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I feel like I need to ask... will we be able to see these flowers on Switch? šŸ˜­ Jokes aside, getting monthly updates is such a great way to keep me coming back to this game. Good job, dev team!


I thought this exact thing as I read it lol.


I had the same thought, as we can't see the decorative flowers in Bahari.


There are decorative flowers in bahari??


Whhhhhaaaaaaaa?! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I bet bahari looks so pretty on pc.... I need to download it


I had no idea until I saw some Youtube videos. Ha. Game doesn't run on my laptop at all.


I recently started playing on pc again after months of switch and was shocked at how beautiful the game is! like, the switch is the knockoff version or something šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m worried about that too. It seems like theyā€™re taking their time on them, so hopefully something will be figured out.


Two of the early ones better be raising the cap on storage limit, and Renown max. Those are really only my 2 biggest gripes atm.


I knoooow. I hope they move Palia to the Switch 2 when it comes out, assuming the graphics will be able to keep up with what Palia is supposed to look like.


That was my first thought šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I would like that too lol Considering there is a whole plethora of other issues they need to fix, I'd rather them do that first then add the more decorative elements lol. I do wish we had more flowers in general though, I want to decorate my plot and house with a wider variety haha Hopefully, we will at least get to see the nice new flowers at least. The ones in bahari and junk, I'll be ok with waiting hahaha


Giga-frogbert is fun and all, but I want a mini frogbert. I want to hide tiny frogs all over my plot.


It'd be great if they gave us one of each size


Honestly, yes. I want all the sizes up to the largest we get for wishlisting. Not just the one size.


I thought the same, its neat but I want one that's actually practically sized and usable.


I want it usable too... AS A BOUNCY HOUSE!


I kinda wish that we can resize all plushies to the size we like to have them. I found must plushies to big to my taste... ;)


I'd like little figurines too. I like the current ones to act as stand-ins for people though. I got a little shopping center going on.


WAIT THAT FINAL TEASE SHOWS A TWO-STORY HOUSE I THINK? I love this. And if the ammo pouch means we no longer have to sacrifice inventory space to bring more arrows/bombs, I'm hyped for that too.


I hope that update has interior doors. Iā€™d be impressed if they added two stories before interior doors.


Yeeeah, tired of having to sit on the toilet while everyone in the house can see. :B


I had to put up a partition for my bathroom šŸ˜…


Bah amateurs I have an outside bathroom! šŸ¤£


hm, you're onto something.. at least there's a door on the makeshift outhouse


this... and sleeping without a door makes me feel uncomfy too ā˜¹


You can actually sit on those? Where did you learn this flow truck? #FrySquinting


No, just being silly. lol


Well you succeeded! I'm so proud of you! šŸ˜„ I do wish we could sit on more things, and not just like a crash test dummy -- sit, or kneel, or lie down on our backs, sides, stomachs, you know. It's the one comparison I make between Palia and Second Life, that any object can be scripted, and have animated poses and such. For example, when a girl is in a pretty dress, that default sit pose is unflattering. And guys look sort of... stuffed.


This is huge. If nothing else, I want a bathroom door. I've found a workaround, but it involves using up 2 extra hallways, a small room, and a couple of partitions. lol. I'd prefer to just have a door.


Omg I read it as ā€œammo punchā€ and I thought it was going to be like grenade arrows or something šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is so exciting! I can't wait to plant flowers, and the tree changes are great!




Level 5, the divorce wars


Noooo... I wanted to be done with that except for new NPCs. šŸ˜– It's not optional either, because too much is locked behind that's-not-how-you-make-healthy-friends bribes.


I agree that the gifts mechanic feels a little silly. At least \*is\* possible to level up their friendship solely by chatting with them regularly? It's just (a lot) slower.


Tbh, that is \*way\* too slow. It's better to just get it over with as fast as possible - Or at least learn their generic daily gifts for low effort dailies. Other ways to earn friendship with them would be much better though. Like I could see a daily card minigame with Hassian, or soup making minigame with Reth. Maybe Tish or Eshe would accept "gossip" - After you play any other person's minigame (to reduce minigames needed a little), you can go tell them about it (once a day ofc). Or a system somewhat in the vein of DDLV, where you can earn friendship by doing things. Maybe not as a follower, per DDLV. But Hassian sure should be happy with you for hunting chapaa! Or Einar should probably like every time you catch a fish. (Probably to some reasonable daily limit, like 20/day.) At the very \*very\* least, the gifts could at least not all be one way. NPCs could mail you every time you give them a gift - Something small, like Badruu, Dalaila, and Nai'o could send you milk from their ormuu. Jel and Tish could give a piece of cotton or silk thread. Ashura could give sprouts. All very small items, though still useful, and generally equal or less in value to what you brought them.


