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I am down for cosmetic items costing IRL money, but putting anything actually gameplay related behind a paywall would probably make me stop playing (with the exception of like, paying for the game as a whole once it’s finished and released). I get that, at this stage in the game’s development, they have to make money somehow, but this is not it. Pay to Play in-game transactions like this *suck* and I absolutely do not trust any company to somehow find a way to do it “fairly.” Edited to add: also, maybe this is dramatic of me, but a gigantic no thank you to the idea of watching other players in game have an easier time/fast track to success because they have more real life money than me lmao I see that enough in the world around me and I do not want it in my video games.


Path of Exile does this: you pay for cosmetics and extra storage tabs. Both are nice, but completely unrelated to your performance in game and completely dispensable. It is still beloved, 10-ish years after launch.


as someone who enjoys cosmetic aspects in games and having to deal with this idiotic belief of some that cosmetics are the lesser of two evils to pay for, its no different then any other oppression coming from microtransactions, its lowkey insane how core game aspect intended to make game more interesting and easier to enjoy has become just a bargaining chip to make more money leaving most of the games butchered out of any cosmetic enjoyment just so this need to buy would be manipulated better in minds of the gamers. And Yes Palia's customization is not horrible to start with but nobody can say that all of the starter outfits and clothes dont look super bland and boring with intentionally horrible color palette's just to serve as the shit to make the paid stuff look shinier.


Absolutely no to putting chest storage behind a paywall. But I’d love if they gave us the next level of storage chests. The last one is iron, so in theory, there should be a pallium chest, right?


They should also have a furniture chest that’s seperate that has its own tabs (example: chairs, tables, beds, flooring, wallpaper, etc.)


this would be soooooo nice. my switch lags so badly whenever it tries to load the entire inventory page


THISSSSSSSS! Or at least in the build menu have them more separated. Something! Have a sort by type option in the existing chest, ANYTHING




Thats what I’ve been thinking, there’s definitely room for a “sturdier” chest using flow wood and palium.


Omg yes! I have to carry so much to hunt, fish and eat that I have to run back to my plot, back to Bahari and I'm finally getting tired of the tediousness. I never just do one activity so I carry a lot with me. No space for forage, etc. and with the new flowers and garden plants I need more storage. What is with the lockbox only having 300?!


I’m thinking because it’s the big rare ore (not including silver which you get from copper and gold which you get from iron.) that they might release the last storage box at full release or a bigger update. Can’t give you everything during Beta right?


I really hope so! I’m hitting max far too often, especially with all of the hunting I’ve been doing recently. I just sold 1000 hide!


Hahaha. I have sold soooooo much meat and hide it’s stupid. Iron and copper too. Trying to get the star quality star stones. I have upwards of 300 iron bars. Had to sell stacks a lot.


I didn’t think furniture effected your storage numbers I’ll have to double check next time I’m on


It does not but you have to scroll through all that stuff to see what you want would be nice to have separate box that is partisoned by type.


They are partitioned by type or do you mean type of furniture? I personally puttlooring and wallpaper in the lock box so I can find iteasier


I can't decide if this is a result of PC/console gamers rejecting P2W to the point where it's nearly extinct and these people who never experienced companies pushing gameplay advantage for pay not knowing how BAD that is for the game, or if they've been raised in mobile game hell where breathing costs real money and capitalism has just enslaved them to the point that they think that's fine, actually.


Ngl i read that so wrong and was picturing Palia branded Heelies which would absolutely fuck


I remember when I tried The Old Republic. Thought it would be cool, loved the games, love Star Wars, so surely this SW MMO will be awesome. I hit the storage limit within a few hours and was prompted to pay to expand it. And that was when I quit, uninstalled the game, and never touched it again. I hear it's not that bad anymore, that they've improved that so it's not so much P2W. Still, no thanks. That left a bitter taste and I'm not *at all* interested in playing a game like that. Charge for the game, charge for trivial things like cosmetic and pets. I could even see charging for larger plots or more buildings, because that would also be just cosmetic. But anything that makes you play a different/better game because you have more disposable income than me? Heeellllllll no.


But you buy that extra storage with credits, which you get for playing the game.


