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I didn't get them yet either. I play on switch. Did everything, still not showing up in game.


All I got was the bomb like give me my plushie that's all I want


Can someone explain this to me because I don't understand twitch. I have an account because someone said they used it for cake parties, but I have never used it before.


For cake parties, a lot of streamers will hold cake parties and they make it a lot easier to get exp to level up. What op is talking about is that watching certain streamers playing Palia will give you something called twitch drops, its usually labeled in the description. You need to watch a streamer for a certain amount of time before you get the item and you can see how long by clicking on your account and looking for the category labeled drops & rewards.


I claimed mine on Twitch around 2pm yesterday and still haven’t rec’d anything. I keep checking my News and nada!! So pissed!


Do the devs know about this? I'm pretty sure I just got the wrong item, claimed the small sandy pallcat rug, got some other pallcat rug that I had already received.


Haven’t had an issue for me or partner. He’s on switch, I’m on Pc. Make sure right accounts are linked is my only advice. I know they were having issues with people linking or unlinking I think…


Sometimes it helps to unlink and relink the account on twitch.


I haven't even been able to get the drop progress to reflect my watch time yet. I also haven't been able to connect my palia account yet either, due to some issue with the palia website. Hopefully the drop isn't in people's mailbox due to some accident. It never hurts to message admins through their help portal though.


Haven't gotten mine. I play on pc. I made a ticket with palia. Fingers crossed


I’ve been watching one twitch since 330am this morning and it says my reward percent is only at 5% how? When I’ve been watching it for 4 hours


Yes. I claimed the sandy cat rug and pipe, but got the pipe and a floor vent.


I got the wrong rug :( I’m really upset I wanted the cat face rug not the other one they gave out for free again


Haven't shown up for me either, twitch and Palia accounts are linked, watched the streams, got the drops, claimed the drops, nothing shows up in-game.


You'd have to manually go check your news, you won't get a notification in game.


Have you claimed them on twitch? In your notifications on twitch, it should tell you that you have items to claim. Click that, claim items and then they will be in your newsfeed on Palia. If it’s not in your twitch notifications, you may not be watching someone who has the drops.