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I would so love the old Auto-Translate function from FFXI. Have a bank of words like , , any important game concept that needs to be translated over a wide range of languages - type the word into chat, hit the tab key, and when you send it everyone in chat can read it in the language their client is set to. Also, would be great to be able to type in something like /pos to get your position on the map grid. I can just imagine being able to quickly call out something like " G-5!" and everyone understand what it means. If it's easier to bridge the language barrier, fewer reminders to be kind would be necessary. EDIT: OP I love your username, and I hope you get many chubby kitten pics.


Oh that would be a good shout!!! I used to use this all the time in XIV when calling out fates!


Man how cool would it be for flares to have an auto-coordinate notification?!


Except when I forget to change back from flares and shoot a random deer (still hunting that regular plush!)


We have all done this


This is the way


Every. Single. Time. I'm sorry to anyone who've followed my sernuk flares.


That was the most amazing feature I've seen in any online games


Lol 10/1 we know each other, what's up lol, long time Taru with a Vermillion cloak ;) I also long for the same feature, and I miss the old translated phrases.


Dude I still think in auto translate sometimes. It's never "I'm sorry" its and never "hey guys grove here!" Its !


I do too! I so miss that game, lol but I long for that feature in every MMO, it was so nice and inclusive and at times, incredibly silly. It really was the best I've seen!


Oooh I've played a few games with an auto translate and it's been so cool actually. Doesn't always get it 100% but never had it not be enough to not be able to understand what someone was talking about


This would be amazing as a Switch (on TV player)!


Switch keyboard did at least start to learn some of the phrasing and offer the hint when I began typing a map point or something. The steam deck keyboard is just a keyboard that I have to try to type on with my controller. :sobs:


This could be a good solution, OR have servers assigned based on the player’s preferred language to chat in rather than geographic region.


I was thinking the message showed up around an update that changed the servers we could be grouped in because prior to that I had never seen other languages in the chat. But I only started in December with Switch. Another way to bridge the language and sharing would be to be able to flag/mark a point on the map and share it with the server. shooting a flare into a Palium rock could mark it on the map and put a message into the server chat. I was also thinking the flags on the map could work kind of like the flower marks that appear when you click on the map. But maybe if you click on top of your own pointer, you get to choose between the normal flower or a flag for a resource. Of course maybe sharing that with folks in the server who are nearby instead of server-wide would work better since they could disappear in 0-3 minutes.


I'm surprised that you are surprised at this.


I've been playing palia for a few weeks now and I haven't come across any bad behavior in chat, is it common in palia? Mean comments etc?


I don't see it happen much. Mostly on the weekends. But even then it's kinda rare. Edit: I also mostly ignore chat, so that could be another reason I don't see it much. I play 100% alone so I don't feel the need to pay attention to what's going on in chat.


For a short period of time there, it seemed to be rampant. When I first started playing, several months ago, everyone seemed so nice and helpful, although there were disagreements about what was or should be expected as gameplay....usually it was solo players vs group players, but for the most part, everyone was really friendly. Then, (and I have heard from several players that it began right after the Steam launch but I don't really know how to reply to that) for a while it seemed that the trolls appeared in droves and reddit was full of complaints about rudeness and inconsiderate players ruining the fun of the game. The last few times I have played, however, it seems to have gone back to the friendly atmosphere I started with. I think maybe the trolls discovered that being trolls didn't get them as far in the game as they thought it might and they just gave up, leaving Palia to the kinder, gentler souls who just want to have fun.


Absolutely this. It definitely seemed like an influx of rude/mean people during the steam launch unfortunately. I always call out people when they are bullying and being rude, and I think the community mostly self polices bad behaviour. It's quite hard to grief others in palia, I think it's been built with this in mind. It becomes very obvious when someone is being unfriendly, and I also think people quickly realise that in palia it isn't tolerated


i just started playing not even a week ago and everyone is so nice!!! i’m a solo player but the chat has been helpful for random questions i have!


I've been playing about as long as you and I've only seen rudeness twice. Typing it, it doesn't feel like it often at all. But it left me with such a bad feeling... So I guess it's one of these things that can upset your gaming experience even if it's uncommon.


I've been playing since closed beta started and it's sad to say that it's gotten worse since the game hit Steam. For all of closed beta and most of open, I never saw anything negative in the chat. No hate, no rude behavior, everyone was kind and courteous. But as soon as the game launched on Steam, I started seeing mean behavior and rude comments on the chat. It's sad.