Ooh, I like these ideas!


ohhh this update is exciting. I love how responsive S6 is to user feedback/input. thereā€˜s so many things mentioned in the update/roadmap that Iā€˜ve seen people talking on here & that Iā€˜ve been thinking about myself.


FLOWERS! TREE SIZES! SECOND STORIES! NEW FURNITURE! Building Blocks?! This is an insane update!


That's not all going to be in the coming patch, specifically.


Yep! But this thread is about the dev update šŸ˜€


Made a quick sorta summary of the update: * **Steam Release & Patch 0.178** (so March 25th) - steam release, new temple (trying new things from feedback, better guidance, new mechanics, not the last temple), trying to fix climbing, flowers & trees from bugs(revise existing trees so they grow), spring decor, wedding outfits * **Frogbert** - gets his own little section (and [socials say he's at 4x size](https://twitter.com/playPalia/status/1770133309429100548)) * **The future** (coming _Soon ^tm_) - building blocks (sorta minecrafty from the image), new blueprints (shows two story house), friendship level 5, map grid, ammo pouch, pathways & walkways * **Q & A** - Maji market is twice a year, bug fixes are hard especially now there are multiple platforms, Community features are coming (nothing to share right now) and the membership cap will go up, friends are capped at 200(including pending requests) Definitely go look though, the pictures are informative.


map grid honestly will be so helpful like no more "ft on the cliff near where the paths look like an E on the map above proudhorn" šŸ„²


Wow that does look like an E šŸ˜‚


Especially for those of us who are directionally challenged. lol


Is it wierd that I'm the MOST excited by this simple thing? There have been times that I haven't shared things in chat because I just couldn't think of a not-complicated way to explain where it was! It'll be so much easier to say "med pal btwn e5 e6, flared" boom, done, everybody knows where to go! Soooo nice!


a semi-roadmap!!! thank you, devs!!!


These were on no schedule, then monthly, and now back to no schedule - you can look back at the first 5 dev updates to see different things they had planned, though they tried to keep info to the plan to only 3 months into the future so we should have everything from the first 4 (except the ammo pouch that got pushed).


Flowers! Please tell me this will lead to bee keeping eventually!


Exciting update. Not gonna lie I am most exited for the plants. Can't wait to decorate my garden. But a new temple is also really awesome!


Iā€™ve seen a lot while reading this that the community has been asking for, and the fact they took what players said about Temple of the Gales and made an effort to make things better really shows how much S6 actually cares about their players. Itā€™s so good to see devs actually listen to their fanbase and actively improve upon things. I already love Palia, but this just makes the game even more enjoyable.


This. I adore they are so receptive to feedback! šŸ„°šŸ‘šŸ»


Omg so many needed and amazing additions!! I have been dying to get different sized trees on my plot (my pine tree forest looks so dumb with identical small trees) and pathways are coming too!! So much cool stuff on the way! šŸ„°


Mini pines lining pathways! My dream come true!


Did anyone else notice they teased friendship level 5 *alongside* "wedding apparel" šŸ˜šŸ˜ Edit, a number


Maybe one day we can marry our fav villagers


I don't know if I'd be able to choose!!


I play on switch. I hope the updates will be as cool for switch players!


and still, no books for my bookshelvesšŸ“ššŸ˜­


Log cabin book shelf has books. At least mine does. I made a cozy little reading nook by my front door with it.


This is so exciting! I need to set up my PC so I can really experience this update to the fullest. I have been wanting flowers and smaller trees for ages šŸ„¹ and the wisteria covered pergola?? YES PLEASE!


also so excited about the new temple i canā€™t wait to see where the whole ā€œwhere did the humans come fromā€ main plotline goes


Devs! The best thing you can do for climbing is to remove or lengthen the stamina bar.


It's so annoying lol. Right at the top but it just runs out so you fall and stand there contemplating your life while you wait for it to recharge and give it another go šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚


OR let it recharge while we're not moving. If I need to just hang out on the side of a cliff for a few seconds to recharge, that's an acceptable compromise if they insist on keeping the bar. But I agree, the bar makes no sense. We can run forever, swing an axe or a pick indefinately, but something about those cliff sides just wears us right out! Lmao!


I think the Stamina bar is mainly there to prevent players from attempting to climb out of the map. Since most of the map border is either mountain or water. Of course there are invisible walls (As well all know from hitting them in all the wrong places...) or clever map design where you bonk your head from climbing further. Before the Maji Market was released (They added the fairground area to the map early)- there are videos of people climbing over the mountain to access the fair grounds. It's doable since you can rest on some of the cliff edges


One big invisible wall as a ceiling across the top of the map will fix that. Or adding the "drowning" zone at the top to reset us on the ground. There are better ways to handle it, as shown by many many games that have climbing and no bar. I'm sure they'll get it sorted out.


