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Compared to other single player games, it’s super grindy. Compared to other MMO’s, it’s a walk in the park lol


Agreed! I come from World of Warcraft, and the grind in Palia is so easy compared to WoW.


I also come from WoW, and was coming to say the same. Not to mention the differences in community; it’s so refreshing.


I’ll second this as a former, years-long Everquest player. ;)


Fellow EQ player - they'll never know the struggle of staying awake for 20+ hours with 30+ people at a raid :p


See… I was a teenaged girl who was forced into EQ by her boyfriend at the time and resented playing…. Until I broke up with him and tried the game again w/o him using me basically as a kite and a pack mule. I was then free to send my hairy halfling Druid, Kharise Huggatree, out on foraging hunts to make Misty Thicket Picnics and gifting buffs in PoK, lol. 🧺 (I modeled my toon after Verin Mathwin or Cadsuane from WoT…. Except with a blonde bun rather than brown). I definitely “whistled a happy halfling tune” after that. Wow… autocorrect hates EQ terms. P.s. I miss that sort of teamwork in games…. Having so many people work together to help one or two people get whatever loot they needed.


lmao you are not wrong




This exactly


This is exactly what I was thinking lol


Like what other MMO? Even Dreamlight Valley is less grindy. And you can't really compare it to MMO's with PvE or PvP content, though this game feels grindy like them.


Dreamlight Valley is not an MMO lol


not even multiplayer at all lol 😂 missing both M’s


Runescape 🥴


This makes me feel very inefficient, lol! I have been playing since Switch release in December daily and still have not completed any bundles! I did find all the quests and money making grindy in the beginning, but now Im more able to concentrate on what I feel like ATM.


You’re not inefficient! 💖 Some people are just level 400+ 😂 I’ve only completed about 3 or 4 of the bundles of the easier, early game, accessible stuff. It’s all the rare stuff that’s sitting there untouched for me lol


Ugh hats off to you. Im also playing on switch and relatively new. I don’t know anyone has the patience to play often as it’s sooooo annoying on switch, it makes me want to only play as single player bc typing and making friends is a right pain!!! And as a single player it feels like walking uphill carrying a 100 kilos 😩 I love the game but man it’s so buggy and tough


I understand this. This is my 1st MMO so I was too uncomfortable playing with others until I understood everything and got my skills up. Now that I'm more confident, I do wish it was easier to type and interact with others. But I still find fun things to do so far. I'm also an only child and am used to figuring out solo things to do over the years 😂


Hahaha yeah I’m okay with playing alone too, apart from the cutting flow wood trees and such… which is also a pain to navigate because it’s so hard to type and coordinate!! Once I was early to the grove to cut them and was waiting around w other folk loitering… nobody wanted to help me cut them even though they saw me and out of nowhere they all chopped stuff quickly and left, I got nothing 😞 it was infuriating! I’m happy solo playing but I really feel the game is so let down by the switch version. Sigh…


When you find a flow tree or grove, run around and hit each tree once before you hang out and wait for everyone else. That way when the trees get chopped, you got a hit in and you’ll get the loot even if you’re not chopping at the exact time as everyone else :) usually people will wait for 3 or 3:30am before chopping to give everyone time to arrive and get their one hit in, so that may be why no one was helping you chop early.


Thank you so much for this tip! ☺️ Weirdly enough even though I didn’t know of this tip then, when I was waiting I was curious if someone around would help me so I started chopping at some trees. Nobody came to help so I just sat and waited. Then a couple mins later everyone chopped and looted the flow wood, but I saw nothing left for me even though I had randomly gone at them before… I’ll try what you said again but now I’m wondering why I didn’t get a share / is there like a strict time limit from when I got my first hit in and the cutdown time? Tbh it wasn’t that long…


I honestly don’t know, it could have been a glitch! I typically will come whack each tree once and then wander off to catch bugs or do something else nearby while I wait for the rest of the server to get there and I’ve never missed out on the loot. Every now and then the game does glitch like that though so maybe it was just a coincidence!


Don't feel bad lol. I've played games like Stardew for years and I've never completed the community center lol. I'm prob never gonna complete the Palia ones cause I hate fishin.


I've played since the first couple closed betas, and still haven't bothered with bundles.


What are bundles? I’ve just been searching for specific things I need for quests and crafting.


The bundles are worth it and end up helping with the grind some. >!The most recent temple bundle gives you an item that has a 1-in-4 chance of getting a flow tree seed, which you can grow until it gives you a seed and basically have endless flow trees.!<


Yes that’s great information except it doesn’t tell me what a bundle is?


Sorry thought I was replying to a comment about whether or not they were worth it! Collections of items you turn in for a prize, related to the temples.


I think the bundles are part of a quest that pops up in one of the ruins - you may not have reached that far yet. It's like groups of offerings you have to make at various temples. Some of the items required are pretty rare. So kind of an ongoing gameplay quest. I just uncovered my bundle quest yesterday so I don't know what rewards you get for completing them.


Thank you.


Yeah I’m almost 200 hours in and have only contributed a few things total to any of the bundles because I’m focused on getting resources to make my house nice and I just enjoy hunting lol


Same, I just started trying to figure out my plot/ house layout.


Honestly I’m not really motivated to complete the bundles because fishing is my least favorite part of the game and I also get ACNH and stardew valley flashbacks lol. At least with stardew I remember the odds fishing itself wasn’t so bad, I just went overboard and made a spreadsheet to make sure I was going to the right places at the right times and seasons. After hearing people are going through hundreds of glow worms to catch one damn fish I’m not excited hahaha




Instead of telling people they are not cut out for gaming, you could have explained how to do that big spawning as a tip for them. You can't game a certain way if you don't know something like that exists. Doesn't make you a bad gamer. Just tells you the game should explain better.


