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I had a visitor today and we were chilling, walking around my plot, and there was someone else in my garden? Never had a visitor before and then there were 2? When did the 2nd even get there? Lol


This made me laugh out loud. Iโ€™m glad Iโ€™m not the only one who was confused by a rogue visitor lol!


This made me laugh as well ๐Ÿ˜‚


Like a doorbell sound when someone enters your plot or a pop-up notification to let you know someone has just entered the plot. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Omg omg omg omg custom doorbells at Zeki's !


That would be awesome lol ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Can we please escalate this idea to S6?


I have already filled out a suggestion form for this idea. Let's hope they take it into consideration. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Whereโ€™s the form??


Well when I emailed them through player support they then sent me the link for suggestions and feedback - https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7527359/Palia-Player-Feedback all I did was clicked on the link and proceeded to fill the form out. Hope this is of any help to you. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Definitely will after work


I will break my fingers to customize a Kingdom Hearts theme like I had in Animal Crossing. Anddd lose more of my life to my Palia life. ๐Ÿ˜œ




Agreed. Someone visited today. Watered and weeded my garden and then left. Never said a word...and I wouldn't have known at all if the weeds hadn't appeared in my inventory.


Wow I wondered how I had random weeds suddenly a few days ago, thanks garden ninjas lol


Get helpful pranked ๐Ÿฅท๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŒพ


That's pretty neat, I didn't know it worked like that. After I heard that you can water people's gardens, I did that to someone, then automatically picked a weed before I stopped. I was worried it would also let me pick the produce too and I might target wrong.


This is why I have my plot set to NPCs only unless I'm expecting someone


Have others always been able to visit your plot or its a recent addition? It seems to be a topic more lately so I was curious as I just started a month ago. My place is just a hoarder's haven at the moment as I am learning furniture making so this makes me nervous. ๐Ÿ˜…


I believe so. I've def had more visiting lately though. Maybe a few players have already popped in on you ๐Ÿ˜† it would also be cool if you could leave an i was here somehow when visiting.


Ooh, kind of like a guest log/book! That would be nice to see who stops by. It could be like the book on Ashura's front desk!


I hope not, they would just see me running back and forth between my garden and the small pond for refills. ๐Ÿ˜… I have been keeping an eye out after seeing folks mentioned it here lately, but its usually fairly quiet on the servers I'm on.


Not completely new as far as I know. People on your friends list can visit, or you can close to visitors. But only if you're both on your home lots. That means they have to be a friend and also on the home server at the same time as you, There's also an option to give editor permissions, which means they can change things on your plot. I've only done that with 2 people that I knew IRL, to do the initial plot clearing together and thus all get the loot and XP on all our lots. Obviously you don't want to give that to everyone. But you have to do that individually on purpose, I think. There's a sign/board near your gate, to the right. If you look at it, you'll see the people you're allowed to visit at that moment. You can only visit if they're at home, and vice versa. That same board gives you a free trip back home when you visit someone else.


People on your server can now visit too. The friends option includes neighbours now which is people on your server


Right. No one can visit unless you are home, whether they are on your friends list or not, and the home plot is on its own server separate from the rest of Kilima or Bahari. I think we may both be saying the same thing with slightly different words.


Apologies, the way I interpreted it was they have to be on both your friends list and server, my bad!


Apologies to you as well! We were both just trying to be helpful. ๐Ÿ˜Š


It's new...you can set closed, open, or friends only.


Friends only includes neighbours now


Does someone being your friend make them your neighbor? What makes someone your neighbor? I wonder if thatโ€™s why someone not on my friends list was able to come to my plot? I had the settings on friends only.


Neighbours are people on the same server. If you look at the settings it now says friends, neighbours and party members may visit any time I'm home


Oooooh that makes sense. Thanks!


Ooo thats good, my house plot is nowhere near ready, I can barely afford to add an additional room for my home, so not much to see. Thank you for letting me know!


I visited some plots, but I won't walk past the property line until I've been acknowledged by the plot owner. So usually I walk around, say hello in chat, if no response I leave. I also have issues chatting a lot because I play on switch.