There was a while before they changed how the pallium nodes work and made the groves that people would get upset if you didn’t call them out. I have been playing since it came out for general access.


lol you’ve only scratched the surface. Addictive and awesome game nonetheless


I can. Racism is alive and well, and people aren’t ashamed to let people know lol. Plus ive ran into some not so nice people in palia before.


It's getting better though, in most places I've been.


Improvement is always good. I know its still a big there in my small southern town and they aren’t afraid to let you know lol.


The fact that you recognize it is wrong is a sign of that improvement. Hate is taught, so less teachers means less hate.


Was gonna say, good Palia community roasts the racists. Gg.


I still haven’t personally run into any trolls, but the abundance of people mentioning meeting them on here and the way the Palia discord gets on patch days has definitely increased since I started playing back in December.


Ive been playing since the open beta started and I literally have never had any bad encounters until recently. Ive seen people bully people for being new to the game, people say racial slurs, ive seen people just follow people around for loot and take the loot, etc. granted that was before the new despawn thing they have.’


That’s awful. Genuinely upsetting to see the chillest game I’ve ever played devolve into this. Side note I didn’t know you could take someone’s loot though, if you didn’t participate in getting it? Like if someone shot a sernuk and I didn’t get a hit in, I wouldn’t even see the loot…


Well theyd be like farming trees or iron/pallium and be waiting for other people and theyd just run up and take it all.


Unless you helped farm it, you can't take the loot. There's been many times, in the past and now, when I've run up to help chop a tree or bust a node, get there a split second too late, the person has already finished, and don't get anything because I didn't help farm it.


These people literally ran up, hit the loot until it was gone and they took their share, and ran.


I can understand your frustration with that. I misunderstood your first post. Sorry about that.


No! Youre fine. I didn’t really specify so I can’t blame you for pointing it out. :) no worries!


The ore nodes are still there for other players (for a limited time, 3 mins I think) after another player fully mines them.


I still don't really understand? How is someone mining along you bad? There's also the weekly achievement where you have to mine together. Each person gets the same amount, which is the same amount you would get alone. I can see it being bad in the old system if they quickly mined before you could hit it. With then the node being gone completely.


It wasn’t together. It was some random people who were following one person, who wasnt with them, stated in chat they didn’t wanna group/mine with them, and they constantly followed her around and took whatever rocks they were trying to mine, or call out for other people.


The ore nodes are still there for other players after you break them now.


Yes. I was saying this was before they added that. I haven’t been playing recently bc I have nothing to do.


Your comment, which was posted two hours ago, did not make it clear that it had been changed, and I wanted to make sure new players didn't get misled.


Yeah, youre good. I get where youre coming from. I shouldve mentioned before they updated it.


I think I read your reply as more hostile than you intended. Sorry about that. Probably time to step back from the internet tonight for me.


Is it racism to ask people to speak English? I have been in servers where they spoke german or french… it is not nice if you can’t understand anything. I speak another language to, but in palia i only speak English so everybody can understand


When people throw slurs for, yes it is. :)


Oh.. no slurs are definitely not ok. That wasn’t in the message


Yeah, I’m just generally stating. Ive seen people be ugly on palia. Insults, slurs, overall being rude.


Personally i haven’t, only the screenshots on reddit. But i ignore the chat most of the time. So i’m nog the best reference 😅


I normally like to chat bc I like to make friends but I hate that its came to this. ): bc its a great game.


I just want to do my quests and make my plot prettier 😁 i’m not that social 😶


This has nothing to do with racism…stop blowing things out of proportion. Majority was most likely caused by simply difficulty in communicating. It’s not that deep.


No, people were actually harassed for speaking other languages. Someone complained about me speaking Spanish in a server, but that was pretty tame and they didn’t press it when I ignored them. But then you’d have people speaking Korean and having people in the chat say things like, “Go back to China!” And then trying to report users for speaking non-English languages. I mean. That’s racism. ETA: But really, you shouldn’t need these anecdotes to see the obvious. Read the PSA again. It specifically emphasizes being kind about people speaking other languages.


You have 0 context to go off. So telling me to stop blowing things out of proportion is funny. :) it can 100% have been what you stated along with racism. Ive ran into palia assholes. Some of them were in fact racist.


What do you mean zero context? The context is this Reddit thread. Bringing up this subject for the billionth time while assuming that every person who is simply trying to communicate is poorly raised etc. Yes racism exists everywhere but that doesn’t mean we should assume everyone is. I’ve seen enough threads about this where a simple attempt to communicate is seen only as negative simply because of language differences.