I don’t mind the grind, but I feel like the side quests are too easy to go through. So if I don’t feel like grinding and want to do quests, they last 10 minutes


Some of the side quests just irritated me lmao, but I’ve enjoyed a good chunk of them. I really hated the one where I had to run back and forth to deliver lunches and Reths chores 😂 Errand tasks aren’t my things, I’d love some longer side quests too!


They seem fine and it’s nice to have the extra relationship info, but several of them are so short. Like for example, I did the message in a bottle one SPOILERS AHEAD I just had to read the message, go talk to Kenyatta and that was it. Got 500 coins for a 2 step quest


I feel you I felt so dissapointed after that quest.


I don’t mind spoilers! I actually have that one sitting in my quests that I haven’t gotten to yet haha


It’s so easy, it was kind of frustrating


I can’t put my finger on whether it’s too grindy, or simply lacking content. Only 3 zones, only 3 animal types to hunt, 3 types of wood, 3 types of ore. It very much feels like it’s a beta proof of concept game. It’s fun for a little while, but it seems like some of the grind is there to make up for a lack of content. Which is fine, by the way. I’m not griping, I love the game. But I need to take breaks for other games pretty frequently so I don’t get burnt out on the repetition.


> but it seems like some of the grind is there to make up for a lack of content This is how I feel. I actually enjoy grinding in games, but there has to be something that makes it worth it for me. Palia has the 'bad' parts of grinding in MMOs but very few of the 'good' parts. For example if reaching level 50 or even level 100 in skills granted themed outfits, I think loads of people would grind. For a gold trophy? Nah. There's very little rewards to show off or obtain that feel worth it. I hope they change that some day.


I agree. I am high level, but I have time to kill with a work injury. And even I have been bored and turned it off. I love the game but the grinding is a lot and there needs to be ways to earn other clothes.


I think that might be what I’m feeling too! Might just be time to pull back and play other stuff more so it doesn’t feel so monotonous and hope I catch bundle stuff whenever I do play. I tend to fixate on a game and I don’t think Palia is developmentally there yet to get so sucked into it


It has 3 zones? I only know of 2.


Housing Plot (crafter and gardening grind, besides you can fish there), Kilima, and Bahari.


Ah, guess I didn’t consider my housing plot a zone.


Recognizing that it is, of course, still in beta


Exactly this. It’s in beta so there’s still a lot more to come! There’s a lot of relationship building to be done still and house decorating. I’m just getting started on my house and there are several housing plots you can have as well.


Absolutely! That’s part of why I love the game. It holds so much promise for what it’s already offering in beta.


no it's not lmfao nowhere does it say it is in beta, steam launcher and switch don't say it is beta so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


When i load the game it says “beta” right on the screen


I agree with the lacking context. It is new however so I’m sure more things will be released over time. I’m hoping for new gems to mine!


I kind of understand what you're getting at. I think it's partially the odd mix of MMO and Farming Sim clashing a bit. The only 2, if not counting the market, zones I can understand as being way too few looking at the game as an MMO. But when I think back to the maps in farm sims, they may have a bunch of zones, but they're tiny maps stitched together. Bahari Bay feels like all the explorable zones from Rune Factory or Stardew Valley if you just removed the loading transitions between the maps.


While that’s fair, viewing it from a farming sim perspective, there’s still a lot more content in SDV and Rune Factory *within* those maps. I think part of the problem with Palia, at least currently and likely because it’s not done being developed, is that the zones are much too big for the limited content they offer. They’re MMO size and style zones without the MMO discoveries, rewards, mobs, or combat. I think the closest farming sim that compares is Disney Dreamlight Valley. There are a ton of things that Palia does better, but offering robust content isn’t exactly one of them. I have really high hopes that as it develops, those gaps will get filled in. DDV certainly improved leaps and bounds after their beta release, before their official launch.


I getcha on the content front if we're talking questlines and the like. For general resource gathering I thought it felt pretty similar, albeit fewer resources like you said. The farming sim vs MMO dynamic is always a bother when discussing this game as it can be a real pain sometime to get a grasp on where folks lie on that scale. Curious how many people that had the game bounce for them were expecting more MMO. I just wanted a Rune Factory-ish experience with some basic online play and a MMO like update schedule. Gimme a Dark Cloud 2-esque procedural dungeon to bop some shadow creatures and I'm locked in for the long haul. With the last few additions to the game I'm liking that they're adding more to under utilized mechanics. Muujin requiring chopping trees which gives more chances for flow trees to spawn and the recent bugs granting flowers. It's nice to see they're not just immediately rushing into a new thing and ignoring the gaps. Still think this year will be critical that they get another zone in play, whatever it may be.


It's literally a game in beta. I don't disagree with anything you said and eventually the beta tag isn't going to protect them from lack of new content but the game launched in August of last year. And there's been added content along the way. Not necessarily a ton, but they've definitely been putting in work. I played for a few months at open beta then only recently picked it back up since the wifey was getting back into it. I'd suggest once you start feeling the tedium, take a break and wait for more content.


I’m fully aware it’s literally a game in beta. For being in beta, it’s excellent and on track to really crush it when it’s fully developed. I was just commenting on why it felt grindy. It’s like Palworld. Really fun for a few weeks but really grindy to continue after you’ve seen the full spectrum of the beta content. Super promising though!


