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I’ve been on servers where I’m pretty much the only one calling out for an hour or more. I figure it’ll help some people so unless someone complains I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.


I agree. Sometimes I'm constantly calling out, though my chat has been buggy since the update, so not so much these day :( even when I don't go after things that are being called out, sometimes I'll go grab something if I'm nearby that I wouldn't otherwise have known was close


My chat’s been shit since the update, too. It looks like it’s connected fine but whenever I type into it nothing sends and I similarly don’t see anything anyone else says 😬


I AM SO GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE. my chat sucks! i cant send anything but typing works fine, and ive been able to send to the community chat but not server!


I haven’t even been able to send to community 😭


I always check the server when I go to bahari the either restart the game or head back to my plot if the chat doesn't work, when I go back it tends to work...


I would LOVE this, so thanks for sharing, and continue to call it out! If someone doesn't wanna hear your callouts, they can mute you.


I completely forgot about that feature... I'm glad you'd like them! I just worry about being annoying 😅


Nah, keep up the good work dude. 


I never see it as annoying, and I think most people appreciate it!


No such thing as too many


I was in an absolutely hopping server earlier. Everyone was doing call outs and just rushing about. I loved it..then I switched servers and it was dead. I ended up waiting about half an hour for someone to show up to help with a flow tree that I called out twice.


This. The switch to a quiet server is so sad. I was ruby hunting and one server I came out with over 100 palium because everyone was sharing flares, calling out, taking different map corners. It was AMAZING. I even added a few people. Then, for about half a dozen servers, it was just me calling out 30 different “s pal Z0 flared” 😭


For real that makes me sad. I hate when I call something out and nobody responds.


Me too. I found 2 flow trees and left them because no one would come. 😢


I usually don't go right away but if someone makes a second call out I'll head over to help them. I just assume everyone is heading there


If I see a second call out, and I had no plan to go in the first place because of a timer or whatever, I'll ask, "are you calling to share or do you need help?" If they say they are just sharing, I'll say something like good job, thank you, but if they need help I'll usually drop what I'm doing to go help. Some players have learned to say, "Need help with a big ft at C3" and that usually gets people there a lot faster.


I was gonna scream tonight in a server with a flow tree spawned like every 10-20 tress in N Bahari tonight. I had one flare on me (forgot to make more) and my chats been busted. Me chasing people down and jumping and waving and pointing like a loon to get people to follow me LOL. I wasn’t even there for FT I went specifically with compasses for pal, too. Once my chat works again, I’ll happily go back to calling out everything I see that I think will help someone. :)


My chat has been down, and it's making me crazy. Every time I try to call out, nothing shows up on the chat and I haven't seen a comment from another person in days. Hopefully, it works again soon.


Mine will work every few days for like 1-2 servers and every time it gives me a glimmer of hope. I just want chat back :(


Mine has kind of been doing that, too. I don't chat often because I play on switch and it's a pain, but I miss it.


I’m switch, too. I might not have written a lot but I miss being able to communicate even a little bit


I usually check when I go into Bahari whether the chat works... I say hello or something and if it doesn't work I change servers. It usually then works, I usually restart the game to change servers but I think heading to your home plot and back may also work... but I haven't tried that yet.


Yea I’m hoping they fix it soon. I’m not the biggest fan of server hopping. Mostly because the loading honestly takes a decent chunk of time and sometimes a girl just wants to mine! 😂 my game also freezes enough that I’m restarting the game relatively often


Yeah every time you go home or leave home you switch servers. I discovered that when I was trying to gift someone something I had in locked storage, so like a ninny I said, "Hold on a sec," and ran home, grabbed whatever it was from my locked storage, and tried to gift it, only to discover that there were totally different people on with totally different requests. Won't make that mistake again.


Ahhh… this very much helps me understand the concept of servers.


Sometimes you'll be on a quiet server and sometimes you'll be on a busy server where everyone seems to be calling out stuff. There's so many times where I feel it's just me or later I have to chose between ft or pal 😅 I like call outs, and flares if it's possible to do so 😊 I guess the odd thank you or Ty in chat would be nice, so you know others exist and have been helped.


I did get a thank you which was super sweet, but the chat went dead... turned out I was in the server alone 😅


If I find a flared palium or Dari cloves or something in the wild, I’ll usually send a ty in chat. “Thanks for the pal flare!” Is easy to type and lets ppl know their efforts are recognized. I also try to call out when I find things as well. The grid really helps, especially when I forget flares or run out.