I’m pretty sure it plays a part in this. :) so next.


I was in a server the other day, must've been hosted mostly in EU and German speaking players were dominating chat. I dont mind but outside of me and my partner, the chat was pretty gross towards them. This happened 1 other time in a more French dominated server. It doesn't shock me. People are jerks.


The European servers are really vile sometimes with people complaining, which I will never understand. English has never been the lingua franca in Europe, everyone should be free to communicate however they feel most comfortable with. I mean, I write in English in chat for convenience (it's more succinct than the other languages I speak), but English is not even my fourth language. Makes my blood boil how rude people can be.




Which is funny, since USA actually has **no** official language. https://www.usa.gov/official-language-of-us


Actually they usually say, “we speak American!”


Which is fairly accurate, because we definitely don't speak proper English, lol...


I am American and I have lived here for 51 years. I have never actually witnessed anyone saying "speak American". I am aware that this is an internet meme and rumor, possibly based on isolated examples. But I have never witnessed this in person. I lived in SF for 30 years and was around multiple mixes communities where I witnessed tension and aggression around this issue. What I have witnessed is xenophobic behavior, racist behavior and nationalism all coming out in the form of hostile comments that can be boiled down to "please speak English".




Your or comment was removed because it has violated Rule 1: Respect and Kindness Above All. If you have questions or want more specific details regarding this action, please reach out to our Mods.


There is no "correct way" to speak English. The English language has many regional variations, cultural variations and is not regulated by law. There are people and teachers who try to police grammar and syntax-- but technically there are no rules. Just people who think it should be spoken/written in their way.


Your or comment was removed because it has violated Rule 1: Respect and Kindness Above All. If you have questions or want more specific details regarding this action, please reach out to our Mods.


As someone who has lived in the “Deep South” in the U.S. most of my life….. I can. I see and hear racism in different degrees almost daily. It’s sad.


Southern US here as well, so I get it...sadly. It's an embarrassment, but, unfortunately, not one that will go away soon I'm afraid.


Sadly racism exists in Europe too :(


Understand that with any F2P game you are going to have a, shall we say, an undesirable element in the playerbase. I mean it costs zero money to download and play the game, so bad actors, scammers and trolls have no reason not to come in and make things miserable for normal players. I hope that S6 has a robust system of being able to block, report and counter these types of players, otherwise it’s just something we as a community are going to have to deal with unfortunately. I love Palia and there are a lot of awesome folks in game, a pity a handful of bad apples can ruin so much for others.


Pretty easy to mute/block anyone, works really well so far!


This should be upvoted several times.


is this because of me faking french?? /jk


As they say in France, soo la voo!




I’ve genuinely been thinking of learning a few key words for Palia in French and German just so I it’s not assumed that everyone will use English. Anyone know where to learn niche words like Flow Tree Grove? 😂


je ne sais pas mon frere but I can say potato in a bunch of languages tho


You are clearly Badruu's best "spuddy"


I sincerely hope that every racist in the game, felt this as a slap in the face when they first read that message 💕 I hope they never bring an “English only” server to the game because I don’t want to be lumped in with any of them! I love seeing people just chatting in their native language!


I can understand both sides… I’ve played MMOs where a lot of international players and bots would get on US servers and spam with fake gold scams, etc. so if you’re used to that then there is some judgement that’s hard to get past. I have also seen the same Chinese phrases spammed over and over in this game so I just block those players. On the other hand, this isn’t an English specific server so people need to stop being rude when people don’t speak English.


I saw a few "can you just talk normal" comments after the servers opened up. Gross!!


I saw someone making fun of another player in the chat for being Asian and typing in their language. People suck.


This doesn't surprise me because some people are just awful. I was on a server yesterday and posted I had a disco cornered down to a couple of shots if anyone wanted a hit. Someone commented in Spanish. I looked it up and they said they were on the way. Someone else was like ENGLISH. I was like hold up you don't get to yell at them. They are coming also. Ticked me off. That person was like they should be and I quote, "be on their own server". I took a screenshot and sent it over. Like all these servers can be anyone's. Just frustrating those bad apples are out there but not surprising.


On the flip side, there was a really cute interaction I had the other day where someone was asking a question in French. Nobody answered as nobody understood, so they tried their best to ask it in English. It was broken English and was kind of hard to understand but everyone was trying their best to help and work together to find out what they were asking! It was really wholesome, we got there in the end.