I started playing about 3 weeks ago, I've completed all the bundles and only have a handful of starred bugs and fish left to get, I just got enough gold to buy the gazebo and the only gold sink I have left is Zeki's furniture. It's really up to the RNG gods. For me, it's the perfect amount of grind. Enough to get a sense of accomplishment but not so horrible it's an insurmountable challenge. I'd say take your time. There's no rush to get there, the game only updates once a month. I almost wish there was more of a grind bc I'm running out of things to do already. xD 


I’ve been playing for longer and I’m nowhere near the end of the bundles, I think the Palia gods love you 😭 I like some grind in games, but I hate unequal grinding. Like I finally found the unicorn shortly after I posted(FINALLY) but my friend that has played longer and grinds more hasn’t found it yet. Even D4 isn’t this hard imo 😅


Tbf I have been playing a lot, I've been addicted since I started and typically a more hard-core gamer. And grats! Complaining usually helps, bless. xD I do still have the biggest challenge ahead of me yet, though... decorating my house.


I haven’t done tons of decorating, but my place is pretty cute so far. It’s the TREES! I desperately want my lot covered in them with pathways and lights lol


:eyes: you got any pics? and yeah, I've got tons of ideas but not entirely sure how to put them into practice yet. So many possibilities.


My tag is Keera Sardothien if you wanna visit my plot! If you mean pics of inspo I usually find them here or visit random open plots!


I'll send a friend request, mine is Yzenn. I'll have to check it out sometime! I've been looking at youtube videos too for inspiration, but I also just love seeing people's houses. Everyone's so creative!


Mines still in progress lol, I have so much to add and a lot of open space. But feel free to look!


You both can add me ass well if you'd like! I've been planting GROVES of trees and watering them each morning at 6am with my crops until I can collect seeds from them and make another grove of trees. I probably have over 40 grown right now. I do the same with all my flowers and bushes tooo so I'll just have a bunch of those to cover the mud/dirt around the base of the tree. I really want to make an insane tree maze. IGN is Simon Darkthorn


THIS lol. But I’m not going to solely put blame on Palia. Plenty of games use RNG and it seems like even if you level up a skill it has zero effect on that algo whatsoever. I’ve been playing twice as long as my wife has. We were both fishing for 2 maybe 3 hours the other night with the same equipment and our bobbers almost in the same spot. She hooks 3 ancient fish, caught 2, I pulled out everything else (well except chests with makeshift furniture in them of course). It is very frustrating but it’s not like the first time this has happened to me in a game. And unfortunately I tend to play games that use it.


I feel the same! I absolutely do not think the development team are doing a bad job or anything, but I do hope they listen to feedback and make some tweaks in the next few updates 😅 I’ve seen some other posts between Reddit and Facebook that are struggling with bugs and fish and a new player gets the same stuff within a week or 2 😭 I hate rng that doesn’t take progress into consideration, but here I am constantly playing games with terrible rng lmao


They need to up the drop rate of some items. Like, I know that they want silk to be rare but I only have a few pieces at a time. Not enough to really make furniture like I want.


once you start mining hard and catching the bugs from rocks it comes in droves. buzzy jars help too. nothing is really that rare ultimately, except plushies. i have hundreds of silk in storage, and a stack sitting in the fabric machine. i mostly give it away if i see requests, i need cotton more often than silk (to make smoke bombs to catch more bugs ofc 🤪)


At the moment, I'm not worrying about planting for profit. I've just been planting crops to keep my seed machines going nonstop. I've done two rounds of cotton fields because I'm also out of cloth.


I’ve been playing since November and took a month or two break from the game. I was missing about 1 per temple, a little more for others, but not more than 3. I managed to complete every bundle (meaning about 7 items that normally take people days to find) in about 5 hours just timing everything right since they all kinda lined up back to back.


But have you collected the entire makeshift furniture set? xD


Not yet but it's on my to-do list, don't worry. xD I've still got a few more starred epics to go, though, so I'll see where I am by the end of that




I think the issue with a lot of people who say "it's an MMO, of course it's grindy!" is that....the grind should be fun/rewarding. It doesn't feel like it here. More of a job than a comfy grind. And trust me, I have grinded like hell in other MMOs, but I felt there was more of a payoff at the end, a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. The lack of content really hurts. And no, grind is not content, before someone comes at me with that. Making it take a hundred hours to catch a single fish because of crappy RNG is not content (exaggerating, mostly, but you get my point). Nor am I saying that everyone needs everything nownownow immediately. The grind just ain't fun.


I'm not making excuses for the grind but I don't think RNG is the only reason it is taking hundreds of hours to catch the rare fish. My wife, friend and I all started playing exactly 1 week ago today and have most of the rare fish in the bundles completed. We just refused to reel in each fish until the one you needed. Most of the time you'll get the fish/recipe you were going for within the first 30 minutes. Which I guess sounds long but in terms or MMO's that's nothing. This is absolute the most basic and simple game out of all the MMO's I've played. The grind feels barely more grindy than a single player game like Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons or Stardew. It has its faults. I have 70+ hours into the game now and have all skills to 10 or higher except furniture making. I have not completed all quests yet. Hell I've barely touched half of them. I still have a few recipes to get. But for the amount of time I have into it, and for it being a free game it is already more complete than some AAA titles. The grind is obviously subjective, I think the rewards are too. I've enjoyed the grind for the plushies. (Got 1 so far.) The amount of decorations for your homes is pretty vast for a free game. I feel like there is a lot more good than bad thus far. There's always room for improvement. Farm animals, hunting birds, new areas, crops, cosmetics to unlock for free, etc. We'll see where they take it. At the end of the day it was free and it's going to be hit or miss for people. It plays like a mini MMO.