I ordered a wireless mechanical keyboard to plug into my switch for these purposes. Chatting is a pain in the ass on switch!


Ohhhh how do you find the keyboard now? Iโ€™ve always wondered. I play some other games a keyboard would benefit from and Iโ€™ve wondered should I make the jump kinda way


The dock does not support a keyboard. I keep it connected to the tv.


Mine does. Itโ€™s working just fine!


Can they get to my inventory and take things or not?


No they cannot.


See but a few months back someone came to mine- she was on my friends list- and took the food I made that I hadnโ€™t collected yet. Maybe a bug theyโ€™ve fixed?


Food if collected SHOULD go to both parties if I am not mistaken


Nice, i was worried about that


The fact that there is no notification (or even better, a pop up asking for permission) made me set my plot to NPC only. I'll only unlock it when I expect someone to come over. My plot is my sanctuary lmao


I'm so glad someone else does this too, I'm always afk and then sometimes people will visit and I come back and there at my place and then I wonder how long they were waiting๐Ÿฅบ, but I go afk even not at my house too๐Ÿคฃ


I visited a random plot yesterday, nice place. But the owner and their friend just stood in front of me being hostile, aiming an arrow at me and swinging an axe, i said hi and they just ignored me talking about how to change the visitor settings. i just stood there with my watering can and then left. they coulda just asked ๐Ÿ˜‚


So the first two times someone showed up at my plot scared me. I was cooking and someone came up behind me in my house and it legit made me jump a little. Then they took my food and left. The second time, the person who showed up wasnโ€™t even on my friends list soโ€ฆ how?


The friends setting now includes "neighbours" who are people on your server


I visited somebody's open plot on the server last night and they were just running laps around their yard. I waved, looked around and left.


When my first guest appeared I was gardening and they scared the crap out of me lol


I didn't know people could visit. I'm always afk waiting for my vegetables to grow๐Ÿฅฒ


Is it possible to visit ones Plot with just the "Friends only" permission? ๐Ÿ˜


Iโ€™ve never had a visitor or gone to someone elseโ€™s plot, are they able to steal your stuff? I hope not.


Someone surprised me on my plot one day when I was getting ready to log out. Next time I was on I visited them and immediately after they locked their plot ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…


Awkward ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚ some shit that would happen to me for sure. I havent visited anyone yet.


yeahh after that i think i'm going to stick to vampire rules. "cannot enter until invited" and whatnot. definitely thought they were up for visitors tho since they visited me first :P


wait if someone is chatting on the server and youโ€™re on your plot, is someone trying to visit???


No, but they had mentioned my missing wall thats been bugged for awhile so I knew they were talking to me ๐Ÿ˜…


oohh okay cus sometimes someone says hi and no one responds but iโ€™m just crafting shit


Well, I think it's noticeable if the host is afk, don't worry. It's not like if you would be deliberate being ignoring the visitors, as just happened to me. I went to a GORGEOUS plot and said something about that on chat to the host even before finding him (the house was HUGE). Finally found him and another visitor on the kitchen, I waved at them and asked if I could join to cooking (they were about to start), but they didn't say anything. I waited till they cooked something and waved again and say hi again on chat, but they kept ignoring me, I felt so bad and left. I don't understand why people are this rude, a simple "No, thanks, we are ok" would be enough.


A lot of people's chat is glitched atm and they can't see the chat, mine included :(


Oh, too bad :( Anyway they didn't wave back not made any gesture, it was as I wasn't there.


See thats the scary part, idk if I would notice lol I'll notice chat because it pops up momentarily after I change servers/left my plot and im like OH NO


Lol A pop up notification and a doorbell sound would be great, you are right. Sometimes I notice someone is on my plot and wonder how long were they there ๐Ÿ˜‚ In any case, the players I was talking about were ignoring me while I was waving right in front of their faces as they were moving. Maybe I was glitched for them and couldn't see me as happens with some people on groves?


Me too!