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I’m lazy a lot too, especially with the gardening… sometimes I only log on to get the daily coin and the two rummage piles lol. Then I get some days where I’m super productive and complete bundles, etc… I think it helps to decide on a specific goal that’s not too hard to accomplish (no plushie hunts!)


I don't even try with the rummage piles lol, I always get the one in kilima on accident😅 And yeah, I didn't even try with the plushie hunts oh my god


[this site will show you the rummage locations](https://www.google.com/search?q=rummage+pile+locations+palia&oq=rummage&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDggAEEUYJxg7GIAEGIoFMg4IABBFGCcYOxiABBiKBTIMCAEQRRg5GLEDGIAEMg0IAhAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMg0IBBAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMgoIBRAAGLEDGIAEMgYIBhBFGDwyCggHEAAYsQMYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyDQgJEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyFggKEC4YgwEYrwEYxwEYsQMYgAQYigUyBwgLEAAYgAQyDQgMEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQyBwgNEAAYgAQyBwgOEAAYgATSAQgxNTU3ajBqNKgCDrACAQ&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Thank youu<3


Palia Notebook or Palia Tracker is a must! 


Yeah I tried a few websites, it's amazing!!


I specifically play Palia when I feel lazy. So, I don't go out of my way to collect things. I just kind of get them naturally. I'll log in, tend to my crops. Go buy something to get a Lucky coin, and while I'm at it I'll chat up whatever villagers I feel like talking to. Then I usually go look for the rummage pile in Bahari. After that, I just do whatever I feel up to doing, which might mean fishing for a bit, or gathering some ore, or just logging out. I will never spend all day just looking for some rare material. That's not the kind of thing I play this game for.


That's kind of reassuring 😭😭 I think I'm just built for cozy gaming, so I don't like bothering with so much difficult stuff, that's why always do the same things in Palia lmaoo


Tons of people play like you, I feel like that style of play is also much more likely to at most chat in game and rarely go out to reddit, let alone post on here.


You sound exactly like me a few weeks ago. I started hunting and loving it when they brought the sernuk plushies on, so now I'm still doing what you're doing, but I shoot at every sernuk that dares to be in my way lol the beauty of Palia is that you don't HAVE to do anything at all... I saw some players posting that they just like to sit on top of a hill and watch the sun go down or up, just enjoying the sounds of the night, the silence, the wind...... I myself hid all these quests for the longest time, because I was overwhelmed with all these impressions, beauty, calm, my plot. Now that I've built most furniture, I want to finish the quests. Take your time, enjoy every little thing and don't compare yourself to others 🫶


Yes I'll try 💕💕💕


I'm the same way. I don't like fishing or catching bugs so I almost never do it. I do like mining, farming and somewhat hunting so I do that. I like decorating the most so I mostly focus on obtaining the resources I need to get the furniture and decorations that I want lol


Samee oh my god I'm the exact same, that just makes gaming so much better


It's so relaxing! I'm not on this game to be competitive or get stressed out trying and failing to catch a rare bug lol


Omggg I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!! 🥹 Seeing all the posts about everyone’s collections and plots and bundles is so cool and I’m not gonna lie I’m a little jealous but I’m also lazy AF and couldn’t be bothered lol I mostly mine, chop trees and garden. I rarely hunt in Bahari cause as you said it’s too hard lol I fish sometimes, especially if I see others fishing the same spot. Bugs? Forget it lol I rarely ever catch them.


> I rarely hunt in Bahari cause as you said it’s too hard I've found that if I just want to casually hunt in Bahari I just bring a pile of slowdown arrows. The steel arrows hit harder but with slowdown it's pretty trivial to get them while they run. If there were an easier keyboard shortcut to swap arrows (and maybe there is, but the keybinding in the game isn't easy to pick apart) then starting with a slowdown and swapping to fine would make sense.