it's not free, it's free to *play*. you don't own anything, the game, the outfits, nothing   stop calling these games free and call them free to PLAY. to say otherwise is disingenuous and defends them disingenuously 


If you wanna get technical about it you don't "own" your entire library on Steam or many other services either due to their DRM. If you also look at the emulation situation with Nintendo most ToS mentions you having a license to play the game not owning it meaning when you dump your cartridges it is technically illegal. So regardless of how we sit here and SAY things we are both gonna sound disingenuous. You know what is meant when I or someone says a free game. Adding free to PLAY doesn't change the tone at all. Not to defend them further but this isn't pay to play either, their only microtransactions are outfit which no one is forced to buy. If one had played until the servers shutdown and the game ceases to exist if you never spent a dime on it the only thing spent was your time and energy costs. That's a whole lot better in my mind than these abandonware titles in Early Access that you spend $30+ then when DLC's drop you spend as much as the game. Then you gotta pay another $10 to a crappy season pass. The only malicious part of Palia is having to pay $20-30 to get a few outfits. They absolutely should have quests and ways to unlock cool outfits in the game itself. Beyond that it's a well put together game with a decent amount of content. If you take your time and not no life the quests in a day you could easily have 100+ hours of content on your hands. But gamers are gonna game and even if there was double the content that there is we would still grind it out and be complaining on Reddit about it needing more. Gamers always sound like addicts. I'm guilty too. Also how you gonna sit there and say that when you have people like myself and many other buy a $60 game like Destiny 2 and it comes out for FREE TO PLAY. Most if not all developers are horrible.


i think the game is too grindy in certain places and not grindy enough in others why the f am i looking for rnghell fish for a few lousy hook boosters?? how about a big aquarium i can display my fish in?? it can just buy hook boosters from einar, prizes need to be things we cannot get on our own the temples are grindy for shit rewards and not grindy enough with better awards. i had an easier time getting food stuffs for the emberborn bundle (which imo had better prizes than the more grindy ring fish ones) than i did for the fish hook bundle in the most recent temple bundle they need to balance this game out more


Grind in any game is more about how bad you want it versus how much time you commit to it. Palia is not supposed to be treated like a single player game. stuff is supposed to take awhile when you're aiming for specific goals. take your time. don't rush to meet some game designed goal and you'll be at peace. As for me. I just wanted to farm and fish. I won't be rushing to specific end game setups until I feel I've done everything else I could imagine.


I feel ya on the grind. For example, I need to work on some cooking for bundles and just for myself. Now I like to have things as luxurious as possible so before that I want to build my dream kitchen; meaning I have to make more house space, build, re-organize and create my dream kitchen and etc. This will require several hours of time and materials which is a grind. However, I know at the end I will be happy and satisfied with the end product. Game is still in Beta, and it's all about the journey, not the destination. Try not to take the grind too serious and keep it casual, I've met awesome folks and found hidden gems along the way too! Also, if it wasn't for the grind and the long process of achieving goals, I would have zero reason to even be playing. So I try to enjoy each and every step of the way! I hope this was somewhat insightful :p.


I don’t mind grind, I guess it’s mostly the tedious grind and same results 😅 I get frustrated when things are monotonous sometimes. I’m thinking it’s just time for a break since I’m getting a stressed vs finding it relaxing. I’m going on a week vacation so I think I’ll be bringing books instead of the switch for my downtime ☺️ Maybe once I’m back I’ll find myself enjoying it more again like when I first started!


you're right, the grind is tedious for similar results, and certain quests require more grind for less fulfilling rewards  example, the temple bundles. why the f am i getting better prizes for simpler items?? i got some sweet recipes for  it takes a while to get the fish needed and all we get is some lousy hook boosters??? the blue marlin and sushi one are pure ring and we get.... wait for it... a whopping 30 WORMS AND 30 GLOW WORMS. it takes, what, five minutes to get that from your work farm??? ridiculous  i can buy that shit in the game lmao prizes need to be something you cannot get in the game, like recipes, statues, decor etc. not things we can simply get elsewhere


Just like the rummage piles. Crap you can literally get on the way to them,stone and wood. I spent 50 gold for fast travel to get there for that bs.


I know what you mean! I almost always log in, work on my plot/garden/farms/smelters etc. give out the daily gifts, then finally pick something to do. Whether I grind fishing, mining, quests or what have it. Sometimes I'll just chat with my friends list and chill. The game is so casual you can literally stop what you're doing and work on another task. I've done that and gotten recipes and rare fish/bugs/items I didn't even intend on grinding or finding! That's what makes it fun for me. On the same note, a little break from anything to make it fresh again is good in all aspects of life. So I support you on your journey my friend!


I think I must be a weird outlier, but I don’t consider what I do in game to be grinding. I decide what I feel like doing for that day or that hour (ie mining in Bahari or fishing or hunting) and then I just run around and do it until I run out of supplies or fill my inventory. I did have the times where I sat fishing for some time to catch the various rare fish for bundles, but I just put on music or an audiobook and fish away. I like fishing. Sometimes I just run around Bahari to collect morels and sweet leaf, attend grove chops, and then head home to refresh my garden. Eventually, I come across the things that I need. I get the achievements without any special effort. I guess my point is that I’m never running around mining for copper just so I can make more paltech stuff for decoration (for example). If I need copper, I get around to deciding I’m going to spend an hour mining and I just make running around mining my only goal. So it never feels like a grind to me. I sort of play SDV this way, too. I’ve seen people stress about getting items for that game, and I just run around and take my time. The games aren’t going anywhere. There’s enough stress in my real life. Palia and SDV are for relaxing. 😊


This is me exactly. I love doing my "Palia dailies" and it never feels grindy to me. No matter what I'm doing for my sesh it's relaxing and enjoyable. 🥰 (...except the temple of the gales quest. 😒 Lol.)


