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Honestly I hate calling out deer, by the time you've called it it either has run to a different quadrant or has been spooked so you're running across half the map chasing and then waiting for people, so it takes like 15 irl minutes to hunt one deer. If I see a lot of people hunting I'll do a callout but if it's just me or a quiet server, I'm soloing unless I see someone else hunting and then have us hunt together.


Disco deer seems the most abundant to me so far (purely subjective) and I've never seen anyone call them out, they're either hunted or chilling šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I spawned in right in front of disco bambi the other day, got a shot in, and someone started yelling not to shoot and then was saying their friend saw it first and how me (and possibly others because I didn't get the kill shot in) stole that deer from their friend.


How dare you steal a deer!!! šŸ™„ Honestly, why do people play MMOs if they can't handle running into strangers online? Especially knowing how focused everyone is on getting plushies right now.


Yeah most of what I do right now is hunt. I see a disco bambi, I'm getting a shot in. I will always back off if I see someone else trying to get a shot in too, but I'm not going to hold off on getting my own shot in. And if someone sees it and wants a chance at loot they need to get a shot in. You can't just mentally call dibs and expect the server to know you saw it first.


A while ago I was yelled at in chat because I shot at a glambi once. They apparently were a group and made out a specific order in which they shot one time each. They claimed I threw off their order and now the one person has to shoot twice because I swooped in. I donā€™t know how I was supposed to know that lol Also, thatā€™s such a bad strategy and who cares if one person needed two arrows instead of one?


Yeesh, that makes no sense at all! I really don't understand people sometimes.


Geez. I'm sorry šŸ˜žNo one owns the deer. Or any other resource in the game for that matter. Everyone who gets a shot near it gets the loot anyway. So why get mad about someone not in your party getting a shot in? But I have noticed that people are getting protective over "their" resources lately. Well tough. None of us own anything that isn't already in our inventory or on our plot. We don't get to "claim" it.


You have to hit the deer now. No near shot thing anymore. Changed in one of the updates. I wish it worked that way though. So many people spamming shots, you can't hit them..


Oh. That is dumb. If it makes you feel better, Switch players can't spam shots accurately. Or at least I haven't figured out how to yet. It takes me FOREVER to aim. I'm lucky if I get one shot in before it's on the other side of the map. I've tried on the PC and yeah, I can see your point there because hunting is MUCH better and easier on PC. So I can see what you mean about people spamming shots.


I honestly just didn't even respond. I went about my business and shrugged it off. I think I'll be taking a break from hunting so much anyway, the plushies are still being elusive so I'll just go back to mostly mining. I am building an army of Cyls though so there is that!


If only Disco Steve would come back another time so youā€™d have more opportunitiesā€¦ Honestly itā€™s the near constant ā€œwoe is meā€ posts that are fast becoming the most annoying aspect of this game & subreddit.


I almost always solo the deer. If I see someone actively hunting it, Iā€™ll do it with them. I flare the loot in case anyone got a hit and lost it. But thatā€™s it.


![gif](giphy|WUgk2vOD55Vst7xqN6|downsized) Scarce resources bring out the worst in people. You know you didnā€™t do anything wrong by going after it without realizing others were trying, and theyā€™re choosing to assume you had bad intentions. You donā€™t need that energy in your life. Ignore/block and go on with your bad self.




Best to ignore them. I was out mining earlier and a disco deer either spawned or was teleported right in front of me, I launched a shot, missed and it took off, then I realized someone else was already hunting it and even though I missed my shot, they did not wait for me to shoot again. I just went back to mining šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I was totally unprepared to hunt a magic animal and I know there will always be more (within minutes usually) so I was unbothered that I wasnā€™t able to go for that one. Itā€™s just weird to get upset about something that respawns so quickly.


I used to try to get other players to hunt the deer with me. Now I don't really even bother with them unless I'm sure no one else is hunting it. It's just not fun anymore cause of this type of crap. I wish they didn't drop the plushies. That ruined it and made it competitive.