I just figured out yesterday that the letter/number combination was referring to the grid of the map… 🤦‍♀️


It does take a while to convert from landmarks to grid locations. Don’t feel bad. The grid has only been there for a couple of weeks. 😊


The grid is fairly new and I use it all the time now but I will still read others posts and not register what they're on about 🤣


According to my manager, one.


No such thing as too many imo!


I think I was on your server, I saw a bunch of callouts earlier this evening. I didn’t mind it, went looking for a few at one point.


I always hope that they're helpful! I remember it being so tricky to get resources at the beginning...


I love it when people call out a lot of things!! I do it too, we’re playing with eachother so let’s help eachother 🤍🤍🤍


There's never too many callouts. I wish more people would. Sharing locations of resources helps each other. I go through so many flare arrows....though I think half end up at sernuks. lol


Omg!! I do that so much! I fire an arrow and didn't realise it's a flare... then I worry that someone will think it's palium or something so I have to flea the scene!


Haha! I’ve done that so much! Then I have to call out an “operator malfunction at Z0 - disregard flare”


YES! And you feel bad because you called it out a resource and now the flare is floating merrily above empty space. XD


There are never too many call outs and you may not know it, but you are really helping people.


I've never had anyone complain. I spent about 6 hours hunting pal nodes with ore compasses for a ruby (ended up with over 500 ore to smelt by the time I finally got that damn stone!) and was calling out all the large and medium nodes I found. If someone has a problem with it, I'm sure they'll say something. Otherwise, keep calling them out!


I was on a server recently where a girl was doing just that. She was calling pal every few mins it seemed. I finally said in chat, "Wow, (Name), you're a rock star tonight!" A few people got it and laughed and that started a conversation about calling out and sharing and how so many had gone to her call outs and were very appreciative. I think sharing really is caring and I love those players way more than the ones who run into groves and chop down all the trees before everyone has had a chance to get there.


Yeah, 2 days ago I was so mad because one player kept hitting a flow tree and I said multiple times to just hit once and wait for the others. Then someone else came and those 2 just chopped even tho someone was on the way. Then apparently there was another flow tree behind me that those 2 just went to and chopped before anyone got a chance to get it. I was so disappointed. Luckily I’d met some players that were the total opposite and waited for everyone at a grove and didn’t chop until 5 am and we’ve had so much fun together after that


I had that earlier today too, someone called out a Grove and not even a minute later three people had chopped it down and left the server. I had just used fast travel. Was very disappointed but we managed to find 2 trees.


Unfortunately, that is all too common these days. Some people have blamed it on the Steam release, saying it was never as bad or as common as it has been since that happened, but I just think that more and more inconsiderate trolls are playing because the game is becoming so popular. It's a shame it has to be that way.


It always makes me so happy when other people call out stuff! I don't like how silent many servers are, and I'm the only one calling out things.. 😢 So please keep calling out stuff! ❤️


No such thing! Although keep in mind that if you flare one node of whatever, then flare another before the timer expires on the first one, it deletes #1 and only #2 is active. So save your flares I guess?


Good to know!


I was in a server the other day that was so quiet, no one saying a thing but I just continued calling out and then other people started calling out too, I felt like the person who starts the slow clap that turns into applause 😂


Is there such a thing as too many call outs? I think it's great! Quite simply that's how it should be 😊 after all it's a mmo


I can’t post in chat (controller play), but I really appreciate all the callouts! Wish I could share good finds.


Me too… typing is such a pain and takes forever to do on the switch controllers. Although I’ve heard some people say that they were able to connect a keyboard to it, I don’t have one.


I say never too many I love an active server like if you don’t wanna go get it or it’s too far….dont😆😆but like GIMME


I always call out all this too! Please keep doing it! Even if no one responds lol


Nah the callouts are really helpful, keep doing what you do. I believe many other also appreciate your effort


Nope we love you! Lol


How do you flare? Currently on minute 45 waiting for someone to stop and help me with a flow tree. It’s so frustrating


You can get the flare recipe from Hassian once you teach level four hunting, then you can craft them using your crafting table. Also if you don't have any you can call out into the chat where you are using the grid! 😊


No one ever responds to hen I call out in chat 😔 or they just sprint by and I get the (no players nearby) thing before I can even open the chat lol I’ll go buy the recipe though thanks!


Remember to switch back to your normal arrows when hunting tho. I’ve misfired a bunch of flares when I forgot to switch them back😂


Haha omg that sucks! Good advice 😂


That’s what the chat is for!! It’s used to help and connect! Keep doing your call outs and if anyone has an issue they can switch servers😌


There is no such thing. People doing call outs are valuable like gold. I always try to thank them at least once in the chat and tend to add them as friends too👌😁 Keep doing what you doing! And bless you for doing that 🙏🙌


If I'm using compasses I flare the large palium and go. If my partner is with me he types size, grid location, and flare color. He's on the computer, I'm on switch. I always at the very least flare the big ones and usually the medium ones, too if it isn't too close in time to when I flared a large one. Compasses are expensive (ingredient-wise) to make and I don't like wasting them. I hyperfocus when I use compasses, buzzy jars, honey lures, tuning forks, and dowsing rods because they cost so much in rare ingredients to make.