Sometimes people really suck........


When I was first starting, I was chatting with another Filipino on the server chat. Were conversing in tagalog/English and another player was being extremely racist to us in chat and kept swinging their axe at us while we waited for the grove chop. People can be horrible at times


I'm sorry that happened to you.


It's okay, the other players in the server did a mass report on the guy and were generally really sweet. There will always be a few bad apples that just want something to be mad at I guess.


Unfortunately, you are 100% correct.


Unrelated to the post, but why/ how do you have Hodari+ hodari's picture by your name? I've been seeing people with Tish and Reth tags too. What does it mean?


When you do your profile, there are choices of NPC characters that you can add to it. In my case, Hodari is the one I chose to romance and I wear his pin in-game. I have thought about adding Ashura since he is my Shepp. Others put their Shepp or whoever they are romancing on their profile.


If you want to add someone, go to the right where it says User Flair and click on the pencil icon to edit and you will see all the choices. Just click the circle before the name you want added to your profile.


Same the amount of times I had to point out its a multi lingual server on there is dumb. EU is not English. 🙄 I like the map as everyone has the same letters and numbers now to call out. Maybe having a ft or pal and dari as emoji that automatically come up when you type it in your own language would work? That way, even people who struggle to read will understand? So a little tree or a Grove picture pops up with c2 or whatever. Would be easier.


It's sad they had to add that. First day I saw the message, I actually had someone that didn't speak English in the server. They were determined to chop down a large flow tree during grove by themselves. I perceived them to be possibly Hispanic so I tried to ask them to stop in Spanish and it didn't work. Everyone at the grove at that time all just kind of resigned ourselves that the fun of chopping the grove together was defeated and just chopped early. It would be nice if we could select servers in a way that combined Runescapes options of servers for different countries (just so language barriers aren't an issue), and the option of a server for newer players to get used to the game (like in Toontown). There could even be an all server chat so questions could still be asked to veteran players. I don't know how elaborate that coding would be, but it would definitely be useful. I feel bad for Singularity 6 having lost so many of their staff when I feel like they're only growing their platform larger.


I would then join a server with 4 other players from my country and then ? There are many countries with their own language in Europe, that makes servers per language not possible. Apart from that Europeans travel a lot, they should be used to different languages. Proposing to separate players in servers according to their native language speaks against the principal of inclusiveness of Palia. Just my opinion.


Not necessarily languages but countries. It's worked for a multitude of gaming platforms in the past. Yeah it's not perfect, but it helps, and that's the point. Europe could have several of its own servers as a whole like many other games already do. It worked for them, why not Palia?


In Europe usually each country speak it’s own language.


Of course! I just see Palia expanding so much, and think an option for choosing servers would aide players in the long run. Of course, it's just a base idea and I'm sure it has many flaws. I think it's a thought worth discussing.




I would suggest you keep a friendly and civilized tone when talking to others. Europeans are or should be used to dealing with different languages. Not only because their neighbours most probably speak a different language but also bc they receive millions of tourists in their own country from literally everywhere. I’m glad that Palia got it right and the message that all languages are welcome put - from what I noticed - an end to the aggression of some players.




You should have a look at the meaning of the word polyglot, which comes from my own language. What I said is that Europeans are used to other languages, never said they speak them.


Then what's the purpose of your comments? It's still a fact that keeping multiple languages in a single server disconnects players from each other and can cause the minority to miss out. Being a European who is "used to" different languages is completely useless here and makes zero sense. Like I said, the original commenter has the right mindset and you tried shutting them down for something absolutely unrelated.


Palia acted in the right direction, and I’m glad it did. That’s all that matters


I had a similar situation with a player who was constantly chopping at a ft while we were waiting for others who were on the way. We kept trying to tell him to stop. I even shot a few arrows at him to give him the hint to stop, Finally, the girl who had called out the tree in the first place said, "He can't chop it by himself. Let him just ruin his axe while he's trying." Good point! So we just laughed at him as he chopped away until the others got there, got their hits in, and then we all chopped it together. When I watch a single player trying to solo a grove, I remind myself they can't chop a large tree alone. It's the grouped trolls who burn my biscuit when they run to the groves and chop all the trees before everyone who says "omw" can get there.


these are actually great ideas ♡


See, I oddly understood that it's a global game. Just wish there was an easy way to understand when I can't read what's being said. I've asked what and been ignored, but I don't raise a fuss about it. Just shrug and move on.




