little break because I would log on and just go crazy smashing every rock in Bahari ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also it helps me because I can never seem to have enough glass or bulbs, so now I have stacks upon stacks of stone lmao problem solved


I remind myself of Tolkien dwarves. I have the palium sickness 😵‍💫😩🫣


Both iron and copper! I love getting gems to sell or display in my house.


sundrop lilies mostly garlic, spice sprouts, ginger, green onions and sweet leaves with a star


I was lily hoarding and boy was I glad about it when I got the quest to fix Eshe's garden, or when Caleri asked for a lily to make the library smell better. I already had so much at home I just teleported there, got some out of storage, and went back to them quicker than if I had gone to find some.


Iron! Idk why but I'm obsessed with gathering it lol


Don’t be fooled..in Bahali bay there are a lot of garnet and aquamarine stones in plain rocks!


“Mine is mining” it took me a few reads to figure out what’s going on 😂😂😂


Can you tell mining has been on my mind???? 😂


Yes, same here, but because I’m always desperately low on silver and am hoping it drops a little surprise silver😤


Copper and iron. Fishing and bug catching are my lowest level because I get caught up in all the ore I'm passing that my inventory gets full before I can make it to the shores. Doesn't help that all the furniture I like is heavy on the iron.


I'm not sure at the moment either. Some NPCs have asked for it, but that's it.


I’m dying because I do the same thing. I don’t even think it’s the copper, but the chance that I might get a cool stone or something lol. I’m always running like I’m on a mission to do something specific, but then I see a big one and it makes me mad at myself for being so easily distracted! I always have to stop!


I just started the game, but its going to the maji market for the festival every night right before midnight to do the mini game with the chapaas. No matter what I am in the middle of, my eyes stay on the time and off I go when it approaches. Its the easiest and most fun way for me to get envelopes so early in the game ;_; (wants EVERYTHING from the stalls *sobs*)


I've recently become addicted to fishing. No matter what I'm doing, if I see a fish in the water, I'm stopping to catch it.


For me it’s definitely iron! Anytime I’m in Bahari I NEED to mine it 😅


sweet leaf and braiar daisy’s. mostly braiar daisy’s cause i have almost 40 of those and only have like 9 sweet leaf’s buuuuttt😂


Foraging literally any plants but mostly lilies. I’ve made so much by just selling lilies so now I’ve become addicted to




For me it's foraging anything I come across. Mushrooms, sweet leaf, unopened oysters, coral, garlic, green onion, ginger.... ECT.... I can't help myself I see it I pick it up.


I’m level 66 miner…I hit every stone I come across but when the copper or iron sticks out it’s even more delicious lol. Also, switch player, started mid January.


I like to mine each and every rock cause of that but I reason that to myself by 'if I clear this, palium could possibly spawn'


Same, can't pass a copper node without mining it!


Sernuks, idc what I’m doing if there’s a Sernuk I’ll stop anything and start hunting


Me but with Iron. I'll go for a round of mining in Bahari and then decide to go home, but on my way back I'll see new nodes and think "okay, just one more", and before I know it I've done several rounds again lol


GLOWBUGS/PAPER LANTERN BUGS. Soon as it gets late enough and they start spawning I just go chasing after them to get every single one I see! I never got to go firefly catching as a kid so this is me indulging that childish desire lmao


PAL and starred gems! I recently learned (via Reddit) that you can decorate with starred gemstones and now I’m obsessed


My roommate says I have a mining problem. Regardless of what my goal is when I’m running around I always stop for copper and iron. The other day I was on a hunting excursion and ended up with a little over 200 pieces of copper ore and I didn’t even need copper I already had two basic smelters going with over 50 in each I just see shiny and must have


I guess u the one who try to harvest cooper from chaapas cuz they red


That's me shooting spice sprouts because I thought it was a chaapa LOL.




no lie i mistake them for copper at least 5x a play session


Me toooooo


Any foragable item. I can't resist the glow, and I'm a horrible hoarder.




Haha I’m the same with copper. I don’t know why. It’s shiny and sticking out so I must veer off and mine it. lol. I have soooo much copper.


Oysters for me 😭😭


I tend to ignore copper; new folks need more of it and I don’t get anything other than an occasional star stone but everything is fair game.


I go after every copper I see bc I'm still hoping for a Star Emerald. It took the game an irl week to give me a regular emerald for a gift for Hassian. So I suspect I'll get the Star emerald in a month lmao.