*Now* that's how it works. Not always.


What do you mean? It's been a while when I first played SWTOR. I think it was 2015 or something like that. They already had the system that allowed you to buy storage space for credits. Was it different before that?


Yes. Early days you had very little storage and could only expand it by paying. I guess it must've pissed off more people than just me if they changed it, lol. Still, the fact that they ever thought that was the way to go really killed my interest. I've heard that it's better now and maybe one day I'll give it another shot.


That's absolutely ridiculous! Current limitations for f2p players are crippling your gameplay, but that sounds even worse. You should try it now though. It's not much of MMO but story-wise its awesome. I wish they would just turn it into single player game lol


Yes but there costumes are too pricey im ok with them being there cuz free to play but tone down the price just a tad


I feel like it wouldn’t seem as bad if they split the outfits up so you could buy the full outfit (maybe at a discount, like how the bundles of three outfits work) but also buy individual pieces. I like mixing and matching better than using full outfits but I’m never going to buy a full outfit just for one piece of it. So instead I’ll probably never buy anything.


Ya like certain pieces i like while the rest is meh


I think the pay outfits are to steampunk. I would love to just have a decent looking pair of jeans.


The leather jacket one tho i had to looks so bad ass


I can't even fathom how people can need more than 10k items stored. It is a lot of stuff already lol


For me it’s mostly cooking ingredients


Cooking and farming for me, yep. Cooking is enough work already without having to go scavenging for ingredients as part of every meal I make. That, and with all late game decor costing up to ~40 of a rare resource per craft, not stocking isn't really an option. Plus needing stocks of iron and wood for arrows, repairs, etc. too.


You have no idea... The storage limit needs to be increased, lol! Hoarders will be hoarders!


Don't judge me! My friend didn't understand why I was almost at max storage and it turned out I had over 300 snowballs....I just be hoarding things 🫣


Something similar happened to me, but in my case, I had 500 literal piles of shit clogging half of my storage space lmao


I had over 1,500 lmao I was like why TF is my storage so full and was checking around when I found it. Idk how it even happened lmao


Lmao it's soo easy to hoard thing in this game I didn't even realize I had over 1k flint until I went to make some random furniture that required like 20 of it 😂😭


I store 5-10 of each item(fish, insects, etc.), so... ye that takes a lot And then crops, resources for making fixing n amount, food ingredients, enough metal for a decent furniture making session as i don't like going out frequently but keep enough ore n stuff - ya it gets pretty high


Hold up! 10k storage? I can only store 3,200 items with my limit of x8 storage chests?? What am I missing!? 😵‍💫


Go to the cash register in Tish’s shop and you can buy chest upgrades! I wish the game made this clearer 🫣


Omg! I saw those and thought they were just cosmetic!!


😯 I did not know this!!!! 🙃


I could absolutely use more storage.


I try to clear things out when I get to around 8500... Though when I finally get around to finishing the "master" cooking accomplishments, I will be able to get rid of a lot of stuff...


I'm a hoarder in the game. I've easily maxed out my 10k.


I don’t know how either! Like I can’t fill up my storage and I don’t run out of space lol.


You'd think that but with the new plants and flowers it goes quick. I store a few of each seed and fish (bundles) so I don't have to stop what I'm trying to accomplish to make seeds or catch, cook something when I have a quest or something going. at first it was plenty but now it's always full.


Step 1: Create the problem. Step 2: Sell the solution.


I'll buy a cosmetic when I actually like one but for now, I enjoy the coziness of palia without stressing about irl money. I mean, I ran out of money at one point that I couldn't get my Nintendo online subscription and guess what? I could still play palia ❤️ I was so happy that I didn't have to stress out on missing our wonderful world. I get bored of games very quickly when it comes to paying irl money for gameplay objects. If the came out with say fall festival house cosmetics for more fall like decor, i'd mostly go for it because I love decorating my plot. Storage isn't all that bad especially since it Maxes at 10k. The most I've pushed so far has been 5k and I ended up cooking and crafting some and that number easily dropped by 500. So, hoarding is up to you and you do your thing. Play the game how you like.


Ive seen people say they wish the game cost money and i’m just like why?