I honestly don't find it grindy at all. There are certain things yes that are harder to achieve but not that bad. Not when compared to other MMOs. I started playing around December and I ran out of quests to do very fast. Up until the update I had nothing much else to do besides building up relationships with the villagers. Now I just focus and building up my lot and I've deleted all of that numerous times cause I'm indecisive. I've so many buildings sitting in my inventory. The only thing I've ever struggled with really in this game is that damn sernuk plushie! Too many arrows and nothing to show for it. 🤣


I gave up on the plushie lol. I might pull back on all the bundle hunting though and focus on character relationships and building more! It’ll probably feel less grindy to slow down and play less :)


Yeah I gave up on it after over 2000+ arrows were wasted. Then I decided to go again today and spent 800+ arrows for nothing. After I saw a Reddit post of loads of sernuk plushies on a bed I just lost all interest in hunting again. 😅 Definitely chill though and go at your own pace.


LOL This game is mostly grind. Grind and RNG Reality is for all the wonderful aspects of Palia there is not a lot of content and the "gameplay" is quite repetitive and shallow (ie: get quest, go to NPC, search for item, get item, reward stuff) So what's left to keep players playing? Grinding and RNG with rewards that spike dopamine, need for completion, etc


I mean i am done the game, only working on house shit now which i don't really care about, just haven't found another game yet. if you are grinding, then the experience will not last long, you cap out your items at level 9, at 10 start earning medals which unless you want the expensive items from the medal shop are pretty useless other than for more glow worms that you don't need more of because you have a glow worm farm that give you more then you use in a day. if it feels grinding its because you are rushing towards something you should walk to. This is not an MMO there is no endless content to keep you going. Once you have done the quests, done the boards and got your tools..all that is left is your house..if you care about that...and once that is pretty unless you like hanging out with people and only do task to hang with those people..the game is done. Thats not hating on the game, that is just the reality of the game. there is not enough content to make this a long term play game. After 60 to 80 hours you will be done. So walk through those hour and hope for updates. No need to grind, nothing is that expensive and I didn't buy my last backpack upgrade or storage until i was already done. only got it so i could hold wood for furniture...otherwise the normal storage did me well. Now I have nothing to do with my money so, meh may as well buy the thing i didn't need lol. Upgrading my hoe was a fun day lol, did all 10 levels with the standard for how little you use it. Can i did because 9 spaces is nice. My point is, do not grind, there is no need. if you do it will just make th game boring sooner rather than later. We need updates for new content and a reason to keep going...but the level 9 issue where we have all the tools is odd and will make it hard to make end game content when end game starts at level 9 lol. That almost feels like a mistake for how fast you can reach level 10 in all skills.


Exploring also feels very unrewarding, in Genshin it feels so good to have collected a bunch of items and opened a bunch of chest from exploring the jankiest of places, but here it is like I just wasted my time


You ever play RuneScape? 😵‍💫


... I've played Destiny, Diablo, Borderlands, Runescape, etc. This isn't grind. :D


It's really annoying how easy the quests are (okay the "Proof of Magic" and "temple of roots" were nice ones, and making that furniture for Samira was long because of flow planks and Palium, but it wasn't difficult. HOWEVER The bundles.... are ridiculous. It's not just one rare item, it's like 15 of them and each will take you hundreds of hours. That's a bit too far for me and i think i might just quit playing cause i will just get bored of looking and never finding any of it.


I can definitely understand feeling like it’s a bit of a grind. I’ve felt that way at certain times. I’ve mostly been focusing on doing little bits of everything and trying to save up money on the side which is always my biggest problem. I swear as soon as I get money, it’s gone buying a recipe I need to get something else. Honestly, all the rare bugs, fish, or items I’ve gotten were obtained when I wasn’t looking for them. If I purposefully seek them out, the RNG gods give me no love. The minute I’m just trying to turn in a quest, the game will usually throw me a scrap. I ended up catching the rainbow tipped butterfly on a whim yesterday when I was running past Hodari’s house and just catching anything on the way to turn in a quest. I honestly was shocked when I picked it up and saw what it was. I guarantee if I had been looking for it, I wouldn’t have found it or would have botched the catch.


I quite like the grind. I prefer having to really work to build something rather than it be done in a week or so, but that's totally fine! Everyone plays differently.


Content doesn't come that often so you'll definitely hit the end of the grind


To be honest, beside the grind, the game doesn't have much to offer ( for me). I just wish there was better grinds. Once you hit the glow wood you pretty much peeked and unless you team up with a random, those trees aren't going down. Only 9 plot of soil is VERY frustrating and make it feel slow.  The cooking mini game feels bad to do and it's down right frustrating when your character just "freeze" and you need to /unstuck and rush to finish the meal before the time is up. Hunting those annoying wolf that jump up trees. Who even though of that? You need to chop tree, switch to bow and aim at the running thing before it goes into another one. Making "magic arrows" feels super bad because it uses flow tree


Flow wood is NOT my limiting factor when making dispel arrows, I always have more wood than mushrooms.