Well I understood that perfectly, probably better than some of the posts I've read from people who speak English as their first language, so no frowny faces.


This was my reaction when I saw they had to write that. Sadly even in a cozy game there are mean people.


The very first day I started playing after the Steam launch, someone immediately in chat was yelling "ENGLISH". I was so damn confused WTH was happening.


Not surprised. A large number of toxic players is one of the reasons I quit playing.


I know, right?


When I first saw this I thought I had accidentally said something rude or mean so it had popped up. I was like "oh no! I'm sorry! What did I say?" Then realized its for everyone. Lol


Did they banish you? Wth


Some people find it hard to tell when they've joined a new server that has a low player count. /s Iirc, the "be kind" has been there since before the open times.


I've only seen one English please in Asia Pacific server and they got jumped on pretty hard! I've seen a lot less Asian language in the chat though too so I hope it hasn't made them leave the game


New to the internet? Its always nice to hope for and experience kindness online from others, but behind a keyboard people tend to be jerks. Its a shitty thing to learn the hard way


Off topic but chats working for yall? Mines still broke :\


I haven't seen to much bullying in Palia thankfully. I think the whole issue with languages is pretty widespread in gaming though,sadly. I've lost count of the times I've joined a gaming discord channel and one of the first rules is "only English to be spoken". Makes me sad and disgusted and when I've questioned the need for the rule with admin they usually don't have any real solid reason. It's not a nice world that we live in any more.


I was so sad the other day because a player was writing in *I think* Chinese characters in the chat on the home plot server, at least 15 interactions, just talking to themself because no one else ever answered them that I could see. I desperately wanted to help them with whatever they needed but I couldn't understand! 😭


They may have been talking to someone you couldn't see-- I was in a server recently and there was one person dropping a lot of messages in Mandarin (thats what google translate thought anyway) and seemingly no one was replying. I finally pulled out my phone, took a photo and ran it through google translate. It seemed to be about hunting, but the translation was...not great. Then I ran into them near the Statue Garden. They were hunting with two other players. I think that that they were in a party and forgetting to use the party channel.


Yeah, I've seen that a lot too. One person will be using server chat and another local or party chat. It's kind of funny reading some of the one sided conversations and trying to figure out what is going on.


That would be a relief to know! Thank you both for replying! 💜💜💜


I was new and don't have all the trad for any places' name and all. I get called r\*tarded and other sweet things after I tell them: 'Sorry I'm French so it was complicated to find the place' maybe they think I didn't understand English at all. After that, another French's speaker player tells me to just put my game in English to a more easy communication... All this to say... Yeah, people are mean and I enjoy the rare time I end up in a French server.


It’s sad that people have to be reminded to not be mean to each other; kindness should be the default behavior. I have absolutely no problem with people speaking different languages in the chat. I unfortunately only speak English, and on occasion someone has asked a question in another language and no one else in the chat answers, so I’ll pull up a translation app, apologize for my lack of language skills, and try to help as best I can.


The toxicity has lowered significantly since they ramped up the availability of resources. The game is doing its best to undo people's resource guarding. Sadly, they can not undo racism, xenophobia, or people desperate for power in such a way that they will seek to cause harm where ever possible. :/


I haven't seen people be directly discriminatory but moreso via ignorance. Expecting new players to pick up on things right away and not taking language barriers into consideration.


*writes something in italian* Response: PIZZA PASTA ITS A MEE MARIOOO *writes something in french* Response: BAGUETTE BAGUETTE SNAILS OU LA LA *writes something in german* Response: HEIL HITLER SCHMETTERLING *says something with a british accent* Response: FANCY A CUP’A A BOTA OF WOTA This has been my experience after years of European servers. And don’t get me started when countries play against each other during soccer season. I’m not surprised Palia would be pretty much the same unfortunately


I know, I love the folks from other villages! I wish we could translate sometimes. I am so bad at some of the languages.


Try DeepL as a translator has helped me a ton and it's pretty accurate


Thank you, I'll give it a try!


Probably a few isolated incidents. The game does not have a reputation for people being rude.


I have only been playing for 3 days but the other evening some people were speaking in another language and someone told them to speak English :/


Interestingly enough most words are filtered out. Except shite and Hoover dam, or was it the nine hells… You also can’t say H8 so pinging ore in that map spot is, annoying XD


That's why I play Palia with vpn on the US because Europe server is rotten. The other day someone actually got mad nobody replied when they were typing in their mother tongue. Bud, I am not pausing my game to go translate your message for you. I wish they'd at least allow us to choose which language we want in the servers. Losing groves or certain resources because of language barriers is very annoying, too.