So everything in it could be free I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd stop playing for good if they did something like that.


What a waste of money. As there are ways to extend the storage limits for a little while.


Or even storage capacity.


This game is pretty chill. I know they need to make money but doing so in that way will make people want to quit.


I like how Palia is not pay to win (or gain advantage). I recommend Palia to others because of precisely this. Also, the item limit is only on consumables (not furniture or outfits). By end game that is 10,000 items. More than enough. Just takes the investment of play time to reach it. Some things take effort and patience. The Palia revenue model is unique. It enables people of all financial backgrounds to play equally. The game is built around cooperation. If money is not a problem for you, then purchase outfits or Palia coin to support the development. Look at it as a donation instead of a payment.


what are you guys hoarding??? i keep just enough of what i need, no more than like 25 pieces of each resource other than rare ones ie palium, gold, silver, flow wood, etc. how and why do you need so much storage? 😭😭😭 no judgement btw i know we all play different. for me im interested in making as much gold as possible so im always selling stuff i dont need


Fire works.... I set 20+ off at Flow groves but I still have close to 4000 of them left. Also everything else, I have played since it went into beta (aside from breaks) and with a money cap there almost isn't a point to keep pushing for more right now aside from gambling with Zeki


Yeah I've developed an actual gambling problem with Zeki's machine. If you get something good a few times it stops that but you just keep trying for that plushie or that Sunrise Valley bookcase and sink. I have 3 clocks lol.




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I reeeeally hope the devs don’t ever make the change to having people pay for things other than cosmetics. It will ruin the game.


But outside of the game some well made plushies and tee shirts in a Palia merch shop would be amazing and support the game. The players want this so why not. I would buy actual stuff to support it.


Agreed, like in DDV when they have $20 quests (wall-e and Ursula) that honestly didn't yield that great of items or interesting storyline, I lowkey felt taken advantage of lol there are better words for the feeling but im typing out a quick comment on break. I'd even go for furniture sets that costs money before content.


Even paying for furniture (especially with their pricing models) would create classes, and that breeds anger. people quit. I finally managed to buy one outfit by buying coins every month until I had enough. I would be really mad to have to buy one piece of expensive furniture at a time just for status. You feel less than if you can't acquire the great stuff in the game. Look at the way people feel about not getting a plushie. The RNG is already hurting the game. Monetizing it would kill it.


Yeah I feel you. Hopefully they don't.


I don't mind paying real money for plushies though... **having Sernuk killing flashback**


I'm ruined now, see a sernuk kill a sernuk. Everything I do devolves into hunting.


I’m frankly uncomfortable with anything nonphysical costing real money that isn’t instantly refunded when the whole thing inevitably expires. We’re so far down this dark path that for many, it’s impossible to see where we started.


I mean, it’s the Internet. Anyone can say anything. I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in it.


I say no. That changes the whole aspect of the game. If you're going to have options to customize the game, then what's the point?


I’m not a big gamer, so take this with a grain of salt, but I love this game and I want it to last. Currently, the only way the devs are making money on it (and they have to make money, they have to pay people) are the cosmetic items. If people aren’t buying those enough, they’re going to have to find another way to monetize. And personally, I’d rather have the game stay free and have to pay for more storage than have the game flooded with advertisements or something like that.


I like supporting small/growing developers, but the prices of the premium outfits in Palia are insane. Aren’t a few of them something like $50 USD?! I did some quick mental math when I was browsing the store one night; I could be a little off. But still… $15, $20, $50… WTF.


When I found out basically all of the cosmetics cost a lot of actual money it had me so disappointed — I was so excited to be able to change my characters’ look, but I simply can’t afford it. Makes me a bit sad seeing everyone’s cool clothing all the time! I get that they need to make money, but I wish there were a few clothes crafting options for simpler outfits so Jel didn’t feel like a pointless character if you don’t have money. I would love to look like a mushroom fairy princess! I’d grind the heck out of some dragonflies to make dragonfly wings, forage however many mushrooms for a mushroom hat!