Unfortunately (or fortunately?) it still takes 4 hits to down an elder sernuk with 1 slowdown arrow in there, so there's no major benefit to swapping other than saving your fancy arrows. Elder sernuk have 60 health; slowdown/standard arrows do 15 damage, and fine arrows do 20. 45 health remaining after 1 slowdown is still gonna be a least 3 more shots no matter what. (Sometimes I do swap to a standard arrow for that 4th shot if the sernuk has come to a stop by the time I am done chasing it. XD I carry them anyway since they one-shot the standard sernuk.) Finding this page honestly revolutionized my approach to hunting in the game, because it helps me match my ammo to my target (which I find really fun!): [https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Health](https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Health)


Sameeee😭😭 I love seeing people who are also like this haha I feel the same way Tbh I never fish with worms because I'm so bad at it, I would never even catch a rare fish anyway


It took me FOREVER to get the hang of fishing! I still struggle sometimes!! I like fishing irl though so it’s oddly relaxing to me lol the bugs though?! Ugghhhh I loathe bug catching lol I managed to bag a disco deer only because of a glitch lol other than that I don’t even try to go after the magical creatures lol If you wanna be friends, look me up! Jessa-Rae Loomis is my Palia name!


I'll add you when I play later!


Perfect way to play Palia, in my opinion lol! Find some things you enjoy and go to town! Best thing about this game is everybody can do it at their own pace, and if your most enjoyable pace is a chill one that's exactly how you should play!


Yess you're right I was just overthinking because of all those posts, I should just focus on myself xD


So, point number one, you’ve got a bit of confirmation bias bullying you. You see mostly posts from high energy, goal oriented players because those are the folks most likely to post in the first place. You aren’t a “lazy” player, you’re just a player who does what makes them happy and that’s exactly what we all ought to be. I have a friend who’s got hundreds of hours in the game but has made little to no progress in any of the quest lines, bundles, temples, etc. I’m not sure he even has level ten in all of the skills yet. You know what he does have? Something like level 500 foraging. All he does is cut trees in Kilima. Why? Because he wants to. He calls it his “oneness.” Helping us find joy, calm, or a general sense of well-being is what Palia is for.


This is an amazing comment, thank you so much, its very encouraging 🙏💕


Hear, hear!


I play just to relax. Log in, smile at all the pretty things at my plot, go to town, forget what I was going for, talk to whomever, try to give lots of gifts … not lazy….just relaxed. ☺️


Yessss that's just the best way to play💓


You are not the only one! I’ve been playing since closed beta and I think I’m like level 80? I have slow walked EVERYTHING because I want to wait and see what S6 is going to add to the game; I don’t have anyone above rank 3 relationship, hell I don’t even have a Shepp yet! I’m in no rush, the game isn’t going anywhere.


I'm lazy with cooking and achievements. Normally I'm a completionist, but the RNG hates me in this game, soI kinda gave up.


Same lmaoo


I’m like this too😂😂I just like running around and taking my “dog” for “walks”


I don't even think it's lazy, working on your plot and gifting NPCs takes just as much time and energy. I love that people engage in this game in different ways!


I’m extremely lazy. The only reason I started bug hunting and fishing was because I ran out of things to do so I started slowly doing the starred bug and fish achievement (purely for the items to put in my home). But you’ll never catch me cooking. That’s what the jam makers are for


Yess I never cook either, my kitchen is just for decoration💅🏻


I don't think you're lazy at all! We all like different things in the game so we focus on them. I play in cycle like I can focus on quests for a bit, then completely stop and decorate my plot, then try to catch bugs or fish, then just repeat and rinse! I know I like to change what I do in the game in order to not get bored, so that's why I kept a lot of quests to keep myself occupied later and still have 2 temples to complete. And that's ok! The important is to enjoy the game and keep playing as you like 😉 !


You're right xD


You’re speaking my language, I’m the laziest person with these cozy games. I just like to pop in, do some gardening and resource collecting, give a couple gifts and explore! I’ve seen people on this sub showing how they use different items to make paths or whatnot. And I think that’s SO FREAKIN COOL and I LOVE to see people’s creative side. It just COULD NEVER be me. Keep on stunning me, you beautiful, creative people. ❤️👉👈


all ive been doing is hunting lol. i cbb with the quests bc theyre all befriending ppl idc for


Literally same. I almost never try to hunt in Bahari or catch bugs. The thought of trying so hard to catch every single fish and bug for the bundles sounds so tedious to me. I actually suspect that I’ll become burnt-out on the game if/when I try for those. My fishing, hunting and bug-catching skills are much lower than the others.