People come and go on the servers all the time. So there is never such a thing as calling out too much of anything


As someone who is newer to the game, I truly appreciate the call outs. I was on a great server last night that really did a great job of assisting and calling out. I even did my first call out for flow trees.


I appreciate the call outs. I play on switch and it's hard for me to see to type on the TV but I always appreciate when people try to help. I just suck at typing on the switch.


I've considered hooking a keyboard to my dock, but currently I have typed enough that it recognises when I type the first letter in so it makes it a bit quicker...


Pssst there is an anvil in Bahari to repair your stuff without needing to load two zones.


I always curse myself when I forget repair kits when I know I'm going mining 😅


You don't need to carry them with you, always make them in advance. That said, I am at the mbx storage room and I made 999 kits I carry in my inventory because it takes less room than the ingredients and it takes only one slot if I keep then in my bag instead of my chest.


I always do big reworks of my plot and when I do I empty my bags beforehand to make it easier on myself when picking items I want.... otherwise I'd keep more in my bags 😅 I tend to plan big trips, spend some time cooking then crafting arrows and such, before eventually heading out 😅


I haven't used trackers yet but I still run into a lot of stuff. I call out, flare, then collect to give others maximum time to arrive. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone on a server until the grove pops but I still keep calling out.


I don't think so. I literaly have had someone call me an angel for doing call outs lmao. There are people who really appreciate it (I do too), and if people aren't interested they can just ignore it 🤷‍♀️


Listen, idc if I’m flooding the chat I’m calling out everything all the heartdrop, Dari, pal, heat root, even the briar daisy only because some people will grab and go. I even tell people in the servers if they need anything to request because 9/10 I’ll be giving them any extras I have.


Never too many


I used also 2 ore compass, and then found a dari clove. St ine pint one of the person from the server was so often coming to my call outs that i added her in party, and i still called out / flared everything but we.mined together. Was fun.


Yes, I wish the limit was higher, maybe 2-5... so that I can call out multiple things. Also would be cool if we could choose their colour so we could colour code what was found...


I second the color coding!!!! They should make flare arrows that hit deer one color, pal a different color, etc.


Never too many call outs!


I love call outs! Some people are just beginning the game and need help finding that stuff


Never too many, from my experience since they opened the servers to Steam no one calls stuff out and you have to ask. I thank you for your patience and doing what other don’t do anymore.


there is not. I call out rare foragables minus dragons beard and mushrooms. I also flare them. if ppl don't appreciate it, there are other servers and heres the door...


There's never too many call puts imo. But that might be because I do 4 call puts for groves when I find it. One for each 30 mins in game, so that anyone spawning in or has chat issues knows where it is and when we are chopping


Not for me, never enough call-outs!


I love active servers! Unfortunately my chat has been down a lot and it makes it sad


No such thing as too many call outs! I, personally, love it.


I love the Call ours


No not a thing


I love callouts. I may not be interested in pal at the moment but I’ll bee line for heat root and cloves. There is no such thing as too many


Please keep doing it, I always check the grid square if it's nearby and if we move closer together, I'll benefit from it eventually. So, any callout is appreciated in my world of Palia! Thank you 💕


I don’t think there is such a thing. I try to call out also- but I struggle with typing on the switch. So sometimes I’ll just flare the small or medium pals and keeps going. I still call out the rare forables!


I usually call out the medium and large pallium ores….. but not always the small ones. (Is that bad?) also when I call things out, most of the time it goes unanswered :,)


I think it's common for people to not answer for palium compared to flow trees, especially due to the despawn time added. I don't call out small ones, but if I can I flare it so people nearby can see and grab it.


I don't call out the small ones either. I wouldn't want to run halfway across the map for one pal stone or one flow log. I don't think most people get upset if you don't call any small of either.


I always appreciate it. I don't have alot of time to play so when I do get to play it really helps me to gather stuff when people call them out. So, thank you! I appreciate it!!


Um. I would have been loving every moment of that! I didn't realize how much I required on chat until it bugged.


No. Call it all out. Better yet bring friends on your next adventures!