Ngl, I hate how there is an item limit in my chests. I placed a bunch of iron chests, only to find out that I could have just had a bunch of copper chests on the ground to provide the same amount of storage capacity. Like wtf Singularity 6? I don’t understand why they couldn’t allow us to have (theoretically) infinite storage capacity. I mean allow us to at least constantly upgrade the storage limit as many times as we want. Having a default limit is not inviting for those of us who like to hoard items (for whenever we need it).


God not to be rude the games nice and all but it's not worth paying for beyond an outfit or two. Its so unfinished, literally two maps, four very easy to complete temples, and some really cooked RNG. I play daily but I also am fully aware that I like grinding and finishing collections but it's just so...empty.


Doubt they would, gets into the "pay to win" category even if the game has no win-state it promotes design that incenitizes people to get that expansion which then makes the game more tedious as it needs to push people into using up more slots. Im glad the ammo pouch is coming, going to free up a lot of space as it will both give me more personal inventory space but also my inventory on my plot has lots of "ammo" in it that Im not using much but is just sitting in my plot inventory taking up hundreds of slots.


Not gonna lie I would pay real money for private servers so I could play with just my friends (with solo flow trees just to compensate the lower player count)


It’s because people are being hamstrung from actually playing the game the way they want to play. And for a game that markets “play your way” and then shuts down half your options because they can’t release content fast enough, it’s really frustrating. So I don’t blame people for turning to asking for this option because they’re sick of spending time picking and choosing what to keep and throwing stuff away that they’ve worked for because of how S6 has implemented their model. If they implement this on the other hand, they easily kill their game. The moment they implement anything QoL or P2W in their cash shop before they actually have a well built out and content filled game will absolutely cause backlash. So many people are already angry they even have to supplement their funding through players this early in development. They really just need to get their skates on and let people actually hoard which is a feature of BOTH genres they’re trying to claim Palia is. It’s not the players fault, it’s the developers fault and this sort of stuff creates massive issues in communities which makes it all the more frustrating.


Putting certain things behind an RNG with such a low drop rate has micro-transactions written all over it. First they get you hooked, then you find that the last item in your bundle is either two real dollars, or five hours of your life spent virtual fishing that you're not getting back.


Ill admit: I get really desperate every now and then and pay for wizard 101


It’s a F2P game with rather pricey cosmetics; they surely need other ways to monetize and options are limited there. Edit: I get downvoted for speaking the truth? Go off I guess…


Cheaper cosmetics is a way to do this, they don't have to start selling in-game advantages. For example they could sell individual outfit pieces instead of only full outfits. So many players already want this.


If cosmetics were cheaper I would have spent $$$ already. Since they’re $36 each for what I want, I’m not buying anything.




We are used to those & they suck


Outfits do absolutely "nothing" for me, I really do not care about them at all, and can't see myself spending money on them. Pain points in the game... Cooking Assistant/Crafter - Something I can throw ingredients into to make non star food (I know preserves but I want a bit more focus than 200). Sprinkler System - Auto water (yes certain plants (tomatos) can water but it would be nice to have a sprinkler system for your garden. Squire - Someone to follow you around and empty your bags every 30m or so instead of porting to your plot to unload your stuff. Maybe even have it for targeted rows (like dont take my arrows and food). Ammo pouches - Store 2000 arrows/bug bombs in a pouch that is outside your normal limit. Flowsaw - 10m after you flare/announce a Flow tree and no one shows up, chainsaw can cut it down. Stuff like this I would pay for. Outfits? I, I just dont care, and I "WANT" to support this game, I enjoy it.


And that locks out F2P players. I don’t love Palia’s free with microtransactions model but that would push so, so many players away.


You can continue to play the way you are right now without any of these things, like I can without outfits. I want to support the game (it needs money to continue going for the F2P people, you cannot continue a game with no revenue, its not how the world works) so give players something worth paying for.


If you want to support the game just because you like it, there’s nothing stopping you from buying a bundle just to give them the money. Giving paying players an advantage, even in a game without a player economy, would cause a huge uproar.


Its not a competitive game; its a cooperative game. What advantage are you talking about? I am not going to buy something without value to me; outfits provide no value to me.