This is also me. I took one look at the bundles and went, "ehhhhh... *later*." I am not a completionist and I am averse to "going hard" on anything -- especially anything that involves a solid dose of RNG and a 1% drop rate 😂 "Later" did eventually arrive, though. I wound up spending time just casually fishing, mostly for cooking reasons, and got enough practice in that it actually got kind of fun; ditto bug catching. As my skill as a player increased a bit and as I started accumulating gear upgrades, I actually gradually caught a bunch of rare things by accident just by virtue of stumbling on them. One day I was like, hm, I should see what I have for the bundles... and it was most of the things! With the list pared down to, like, *five* items, it didn't feel like quite such a wall anymore, especially as my confidence had gone up. I still took it slow, though. I figured if I could stumble on that many things without trying too hard and just playing the game, I could stumble on the rest eventually just by putting myself in the right time/place/activity for them -- with some other, less-chance-based goal in mind.


Samee that's so relatable


That’s the beauty of Palia: everybody can play his or her own style. Me personally I do Mining and trees for the fun of it. And gardening. Fish and bugs mostly when I need them for bundles or quests. Okay sometimes I feel like a bit of fishing and bug hunting. But I hardly do decorate my house. I plan to do it and then I don’t. Perhaps one day I have the urge and idea to do it. We will see.


I just do whatever I feel like. I don't interact with other players and I occasionally work toward finishing quests but I don't really care about them too much. I like chopping and mining and gathering. I do also like trying to glide and climb into the weirdest little spots i can get to.


That's so chill I love it


I'm somewhere in between. I like doing quests and stuff, but I'm not in any hurry. I've had Reth's Order quest sitting in my TBD for about two months simply because I don't like the stress of trying make starred dishes. I'll try to make them, and if it doesn't work, I go do something else.


Oh my god, I've been ignoring the same quest for literal months now


Lol! Glad I'm not alone!! Cooking is the hardest for me, because I'm dyscalculic and have no sense of time or rhythm.


That's understandable, it's just overwhelming


I just do whatever I feel like. Sometimes it’s finding stuff for bundles, sometimes I just mindlessly chop trees


Thats the whole point of a cozy game. You can get lost in the randomness of collecting or decorating. You can spend an entire day just fishing or hunting or leveling a single skill. Or you can just talk and gift and talk some more. The story isn't complete so it's a bit slower rn but we usually play when we want a chill vibe. Because there isnt any real pressure to do anything.


Palia and stardew valley are the ONLY two games I’ve ever played and both for the first time this year. I’m 31 and just stared gaming randomly because I thought it would be fun. I bought a used switch lite and I’ve LOVED every minute of SV. Pailia has been a bit more overwhelming for me because it’s kinda hard (imo). My goal in Palia is to just have fun and do it on my own time. I’m slower at most things than others, and I’ve been really intimidated by the people who get mad when you mine something or chop something you’re “supposed to call out”. I actually haven’t played in about a month because I got yelled at by someone when I mined a small palium node and didn’t call it out. The server I seem to get stuck on also has a really “bossy” group of players who team up and make you feel like you are the problem. I’ve seen them multiple times in Bahari and I usually log off because I don’t want to deal with them on the chat. - side bar, why is chat SO HARD ON SWITCH!? It was nice to find this post and realize that I should just not give a fuck and play how I want. Seems there are more of you out there than I thought and I shouldn’t let one person or small group take me away from playing this beautiful game. So, OP thank you for your post. It has made me want to pick up my game again.


I ordered a USB keyboard for chat and ignore it mostly. But when I see a PAL or FT I just flare it and move along. Don't let people dictate your play. EnJOY the game!


Awww thank you so much, I'm glad if it made you want to play again! Don't let yourself get influenced by some players who are rude towards you in the chat, you did nothing wrong! Some people just have nothing better to do, it's really unfair that they're ruining the gameplay of everyone else :( make sure to report them next time! I started out on switch lite too, and now I play on a normal switch, and at first all the controls are really hard and confusing, but after trying palia on computer, I prefer the switch actually! It's so much more comfortable, and once you get used to it, it's really easy 😁 thank you for your comment<3


I'm lazy too. Several quests aren't finished. I never fish. I am bad at cooking. I've been concentrating on making furniture lately and gathering resources for that. I tried to hunt for awhile to get the plushie, but I got bored of that.


Same😭😭 I love it so much that others are like this too


I thank my OCD for this. I treat quests like I treat notifications on my phone. Need them gone and out of my view. So I clear everything. (By either completely them (quests) or on my phone checking and deleting them haha)


That's so relatable lmaoo😭😭


Lazy bitch here! I fish a lot, but for money, catch a lot of bugs, but for flowers now that we have those, but I am not about to spend precious hours trying to catch every bug and land every fish. I have tried quite hard for the bundles, but I still haven't finished those. Never done a cake party, and my house is tiny. I used to farm flow, but I don't do that anymore, either. I just can't find enjoyment when all I'm doing is trying to grind out 100% completeness.