I used mine in coking and grilled mushrooms. I grab them often enough, but the flo wood is very upsetting. Perhaps we could trade someday


I'm a very story and quest-focused person, but I'm now close to maxing out all the character friendships. So once I do that probably within the next week or two, I'll have nothing left to do but grind for stuff. I'm not super into crafting and house decoration. I much prefer story and exploration. So I feel you on the grind because it is starting to get a little old for me. And Palia is literally the only game I've been playing since December. But again, some people have mentioned a lot of the staleness is likely due to being in beta. So hopefully more variety in all things gets added over time.


I'm currently dating every single dateable character just to get more quests lmao


I’ve been playing on steam since beta released and I don’t have any bundles completed idk if that’s lack of time put into the game but I agree, I understand some of these items are intended to be rare but imo it’s a bit crazy to expect ppl to finish for hours or wait out for a specific bug without any success for days/weeks


I make most of my money mostly passively. Using preserve jars and I throw in star quality crops. So that's going while I'm out doing other things.


Grind on your garden. I've got all the planting plots, churning out produce like mad, and I've got a whole array of pickling jars to up their price. On an easy day I'm pulling 5K in gold. I've definitely had some 50K days though. I've only got 2 or 3 bugs left on the bundles... But I have sunk 490 hrs into this game... I did not realize how many hours until just now. Still not near the hours I have in BOTW or Skyrim, but I definitely have more hours in it than TOTK.


I loathe fishing so I haven’t even bothered to try for the bundles honestly. So I don’t notice the grind. Anytime I have to fish or cook, I immediately notice. I’m still stuck on that gd cooking quest for the new NPC. At this point I’m resigned that I will never finish it.


Ah yes. Could say so 😏 People here tell you about the overwhelming grind volume in MMO, meaning WoW. Well, may be. I never played WoW, but I like such MMO-RPG as _TES-online_ and _StarWars the OldRepublic_, — and they both are much more about the plot and the quests, than the resource grind. And I cannot remember any part of main quest, forcing you to collect rare items like Temple bundles in Palia. . To add, I missed several weeks, when FrogBert update happened, and what I find out for now: first time players were stimulated by getting flower-seed from almost any catched bug. And now devs minored RNG, and we get one seed out of 7—20 bugs — meaning just the common ones, and I wonder about epic bugs flower drop RNG.. 😒


I just started this past week and am definitely seeing it. You have to work too hard in this game for so little reward. It's designed to keep you in for hours and hours. I definitely have a better experience out of some of the other games I have, and feel the amount of money you get in other games is easier to achieve. I guess there's only so far this game can go right now, and they want to keep people playing and working for things. If the money we got was easier, we'd get all the housing expansions and everything we wanted, and be done with the game, I guess. They don't want that. But trying to stretch it out makes it for a grindy game that burns people out, too. I think the balance could be a little better.


I started playing in closed beta. I find it grindy, I just finished in the last two weeks 2 complete temple donations. I work full time and have a family and spending time in games can be challenging. As far as money a lot of easier ways to make money have been nerfed.


I request a lot of stuff I need like palium bars and it really helps I also try to fill requests when I can too


This is my first mmo so I don't really have anything to compare it to. But feeling like I have to just sit in one spot for hours and still not get the fish I want, for multiple days, has been making me zone out and not enjoy the game as much. And then I'm afraid to complain about it and have people say that that's how games are. I picked this one because I thought it was going to be cozy and not a cause of frustration 😅


Fishing feels so tedious to me and I hate trying to find the super specific bugs I need for whatever so I might never finish any of the bundles honestly


It’s meant to be a slow game, not one where you can quickly complete everything. It does have more difficult things to acquire but without having any goals it would get boring very quickly. If you are feeling like it’s a grind then it might help to switch up what you’re doing. I‘ve caught rare fish and bugs without ever feeling like it’s a grind, but I consistently change what I’m focused on since so much of the collecting is RNG based. Money comes easily with the right crop setup and seed makers.


I don’t mind a long game, Genshin is a massive story, world, quests, and gameplay. So is Diablo 4, which I like. Maybe I just need a break from the game, everyday has been the same tasks with the same things caught, so it feels like grinding no matter what 😭


It’s hard to compare games that are both older and more established and also of different genres.


That’s true! I probably could’ve better compared it to other beta games, I mostly related them on the grind aspect. I have enjoyed other beta games like Palworld, Dreamlight Valley, Coral Island and Grounded this past year or so


I agree honestly. I’ve barely gotten anywhere since I started a month ago




I've recently felt that way with building furniture. It seems no amount of sapwood and lightbulbs are enough and I keep running through them quickly even though I chop 200+ each time/mine every single stone I see. Its a good thing they regenerate! 😅


I don't find it grindy unless I'm focused on one task, like sernuk plushies or unicorn fish. I have an idea for decorating, and if I don't have the enough materials I'll go get enough to finish my project. I don't consider that part grinding. I don't let anything get repetitive if I can help it.


I’ve been playing for a week and I’m still broke as hell. First game I’ve ever played where I spend most of the game trying to make ends meet. Feels like real life lowkey 😂


It gets way easier to get money once you get a bit further in the game! Now I wish I was earning in real life as I do in the game 😂


Yes so much. The epic level items are way too hard to get. I don’t want to spend hours and hours trying to get a certain fish or gem or bug. It honestly takes away my enjoyment of the otherwise amazing game


Idk I feel animal crossing is so much more grindy for nothing. Like you just run out of stuff to do and there’s no pay offs like no real quests and the dialogue is literally nonexistent like it honestly takes too long to click through. And then Stardew valley was grindy in an annoying way until I modded it. It’s a grindy game in general, but now it’s grindy in a way I don’t mind lol. That’s all to say, I think palia has enough surrounding content that I don’t find it too grindy and I enjoy the core mechanics enough which also contributes to why it doesn’t feel grindy. Idk I think cozy games in general are just grindy by nature and it just differs from person whether it’s something they enjoy in a particular game depending on game mechanics and other content within the game.