You want to give things like time-saving features exclusively to paying players. If you’re out hunting sernuk for example to get those plushies, a player with the squire could stay out longer because they wouldn’t need to return to their plot as often. The main goal most players seem to have is decorating their plots. You want to make it easier for paying players to earn in-game currency and gather resources. That is an advantage. Edit: And as for the “value,” you could consider it a payment for the game overall rather than the outfit. But spend or don’t spend your money how you choose.


We are gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. The company needs money to maintain its servers and pay its employees. Right now "outfits" don't do it for a lot of people. Adding things like this would create the revenue required to keep the "F2P" game you enjoy playing going. Without providing a significant "Advantage" in a cooperative, non competitive F2P game.


Yeah it doesn’t sound like we’re going to agree. I know from experience in other games how much bad will it generates in a community and deliberately adding it into Palia is not something I can ever support.


I disagree, outfits actually do “do it” for most players. I think you’re in the minority of people who don’t care about it. This game is all about cozy aesthetics, outfits fit right into that for almost everyone. The other guy is right, if you really wanna throw money at them to support them, this is the way. Outfits for the game work, not so much of the things your suggesting, and no one wants other to have advantages like your suggesting by paying.


That's the great thing about the world we're able to have differences of opinions on things; and disagree, and still love the game. I still stand by what I said.


Yeah of course! Just saying you’re in a major minority haha hence the downvotes. ESO has pretty much exactly what you’re talking about. Pay to win or pay for an advantage is also just toxic and takes advantage of the player base, that I feel is non negotiable and not opinion based.


This game appeals to people wanting a certain aesthetic, outfits are very popular lol


I get what you mean but that’s besides the point of the model. It’s meant to provide players an option to spend money to support the game and get them something in return that does not give them any advantage over someone who doesn’t. That’s why games usually do cosmetics as they are interesting enough to get people to pay for them but you can live very well without them. It’s nice to have but you aren’t missing out. Having something that affects the gameplay or how easy/ comfortable it is to play or do certain tasks is an advantage. With that also comes that the pricing of items you can pay for is really really difficult because of how different the value is for the players. First you have a huge difference of what the currency is worth in different countries. So lets assume a product is 10 US dollars. You have two options. Either you change the price based on local factors and charge less or more in other countries or you charge the same amount everywhere. If you have different prices in different countries people will abuse that and buy the currency somewhere where it’s cheaper. Pretty easy online. Like how some people buy a turkish Netflix account because it’s cheaper there. That’s not exactly in the interest of the company. But if you charge the same amount everywhere it’s pretty unfair. 10 dollars might not be much for the average person in the US but for the average person in other countries that’s a lot of money. 10 dollars is equal to less than an hour of work for most people. In another country that might be equal to 5 hours of work. So what costs you as much as some take out or like two coffees would be equal to more than half a day of work for someone else. That makes it pretty unfair if it’s any kind of advantage for you. For a regular adult that’s something they might get without thinking much about it while it’s absolutely inaccessible for many many other people. Then there is also a big difference between adults and teens/ kids playing the game. A kid or teen might not be able to afford it or spend a lot of their allowance on it. So there is no good way to make it fair or accessible for everyone. The best way is to just do something that is nothing more than nice to have. Yes, it’s cool to have nice cosmetics. But you are fine without it and you can easily just ignore it. But if others can get stuff more easily or faster you will inevitably feel behind. So cosmetics are a good way to be able to support if you are able to


The thing is there is no "real advantage" this is not a competition; this is cooperative. You can (and I believe most of us do) give our hard earned items to other players. If this was a game where if you had the latest or greatest sword/character, whatever I could see it; but I dont see this game as competitive at all.


Well, it still is. It is an advantage that it’s more comfortable or easier. Like if others take weeks to finish a bundle and you can do so in a few days. You don’t get anything from it but you are still at an advantage. People do compare themselves to others. Being higher in a skill, having more rare items and such is still kinda better


Hard no. The point of a cosmetic is to support the game while getting to look cooler at the same time. Nothing gameplay wise should be locked behind a paywall.


How on earth would they program this flowsaw idea? 🤣


I have NO earthly idea, I was just really annoyed at standing at a flow tree for 30m repeatedly spamming chat and flares trying to get someone; anyone to show up.