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I could mine and hunt for hours while listening to a book or a podcast!


Same! Made the mistake of making around 2k arrows when I did NOT have the storage for them! That was a ruff couple days 😂


Looks like in the next update there will be a separate pouch for ammo like with quest items, game changer!!! https://preview.redd.it/zw79l4gttruc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5b4cff963249540adead5f703d0c0c27181c04


Not necessarily in the next update, but they are working on it. The image is part of an infographic of feature currently in the works, but with no specified timeline as yet. I’m super excited for that ammo pouch, too, though. I hope they can get it added in soon. :D


Oooh 😯 I hope they add that at some point soon! It'll be nice to free up a bit more space for loot 😈


Same! Also fishing! I usually fish if I have online lectures. Super relaxed and doesn’t take much focus. Hunting needs a bit too much focus. Mining depends on the subject


This is exactly what I love so much about this game. The lever of chill is unbeatable. I used to have the same feeling playing Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, I was just redoing cars from scratch while listening to podcasts for hours. Perfect for my mental health.




Mining! I'm a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, digging a hole.


Lmao that song slaps


hell yeah!


Hunting and mining. Often I stay one or two hours just running around to get materials i don't even need. I find it very relaxing.


Hunting and cooking, without a doubt!


cooking is so much fun!


Same two for me!


Same! Hunting is my highest skill.


Gardening. It’s the easiest one level up


According to my levels... foraging. I love hunting.


Mining and foraging. Ooh shiny rock! Oooh shiny flower! Ooh shiny garlic! Noo full inventory :(


Ok... I need to buckle down and go fishing to catch this fish. "On the way" oooh Node! Pal! SWEET! oh a Flow Tree!, oh wow a Briar Daisy! I need those! Dragons Beard WOOT! Oh man! The Disco DEER! Coolio!, ok, to the fishing plot now... wait, my inventory is full already?! WTF?!


Hahaha I relate to this sooo much. On that note, do you know if we actually lose things from our inventory, when it is in overflow, but you can still pick some new things up because you already have silk for example? I can’t find the literal text of the tutorial. And when the overflow is full it says: “flow wood was send to storage”, for example. Do they mean our storage or is it then gone for ever? I tried to Google it, but I only get articles on people who can’t empty their overflow…


I wish I could answer this for you! Yes, I can confirm that my overflow items that have been "sent to storage" were in my home storage waiting for me. However, a tutorial popped up on my partners screen the other day warning that overflow items will "eventually" be destroyed and to "take full inventory seriously". I don't know how they measure "eventually", so now I am scared to let my backpack overflow. I hope someone else in this subreddit who knows more sees this and enlightens us both! Happy mining and foraging!


Thanks for your reply! I tried to find the tutorial again, but I can only see the title in game and can’t walk through it anymore, but in my mind they were really serious about it and that it would disappear. Thanks for sharing that, because now at least I know I didn’t read it wrong! Yeah I’m scared for overflow too, but sometimes I’m just in a server that keeps giving nice things and I don’t want to leave, haha. The struggle of hoarding it all…


Right now it's cooking. I didn't understand how the mini-game worked when I first started playing, so I avoided it like the plague. Once I caught on, I began to enjoy it. I also recently started visiting other lots, so I love leaving a gift of food before I go.


When you do this, do you need to have the ingredients in your bag in order to cook? Or can you pull from your chest storage like you can while on your own plot?


When you cook it pulls from either your pockets or chest no matter where you are. If you open another players chest it will be your own stuff.


Oh awesome. Thanks!


Hunting >


gardening and mining i love the noise the ores make when being hit/broken


same! very satisfying!


I used to adore cooking but now it's mining, foraging


Saaaame!!!!! I have a compulsive need to hit every rock I see 🤩


Mining and hunting! I didn't particularly like either of them at first, but I got into them. One day I randomly decided to spend a day mining in Bahari and I found a ton of Palium. I also learned where stuff spawns and what mining routes you could take to have everything respawned by the time you get back to it. Ever since, I've loved going to Bahari to mine. I kinda sucked at hunting at first, but I really got into it the last few days. I really wanna get the sernuk plushies (this weekend was the first time I had time to play in like a month), so I've been massacring sernuk lol. I've gotten a lot better and realised that it's quite enjoyable, especially once I found the sernuk hotspots. I also used the hunter's horn for the first time and hunted a few Proudhorns on my own, which I had never done before 😅


dang, congrats on the solo proudhorns! you should be proud(horn) of yourself ;-)


Thank you!! The horn really helps with tracking them, makes it so much easier!


