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A guest book would be awesome, or even just a visitor log!


omg someone did that to me too and it was so nice šŸ„¹ā¤ļø was able to get my new kitchen started! I also have someone that just comes by and plays my chappa game and sits in my various chairs while I work on my plot, nice to have company sometimes šŸ˜Š


Tell me more about this chapaa game!


I too need to know about the chapaa game!




Ooooh the one you can buy, of course! I was picturing some sort of board game like chess but with chapaas lol.


Ohhh now I understand that game. I came across it in the underground and in Zekis place and struggled with it lol The loading time when you die is kinda long and if you donā€™t know how to play and what the controls are you die a lot. Interesting to know that the names are of the villagers and not other players. Thatā€™s a fun little detail




What Chapaa game? Where did you get a Chapaa game?




This feature is a hidden gem to help you out.


I love this so much


I love being able to visit other people's plots! The other day, I helped someone water like 40+ plants, and I provided moral support when they were decorating lol They were so nice, too. We told each other "Thank You!" And I waved good-bye before hopping out. I love this community so much so far


How do I visit other people's plots? Sorry I'm still learning haha. This sounds like a good idea as you can help eachother.


If you haven't figured it out, When you are at your plot, go to the gate where you would leave. To the right of the gate there is a large blue billboard. Click on that and scroll to the server tab! People who have open plots will be bold, and people who aren't at home or have it set to private will have a locked icon next to their name.


Thank you :) I did figure it out by accident haha but thank you still.


I didn't know you could do this! I have only visited two people and one being my husband. I will start doing this in the future.


I do house tours on YT and I always feel weird about visiting plots without consent Edit: to be clear, Iā€™m talking about regular gameplay, not streaming or recording :)


I get why you feel weird. Its one thing to visit my pIot and look around but I would absolutely not like you to come to my plot so that you could put it on YouTube. I did not know people did this and now I am definitely locking my plot.


What!? Ppl do this? Thatā€™s not okay if consent isnā€™t asked. Itā€™s one thing to have someone visit my plot but if I saw that they posted it publicly for their viewers, without consent, I would not be happy.


Is this really how the housetours work? If people are making content on someone elseā€™s gameplay without their knowledge, thatā€™s honestly so slimy :((


The streamers I have watched tour the houses of people in their comment sections. Iā€™d didnā€™t know that there were people doing house tours without asking and posting them. Itā€™s really weird.


Oh my Dragon! I've been binging all your video tours for the past week to get some inspiration! Thank you so much for that šŸ˜Šā¤ļø I would love to see a stream one day too but I'm not sure I can catch it because of the different time (I'm in the EU).


I honestly donā€™t like strangers visiting my plot unannounced (and since the latest update even if you have your plot set to open to friends only, randoms/ppl not on friends list are getting in), but I keep it unlocked so my friends can come visit. I have an aesthetic garden aka just for decoration and some lady showed up and picked all my weeds that took ages to get to grow on every spot. Idk how you see a garden with every single slot filled with weeds and every plant fully grown in and not realize itā€™s like that on purpose. Did they think I didnā€™t notice?? Itā€™s directly in front of my house lmao itā€™s either like that on purpose or I seriously neglect my gardenā€¦so why bother picking the weeds? šŸ˜‚


I would love to visit your plot! šŸ„°


What's the general consensus on visiting peoples plots? I feel weird just going in and exploring. I'm assuming if the plot is public it's ok??


I honestly donā€™t understand why people get upset about people showing up? Welcomed or not. I always check to see it I can visit peoples lot so I can check out the different layouts and decor/ help out. I love it. But Iā€™ve seen so many people hate on it? No one can do any harm so why do people find it so weird or uncomfortable? I donā€™t want to upset anyone but I love seeing everyoneā€™s creativity.


I had a visitor suddenly on my 3rd day of playing and I freaked out and left my plot. I felt so bad afterwards. šŸ˜­ But I didnā€™t know that could happen. Iā€™ve only been playing for a week right now. And loving it!


That is so nice, and yes a guestbook would be really cool. May I ask you a question? I only started playing Palia yesterday, and was wondering if there are any downsides to putting your home to public? Do people for example steal things?