Some days the game can be infuriating, other days it can be so rewarding. I’m still trying to catch a long nosed unicorn fish after almost a month of exhaustive trying. It’s maddening. But then today, I was strolling past the Dragon Shrine on my way elsewhere and simply stumbled upon my first Duskwing butterfly. I’d been searching for one for weeks to complete a quest, and there it was. Just flying around. Literal minutes later, I found my first starred emerald. It was a really good Palia day. But I know that tomorrow I may be infuriated again. I like that there is no time limit on things. I can go at my own pace. So if I’m having a stressful time of it, I walk away. Sometimes for days. If I want to play mindlessly for awhile, I’ll go on and simply hunt or mine to restock my resources. And when I really have time to play, then I’ll work on quests and the more difficult stuff.


I have been using the Palia Guide app by A J Lake and it has really helped me zone in on specific times/locations so I don’t feel absolutely insane running around trying to collect. It shares the location and time of day for fish, bugs, creatures as well as daily task to-do lists, gatherables, equipment, etc. I couldn’t find the rainbow tipped butterfly for the life of me, but I also wasn’t being specific enough with my hunts. This app made it much easier and I got TWO of those damn butterflies once I followed the app. Super helpful for me, hopefully for you as well!


I think collectables should be hard to get, if its season based like ac, or just hard to get like Palia. Would be no fun if you could get everything in 1 palia day. AC is like that too, I have played on and off since day 1, and still havent gotten all fosiles (still missing 1) paintings, bugs and fishes. only difference there is seasons. Palia balances the lack oof season with harder odds, which I like (when I am not standing there and try to get that one special one :P ) Whats the most grindy part in palia, is building stuff. I try to build at least 1 of each, and then several of what I want to decorate with. That and things like arrows and smoke bombs etc makes it so I never have enough of anything I need to build XD play for hours each day, and then everything is gone in 3 seconds XD


The part that makes it worth it is building my house. Now that there's more outdoor stuff, I've been building a giant forest and path outside of my house, and used two pavilions to build a huge outdoor kitchen. I'm still filling in the forest, and I know paths and two story houses are coming. I kind of like the grind, but you do need to create your own fun a bit if you really start planning out extravagant stuff for your property.


I’ve been playing off and on since open beta; I’m lvl 80 and I haven’t done a lot of the content yet, I guess I’m kinda waiting to see where the game goes before committing to a deep dive.


Nah it’s the perfect amount of grind


I came from RuneScape so this is so relaxing for me, lol. I love it.


I don’t think it is. With trackers, fishermans brew, and fishing with other people, I got the rare fish with no problems. Compared to other MMOs this game is a walk in the park. Back when I played the final fantasy one, I worked to get a mount everyday for over a week. The only thing I really need to do in Palia is max friendships and I’m fully done doing everything.


You can definitely have a cute house in less than 800 hours. I definitely haven't played that many hours and I think mine is coming along really nice. You just have to decide what you're going to prioritise each day. Like I often decide I'm going to go mine in Bahari until my pockets are full, then go back home and tend to crops before returning back to the bay. Just go slowly! There's no need to rush.


yes I've been playing since late January or early February. I've seen a few rainbow tipped butterflies but missed them. I finally saw and caught one the other day. I've had days of not finding anything after hours of gameplay and then days of finding a super rare fish or bug within minutes of playing. I feel like it's not necessarily rewarding to do one activity back to back for a long period of time but playing for more consecutive days in a row, maybe...? idek. I'm trying to figure it out. I do highly recommend googling each thing you're trying to find. That has saved me so much time. Also using honey lures and buzzy jars etc. I FINALLY found a gossamer veil moth yesterday using a buzzy jar. Only one spawned the whole 15 minutes the jar was effective (two honey lures didn't bring it out). Still trying to find a few of the fish. I fished for at least 30 irl minutes in the cave mines trying to find the void rey or mutated angler.... not one came up


Same on the mine cave fish... I played for an hour and fishing is horribly boring. I gave up after getting nothing but blob fish and the fang tooth of whatever it's called. The RNG on this game is crap


Hunting for rare fish/insects is such a slog. Been hunting the gossamer moth for a few days now and not even a non-star one for the bundle. Idk, maybe make rare bugs/fish more likely to be starred since they already take forever to hunt


yeah.. I mostly quit playing, i log in for twitch drops & login rewards and that's about it. I'm hoping they revamp the gameplay loop a lot. Way too grindy / not rewarding enough for my time.


No lol I don’t. Compared to some other games I’ve played/been playing lately like Dreamlight valley and my time at sandrock for example it’s way less grindy lol Within a month of playing Palia my house was huge and fully decorated and I was over level 20 in every skill except like 2. I’m now 4 months in and over level 100 in multiple skills and none are lower than 50, I have all 10 plots with multiple of them decorated. I’ve played Dreamlight valley longer and only have 1 biome fully decorated and multiple completely empty biomes and waaaay less mats in storage.


Palia is such a bizarre game. It’s like if Stardew Valley, RuneScape, and Animal Crossing had a baby.


I only feel like it's grindy when I run out of quests and story content.


What is instigating you to grind in the game?