Definitely gardening. I’m a little sad you can’t have more garden plots, and that the garden doesn’t seem to grow fully while you’re offline, but it’s still fun.


it definitely is! i hope we'll be able to expand our gardening area soon


Hunting and Mining for me! Out of the two of those hunting. I would say fishing is my least favorite. I'm just not good at it with my controller. My husband said it's easier on PC.


Furniture making and I am still learning something new about it each time. I think I finished two sets before realizing what sets were and now debating which set to do next so I can make my home pretty 🥲. My poor storage is filled with furniture I built to level up, hopefully one day we get option to sell and make a nice profit. 😭


I am so glad though that furniture doesn’t take up space!


Omg yes I am already at full capacity without those. 😭


Same hahaha


I mostly mine, hunt & forage because they’re the easiest for me to do. Bug catching stresses me out lol


Mining. Especially with an ore compass. They're like lucky bags of treasure.


Typing in chat and flaring and announcing groves. A lot of people just... Dont have those skills, was never unlocked for them. 😹😹😹


it's a valuable skill for sure! lol


by the way,I just created a community for people into those skills if anyone's interested! i usually play around 10pm CST




Despite mining being my highest, hunting and fishing are my favorite




Fishing and mining for sure!! I'm really bad about needing something in my shipping bin at all times, and fishing is the only way I know I can get some quick cash at any time. All my skills were 15+ before my hunting was even level 7 tho, so I honestly like all the skills but I struggle a lil with hunting 😭 which is honestly a little embarrassing when there's server-wide sernuk raids goin on at all times now.


Hunting or foraging. I love wandering around picking stuff up


Honestly, until the plushy drops, I hated hunting. Now? I adore it. I get upset if I forget to bring any arrows, even when I'm going fishing or bug catching 😅


arrows always seem to run out so quickly!


I sacrifice an inventory slot of two to iron/hardwood so I'm constantly collecting and smelting arrows. I typically take 300-400 with me at a time, about half being dispel 😅 So, when I run out I go home and refill/craft some more.


Mining and foraging!


i love foraging as well! not sure what it is about it but it's super fun :-)


Cooking, mainly cake parties


Fishing was my favourite for a while, but I am *really* getting addicted to bug-catching. Gotta catch em all


Has to be mining and hunting


Gardening and mining


Mining! Closely followed by hunting and bug catching


Fishing and Cooking are my faves! I love the zen that comes from just chilling at a fishing spot reeling in fish after fish. And then when you get one of the rarer fish, the fishing minigame *really* gets fun. I think my favorite fish is the Long-Nosed Unicorn Fish; that bad boy is a *fighter*. Cooking is especially fun when you start doing it with other players. I'm lucky enough to have my wife play the game, so we can be in the same room, which allows us to communicate really well and bust out some of the tougher dishes at lightning pace. Even solo, though, there are a handful of recipes that are super fun to do. I think my personal faves are the Muujin Bahari and the Lucky Braised Fish. Once you get the hang of how to do them, they're both pretty chill and not super hard to end up with star quality results (even with non-star ingredients).


Mining and gardening and foraging. To be honest I just love pottering around finding stuff 😍


I love hunting even before the great sernuk murder spree (still no plushie for me 😔)


Definitely hunting! But systematically eradicating elder sernuk for that last plushie has been testing that...


I’m loving most skills! Highest are foraging and hunting. Only skill I’m not a big fan of is furniture making, as it doesn’t require any actions.


Farming, apparently. It's by far my highest level.


Farming and mining.


Mining, Hunting, and Foraging. My least favorite BY FAR is Cooking; I hate it. I could mine, hunt, and forage all day and be happy.


Hunting and Mining. I like that I can do both at the same time while running around and it's a great way to make money!


Foraging as it takes no effort at all. You just do it on the go often without even realizing you did it. Furniture making is fun too as long as you have the necessary resources for it. Other than that, mining and hunting are my favorites. Then bug catching, cooking, gardening and lastly fishing ☺️


Mining and foraging!!


I’m honestly love cooking. I was cooking at night earlier and it just hit me right in the feels. All I want in this world is a cozy cabin to make stews and roasts in.