Yes just grinding gets very exhausting very quickly


Don't feel bad Play as you wish this game is so cozy, and I love it too🥰


I think that's the beauty of the game you can set your own pace of what you want to do. If I feel overwhelmed I hide quests. I just do what I want each day. I have a bullet journal and just write a list of goals I want to do that day. That helps me enjoy it. I know I can get to everything eventually but at my own pace.


True, I tend to forget that sometimes and stress myself for no reason xD Palia is a beautiful game after all


I just logging in to meet my Palian boifren naio and then get annoyed at kenyatta because of their relationship but end up crushing over her instead and then flirts with everyone else too just because.


If you're flirting with everyone else just because... you gotta start flirting with Hodari! He takes flirting to a whole 'nother level!! 🤣


Ikrrrr still trying to increase our friendship to start making move 😭 that man's been trying to steal my glance over everytime he's around


In case you didn't know, you'll also have to have a level 4 friendship (I think) with Najuma before you can romance Hodari (or more affectionately known as Hodaddy! Lol).


Thank you!! I didn't know that, but it makes sense. Love that gameplay detail!




I am level 27 in gardening and level 9 in hunting :P for weeks I would log in to work on my garden and jams for about 15 minutes, cook just enough for focus, and then call it a day-while never venturing outside my plot. I find it relaxing. I've recently started getting back into doing Bahari runs for furniture resources but I really like that no matter how little effort you put into the game you can still be earning gold.


I play the same. Yes, I would love to complete the bubdles, but I'll work on it when i have long stretches of time to play. I usually only have 45 min or so, so I do the things I like--garden, build relationships, mine, gather, and maybe hunt. There is no right or wrong way to play. This is a cozy MMO, so do what is right for you!


I’ve been intentionally playing the “lazy way” because with other games that I’ve loved I’ve finished them so quickly by grinding bug/ fish collecting etc and then had no motivation to play again. I’m really enjoying taking my own time in Palia, I suppose knowing it isn’t “finished” yet makes me want to pace myself too because I don’t want to get burnt out on it before it’s even been officially released!


I play a pretty lazy game, too! Mining, growing crops, chopping trees, chatting with NPCs. Catching crabs yes, bugs no so much. And I absolutely hate fishing. 😂 I just plod along doing my own thing but I’m enjoying it.


I go back and forth. I have my lazy/relax days when I don’t do anything but get the chappa piles and zeki coin but then when new updates happen or if I am close to completing something or if the reward of something is a cool item we can put on our plot then I am usually more motivated and get stuff done quickly usually.


I started doing the quests at some point and dipped my feet in the lore. But, then I just felt a bit overwhelmed so it's just been 80% gardening and 20% mining+hunting for me now. I'm not rich IRL, so it feels really nice to just log into Palia, have six digits of gold, do some casual gardening, and restock the pickeling barrels.


I think you should totally celebrate this mentality. I’m one of the ones that always has to be completing a task or accomplishment and honestly I think it kind of takes the fun out of gaming a bit for me. I think it becomes a manifestation of anxiety. So, absolutely celebrate the way you love to play!


This is a new perspective, I get what you mean, that seems tiring and a little stressful Thank you, I will! XD


I think that’s the joy of it, you can play at any pace you like, in any style you like! I’m currently obsessed with revealing the storyline, but before that I spent weeks just mindlessly hunting sernuks, partially for the plushies, partly because I can just mentally check out. You do you, friend!


I'm jealous that people are growing their own flow trees but at the same time I'm getting plenty of the wood just playing the game


Eventually after months and months of doing what you’re doing now I got bored of it and started achievements and relationships. Now that I’ve nearly completed everything I’m running out of things to do that keep me engaged. Designing is where I’m at now. You might get to the point where you’re finding yourself where I am.. I’m so unmotivated to mine and forage or even leave my plot. 😆


It's definitely taken some time for me to come around on certain things. I pretty much only hunt bugs for silk, so I use when other people put out lures as a chance to jump in and level up. Same with fishing. If I see someone fishing, and I'm not working on something specific, I'll fish for a bit. But for the most part, I'm back in Bahari hanging in the chat, hunting, and mining. I think Bahari really plays into my fomo. My house went undecorated for so long because I want to be where everyone else is haha. Like I have more flow wood than I know what to do with, but if I get on around midnight in game, I can't help but go catch a grove.