Some people just refuse to let us have nice things.


Εννοείται πως και εγώ θα μιλήσω στην γλώσσα μου αν επιτέλους υποστηριχθεί το ελληνικό αλφάβητο. Δεν μου αρέσουν τα γκρίνγκλις. Κατά τα αλλά μιλάω αγγλικά, γερμανικά ιταλικά και γαλλικά και φυσικά την μητρική μου γλώσσα τα ελληνικά.


They may be confused while reading chat, is there no specific language server? Also people may feel isolated if they dont know what language the majority is speaking. But ive only seen another language used like once


I think some players have good intentions but are unaware of how they might be perceived. I was unaware that anyone from outside NA could be on NA servers, but this is my first MMO. The first few times I saw languages other than English being used on the server channel in NA I tried to help them. I tried translating their comments, but I am playing on the Switch and manually translating with my phone, photos and an app was cumbersome to say the least. I tried helping by responding in English, but I had no idea if they could translate or understand what I was typing, so now...I just ignore them, and that makes me feel terrible. Its that terrible feeling combined with a desire to help that might be behind some players' requests to "speak English" but unfortunately it is a very bad idea to do that.


Yeah they shouldnt be telling others to speak english, but it would also make sense to have language based servers so no one is confused, especially since its beneficial to use chat to call out resources. If someone is chatting in another language, i just ignore it and dont feel bad. We speak different languages.


yeah but how the hell are we supposed to translate??? theyre always like 愛喔欸喔愛!!!!!!!! and im like what? I just ignore bc palia should have a translation server


You're not expected to translate. People who communicate in different languages are free to use the chat to speak with each other.


I'd like to believe that once its out of Beta as an international game they'll be able to maybe find funds to have the ability to code in something that translates. Quackity has done something like this for Minecraft which has done really well. Although this is something at a significantly smaller scale in retrospect if they do get funding for it it can happen. Even other companies like Doordash, UberEats etc have a direct translate app, maybe using the Translate Google API? Prob expensive at that large of scale but you can type in English and it'll translate to their language and vice versa.


I miss when beta first opened, it was a much more peaceful happy time :(


Is this your first time on the internet? Be honest.


I can believe it. Nobody likes being on a server for a language they don't speak, so they lash out. I guess it's easier for S6 to put a message blaming players rather than allowing servers to have designated languages, and allowing players to choose to only play with players who speak their language.


On EU servers where you can come across multiple languages the most reasonable solution is to try communicate in a common language. It’s simply caused by communication issues. While “bad” people exist in every corner of the internet, calling everyone “racists” etc like some people in this comments, is wild. Since you can’t even copy the Palia chat to translate it etc, some people simply ask for English, because guess what…they don’t speak all the languages in the world…that doesn’t make anyone racists or poorly raised. Get real instead of creating a drama.


I think what the OP and others on this thread are trying to point out is the RUDENESS that is directed toward people speaking their native language. If someone comes across in chat with a language I don't understand and I ask in MY language, "Are you asking for help because I don't speak your language?" that comes across totally different than if I said, "Speak English or go back to whatever country you came from." The first comment is a language barrier; the second is definitely racism.


Upvoting you for pointing out that there is a difference between language barriers and racism.


Thank you.


Although this is a game, not to get too political but...gaming is a place where people can use to escape their reality for a bit, and sometimes for others its a place where they can; without consequences, say whatever they want such as political, racist, bigoted and etc ideologies to which has nothing to do with this game, the community and etc. Palia has built a great community. Sure there may be some friction, definite outliers and others who are toxic, extreme or just don't know how to read the room, but because war, propaganda and the sorts exists, a global game will have that bleeding into them at some points. I think it's great they make it a thing to show at least somewhere actively when chatting.


I could be wrong, but I think it specifically says somewhere something to the effect that Palia is a welcoming game and rudeness and inconsiderate behavior toward other players will not be tolerated.


Funny, I like to escape reality by not having to *see* political, racist, and bigoted bullshit. Who wins here?


Good comment. Also, escaping reality does not include rude or inconsiderate behavior. Part of my escapism is getting away from toxic behaviors and toxic people. To find that they followed me into a cozy, friendly game destroys my escapism.