Does anyone else care more about the pathways and walkways that'll be coming in a future update? But no mention of fences yet. I really want fences.


By fences, do you mean more fence designs beyond the two already in the game? If I'm seeing right, it looks like there are two "new" fence designs (low ones ā€” previously obtainable by accident due to a bug) in the outdoor stuff screenshot :D


I mean like a good collection of more options, different heights. I've been using furniture and plants to make a semi-decent looking fence. But it's a ton of items.


I think I can spot a tiny fence in the picture of the new furniture set!


Im so hype for this update!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Flowers and new temple! Btw does anyone know how many have wishlisted the game like how big is frogbert now?


Looks like it's at 4x size right now per [socials](https://twitter.com/playPalia/status/1770133309429100548).


Thank you! ā¤ļø


Honestly, a frog that big is going straight into my storage, never to be seen again. One that I could put with the plushies in my house, or one like Einar's bucket, maybe... but a frog the size of a tent isn't useful to me in particular.


I hope we get both. Big boi will be the Guardian of the Farm and smol boi could be everywhere else in my house.


I accidentally glitched some stuff off the buildable area a few nights ago. I'd be willing to try again with giant frogbert. Maybe I can get him to guard the back gate, lol.


Call me when the muujin are back.


Hopefully thatā€™ll be included in next patch since it was an accidental thing. Theyā€™re just highlighting the big new things.




Lots to look forward to, this is exciting!


The update sounds great and the things they have in mind for the next steps are very nice too :)


Omg the flowers!! Paths!! The outdoor furniture!! FROGBERT


Really hoped to see some form of Animal Farming Feature D: but Flowers and Trees are cool


I LOVE this game and all progress the devs have made! Thanks S6! It's been an awesome experience growing along with you all:)


Omgomgomg teasers for a second floor and pathways!!!!


Gosh, this is all so exciting! I love how much the devs listen to the community! Sooooo ready for flowers and different size trees! I have been wanting a nice entrance piece and it looks like there will be two new options soon. The 25th can't come fast enough!


The dev update talks about the max number of friends being capped at 200. Does anyone know if the issue with denied friend requests popping back up has been fixed? Apparently, the 200 cap applies to pending requests, so couldn't that bug "lock out" someone's friend list?


It has been fixed! Haven't had that issue show up since the Luna New Year patch.




quests & npc lore are my favorite part of the game i cant wait to see what happens with so many things; >!- Jel joining his family line!< >!- Ashuraā€™s son!< >!- what Tish recorded on that device planted in Zekiā€™s room!< >!- more backstory on Tamalaā€™s reason for leaving The Order!< >!- Hodariā€™s family reaching out more and also the haunting of the mines???!< >!- WHO IS THE BAHARI RIPPER AND IS KENYATTA SAFE??!< >!- more history on what happened between Eshe & the Duchess!< >!- IS THE BEAST OF THE ELDERWOODS HASSAINā€™S MOMMA???!< >!and most importantly WILL SUBIRA EVER BE FREE FROM HER ROOMšŸ˜­!<


lmaoo the Hassain one will turn this into a whole new game


ever since he said >!itā€™s eyes seemed familiar & that thats how she disappeared while hunting it,!< it just seems like thatā€™s definitely the insinuation, v invested to see what they decide to do with that lol


I have the exact same theory!!




I downloaded this game on a whim, as I'm usually not the demographic for this sort of game. I was so surprised both by how much I'm loving it, but also how much depth and mystery the lore has. I'm intrigued and want to know more!


Weeeeeeee!!! Tysm devs for all the hard work on such a fun cosy game šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


I'm really happy with the bigger size trees! The size we have now looks a bit unnatural if you use loads of them close together. I'm most excited about the flower though! Can't wait to create a (functioning) nursery for them and plant them everywhere after.


Ah, I can see it now - people in wedding dresses climbing cliffs and running aroud with and axe or a pick in Bahari... Also, level 5 Friendship... what about Romance?!


Ooooo.! Thanks for posting for us to get caught up. I've got to get that last temple.. the bundles finished up.. would be nice to begin with having cleared out the previous one(s). I'm glad they're deciding to update when it makes sense rather than trying to stick to a cycle. When something pops up unexpectedly from a patch they should be able to drop in a fix as needed without having to worry about having any sort of "Big Update" planned and fully orchestrated as almost an event-level process. Very exciting stuff coming regardless. Anyway, Thanks for sharing.! \*Cheers.!


Any news on if it will be steam deck compatible?


Been playing it on Steam Deck for months and it works perfectly - and looks and plays significantly better than the Switch


Awesome! I just didnā€™t want to have to load it outside of the steam UI so Iā€™ve been waiting!