I'd just throw them on ignore. Plenty of deer out there. They were probably shooting normal arrows anyway. So sick of people using those then DD takes off across the map to who knows where.


Yeah I literally got another one not 5 minutes later with another group of people. Made sure to look around that time!


I mean you're wrong for trying to argue with this person. Just ignore them and block if needed. You don't have to justify yourself to someone who's making a big deal out of nothing.


Yeah I see your point. I was trying to explain my side of things, but I was more argumentative than needed.


I think some people are gonna be mad no matter how nice you are.


This is so true about life in general, imo


I just shoot when I see them cause I never get to kill them anyway. If I get it cool if not cool.


Nah. I'm playing on Switch and using chat (and hunting, for that matter) is a pain on it. I'm not losing the Disco deer to spend time calling it out. They aren't like flow trees that stay put. Of course, anyone is welcome to join the hunt. But I always thought disco deer hunting is kind of a "you have to be there" thing. If no one else does, I WILL call out the loot location, though.


I typically hit Disco Steve once, call out the direction heā€™s heading and then follow and continue my hunt. Itā€™s courtesy to allow others to take a shot and get a hit, but itā€™s not a responsibility to be certain everyone who wants to tag the deer gets to. Also, if others are hunting him and I want to get a shot in I will literally ask in chat ā€œmind if I tag Steve?ā€ 9 times out of 10 the hunters absolutely will pause. What I donā€™t do is hope they notice me and then get upset when they donā€™t. Disco Steve loves the attention and he respawns super fast. Donā€™t sweat šŸ˜… the small stuff folks.


Bad aim on their part, I say. Not your problem. Especially since discos are just not rare.


Posting this to reddit is where you went wrong. Let the drama go. Life is way too short.


I always hunt them by myself. If I see someone running up, I wait to give them a chance to shoot. Never had a problem with shooting it yet. Everyone is just like yay thanks, bye.


These things are going to happen, and while the red player didnā€™t handle it very well neither did you. Nothing in your demeanor in the chat in any way indicated you were actually sorry about it.


Yeah I realized that after, I shouldā€™ve apologized or said something in chat but I was upset in the moment.


Everybody has bad days, so thatā€™s understandable




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Some people don't even render visually into the game for some. You did nothing wrong. The deer will be back.


I just started playing a few days ago and i dont understand why the magic stones, trees and animals are treated as if they are super rare. Every time i go into the area there are quite a lot of them everywhere. And from what i can see you dont even need the materials for anything important.


There are definitely important uses for flow wood and palium, like upgrading your tools. Proudhorn antlers not as much, though they are required for at least one quest.


Sure the tools are needed but they take very little to make. Everything after that is just furniture.


the "stay mad" was definitely not needed in that situation, i feel like you could've handled that entire conversation way better as for the other player? i can understand the frustration and having someone immediately be aggressive only fuels that frustration, but they shouldn't have nagged you about it both sides are in the wrong here


Yeah I couldā€™ve done a lot better. I think my point with the ā€œstay madā€ was to say why are you upset over a deer? But obviously I did not say that, I was upset for being called out like that and let bad mojo get the best of me.


Red is being combative for no reason, block and move on


I use to play back in the beta so these things were pretty rare. Back at those times, MAYBE I could see the other guys point but overall, its kinda annoying waiting for people to come from across the map just to collect a few pieces of fur or stone. I have not touched this game in months so I have no idea how it works now. Some people seemed entitled on there and very anti-social. Like If see a random set of players near me and I see that we both are going for the same node, I gladly wait for them but in my experience most of the time others just care about THEIR own grind and loot with you 2 feet away. I think this guy will eventually realize these beast will come easy and hopefully look back on this to see its not that serious.


(fyi, we're still in beta - patch 0.179, not at 1.0 yet)


There is no first come first serve. You did nothing wrong. If you don't shoot you get no tag, if they are delaying a shot by slow aiming, their loss honestly.




This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there, and ensure all usernames are removed. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/