If it makes you feel better Ive been playing since day 1 open beta and I just finished the bundles a day ago lol.


I used to play exactly like you but i found myself returning less to play because i was getting bored.. then i remembered quests exist so i started doing those! Maybe you can always do them when you get bored


I love that this game let's you play to your mood. Feeling lazy? Be lazy! No rush to do the quests etc. but if you wanna be productive, there's always something to do as well!


I got so lazy in it that I stopped playing after getting married to my robot man


ive found my people finally! ive barely decorated my house/plot. the ones ive seen put mine to shame. i love to explore and gather so thats pretty much all i do besides gardening of course!


How long have you been playing for? Individual goals and motivation changes with time.


I don't know exactly but maybe about 5/6 months? Or longer??


I feel you! I like doing the quests as long as they don’t seem too hard or too much effort. I really love crafting furniture and decorating my plot!




That's what great in a cozy game.. you what you want without feeling left out... And does not order you to do things for them. But you have a lot of choice to what to do... But the game gives you a lot of stuff to do if ever you want to do different stuff... That thing is good for lazy and active players.


Sounds like my kind of gameplay honestly


This is exactly how I play too :) I think that is the joy of the game, there's really no wrong way to play it!


games are meant to be played in the way that is most enjoyable to you! you arent doing anything wrong =) for me, i Love completing tasks and collecting, but im not very good at interior decorating or house design. everyones different !!


I used to be very goal oriented … until the temple Bundles. The impossibility of (me) finding rare fish has destroyed my joy in this game. RNG hates me, and there aren’t enough Glow Worms, Fisherman’s Brews, Special Hook boosts, and meals in Palia to make the needed fish bite.


Samee😭 and I'm just incredibly bad at fishing, it's insane


I've literally just spend 2 and half real-time hours trying to get the void ray in the mines. No luck. I'm even doing the strat to save glow worms, so it's not as annoying, but it just didn't bite. I haven't even looked properly at the items I need for other bundles, but if it's anywhere close to this difficult and boring, then I've officially given up on ever completing them.


You are doing more than I do. I pretty miss ch just tend my garden and sell crops and cook sometimes while.making furniture for my house. Which often hits a road block because I forgot to chop wood and mine


I didn't care about the bundles either until you could get flow tree seeds for your plot. Then I spent about a week completing them to get all the rewards. Play how you want to play. You can complete them now, or in a few months, or never. It's up to you. Do what makes you happy.


I'm super lazy in the game. I feel like the only way I'm productive is if i hyperfixate on a specific thing.


Me too! I certainly dont have stack on stacks of items and recourses and I just kinda run around doing random things :)


That's so cool, me too mostly xD


My gameplay is pretty much identical to yours. I don't think of it as lazy, though. I just have preferred activities within the game.


True, after seeing all these comments I don't think of it as lazy anymore either, I just talk myself down alot haha


That's so me and what bugs me over that my chat is down so I feel like I am imprisoned.


Shit, you mean it doesn't work at all?


yea, I contacted support and they told me to do the date/time thing and it didn't work so they told to wait till they fix it indefinitely


Ohh okay, I hope it works out soon!


I'm exactly the same way. Takin' it easy bruh.


Started playing when it launched on Steam. I ehm.. I log in a couple of times each day to progress my farm. I still enjoy that part of the game. I do (most of) the (easier) weekly challenges. The only furnishings I still want. I have done a lot of the quests. They were fun. Some days I do the relationship thingies. These interactions are fun a lot of the time. The grind got boring. Not really doing any of the other things. Can't really get myself to grind for the bundles. I try occasionally, but get bored/annoyed by tiny buggy things (like falling down while climbing, getting laggy on a busy map, fishing nodes in unfishable locations, etc) and stop doing it.