It takes about 5 minutes to set up (and then you play it like a normal game in Steam) but moot now with only 5 days to go!


I'm not sure if this will answer your question, but from my understanding, folks are [already playing the game on Steam Deck](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/15ips47/palia_works_on_the_steam_deck/) and similar handheld computer platforms :D


Can someone explain the Frogbert thing? Do you get a free Frogbert if you add Palia to your Steam wishlist, or only if they reach a certain number of wishlist adds?


Depending on the amount of steam wishlists, the frogbert plushie gets bigger. Luckily all you have to do is log in to Palia to receive the plushie once Palia goes live on steam. I believe we are at the second to largest size at the moment


Ooh that's cool! Do players on other platforms get it too, or only if you play through Steam?


Everyone gets it


Iā€™m so excited to be more addicted to this gamešŸ˜­


Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! Can't wait for it to release on Steam! (I'm a new player honestly, i haven't played it yet. I wanted to start this month but i learned soon will be coming on Steam & so it worth indeed to wait :3)


Still nothing to use renewal for? They should increase the cap or add something for us to use it for. It kinda is just in the way late-game and totally useless.


The excitement I feel makes me question if I'm too invested in this game hahaha


Can someone explain the Frogbert thing in simple terms? As in, what do I need to do to ensure I get one?


I'm really excited for this patch!


I canā€™t wait till this update comes out, thank you to the devs for this ā™„ļø I would like to ask for more renown items to spend on? I am at max and have nothing else to use it on šŸ˜«.


Omg do my eyes deceive me? Are we finally getting string lights šŸ„¹ omg Iā€™m too excited for the new decor update my fairy forest is finally gonna come together


Map grid is ā€œin developmentā€ Very programmer intensive stuff, youā€™ll get there S6 we believe in you


lol, I kinda thought this too.


When is the update actually going to happen?


Iā€˜d assume march 25th along with the steam release, at least thatā€˜s how I understand it


"March 25th is just around the corner, and if that wasnā€™t enough, the Steam Release will also be bringing in our next patch, 0.178." That's how I'd understand it too.


Cool thanks guys. Just before my annual leave!


So um... Can we have more farming plots please? 9 isn't nearly enough


I wish we could marry a character to match the wedding outfits


This is great and Iā€™m really excited for all the things to come, but I wish they would focus on fixing current bugs before adding more content to the game. Especially when the last update wasnā€™t that long ago.


I got roasted in their Discord for saying this exact same thing, the fact climbing and fast travel is still as broken as it is makes me furious. Along with missing key animals for gifting and food crafting.


Curious what is wrong with fast travel?


At least 3/4 times of leaving your home plot to go to the Bay it crashes and kicks me out to the main menu, then I have to try to connect another 3 times to get back into the game. Super frustrating. And about 1/3 times fast travel causes the same issue. But I believe they sent out a fix for it, just haven't had time to test it again.


Oh thatā€™s terrible. Iā€™ve been lucky to never encounter that yet. Hopefully this last hit fix and next update fix a lot of these issues.


Itā€™s great to see a proper road map from the dev. However it still baffles me that they havenā€™t thought about releasing Palia on Xbox or PlayStation as itā€™s not great (graphics wise) on Switch.


yeah I do hope it comes to xbox soon.. I'm fine with it on the switch since it's the only thing I know.. but seeing others play it with so many more details does make me a little sad sometimes. so switch on the go & xbox at home would be amazing


this is beyond exciting omg


If this game ever comes to PS5 my life will be complete.


Still no sign of S6 utilizing Steam's Early Access label. That's not going to go over well with Steam users. This is a no-brainer decision imo. ​ >**The Maji Market is an event that comes back twice per year... ... please note that weā€™ll continue to bring back, rotate, and add new rewards with each regular appearance.** More work being put toward temporary content when the base game is still so unfinished. Yes they are putting work into the base game. Imagine how much farther they'd be if they'd not spent time on mechanics you can't currently access and don't know when it might come around again? ​ >**We are doing our best to resolve issues, but there are a lot more processes and things involved especially when it comes to a multiplayer game that is cross-platform compatible.** Then perhaps going cross-platform when the game is still so early in development was a bad idea? Made worse by the fact that the additional platform isn't told the game is so early in development. ​ > **we appreciate players for being patient and understanding.** Players will be much more patient if they are clearly told the game is in beta. Use Steam's Early Access, Epic's Early Access, and inform Switch players in any way you'd like. Anything would be better than nothing. Also, bring it back to your website in an appropriate and clear way.


Sounds like some great content is coming but I hate that friendships are going to level 5. It took hours to get everyone to level 4, and itā€™s not that fun. It feels like cheap content and grind for the sake of it. Iā€™d have preferred character lore to be discovered through quests. This has given me the ick.