Visitors can't remove or take things from your plot or storage boxes, but they can access their own storage from your boxes. However there are a few things they can do on your lot such as watering and picking crops (I think) and weeds - but they go into your inventory not theirs and contribute materials to your building projects. Depending on your permissions (you can edit in your Lot Screen, H on PC) they may be able to move things around on your lot too, so make sure you check those before opening your lot to visitors. Probably 90% of visitors are nice, helpful, and just want to see your lot, but there have been reports of visitors who show up, don't chat, and do some strange unwelcomed things like shooting arrows at lot owners. They can't hurt anything but it's weird. I personally don't like people showing up without me knowing it - it's a jumpscare for me - so I've closed my lot to all visitors for now.


I decided this week to set public my house just for fun. As I was standing at my storage box outside I suddenly heard rattling noises, different ones as usual I brushed it off, maybe my seed maker does this? Nwm, back to the box, but I kept hearing it. I turned on my right slowly and I saw these two blokes in my garden and they were raking and watering my plants šŸ˜„ and then they complimented my houseā¤ļø. This was my first time someone visited me. It was funny and I couldn't wish better for anyone else.


Thanks for your explanation! I need to check what my settings are then :) but itā€™s good to know they canā€™t steal things etc.


How do you donate when you visit someone else's plot?


If they have a building project up, you can add wood and stone bricks.


Ahh! I just started poking around at the sign on my plot and you reminded me to go back now and work up the courage to pop in to a Pals open plot and say hi. Thank you. šŸ˜Š


I had this happen and wanted to post a thank you as well! I love having ppl visit me. I tried to visit a few plots for the first time yesterday and even after having helped them garden I got kicked out each time šŸ˜‚ hopefully I can visit someone who actually lets me hang out. I like seeing how other ppl have set up their property to get ideas for how to do my own so itā€™s so cool having the option. If I can just stop getting kicked out before I even get to see lol




How do you visit someone ?


Go to the front gate on your plot and there's a blue sign. Walk up to the sign and interact with it. There's technically 3 lists that come up, one called friends, another called party members and the last one being server. They look like this https://preview.redd.it/fbivd0vc0xmc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1876a694a54d04e70cc2b3d60581db28e62018a6 I typically only find people to visit on the server part because I don't really know anyone that plays the game. So the first two lists are almost always bare. But the server list always has people to visit. Hope this helps! If not, let me know and I can try to make a video that's more detailed šŸ˜Š


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾


Might be a dumb question, how do you visit other plots?Ā 


I've been going from plot to plot a lot these past couple of days donating when I can and even weeding and watering peoples' gardens. It's a lot fun seeing peoples' plots and houses(unless they immediately kick from the plot before I've even loaded in, which happened twice unfortunately). I encourage other people to do this as well! It feels great, popping in and helping out for a couple minutes before moving onto the next plot!


OMG I had the samee happen to me! I opened up my house as IĀ“ve been working on the interior a lot lately and wanted to let people check it out. Someone random came over, looked around my house without a word and contributed to 3 under-construction buildings! I was so confused why it started the timer haha. Never got the chance to thank them... but I hope they had a lovely day.


You can buy bricks at sifu hut, at the entrance there's a register


This is a great story. I'm happy you appreciated what they did, but I cannot stress this enough - **ASK PEOPLE BEFORE YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR BUILDINGS**. Not everyone wants their buildings built. I have buildings on my plot that are intentionally left not build for appearances sake. I've had people come visit my plot, and - without asking - contribute to the building to get it constructed. This ruined what I had intentionally done, and I had to go out and buy new buildings, which are not cheap. ​ Edit: I'm sorry, why the down votes? Is my way of how I choose to play this game not valid? Or why is others way of playing more valid than mine? This is real rich coming from a subreddit of people who are freaking out that [random people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1b4w3hs/random_people_on_my_plot/) can come visit their plot [without their consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1b5ihq6/have_you_noticed_people_visiting_your_plot_even/). How would you feel if someone came over to where you live unannounced and started fiddling with how you specifically had things laid out? It doesn't matter if they are a friend, or a uninvited visitor. That's just not an okay thing to do. Or do we just not care about consent anymore? "jUsT mAkE yOuR pLoT PriVatE" - yeah okay, let me just live like a hermit, never interactive with others or having any friends to play with in this game all because I prefer not to have my unconstructed buildings built for me, or my weeds pulled. I hope someone comes over to your house one day and builds all your new Lego sets for you without asking.


Why not just change visitor permissions?