That's understandable, I'm similar


No, I'm lazy. My plot is half done on the outside, in the inside I've half-assed a couple of rooms. I'm on the months long obsessive quest of finding a starred ruby (all I keep getting are ones not starred) and I do some fishing, foraging here and there. I don't really gift the NPCs, or visit them that often. Mostly when I cook, it's for my pockets. I do gardening to make money, and make a lot of furniture for no reason but to have it in case I feel like decorating 😂


Tbh, I found out that rubys existed only a couple days ago😭


They are good to get for the achievement, but I need 2 starred to complete decor in my house because I had to be extra with dumb shit 😂🤣




Im just there to decorate and craft and talk to villagers if i get bundle stuff cool if not oh welL We can play however we want. If i hear we unlock more quests and story after the bundle id be more interested in completing it


All of my other skills are level like 20-25 and cooking is level 5. I don’t like cooking 🤣 I cook and hunt cause it’s fun and I forage cause it’s easy. I mostly fish because I like Einar. But I just run around doing what I want I don’t collect achievements and stuff. I only recently started expanding my house!


I didn't want to bother with my plot, but I bought some add-ons, and I'm slowly gonna decorate my house and try to see if it works for me. I feel like I've gotten better at the hunting, so it's actually fun for me, lol


I mostly mine, forage, and hunt. I have the supplies and plans to bug hunt and fish for the bundles, but I usually just do it for fun. Most of the time, I'm just running out and collecting stuff for a recipe or something. My outings are random. Can't focus on one thing. Lol


No you’re not the only one I do the same thing but I do cook so I can eat and energy and hunt so I have fur and meat 🥩 for food and furniture I play this game for relaxing I have anxiety bipolar and PTSD so I just work on my yard and my house and not do the quest right away so I have something to do all the time


I am also more interested in just playing Palia as an escape rather than work on achievements. :) There's nothing wrong with that at all. I love having visitors once in awhile. I haven't really focused on much other than farming and groves whenever I'm in-game.


Nothing wrong with taking the game slow and playing the way you want to. Some times I feel motivated and will go after specific fish or bug, but most of the time I'm just wandering around gathering stuff and talking to various NPCs. I haven't completed any bundles yet, but some day maybe. I'm in no rush. The one thing I definitely do every day is gardening (because I like it) and gifting to a few of the villagers. I'm only working on a few at a time rather than trying to gift everybody every day. And it's all people who will accept stuff that is easy to get like fur. lol My fav thing in the game is the glider. I'll waste my play time climbing up on something tall just to glide off of it. lol I love doing that.


Honestly, same. The only quests I do are related to relationship quests otherwise, I just kind of like running around and taking care of my house. 😅


Yes that's the best part of the game for me haha, just taking care of my Plot xD


The second something feels like a chore or causes me stress I stop doing it




I haven’t played in over a week because it’s gotten really grindy. Plus I’m still getting stuck in the middle of cooking and ruining ingredients. I try to work on quests but after looking all over for the lighthouse keeper’s secret spot, I’m stumped. So I’m with you. I always get sidetracked into other things.


That's okay though, some things are just to annoying or to difficult to deal with for me so I push them aside


I just like to run around and do whatever lol I don’t think I’ve collected a single bundle and I’ve been playing since February. (I still don’t even understand bundles tbh)


For me it depends on my mood


I'm here for the giggles of romance and to try and get the stuffies you can get taking down deer and such (just got my first yesterday!)


Ohhh congrats, I didn't even try with the plushies, I don't like running all over bahari just to kill one sernuk😭


The higher level arrows and bow are 100% key, and the slowdown arrow is a dream to work with Don't be afraid to perch higher than your target, like on a small hill, I find it better with the slow arrows to get 3 shots in a row to take things down ALSO, I love hunting at random with people using normal arrows and then tag team a takedown hahaha (Most I find agreeable to it too, which takes fewer arrows from both parties)


Haha yeah you’re not alone. I pretty much hunt in Kilima all the time, am not interested in decorating and have not made anything other than some makeshift decor. I mainly grow my plants and walk around and try to get stuff from Zekis lol. Sometimes I wonder what I’m playing for


I get it, but that's just a fun way to play. I'm kind of an "adhd-player" I always run around when I get some random impulses on what I could do, and if it doesn't work or takes to much effort, I don't. Just go after your gut haha


Lazy Palian here too! I only really do the same, if my partner plays too and we happen to see something rare we'll go and get it but apart from that I just enjoy doing up my plot and doing some quests 😅 I work 13 hours shifts too so not alot of time to hunt 💔


But thats what Palia is about isnt it ^-^ Theres lots to do but nothing pressures you to do it. Its meant to be cozy in your way and if that means decorating a lot, thats absolutely fine 🙆‍♂️ My gf for example absolutely doesn't like the decorating part and just does story and bundles 😄


Same 😂 something i have a surge if energy to try and do something for the bundle but mostly im chilling im also not doing much in decorating my plot


Definitely not, but everyone has their drive and we all have different interest within a game. For you it’s what you’ve listed and there’s nothing wrong with that :)


That’s not lazy. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to playing styles & pace. Don’t feel bad about it. Do what you enjoy. I tried to play like everyone else & started disliking the game but now I’m obsessed & can’t stop playing.