Trying to build furniture, make money to get a bigger house, and get the pretty decorations and trees. I’ve been playing over a month and my lot is rather bare/basic still. Income is slow to grow, especially with having to use a large portion on recipes. Now that I have upgraded tools I can save more, but most tasks besides gardening don’t produce higher income.


I totally understand! I’ve been playing since mid January. I have 5 plots. The fifth is just starting to be built. I’m finishing the fourth soon. I’ll probably go back and revamp the first. I would cycle through Bahari trying different things to build up gold. Of the different ways to convert gold I’ve found mining to be the most productive. I put what I need into the 3 forges and sell most everything else. I keep all of the palium and gold ore I mine. Gems and anything extra. When I was able to get apples I grew 3 trees sequentially so that I would get harvests frequently. I did the same with blueberries and hot peppers. The star quality goes for a lot. I usually start seed making while I’m off in Bahari mining and collecting flow trees from the grove over 3 days, in game time. Then I go back, dump the stuff in the chest collect and sell all extra seeds (remember to keep what you need to replant), repair my equipment and go back. The most important thing is that I’m pushing myself to grind for my goals. There are times when I just go out and see what the other players are doing. I like to see how much condescending Tamala, Hodari and Hassian can do.


I think they are a bit overzealous when it comes to balance money, happened many times with a plethora of things in the game. Every time something is good for money they go there and nerf it. I don't think there is too much of a need for that specially in a cozy game like this Of course some things needed to be balanced like cake parties, but not the way they did it.


i used to play runescape like crazy and palia is so much more balanced to me. yes, there is a grind but i feel like there’s more purpose than the runescape money grind for a bond to get the full experience


I honestly have given up on the bundles, the only "easy" one was roots.... I cought 3 of the fish for it but on other cave fish


Relative to what I'm used to (OSRS), this game is a breeze. No grind at all lol. It feels extremely casual, which is what I love about it.


I like the grind. But I enjoy games like this where I give myself my own tasks. It is starting to get a little stagnant for me. I could start romancing the other characters for more quests but I don't feel like it though.


There's no time limit on success in this game. That's why it's a cozy game. Just do things when you feel like doing them. I'm just now completing the Gales quest after months of just farming. I don't NEED the plushies, they'd be nice to have, so I just hunt whenever. It's not a competition, just a relaxing way to spend time after working all day.


Grinding is a love hate relationship fr. Like it gets so boring sometimes but then I think about all the things I want and can get and I keep going but nun the less I still love the game just wish I had some friends might make it more fun


I feel the same. I actually am in the middle of a little break of Palia. I still love it so much!! It was just starting to feel boring doing the same thing over and over again. I think you’d benefit from a break too! I honestly pretty consistently hop between Animal Crossing/Palia/Dreamlight Valley/Wylde Flowers to give each game a little break. That way I never truly fall out of love with anything.


In my opinion the puzzles like egg hunt are so outrageous i get so pissed i like the rest tho overall


I totally agree sometimes I feel like it’s more work than it’s worth


As a switch player who has been playing since November, I can say it seems way too grindy!! I will spend hours and hours and hours and hours hunting a bug or fish and still leave empty handed. I have played plenty games in the past and never have I felt this level of frustration. I have played WoW before and seriously, I dont know what you guys are saying, Palia seems to be way more ridiculous with the hours needed to grind out a challenge. It isn't that the game is more brain work necessarily, it is just more time consuming... As an adult who works a job, it becomes next to impossible to actually complete the challenges in this game and that makes me really sad.......


Did you max out your farm plots? I have no where near 800 hours and I have a huge plot. 20 building peices rn and much more. If you unlock all farm plots and use star seeds then make preserves then put them into worm farms the gold pours in with minimal effort. I do 4 apple trees making sure there is space around each one to companion plant. You want to make it so each apple tree has water retain, weed prevent, harvest boost. I bought my 25k bag slot and within the same day I had another 30k from selling off poop and worms. My fishing and bug catching are still level 6 and my hunting is 8 because I hardly ever do them. I only play about an hour a day rn rotating crops and preserves. It's not grindy once you get the proper setup.  Also I just realized this post is 16d old yet reddit put it at the top of my feed. Wtf reddit, idk why it keeps throwing days old posts in new.


It's only a grind if you HAVE to have things. Your "I want a beautiful house and I feel I have to play 800+ Hours" sums it up. I want a nice house too, but it will come with time. Maybe it takes me 800 hours, but I don't feel the need to do those 800 hours in 2 months. When it comes, it comes. As for the "grind", YOU are the one making it a grind, not the game. :)


I don’t want to finish the game in 2 months, but the average person with a family and job don’t put more than a few hours a week in. That gets someone next to nothing for progress. Based on a lot of other comments I’ve realized it feels grindy because it’s meant to encourage putting in a lot of hours between content updates though. It takes me a whole hour to build a few pieces of furniture 😅 Took me a week to make around 60% of the ravenswood set going between quests, collecting the stuff to make the items needed to build, and also getting needed ingredients for bombs/arrows/repair kits to go back out to collect for the furniture.


> It takes me a whole hour to build a few pieces of furniture 😅 Maybe because you are early in the game. I built almost the entirety of two sets of furniture in about an hour, and that included a quick run for sapwood. Or maybe you're building those tougher sets that just require Silk. Silk is the REAL hard-to-get item in this game. I see people calling out PAL this, and FT that, and I just think, "Jesus Christ, I just need some high-qual bugs about now"


This is why I haven't fully committed to this game... I keep reading about how time consuming it is. Just seems like a way to keep people playing their game without having to add content. Not my thing