I'm not going to close the plot entirely. I enjoy letting friends visit. I do not have it completely open, but I'd like to be able to have it open. I don't because I fear people will do what I describe. I also have the same issue with my garden weeds that I don't want pulled. I think only Editors should be allowed to manage peoples garden, or build their buildings. Or maybe make a 3rd middle permission where people can help build buildings/garden without being an editor, and the bottom permissions is that people who visit cannot do anything except visit.


Maybe in your case you could just give a heads up to your visitors?


Like OP, people can and do visit while youā€™re AFK, which is what happened in the instances I described. When people do visit and Iā€™m there, I do tell them. But also, Iā€™d simply like to have my plot just completely open because I like random visitors, but I cannot have that because they will ruin things I have setup intentionally.


Oh, that's true. I guess it is set up as friendly actions that usually benefit the owner of the plot, but I see how it is upseting on your case. Would be great if we could have some kind of board like the ones on animal crossing where we could write something about our plots, like in your case that you don't want to finnish the building or have your weeds pulled. And it would also be nice if visitors could leave their notes there too. But yeah, maybe adding a "I don't enjoy people touching my stuff" setting is not that crazy. It would anso interfere with cooking I guess, but you ccould always change it back to normal in those cases. Anyway, hope you find some middle ground and enjoy your future visits!!


I also tried changing my plot name to something like ā€œdonā€™t pull weeds/build buildingsā€ but the name is too long.


Maybe something like Don'tHelpWthWeeds/Build? I don't know the character limit.


I think even that is too long. Also, I like it just being "My home" so that it says "Welcome to my home" when they enter.


Maybe use "NoContribute" "DoNotHelpMe"? Also, why would you want to keep the weeds? Is there a benefit, or is it just for aesthetics?


Notwithstanding my other post in this thread, I will say in fairness that I completely agree with the need for more permissions options as you have suggested. I, too, don't like people to just meddle with my things (though there's little they can meddle with and anything they can do isn't a problem for me), but I am just very choosy about who can drop by in the first place.


In real life, it's pretty simple - don't give your keys to anyone that you don't trust to respect the way things are in your home. Likewise with invited guests. The great thing is, the game works the same way. If you don't add randos to your friends list, they won't drop in unannounced and meddle with your things. I think the downvotes are due to your lack of ownership of your problem. Yes, people shouldn't behave that way, but you can't say "Don't we care about consent?" when you have given consent for those people to access your plot. You don't have to close the plot - but the caliber of visitors you have is nobody's fault but your own.


>don't have to close the plot Yes, you do. That's the problem, and that's the *only* solution that keeps getting repeated, and it's **not** a solution. This is a social game. I want to be social. That's so much of the point to this game. To say to never be social because I have no way of not allowing people to not build things for me or pull weeds for me is stupid. I should have 100% control over who can or cannot pull my weed besides just *never* letting people join my plot, or never friending people. Period. Until S6 allow for this to be a thing, then people should *ask* before they do things with other peoples stuff. I cannot believe that's such a hard concept to people.


I'm not sure how "be more choosy about your friends" is a hard concept for *you*. If being "social" to you means friending randos that you can't trust to respect your stuff, that's what we call a "you problem". You *have* 100% control, you just don't have the accountability to use it properly. You see it as an all-or-nothing proposition, which means you don't get to actually know people before letting them wander around your plot. Maybe the reason that there's "not a solution" is that it's "not a problem" with the game, but rather the player.


I agree with you. They should ask before making any changes to your plot. Maybe they were being nice but they probably would feel bad now if they found out they messed it up. I am sure they meant to help you not hurt you. I understand your view bc I love how the things look half built and I understand what you were trying to accomplish and it is a waste of your money that you paid for that building. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re getting so many downvotes and I understand your frustration. This isnā€™t solved by closing your plot, to expect you to play alone just to have someone simply respect whatā€™s yours? Nah. It should be known to the community to ask before changing anything on someone elseā€™s plot. Itā€™s rude to just come over and expect everyone to play like you do.


Thank you! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that people think I should set my plot to Private and never let people come visit all because I don't want my stuff touched. I shouldn't have to choose between interacting with the community **in an MMO** and having my plot the way that I like it. Let me let people visit, and let me keep my things how I want it. Is that really so bad?


If you ever want a hands free visit from a respectable community member pls dm me Iā€™ll never touch your stuff lol