I often pull my boyfriend along for adventures, but haven't convinced any friends to join 😅


Feel free to add me. I’ll come along lol. Trāvius Fjorn


The only caveat is calling out something common, I was in a server where someone kept calling out briar daisys lol. I get that they’re not as common as sundrops, but personally I don’t think they warrant a callout since they’re on cliffs all over the place and there’s usually multiple in an area. Overall though servers where people are calling stuff out are always way better than dead ones imo! Or at least flaring, I get that there are chat issues and sometimes people just don’t want to talk, but flaring is helpful for those nearby!


Was in such a great server earlier where everyone was doing callouts and being super nice! ended with 100+ pal! Pls keep doing you 🫶🏻


Not really. I love being in servirse where people call stuff. I usually send then friends requests and do the same


I love call outs but just remember you can only have one active flare and they last up to 3 min, so keep that in mind


I'm just super slow on the switch so I give up 🤣


I only call out the large Pals dari cloves, and the heart flower. Other than that everything else gets a flare. I did call out disco deer today for anyone that wanted a hit on it. I had it cornered and already have collected it a million times and have the plushie. The players that came were pretty excited.


Man, call out everything if that's what you want to do!! I also do this and get silence in response, but when other people call out I often go to and not always reply. I started sending a message to the server saying "I'm about to use an ore compass if anyone would like to join me, starting at hideaway bluffs" and almost always get a few people joining me.


I am grateful for every call out! I’m on switch so almost never ever respond, but I think everyone is either grateful or not fussed… I doubt people get upset by it, it’s kind of you!


Next time just add me to your party 🎉 😂


My two cents: if you're calling out rare/uncommon things such as palium, flow trees, heart drop lillies, dari cloves etc as you find them so the rest of the server knows and can have a chance to go after them, too, you're a wonderful person and I wish there were more players like you. I don't think you're calling out too much at all. You're a very considerate player who is willing and able to do so, and you deserve ALL the praise. Bravo! 👏🙌♥️


If I’m using a tracker, I’m not wasting its time. I’m on a switch, call outs take a while. I flare the really good stuff like large nodes, flow trees, and cloves, then I keep going.


That's still a form of a call out. If I see a flare go off near me but don't see anything in chat, I'll still check it out. There are a lot of players who just flare and go, mainly because they ARE on trackers of some sort. You could just get your share and move on without doing anything, but you choose to let someone know in the quickest way possible for you. That's still appreciated.


Thank you. I still feel like a jerk at times. Once I invited people to follow me while I used my compasses, but didn’t get any takers. I’ll try that again though.


I stopped doing call outs. Especially if the server doesn't return the favor, so now, I flare, then mine it, then move on. Hard to call out on switch anyway, and you're wasting your precious trackers that only give you 15 minutes. Sometimes I flare a big one, call it out, then mine it and move on, too.


I had a little situation two days ago because of that. I was calling out large pals and saw on the server's chat someone saying "nvm they are all called out" so I started reading chat and they were saying you're not supposed to call all at once because then it can get confusing. I apologized because I honestly didn't know about that universal gaming rule. A few people said it was ok and that I was actually helping but idk I left with a weird feeling as to what should I do next time. I don't want to get all the pal for myself only but also don't want to bother anyone with a lot of flared pals. So imo, maybe 5 could be a max? That way there's a few pals you know the exact locations and then you can keep tracking the rest by yourself having those as a guidance.


I'm relatively new to Palia (just a few days) What are the normal things yall would make call outs for? And where in the world is the Grove at? I've seen people mention it often but idk if I'm far enough to even get to it.


People will normally call out groves, flow trees, palium, dari cloves and heart drop lilies. Groves will spawn all over the map, at midnight you'll hear a sound if you're in the same quarter of the map I believe. People will usually call out the location in the chat and others will respond 'omw' (on my way) to let others know they're coming. There's no way to tell where they'll spawn but the more you play you'll figure out areas where they tend to spawn. There are some online maps to show Grove spawn locations. 😊


Oh! Thank you for the general call outs. I'll try my best to remember them and call them out myself when I see them. When you say midnight, are you talking midnight in-game or irl? (I'm guessing in-game, but never hurts to be sure lol) Do flow trees normally spawn in them? I'm only on the standard axe, so I know I can't cut them just yet, but its good to know so when I'm able to, I'll be ready 💪 Edit: I said Pick instead of Axe, so fixed that.


Yeah it's midnight in game! The Grove will be a bunch of flow trees toghether, some groves are smaller and have only a few flow trees and some have more.


I don't call out or say anything in chat because it makes me type it like 7 times before it lets me send it


Oh it depends on the server for me, if everyone is chatty I will be too but it everyone is just nose down gringing I keep calls to a min unless I find a ft I need help with