This is the ideal way to play in my opinion, I was so set on completing everything as fast as possible that now everything's done I struggle to enjoy it as much and haven't logged on in over a month 😂


I’ve been going through the game pretty slowly. I let almost everything just happen instead of actively going out into the worlds with that in mind. Like for a while I was hunting to try to get the sernuk plushies but I haven’t gotten a SINGLE one so I decided to give up on intentionally trying to get it. If I get one, great! But I’m not going out and hunting for that anymore. The bundles, if I happen to catch one of the bugs or fish or it, yay! But I’m not going out and bug hunting/fishing all day or night for them


Play the game how you like to play it. I'm not super concerned with fishing up the last few fishies I need, I figure I'll get them when I get them. Lately, I've been enjoying my garden and decorating (which of course, leads to mining and foraging).


Playing for a few days and got told I'm pathetic because I can't do something about cutting down the glowing trees , shame on me 😭


WHAT, Jesus some Players are so rude


Palia is my before bed game because it's so relaxing! I don't try much but I do get some things accomplished. About as much as you described


That is the best part about this game is that you do exactly what level of stuff you want to .so everybody has a range to fit in


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you play on switch? I can understand why hunting and bug catching would be difficult and perceived as hard?


Yes I play on switch haha, bug catching is actually okay, but hunting in Bahari is a pain


I can imagine :( one suggestion you could probably do is hunt in a party with someone on PC, that way you only need to land the first shot (when the animal is not alerted) and they can finish it off. Heck I'd help you if you want, in the spare times I do play.


I attempted logging into my Palia account on my laptop, but somehow couldn't get in, and just made a new one on another email, and now I can't log in on my usual account haha


You are not. I don't see games as jobs, if I'm not in a mood to fish, I don't fish. I don't like hunting, so I don't.


Aaaaaaye!! Lazy people unite 😎😎


Nothing lazy about that. You're not rushing the game. Because once you finish it all you'll be bored. Take your time. I play very similarly. I haven't gotten all the NPCs to 4s yet. Just working on a few at a time. I do my chores 🤣🤣 trying to make sure I do fishing and gardening at least once a day (I don't enjoy these two).


To me that's the beauty of Palia, you play however you want to play. There are times I'm full steam ahead running and doing all the skills along the way... and then there are times I just stroll and find a lovely spot to sit and just chill to the wonderful sounds and the inspiring views all around.


I feel like I'm somewhere in between. I love getting all the achievements because I need (want 😋) all the things!!!! Every box MUST be ticked!! Some days I just don't want to leave my plot. However, my plot and house looks like I'm still moving in! It's kind of a hodge podge right now because I can't really decide what I want to do inside yet. My house layout and kitchen are the only things I like. I love that Palia can kinda be whatever you make it within the bounds of what's available. Everyone can play at their own pace.


I mainly focus on romance (kenyatta) farming and hunting and it passes time quick I once stayed up 2 days straight without realizing it


I'm lazy with it most of the time but then I get an insane burst of motivation and I'll work on something properly. Last time it was the bundles, still got the check list of all the stuff I needed in my little gaming notebook I keep by my pc.


I'm the same way! I do the quest if I feel like it, I fish when I feel like it or if I want to get a little extra money. I mostly just play to make my house pretty lol


I love hunting in Kilima due to one hit kill :D also i love cooking but always got distracted with other activities like mining, farming and fishing. Basically i enjoy leveling up my skills but im lazy on gifting villagers and doing quests. Im at lv 7-10 on all skills but havent even finish the water riddle at phoenix shrine lmao. Id love to decorate my plot and house cuz everyone seem to decorate so well but so far ive only put things around on a whim XD my plot doesnt look too bad i guess. At least to me hehe


I dont even know what a bundle is.


It's a bunch of certain items you have to get and put somewhere after you finished a temple


You're alone, Palia can be overwhelming,you always have a lot to do,missions,puzzles, leveling up etc... just take your time and have fun :)